Daikin EHBH11 16CBV Installer reference guide

Installer reference guide
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
ERHQ011-014-016BA ERLQ011-014-016CA EHBH11+16CBV
Installer reference guide
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 General safety precautions 3
1.1 About the documentation .......................................................... 3
1.1.1 Meaning of warnings and symbols.............................. 4
1.2 For the installer.......................................................................... 4
1.2.1 General ....................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Installation site ............................................................ 4
1.2.3 Refrigerant .................................................................. 5
1.2.4 Brine............................................................................ 5
1.2.5 Water .......................................................................... 5
1.2.6 Electrical ..................................................................... 6
2 About the documentation 6
2.1 About this document.................................................................. 6
2.2 Installer reference guide at a glance ......................................... 7
3 About the box 7
3.1 Overview: About the box ........................................................... 7
3.2 Outdoor unit............................................................................... 7
3.2.1 To unpack the outdoor unit ......................................... 7
3.2.2 To handle the outdoor unit.......................................... 7
3.2.3 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit....... 8
3.3 Indoor unit ................................................................................. 8
3.3.1 To unpack the indoor unit ........................................... 8
3.3.2 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit......... 8
3.4 Backup heater ........................................................................... 9
3.4.1 To unpack the backup heater ..................................... 9
3.4.2 To remove the accessories from the backup heater... 9
4 About the units and options 9
4.1 Overview: About the units and options...................................... 9
4.2 Identification .............................................................................. 9
4.2.1 Identification label: Outdoor unit ................................. 9
4.2.2 Identification label: Indoor unit .................................... 9
4.2.3 Identification label: Backup heater.............................. 10
4.3 Combining units and options ..................................................... 10
4.3.1 Possible options for the outdoor unit........................... 10
4.3.2 Possible options for the indoor unit............................. 10
4.3.3 Possible combinations of indoor unit and outdoor
unit .............................................................................. 11
4.3.4 Possible combinations of indoor unit and domestic
hot water tank ............................................................. 12
5 Application guidelines 12
5.1 Overview: Application guidelines............................................... 12
5.2 Setting up the space heating system ........................................ 12
5.2.1 Single room................................................................. 12
5.2.2 Multiple rooms – OneLWT zone ................................ 14
5.2.3 Multiple rooms – TwoLWT zones............................... 15
5.3 Setting up an auxiliary heat source for space heating............... 16
5.4 Setting up the domestic hot water tank ..................................... 18
5.4.1 System layout – Standalone DHW tank...................... 18
5.4.2 Selecting the volume and desired temperature for
the DHW tank.............................................................. 18
5.4.3 Setup and configuration – DHW tank.......................... 19
5.4.4 Combination: Standalone DHW tank + Solar panels .. 19
5.4.5 DHW pump for instant hot water................................. 19
5.4.6 DHW pump for disinfection ......................................... 19
5.4.7 DHW pump for tank preheating .................................. 19
5.5 Setting up the energy metering ................................................. 19
5.5.1 Produced heat............................................................. 20
5.5.2 Consumed energy....................................................... 20
5.5.3 Normal kWh rate power supply................................... 20
5.5.4 Preferential kWh rate power supply............................ 21
5.6 Setting up the power consumption control ................................ 21
5.6.1 Permanent power limitation ........................................ 21
5.6.2 Power limitation activated by digital inputs ................. 21
5.6.3 Power limitation process .............................................. 22
5.7 Setting up an external temperature sensor ................................ 22
6 Preparation 23
6.1 Overview: Preparation................................................................ 23
6.2 Preparing installation site ........................................................... 23
6.2.1 Installation site requirements of the outdoor unit ......... 23
6.2.2 Additional installation site requirements of the
outdoor unit in cold climates ........................................ 24
6.2.3 Installation site requirements of the indoor unit ........... 24
6.2.4 Installation site requirements of the backup heater ..... 24
6.3 Preparing refrigerant piping........................................................ 25
6.3.1 Refrigerant piping requirements................................... 25
6.3.2 Refrigerant piping insulation ........................................ 25
6.4 Preparing water piping ............................................................... 25
6.4.1 Water circuit requirements ........................................... 25
6.4.2 Formula to calculate the expansion vessel pre-
pressure ....................................................................... 26
6.4.3 To check the water volume and flow rate .................... 26
6.4.4 Changing the pre-pressure of the expansion vessel.... 27
6.4.5 To check the water volume: Examples ........................ 27
6.5 Preparing electrical wiring .......................................................... 28
6.5.1 About preparing electrical wiring.................................. 28
6.5.2 About preferential kWh rate power supply ................... 28
6.5.3 Overview of electrical connections except external
actuators ...................................................................... 28
6.5.4 Overview of electrical connections for external and
internal actuators ......................................................... 28
7 Installation 29
7.1 Overview: Installation ................................................................. 29
7.2 Opening the units ....................................................................... 30
7.2.1 About opening the units ............................................... 30
7.2.2 To open the outdoor unit.............................................. 30
7.2.3 To open the indoor unit ................................................ 30
7.2.4 To open the switch box cover of the indoor unit .......... 30
7.2.5 To open the backup heater.......................................... 30
7.2.6 To open the switch box cover of the backup heater .... 30
7.3 Mounting the outdoor unit........................................................... 31
7.3.1 About mounting the outdoor unit.................................. 31
7.3.2 Precautions when mounting the outdoor unit............... 31
7.3.3 To provide the installation structure ............................. 31
7.3.4 To install the outdoor unit............................................. 31
7.3.5 To provide drainage ..................................................... 31
7.3.6 To prevent the outdoor unit from falling over ............... 32
7.4 Mounting the indoor unit............................................................. 32
7.4.1 About mounting the indoor unit.................................... 32
7.4.2 Precautions when mounting the indoor unit................. 32
7.4.3 To install the indoor unit............................................... 32
7.4.4 To install the drain pan kit ............................................ 33
7.5 Mounting the backup heater....................................................... 33
7.5.1 Precautions when mounting the backup heater........... 33
7.5.2 To install the backup heater......................................... 33
7.6 Connecting the refrigerant piping ............................................... 34
7.6.1 About connecting the refrigerant piping ....................... 34
7.6.2 Precautions when connecting the refrigerant piping.... 34
7.6.3 Guidelines when connecting the refrigerant piping...... 34
7.6.4 Pipe bending guidelines............................................... 35
7.6.5 To flare the pipe end .................................................... 35
7.6.6 To braze the pipe end .................................................. 35
7.6.7 Using the stop valve and service port .......................... 35
7.6.8 To connect the refrigerant piping to the outdoor unit ... 36
7.6.9 To connect the refrigerant piping to the indoor unit ..... 37
7.6.10 To determine if oil traps are required ........................... 37
7.7 Checking the refrigerant piping .................................................. 37
7.7.1 About checking the refrigerant piping .......................... 37
7.7.2 Precautions when checking the refrigerant piping ....... 38
7.7.3 Checking refrigerant piping: Setup............................... 38
7.7.4 To check for leaks........................................................ 38
7.7.5 To perform vacuum drying ........................................... 38
Installer reference guide
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
4P449970-1 – 2016.06

1 General safety precautions

7.8 Charging refrigerant .................................................................. 38
7.8.1 About charging refrigerant .......................................... 38
7.8.2 Precautions when charging refrigerant ....................... 39
7.8.3 To determine the additional refrigerant amount.......... 39
7.8.4 To determine the complete recharge amount............. 39
7.8.5 Charging refrigerant: Setup......................................... 39
7.8.6 To charge refrigerant .................................................. 39
7.8.7 To fix the fluorinated greenhouse gases label ............ 39
7.9 Connecting the water piping...................................................... 39
7.9.1 About connecting the water piping.............................. 39
7.9.2 Precautions when connecting the water piping........... 40
7.9.3 To connect the water piping........................................ 40
7.9.4 To connect the water piping to the backup heater...... 40
7.9.5 To fill the water circuit ................................................. 40
7.9.6 To fill the domestic hot water tank .............................. 41
7.9.7 To insulate the water piping........................................ 41
7.10 Connecting the electrical wiring................................................. 41
7.10.1 About connecting the electrical wiring......................... 41
7.10.2 About electrical compliance ........................................ 41
7.10.3 Precautions when connecting the electrical wiring ..... 42
7.10.4 Guidelines when connecting the electrical wiring ....... 42
7.10.5 Specifications of standard wiring components ............ 42
7.10.6 To connect the electrical wiring on the outdoor unit.... 42
7.10.7 To reposition the air thermistor on the outdoor unit .... 43
7.10.8 To connect the electrical wiring on the indoor unit ...... 44
7.10.9 To connect the main power supply ............................. 44
7.10.10 To connect the user interface ..................................... 45
7.10.11 To connect the shut-off valve...................................... 46
7.10.12 To connect the electrical meters ................................. 46
7.10.13 To connect the domestic hot water pump ................... 46
7.10.14 To connect the alarm output ....................................... 46
7.10.15 To connect the space heating ON/OFF output ........... 46
7.10.16 To connect the changeover to external heat source... 47
7.10.17 To connect the power consumption digital inputs ....... 47
7.10.18 To connect the safety thermostat (normal closed
contact) ....................................................................... 47
7.10.19 To connect the electrical wiring on the backup heater 47
7.10.20 To connect the backup heater power supply .............. 48
7.10.21 To connect the backup heater to the indoor unit......... 49
7.11 Finishing the outdoor unit installation ........................................ 49
7.11.1 To finish the outdoor unit installation .......................... 49
7.11.2 To close the outdoor unit ............................................ 49
7.12 Finishing the indoor unit installation .......................................... 49
7.12.1 To fix the user interface cover to the indoor unit ......... 49
7.12.2 To close the indoor unit............................................... 49
7.13 Finishing the backup heater installation .................................... 49
7.13.1 To close the backup heater......................................... 49
8 Configuration 50
8.1 Overview: Configuration ............................................................ 50
8.1.1 To connect the PC cable to the switch box................. 50
8.1.2 To access the most used commands ......................... 50
8.1.3 To copy the system settings from the first to the
second user interface.................................................. 51
8.1.4 To copy the language set from the first to the second
user interface .............................................................. 51
8.1.5 Quick wizard: Set the system layout after first power
ON............................................................................... 51
8.2 Basic configuration .................................................................... 52
8.2.1 Quick wizard: Language / time and date..................... 52
8.2.2 Quick wizard: Standard............................................... 52
8.2.3 Quick wizard: Options ................................................. 54
8.2.4 Quick wizard: Capacities (energy metering) ............... 56
8.2.5 Space heating control ................................................. 56
8.2.6 Domestic hot water control ......................................... 59
8.2.7 Contact/helpdesk number........................................... 59
8.3 Advanced configuration/optimization......................................... 60
8.3.1 Space heating operation: advanced ........................... 60
8.3.2 Domestic hot water control: advanced........................ 63
8.3.3 Heat source settings ................................................... 66
8.3.4 System settings............................................................ 68
8.4 Menu structure: Overview user settings ..................................... 72
8.5 Menu structure: Overview installer settings................................ 73
9 Commissioning 74
9.1 Overview: Commissioning.......................................................... 74
9.2 Precautions when commissioning .............................................. 74
9.3 Checklist before commissioning................................................. 74
9.4 Checklist during commissioning ................................................. 74
9.4.1 To check the minimum flow rate .................................. 75
9.4.2 Air purge function......................................................... 75
9.4.3 To perform a test run ................................................... 76
9.4.4 To perform an actuator test run ................................... 76
9.4.5 Underfloor heating screed dryout................................. 76
10 Hand-over to the user 78
11 Maintenance and service 78
11.1 Overview: Maintenance and service .......................................... 78
11.2 Maintenance safety precautions................................................. 78
11.2.1 Opening the indoor unit................................................ 78
11.2.2 Opening the backup heater.......................................... 78
11.3 Checklist for yearly maintenance of the outdoor unit ................. 78
11.4 Checklist for yearly maintenance of the indoor unit.................... 78
12 Troubleshooting 79
12.1 Overview: Troubleshooting......................................................... 79
12.2 Precautions when troubleshooting ............................................. 79
12.3 Solving problems based on symptoms....................................... 79
12.3.1 Symptom: The unit is NOT heating as expected ......... 79
12.3.2 Symptom: The compressor does NOT start (space
heating or domestic water heating).............................. 80
12.3.3 Symptom: The pump is making noise (cavitation) ....... 80
12.3.4 Symptom: The pressure relief valve opens.................. 80
12.3.5 Symptom: The water pressure relief valve leaks ......... 80
12.3.6 Symptom: The space is NOT sufficiently heated at
low outdoor temperatures ............................................ 81
12.3.7 Symptom: The pressure at the tapping point is
temporarily unusually high ........................................... 81
12.3.8 Symptom: Decoration panels are pushed away due
to a swollen tank .......................................................... 81
12.3.9 Symptom: Tank disinfection function is NOT
completed correctly (AH-error)..................................... 81
12.4 Solving problems based on error codes ..................................... 81
12.4.1 Error codes: Overview ................................................. 81
13 Disposal 83
13.1 Overview: Disposal..................................................................... 83
13.2 About pump down ...................................................................... 83
13.3 To pump down............................................................................ 84
14 Technical data 85
14.1 Service space: Outdoor unit ....................................................... 85
14.2 Piping diagram: Outdoor unit...................................................... 87
14.3 Piping diagram: Indoor unit ........................................................ 88
14.4 Wiring diagram: Outdoor unit ..................................................... 89
14.5 Wiring diagram: Indoor unit ........................................................ 91
14.6 Wiring diagram: Backup heater .................................................. 94
14.7 ESP curve: Indoor unit ............................................................... 95
15 Glossary 96
16 Field settings table 97
1 General safety precautions

1.1 About the documentation

▪ The original documentation is written in English. All other
languages are translations.
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
Installer reference guide
1 General safety precautions
▪ The precautions described in this document cover very important
topics, follow them carefully.
▪ The installation of the system, and all activities described in the
installation manual and the installer reference guide must be performed by an authorized installer.

1.1.1 Meaning of warnings and symbols

Indicates a situation that results in death or serious injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in electrocution.
Indicates a situation that could result in burning because of extreme hot or cold temperatures.
Indicates a situation that could result in explosion.
Indicates a situation that could result in death or serious injury.
Wear adequate personal protective equipment (protective gloves, safety glasses,…) when installing, maintaining or servicing the system.
Tear apart and throw away plastic packaging bags so that nobody, especially children, can play with them. Possible risk: suffocation.
▪ Do NOT touch the refrigerant piping, water piping or
internal parts during and immediately after operation. It could be too hot or too cold. Give it time to return to normal temperature. If you must touch it, wear protective gloves.
▪ Do NOT touch any accidental leaking refrigerant.
Provide adequate measures to prevent that the unit can be used as a shelter by small animals. Small animals that make contact with electrical parts can cause malfunctions, smoke or fire.
Do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
Indicates a situation that could result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a situation that could result in equipment or property damage.
Indicates useful tips or additional information.
Symbol Explanation
Before installation, read the installation and operation manual, and the wiring instruction sheet.
Before performing maintenance and service tasks, read the service manual.
For more information, see the installer and user reference guide.

1.2 For the installer

1.2.1 General

If you are not sure how to install or operate the unit, contact your dealer.
Improper installation or attachment of equipment or accessories could result in electric shock, short-circuit, leaks, fire or other damage to the equipment. Only use accessories, optional equipment and spare parts made or approved by Daikin.
Make sure installation, testing and applied materials comply with applicable legislation (on top of the instructions described in the Daikin documentation).
▪ Do NOT place any objects or equipment on top of the
▪ Do NOT sit, climb or stand on the unit.
Works executed on the outdoor unit are best done under dry weather conditions to avoid water ingress.
In accordance with the applicable legislation, it might be necessary to provide a logbook with the product containing at least: information on maintenance, repair work, results of tests, stand-by periods,…
Also, at least, following information must be provided at an accessible place at the product:
▪ Instructions for shutting down the system in case of an emergency
▪ Name and address of fire department, police and hospital
▪ Name, address and day and night telephone numbers for
obtaining service
In Europe, EN378 provides the necessary guidance for this logbook.

1.2.2 Installation site

▪ Provide sufficient space around the unit for servicing and air
▪ Make sure the installation site withstands the unit's weight and
▪ Make sure the area is well ventilated. Do NOT block any
ventilation openings.
▪ Make sure the unit is level.
Do NOT install the unit in the following places:
▪ In potentially explosive atmospheres.
▪ In places where there is machinery that emits electromagnetic
waves. Electromagnetic waves may disturb the control system, and cause malfunction of the equipment.
Installer reference guide
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
4P449970-1 – 2016.06
1 General safety precautions
▪ In places where there is a risk of fire due to the leakage of
flammable gases (example: thinner or gasoline), carbon fibre, ignitable dust.
▪ In places where corrosive gas (example: sulphurous acid gas) is
produced. Corrosion of copper pipes or soldered parts may cause the refrigerant to leak.

1.2.3 Refrigerant

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
Make sure refrigerant piping installation complies with applicable legislation. In Europe, EN378 is the applicable standard.
Make sure the field piping and connections are not subjected to stress.
During tests, NEVER pressurize the product with a pressure higher than the maximum allowable pressure (as indicated on the nameplate of the unit).
Take sufficient precautions in case of refrigerant leakage. If refrigerant gas leaks, ventilate the area immediately. Possible risks:
▪ Excessive refrigerant concentrations in a closed room
can lead to oxygen deficiency.
▪ Toxic gas may be produced if refrigerant gas comes
into contact with fire.
Pump down – Refrigerant leakage. If you want to pump
down the system, and there is a leakage in the refrigerant circuit:
▪ Do NOT use the unit's automatic pump down function,
with which you can collect all refrigerant from the system into the outdoor unit. Possible consequence: Self-combustion and explosion of the compressor because of air going into the operating compressor.
▪ Use a separate recovery system so that the unit's
compressor does NOT have to operate.
Always recover the refrigerant. Do NOT release them directly into the environment. Use a vacuum pump to evacuate the installation.
After all the piping has been connected, make sure there is no gas leak. Use nitrogen to perform a gas leak detection.
▪ To avoid compressor breakdown, do NOT charge more
than the specified amount of refrigerant.
▪ When the refrigerant system is to be opened,
refrigerant must be treated according to the applicable legislation.
Make sure there is no oxygen in the system. Refrigerant may only be charged after performing the leak test and the vacuum drying.
▪ In case re-charge is required, refer to the nameplate of the unit. It
states the type of refrigerant and necessary amount.
▪ The unit is factory charged with refrigerant and depending on pipe
sizes and pipe lengths some systems require additional charging of refrigerant.
▪ Only use tools exclusively for the refrigerant type used in the
system, this to ensure pressure resistance and prevent foreign materials from entering into the system.
▪ Charge the liquid refrigerant as follows:
If Then
A siphon tube is present
(i.e., the cylinder is marked with "Liquid filling siphon attached")
A siphon tube is NOT present Charge with the cylinder upside
▪ Open refrigerant cylinders slowly.
▪ Charge the refrigerant in liquid form. Adding it in gas form may
prevent normal operation.
When the refrigerant charging procedure is done or when pausing, close the valve of the refrigerant tank immediately. If the valve is not closed immediately, remaining pressure might charge additional refrigerant. Possible consequence: Incorrect refrigerant amount.
Charge with the cylinder upright.

1.2.4 Brine

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
The selection of the brine MUST be in accordance with the applicable legislation.
Take sufficient precautions in case of brine leakage. If brine leaks, ventilate the area immediately and contact your local dealer.
The ambient temperature inside the unit can get much higher than that of the room, e.g. 70°C. In case of a brine leak, hot parts inside the unit can create a hazardous situation.
The use and installation of the application MUST comply with the safety and environmental precautions specified in the applicable legislation.

1.2.5 Water

If applicable. See the installation manual or installer reference guide of your application for more information.
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
Installer reference guide

2 About the documentation

Make sure water quality complies with EU directive 98/83EC.

1.2.6 Electrical

▪ Turn OFF all power supply before removing the
switch box cover, connecting electrical wiring or touching electrical parts.
▪ Disconnect the power supply for more than 1minute,
and measure the voltage at the terminals of main circuit capacitors or electrical components before servicing. The voltage MUST be less than 50 V DC before you can touch electrical components. For the location of the terminals, see the wiring diagram.
▪ Do NOT touch electrical components with wet hands.
▪ Do NOT leave the unit unattended when the service
cover is removed.
If NOT factory installed, a main switch or other means for disconnection, having a contact separation in all poles providing full disconnection under overvoltage category III condition, shall be installed in the fixed wiring.
▪ ONLY use copper wires.
▪ Make sure the field wiring complies with the applicable
▪ All field wiring must be performed in accordance with
the wiring diagram supplied with the product.
▪ NEVER squeeze bundled cables and make sure they
do not come in contact with the piping and sharp edges. Make sure no external pressure is applied to the terminal connections.
▪ Make sure to install earth wiring. Do NOT earth the unit
to a utility pipe, surge absorber, or telephone earth. Incomplete earth may cause electrical shock.
▪ Make sure to use a dedicated power circuit. NEVER
use a power supply shared by another appliance.
▪ Make sure to install the required fuses or circuit
▪ Make sure to install an earth leakage protector. Failure
to do so may cause electric shock or fire.
▪ When installing the earth leakage protector, make sure
it is compatible with the inverter (resistant to high frequency electric noise) to avoid unnecessary opening of the earth leakage protector.
Precautions when laying power wiring:
▪ Do not connect wiring of different thicknesses to the
power terminal block (slack in the power wiring may cause abnormal heat).
▪ When connecting wiring which is the same thickness,
do as shown in the figure below.
▪ For wiring, use the designated power wire and connect
firmly, then secure to prevent outside pressure being exerted on the terminal board.
▪ Use an appropriate screwdriver for tightening the
terminal screws. A screwdriver with a small head will damage the head and make proper tightening impossible.
▪ Over-tightening the terminal screws may break them.
Install power cables at least 1 metre away from televisions or radios to prevent interference. Depending on the radio waves, a distance of 1metre may not be sufficient.
▪ After finishing the electrical work, confirm that each
electrical component and terminal inside the electrical components box is connected securely.
▪ Make sure all covers are closed before starting up the
Only applicable if the power supply is three‑phase, and the compressor has an ON/OFF starting method.
If there exists the possibility of reversed phase after a momentary black out and the power goes on and off while the product is operating, attach a reversed phase protection circuit locally. Running the product in reversed phase can break the compressor and other parts.
2 About the documentation

2.1 About this document

Target audience
Authorised installers
Documentation set
This document is part of a documentation set. The complete set consists of:
General safety precautions:
▪ Safety instructions that you must read before installing
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
Indoor unit installation manual:
▪ Installation instructions
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit)
Outdoor unit installation manual:
▪ Installation instructions
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the outdoor unit)
Installer reference guide
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
4P449970-1 – 2016.06

3 About the box

102~114 kg
Backup heater installation manual:
▪ Installation instructions
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the backup heater)
Installer reference guide:
▪ Preparation of the installation, good practices, reference data,…
▪ Format: Digital files on http://www.daikineurope.com/support-
Addendum book for optional equipment:
▪ Additional info about how to install optional equipment
▪ Format: Paper (in the box of the indoor unit) + Digital files on
Latest revisions of the supplied documentation may be available on the regional Daikin website or via your dealer.
The original documentation is written in English. All other languages are translations.
Technical engineering data
▪ A subset of the latest technical data is available on the regional
Daikin website (publicly accessible).
▪ The full set of latest technical data is available on the Daikin
extranet (authentication required).
3 About the box

3.1 Overview: About the box

This chapter describes what you have to do after the boxes with the outdoor and indoor unit are delivered on-site.
It contains information about:
▪ Unpacking and handling the units
▪ Removing the accessories from the units
Keep the following in mind:
▪ At delivery, the unit must be checked for damage. Any damage
must be reported immediately to the carrier's claims agent.
▪ Bring the packed unit as close as possible to its final installation
position to prevent damage during transport.

3.2 Outdoor unit

3.2.1 To unpack the outdoor unit

2.2 Installer reference guide at a glance

Chapter Description
General safety precautions
About the documentation What documentation exists for the
About the box How to unpack the units and remove
About the units and options
Application guidelines Various installation setups of the system
Preparation What to do and know before going
Installation What to do and know to install the
Configuration What to do and know to configure the
Commissioning What to do and know to commission the
Hand‑over to the user What to give and explain to the user
Maintenance and service How to maintain and service the units
Troubleshooting What to do in case of problems
Disposal How to dispose of the system
Technical data Specifications of the system
Glossary Definition of terms
Field settings table Table to be filled in by the installer, and
Safety instructions that you must read before installing
their accessories
▪ How to identify the units
▪ Possible combinations of units and
system after it is installed
system after it is configured
kept for future reference
Note: There is also an installer settings table in the user reference guide. This table has to be filled in by the installer and handed over to the user.

3.2.2 To handle the outdoor unit

Carry the unit slowly as shown:
To avoid injury, do NOT touch the air inlet or aluminium fins of the unit.
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
Installer reference guide
3 About the box
a b c d
e g

3.2.3 To remove the accessories from the outdoor unit

a Outdoor unit installation manual b Cable tie c Fluorinated greenhouse gases label d Multilingual fluorinated greenhouse gases label e Screw (only for ERLQ)
f Thermistor fixing plate (spare) (only for ERLQ)
g Thermistor fixture (only for ERLQ)

3.3 Indoor unit

3.3.1 To unpack the indoor unit

Do NOT throw away the upper cardboard cover. On the outside of the cardboard cover, the installation pattern is printed.

3.3.2 To remove the accessories from the indoor unit

The general safety precautions, the indoor unit installation manual, the operation manual and the addendum book for optional equipment are located in the upper part of the box. Follow the procedure below to remove the other accessories.
1 Remove the tape.
2 Tilt the bottom side of the front panel upwards and remove it.
Installer reference guide
a General safety precautions, indoor unit installation manual,
operation manual and addendum book for optional equipment
3 Remove the accessories.
a General safety precautions b Addendum book for optional equipment
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV
Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split
4P449970-1 – 2016.06

4 About the units and options

c Indoor unit installation manual
d Operation manual
e Sealing ring for shut-off valve
f Shut-off valve g User interface cover h Top plate of indoor unit

3.4 Backup heater

The backup heater is an option and can only be used in combination with EHBH_CBV and EHVH_S_CBV indoor units.

3.4.1 To unpack the backup heater

4 About the units and options

4.1 Overview: About the units and options

This chapter contains information about:
▪ Identifying the outdoor unit
▪ Identifying the indoor unit
▪ Identifying the backup heater (if applicable)
▪ Combining outdoor and indoor units
▪ Combining the outdoor unit with options
▪ Combining the indoor unit with options

4.2 Identification

When installing or servicing several units at the same time, make sure NOT to switch the service panels between different models.

4.2.1 Identification label: Outdoor unit

Model identification
▪ ERLQ: Contains components (insulation, bottom plate heater,…)
to prevent freeze-up in areas with low ambient temperature and high humidity.

3.4.2 To remove the accessories from the backup heater

1 Remove the wall bracket from the box.
▪ ERHQ: Does NOT contain these components.
Example: ERLQ011CAW1
Code Explanation
ER European split outdoor pair heat pump
L H=Low water temperature – ambient zone:
L=Low water temperature – ambient zone:
Q Refrigerant R410A
011 Capacity class
CA Model series
W1 Power supply

4.2.2 Identification label: Indoor unit

ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
Installer reference guide
4 About the units and options
Model identification
Example: EHBH11CBV
Code Description
E European model
HB Wall-mounted indoor unit
H Heating only
11 Capacity class
CB Model series
V Model without backup heater in the space heating

4.2.3 Identification label: Backup heater

Model identification
Example: EK L BUH CB 6 W1
Code Explanation
EK European kit
L Kit compatible with EHBH_CBV and
EHVH_S_CBV indoor units
BUH Backup heater
CB Model series
6 Capacity of heater kit (kW)
W1 Power supply

4.3 Combining units and options

4.3.1 Possible options for the outdoor unit

Demand PCB (KRP58M51) (only for ERLQ)
▪ Limits the maximum current. However, this also decreases the
heating/cooling capacity of the system.
▪ Only the "Setting of demand running" function of the demand PCB
is applicable.
▪ For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the
demand PCB.
Snow cover (EK016SNC) (only for ERLQ)
▪ Prevents the outdoor unit from being snowed up.
▪ Recommended in areas with low ambient temperatures or heavy
▪ For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the
snow cover.
Drain plug kit (EKDK04) (only for ERHQ)
▪ Gathers the condensate from the outdoor unit and guides it away
through 1 plug in the bottom plate.
▪ For ERLQ: Drain plug kit is not applicable.
▪ For ERHQ: Drain plug kit is option.
▪ Cannot be combined with bottom plate heater.
▪ For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the
drain plug kit.
Bottom plate heater (EKBPHTH16A) (only for ERHQ in combination with C* indoor unit)
▪ Prevents freeze-up of the bottom plate.
▪ Recommended in areas with low ambient temperature and high
▪ For ERLQ: Bottom plate heater is standard (factory-mounted).
▪ For ERHQ: Bottom plate heater is option.
▪ Cannot be combined with drain plug kit.
▪ If you install EKBPHTH16A, you also have to install the digital I/O
▪ For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the
bottom plate heater and addendum book for optional equipment.

4.3.2 Possible options for the indoor unit

User interface (EKRUCBL*)
The user interface and a possible additional user interface are available as an option.
The additional user interface can be connected:
▪ To have both:
▪ control close to the indoor unit,
▪ room thermostat functionality in the principal space to be
▪ To have an interface containing other languages.
Following user interfaces are available:
▪ EKRUCBL1 contains following languages: German, French,
Dutch, Italian.
▪ EKRUCBL2 contains following languages: English, Swedish,
Norwegian, Finnish.
▪ EKRUCBL3 contains following languages: English, Spanish,
Greek, Portuguese.
▪ EKRUCBL4 contains following languages: English, Turkish,
Polish, Romanian.
▪ EKRUCBL5 contains following languages: German, Czech,
Slovenian, Slovakian.
▪ EKRUCBL6 contains following languages: English, Croatian,
Hungarian, Estonian.
▪ EKRUCBL7 contains following languages: English, German,
Russian, Danish.
Languages on the user interface can be uploaded by PC software or copied from an user interface to the other.
For installation instructions, see "7.10.10 To connect the user
interface"on page45.
Simplified user interface (EKRUCBS)
▪ The simplified user interface can only be used in combination with
the main user interface.
▪ The simplified user interface acts as room thermostat and needs
to be installed in the room that you want it to control.
For installation instructions, see the installation and operation manual of the simplified user interface.
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4 About the units and options
Room thermostat (EKRTWA, EKRTR1, RTRNETA)
You can connect an optional room thermostat to the indoor unit. This thermostat can either be wired (EKRTWA) or wireless (EKRTR1 and RTRNETA). Thermostat RTRNETA can only be used in heating-only systems.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the room thermostat and addendum book for optional equipment.
Remote sensor for wireless thermostat (EKRTETS)
You can use a wireless indoor temperature sensor (EKRTETS) only in combination with the wireless thermostat (EKRTR1).
For installation intructions, see the installation manual of the room thermostat and addendum book for optional equipment.
Digital I/O PCB (EKRP1HB)
The digital I/O PCB is required to provide following signals:
▪ Alarm output
▪ Space heating On/OFF output
▪ Changeover to external heat source
▪ Control signal for bottom plate heater kit EKBPHTH16A.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the digital I/O PCB and addendum book for optional equipment.
To enable the power saving consumption control by digital inputs you must install the demand PCB.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the demand PCB and addendum book for optional equipment.
Remote indoor sensor (KRCS01-1)
By default the internal user interface sensor will be used as room temperature sensor.
As an option the remote indoor sensor can be installed to measure the room temperature on another location.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the remote indoor sensor and addendum book for optional equipment.
▪ The remote indoor sensor can only be used in case the
user interface is configured with room thermostat functionality.
▪ You can only connect either the remote indoor sensor
or the remote outdoor sensor.
Remote outdoor sensor (EKRSCA1)
By default the sensor inside the outdoor unit will be used to measure the outdoor temperature.
As an option the remote outdoor sensor can be installed to measure the outdoor temperature on another location (e.g. to avoid direct sunlight) to have an improved system behaviour.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the remote outdoor sensor.
You can only connect either the remote indoor sensor or the remote outdoor sensor.
PC configurator (EKPCCAB)
The PC cable makes a connection between the switch box of the indoor unit and a PC. It gives the possibility to upload different language files to the user interface and indoor parameters to the indoor unit. For the available language files, contact your local dealer.
The software and corresponding operating instructions are available on http://www.daikineurope.com/support-and-manuals/software-
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the PC cable and "8Configuration"on page50.
Heat pump convector (FWXV)
For providing space heating, it is possible to use heat pump convectors (FWXV).
For installation instructions, refer to the installation manual of the heat pump convectors, and the addendum book for optional equipment.
Drain pan kit (EKHBDPCA2)
The drain pan is required to drain accumulated condensation from the indoor unit. It is required during low temperature cooling operation of the indoor unit and when the leaving water temperature is <18°C.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the drain pan kit.
Solar kit (EKSOLHW)
The solar kit is required to connect the solar application with the domestic hot water tank.
For installation, see the installation manual of the solar kit and addendum book for optional equipment.
Domestic hot water tank
The domestic hot water tank can be connected to the indoor unit for providing domestic hot water.
Backup heater (EKLBUHCB6W1)
You can install an optional backup heater.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the backup heater, or this installer reference guide.
LAN adapter for smartphone control + Smart Grid applications (BRP069A61)
You can install this LAN adapter to:
▪ Control the system via a smartphone app.
▪ Use the system in various Smart Grid applications.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the LAN adapter.
LAN adapter for smartphone control (BRP069A62)
You can install this LAN adapter to control the system via a smartphone app.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the LAN adapter.

4.3.3 Possible combinations of indoor unit and outdoor unit

Outdoor unit Indoor unit
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
Installer reference guide

5 Application guidelines


4.3.4 Possible combinations of indoor unit and domestic hot water tank

Indoor unit Domestic hot water tank
5 Application guidelines

5.1 Overview: Application guidelines

The purpose of the application guidelines is to give a glance of the possibilities of the Daikin heatpump system.
▪ The illustrations in the application guidelines are meant
for reference only, and are NOT to be used as detailed hydraulic diagrams. The detailed hydraulic dimensioning and balancing are NOT shown, and are the responsibility of the installer.
▪ For more information about the configuration settings to
optimize heatpump operation, see "8Configuration"on
This chapter contains application guidelines for:
▪ Setting up the space heating system
▪ Setting up an auxiliary heat source for space heating
▪ Setting up the domestic hot water tank
▪ Setting up the energy metering
▪ Setting up the power consumption
▪ Setting up an external temperature sensor

5.2 Setting up the space heating system

The Daikin heat pump system supplies leaving water to heat emitters in one or more rooms.
Because the system offers a wide flexibility to control the temperature in each room, you need to answer the following questions first:
▪ How many rooms are heated by the Daikin heatpump system?
▪ Which heat emitter types are used in each room and what is their
design leaving water temperature?
Once the space heating requirements are clear, Daikin recommends to follow the setup guidelines below.
If an external room thermostat is used, the external room thermostat will control the room frost protection. However, the room frost protection is only possible if the leaving water temperature control on the unit's user interface is turned ON.
In case an external room thermostat is used and room frost protection needs to be guaranteed in all conditions, then you have to set auto emergency [A.6.C] to 1.

5.2.1 Single room

Underfloor heating or radiators – Wired room thermostat
A Main leaving water temperature zone B One single room
a User interface used as room thermostat
▪ The under floor heating or radiators are directly connected to the
indoor unit.
▪ The room temperature is controlled by the user interface, which is
used as room thermostat. Possible installations:
▪ User interface installed in the room and used as room
▪ User interface installed at the indoor unit and used for control
close to the indoor unit + user interface installed in the room and used as room thermostat
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
Cost effective. You do NOT need an additional external room
Highest comfort and efficiency. The smart room thermostat
functionality can decrease or increase the desired leaving water temperature based on the actual room temperature (modulation). This results in:
▪ Stable room temperature matching the desired temperature
(higher comfort)
▪ Less ON/OFF cycles (more quiet, higher comfort and higher
▪ Lowest possible leaving water temperature (higher efficiency)
2 (RT control): Unit operation is decided based on the ambient temperature of the user interface.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
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5 Application guidelines
Easy. You can easily set the desired room temperature via the
user interface:
▪ For your daily needs, you can use preset values and schedules.
▪ To deviate from your daily needs, you can temporarily overrule
the preset values and schedules, use the holiday mode…
Underfloor heating or radiators – Wireless room thermostat
A Main leaving water temperature zone B One single room
a Receiver for wireless external room thermostat
b Wireless external room thermostat
▪ The under floor heating or radiators are directly connected to the
indoor unit.
▪ The room temperature is controlled by the wireless external room
thermostat (optional equipment EKRTR1).
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
External room thermostat for the main zone:
▪ #: [A.2.2.4]
▪ Code: [C-05]
Wireless. The Daikin external room thermostat is available in a
wireless version.
Efficiency. Although the external room thermostat only sends ON/
OFF signals, it is specifically designed for the heatpump system.
1 (Ext RT control): Unit operation is decided by the external thermostat.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
1 (Thermo ON/OFF): When the used external room thermostat or heatpump convector can only send a thermo ON/OFF condition.
A Main leaving water temperature zone B One single room
a Remote controller of the heatpump convectors
▪ The under floor heating or radiators are directly connected to the
indoor unit.
▪ The desired room temperature is set via the remote controller of
the heatpump convectors.
▪ The space heating demand signal is sent to one digital input on
the indoor unit (X2M/1 and X2M/4).
▪ The space operation mode is sent to the heatpump convectors by
one digital output on the indoor unit (X2M/32 and X2M/33).
When using multiple heat pump convectors, make sure each one receives the infrared signal from the remote controller of the heatpump convectors.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
External room thermostat for the main zone:
▪ #: [A.2.2.4]
▪ Code: [C-05]
Efficiency. Optimal energy efficiency because of the interlink
1 (Ext RT control): Unit operation is decided by the external thermostat.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
1 (Thermo ON/OFF): When the used external room thermostat or heatpump convector can only send a thermo ON/OFF condition.
Combination: Underfloor heating + Heatpump convectors
▪ Space heating is provided by:
▪ The underfloor heating
▪ The heatpump convectors
Heatpump convectors
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
A Main leaving water temperature zone B One single room
a Remote controller of the heatpump convectors
▪ The heat pump convectors are directly connected to the indoor
▪ The desired room temperature is set via the remote controller of
the heatpump convectors.
Installer reference guide
5 Application guidelines
▪ The space heating demand signal is sent to one digital input on
the indoor unit (X2M/1 and X2M/4)
▪ The space operation mode is sent to the heat pump convectors by
one digital output (X2M/32 and X2M/33) on the indoor unit.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
External room thermostat for the main zone:
▪ #: [A.2.2.4]
▪ Code: [C-05]
Efficiency. Under floor heating has the best performance with
Altherma LT.
Comfort. The combination of the two heat emitter types provides
excellent heating comfort of the underfloor heating.
1 (Ext RT control): Unit operation is decided by the external thermostat.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
1 (Thermo ON/OFF): When the used external room thermostat or heatpump convector can only send a thermo ON/OFF condition.
Mind situations where the main room can be heated by another heating source. Example: Fireplaces.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
Cost effective.
Easy. Same installation as for one room, but with thermostatic
2 (RT control): Unit operation is decided based on the ambient temperature of the user interface.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
Underfloor heating or radiators – Multiple external room thermostats
5.2.2 Multiple rooms – OneLWT zone
If only one leaving water temperature zone is needed because the design leaving water temperature of all heat emitters is the same, you do NOT need a mixing valve station (cost effective).
Example: If the heat pump system is used to heat up one floor where all the rooms have the same heat emitters.
Underfloor heating or radiators – Thermostatic valves
If you are heating up rooms with under floor heating or radiators, a very common way is to control the temperature of the main room by using a thermostat (this can either be the user interface or an external room thermostat), while the other rooms are controlled by so-called thermostatic valves, which open or close depending on the room temperature.
A Main leaving water temperature zone B Room 1 C Room 2
a User interface
▪ The underfloor heating of the main room is directly connected to
the indoor unit.
▪ The room temperature of the main room is controlled by the user
interface used as thermostat.
▪ A thermostatic valve is installed before the under floor heating in
each of the other rooms.
Installer reference guide
A Main leaving water temperature zone B Room 1 C Room 2
a External room thermostat b Bypass valve
▪ For each room, a shut-off valve (field supplied) is installed to avoid
leaving water supply when there is no heating demand.
▪ A bypass valve must be installed to make water recirculation
possible when all shut-off valves are closed. To guarantee reliable operation, provide a minimum water flow as described in table "To check the water volume and flow rate" in "6.4 Preparing water
piping"on page25.
▪ The user interface connected to the indoor unit decides the space
operation mode. Mind that the operation mode on each room thermostat must be set to match the indoor unit.
▪ The room thermostats are connected to the shut-off valves, but do
NOT have to be connected to the indoor unit. The indoor unit will supply leaving water all the time, with the possibility to program a leaving water schedule.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
0 (LWT control): Unit operation is decided based on the leaving water temperature.
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5 Application guidelines
a a
Setting Value
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
Compared with underfloor heating or radiators for one room:
Comfort. You can set the desired room temperature, including
schedules, for each room via the room thermostats.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
Heatpump convectors
A Main leaving water temperature zone B Room 1 C Room 2
a Remote controller of the heatpump convectors
▪ The desired room temperature is set via the remote controller of
the heatpump convectors.
▪ The user interface connected to the indoor unit decides the space
operation mode.
▪ The heating demand signals of each heat pump convector are
connected in parallel to the digital input on the indoor unit (X2M/1 and X2M/4). The indoor unit will only supply leaving water temperature when there is an actual demand.
To increase comfort and performance, Daikin recommends to install the valve kit option EKVKHPC on each heatpump convector.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
Compared with heatpump convectors for one room:
Comfort. You can set the desired room temperature, including
schedules, for each room via the remote controller of the heatpump convectors.
1 (Ext RT control): Unit operation is decided by the external thermostat.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
Combination: Underfloor heating + Heatpump convectors
A Main leaving water temperature zone B Room 1 C Room 2
a External room thermostat b Remote controller of the heatpump convectors
▪ For each room with heat pump convectors: The heat pump
convectors are directly connected to the indoor unit.
▪ For each room with under floor heating: A shut-off valve (field
supply) is installed before the underfloor heating. It prevents hot water supply when the room has no heating demand.
▪ For each room with heat pump convectors: The desired room
temperature is set via the remote controller of the heat pump convectors.
▪ For each room with under floor heating: The desired room
temperature is set via the external room thermostat (wired or wireless).
▪ The user interface connected to the indoor unit decides the space
operation mode. Mind that the operation mode on each external room thermostat and remote controller of the heat pump convectors must be set to match the indoor unit.
To increase comfort and performance, Daikin recommends to install the valve kit option EKVKHPC on each heatpump convector.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
0 (LWT control): Unit operation is decided based on the leaving water temperature.
0 (1 LWT zone): Main
5.2.3 Multiple rooms – TwoLWT zones
If the heat emitters selected for each room are designed for different leaving water temperatures, you can use different leaving water temperature zones (maximum 2).
In this document:
▪ Main zone = Zone with the lowest design temperature
▪ Additional zone = The other zone
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
Installer reference guide
5 Application guidelines
a a
When there is more than one leaving water zone, you must ALWAYS install a mixing valve station in the main zone to decrease (in heating) the leaving water temperature when the additional zone has demand.
Typical example:
Room (zone) Heat emitters: Design
Living room (main zone) Underfloor heating: 35°C
Bed rooms (additional zone) Heatpump convectors: 45°C
A Additional leaving water temperature zone B Room 1 C Room 2 D Main leaving water temperature zone E Room 3
a Remote controller of the heatpump convectors
b User interface
c Mixing valve station
d Pressure regulating valve
A pressure regulating valve should be implemented before the mixing valve station. This is to guarantee the correct water flow balance between the main leaving water temperature zone and the additional leaving water temperature zone in relation to the required capacity of both water temperature zones.
▪ For the main zone:
▪ A mixing valve station is installed before the underfloor heating.
▪ The pump of the mixing valve station is controlled by the ON/
OFF signal on the indoor unit (X2M/5 and X2M/7; normal closed shut-off valve output).
▪ The room temperature is controlled by the user interface, which
is used as room thermostat.
▪ For the additional zone:
▪ The heatpump convectors are directly connected to the indoor
▪ The desired room temperature is set via the remote controller of
the heatpump convectors for each room.
▪ The heating demand signals of each heatpump convector are
connected in parallel to the digital input on the indoor unit (X2M/1 and X2M/4). The indoor unit will only supply the desired additional leaving water temperature when there is an actual demand.
▪ The user interface connected to the indoor unit decides the space
operation mode. Mind that the operation mode on each remote controller of the heatpump convectors must be set to match the indoor unit.
Setting Value
Unit temperature control:
▪ #: [A.2.1.7]
▪ Code: [C-07]
Number of water temperature zones:
▪ #: [A.2.1.8]
▪ Code: [7-02]
In case of heatpump convectors:
External room thermostat for the additional zone:
▪ #: [A.2.2.5]
▪ Code: [C-06]
Shut-off valve output Set to follow the thermo demand
At the mixing valve station Set the desired main leaving
▪ The smart room thermostat functionality can decrease or
increase the desired leaving water temperature based on the actual room temperature (modulation).
▪ The combination of the two heat emitter systems provides the
excellent heating comfort of the under floor heating, and the rapid air heat up of the heat pump convectors (e.g., living room=under floor heating and the bedroom=convector (no continuous heating)).
▪ Depending on the demand, the indoor unit supplies different
leaving water temperature matching the design temperature of the different heat emitters.
▪ Underfloor heating has the best performance with Altherma LT.
2 (RT control): Unit operation is decided based on the ambient temperature of the user interface.
▪ Main room = user interface
used as room thermostat functionality
▪ Other rooms = external room
thermostat functionality
1 (2 LWT zones): Main + additional
1 (Thermo ON/OFF): When the used external room thermostat or heatpump convector can only send a thermo ON/OFF condition.
of the main zone.
water temperature.

5.3 Setting up an auxiliary heat source for space heating

▪ Space heating can be done by:
▪ The indoor unit
▪ An auxiliary boiler (field supply) connected to the system
▪ When the room thermostat requests heating, the indoor unit or the
auxiliary boiler starts operating depending on the outdoor temperature (status of the changeover to external heat source). When the permission is given to the auxiliary boiler, the space heating by the indoor unit is turned OFF.
▪ Bivalent operation is only possible for space heating, NOT for
domestic hot water production. Domestic hot water is always produced by the DHW tank connected to the indoor unit.
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5 Application guidelines
a b c e f g h j
1 2 3 4 X Y
▪ During heating operation of the heat pump, the
heat pump operates to achieve the desired temperature set via the user interface. When weather­dependent operation is active, the water temperature is determined automatically depending on the outdoor temperature.
▪ During heating operation of the auxiliary boiler, the
auxiliary boiler operates to achieve the desired water temperature set via the auxiliary boiler controller.
▪ Integrate the auxiliary boiler as follows:
a Outdoor unit
b Indoor unit
c Heat exchanger
d Anti-legionella heater
e Pump
f Shut-off valve g Motorised 3‑way valve (delivered with DHW tank) h Non-return valve (field supply)
i Shut-off valve (field supply)
j Collector (field supply)
k Auxiliary boiler (field supply)
l Aquastat valve (field supply)
m DHW tank (option)
n Heat exchanger coil
FHL1...3 Underfloor heating
▪ Make sure the auxiliary boiler and its integration in the
system complies with applicable legislation.
▪ Daikin is NOT responsible for incorrect or unsafe
situations in the auxiliary boiler system.
▪ Make sure the return water to the heatpump does NOT exceed
55°C. To do so:
▪ Set the desired water temperature via the auxiliary boiler
controller to maximum 55°C.
▪ Install an aquastat valve in the return water flow of the
▪ Set the aquastat valve to close above 55°C and to open below
▪ Install non-return valves.
▪ Make sure to only have one expansion vessel in the water circuit.
▪ Install the digital I/O PCB (option EKRP1HB).
ERHQ+ERLQ011~016 + EHBH11+16CBV Daikin Altherma – Low temperature split 4P449970-1 – 2016.06
An expansion vessel is already premounted in the indoor unit.
▪ Connect X1 and X2 (changeover to external heat source) on the
PCB to the auxiliary boiler thermostat.
▪ To setup the heat emitters, see "5.2Setting up the space heating
system"on page12.
Via the user interface (quick wizard):
▪ Set the use of a bivalent system as external heat source.
▪ Set the bivalent temperature and hysteresis.
▪ Make sure the bivalent hysteresis has enough
differential to prevent frequent changeover between indoor unit and auxiliary boiler.
▪ Because the outdoor temperature is measured by the
outdoor unit air thermistor, install the outdoor unit in the shadow so that it is NOT influenced or turned ON/OFF by direct sunlight.
▪ Frequent changeover may cause corrosion of the
auxiliary boiler. Contact the manufacturer of the auxiliary boiler for more information.
Changeover to external heat source decided by an auxiliary contact
▪ Only possible in external room thermostat control AND one
leaving water temperature zone (see "5.2 Setting up the space
heating system"on page12).
▪ The auxiliary contact can be:
▪ An outdoor temperature thermostat
▪ An electricity tariff contact
▪ A manually operated contact
▪ …
▪ Setup: Connect the following field wiring:
BTIBoiler thermostat input
A Auxiliary contact (normal closed)
H Heating demand room thermostat (optional) K1A Auxiliary relay for activation of indoor unit (field supply) K2A Auxiliary relay for activation of boiler (field supply)
Indoor Indoor unit
Auto Automatic
Boiler Boiler
▪ Make sure the auxiliary contact has enough differential
or time delay to prevent frequent changeover between indoor unit and auxiliary boiler.
▪ If the auxiliary contact is an outdoor temperature
thermostat, install the thermostat in the shadow so that it is NOT influenced or turned ON/OFF by direct sunlight.
▪ Frequent changeover may cause corrosion of the
auxiliary boiler. Contact the manufacturer of the auxiliary boiler for more information.
Installer reference guide
5 Application guidelines
a b c ed ge f
h j

5.4 Setting up the domestic hot water tank

The DHW tank can be installed standalone as option. It contains a
2.4kW anti-legionella heater.

5.4.1 System layout – Standalone DHW tank

a Outdoor unit
b Indoor unit
c Heat exchanger
d Pump
e Shut-off valve
f Motorised 3‑way valve g Collector (field supply) h DHW tank
i Anti-legionella heater j Heat exchanger coil
FHL1...3 Underfloor heating

5.4.2 Selecting the volume and desired temperature for the DHW tank

People experience water as hot when its temperature is 40°C. Therefore, the DHW consumption is always expressed as equivalent hot water volume at 40°C. However, you can set the DHW tank temperature at a higher temperature (example: 53°C), which is then mixed with cold water (example: 15°C).
Selecting the volume and desired temperature for the DHW tank consists of:
1 Determining the DHW consumption (equivalent hot water
volume at 40°C).
2 Determining the volume and desired temperature for the DHW
Possible DHW tank volumes
Type Possible volumes
Standalone DHW tank ▪ 150l
▪ 200l
▪ 300l
▪ 500l
Energy saving tips
▪ If the DHW consumption differs from day to day, you can program
a weekly schedule with different desired DHW tank temperatures for each day.
▪ The lower the desired DHW tank temperature, the more cost
effective. By selecting a larger DHW tank, you can lower the desired DHW tank temperature.
Installer reference guide
▪ The heatpump itself can produce domestic hot water of maximum
55°C (50°C if outdoor temperature is low). The electrical resistance integrated in the DHW tank (anti-legionella heater) can increase this temperature. However, this consumes more energy. Daikin recommends to set the desired DHW tank temperature below 55°C to avoid using the electrical resistance. The anti-legionella heater:
▪ Is used as emergency heater.
▪ Is used when the disinfection function for the DHW tank is
▪ Can assist during defrost operation for the outdoor unit.
▪ The higher the outdoor temperature, the better the performance of
the heatpump.
▪ If energy prices are the same during the day and the night,
Daikin recommends to heat up the DHW tank during the day.
▪ If energy prices are lower during the night, Daikin recommends
to heat up the DHW tank during the night.
▪ When the heatpump produces domestic hot water, it cannot heat
up a space. When you need domestic hot water and space heating at the same, Daikin recommends to produce the domestic hot water during the night when there is lower space heating demand.
Determining the DHW consumption
Answer the following questions and calculate the DHW consumption (equivalent hot water volume at 40°C) using the typical water volumes:
Question Typical water volume
How many showers are needed per day?
How many baths are needed per
1shower = 10min×10l/min = 100l
1bath = 150l
How much water is needed at the
1sink = 2min×5l/min = 10l
kitchen sink per day?
Are there any other domestic hot
water needs?
Example: If the DHW consumption of a family (4 persons) per day is as follows:
▪ 3 showers
▪ 1 bath
▪ 3 sink volumes
Then the DHW consumption = (3×100l)+(1×150l)+(3×10l)=480l
Determining the volume and desired temperature for the DHW tank
Formula Example
V1=V2+V2×(T2−40)/(40−T1) If:
▪ V2=180l
▪ T2=54°C
▪ T1=15°C
Then V1=280l
V2=V1×(40−T1)/(T2−T1) If:
▪ V1=480l
▪ T2=54°C
▪ T1=15°C
Then V2=307l
V1DHW consumption (equivalent hot water volume at 40°C) V2Required DHW tank volume if only heated once T2DHW tank temperature T1Cold water temperature
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5 Application guidelines
0.5 m
c f
a b
c a b
d f
e g
c a b

5.4.3 Setup and configuration – DHW tank

▪ For large DHW consumptions, you can heat up the DHW tank
several times during the day.
▪ To heat up the DHW tank to the desired DHW tank temperature,
you can use the following energy sources:
▪ Thermodynamic cycle of the heatpump
▪ Anti-legionella heater
▪ Solar panels
▪ For more information about optimizing the energy consumption for
producing domestic hot water, see "8Configuration"on page50.

5.4.4 Combination: Standalone DHW tank + Solar panels

By connecting the DHW tank to solar panels, the DHW tank can be heated by solar energy.
For installation instructions, see the installation manual of the solar kit and addendum book for optional equipment.
▪ For more information, see "8Configuration"on page50.
▪ You can program a schedule to control the DHW pump via the
user interface. For more information, see the user reference guide.

5.4.6 DHW pump for disinfection

a Indoor unit b DHW tank c DHW pump (field supply) d Heater element (field supply) e Non‑return valve (field supply)
f Shower (field supply) g Cold water h Domestic hot water OUT
i Recirculation connection
▪ The DHW pump is field-supplied and its installation is the
responsibility of the installer.
▪ The temperature of the DHW tank can be set to maximum 60°C. If
applicable legislation requires higher temperature for disinfection, you can connect a DHW pump and heater element as shown above.
▪ If applicable legislation requires disinfection of the water piping
until the tapping point, you can connect a DHW pump and heater element (if needed) as shown above.
The indoor unit can control DHW pump operation. For more information, see "8Configuration"on page50.
a Solar panels

5.4.7 DHW pump for tank preheating

b Solar pump station
c Solar pump station controller with temperature sensors c1 Tank temperature sensor c2 Return temperature sensor to solar panels c3 Supply temperature with flowmeter from solar panels c4 Solar panel temperature sensor
d Solar kit
e DHW temperature sensor of the unit
f Solenoid 2-way valve (only for UK). Obligatory for
compliance to UK building regulation G3.

5.4.5 DHW pump for instant hot water

a Indoor unit
b DHW tank
c DHW pump (field supply)
f Shower (field supply) g Cold water h Domestic hot water OUT
i Recirculation connection
▪ By connecting a DHW pump, instant hot water can be available at
the tap.
▪ The DHW pump and the installation are field supply and the
responsibility of the installer.
▪ For more information about connecting the recirculation
connection: see "7Installation"on page29.
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a Indoor unit b DHW tank c DHW pump (field supply) d Non‑return valve (field supply) e Shower (field supply)
f Cold water g Domestic hot water OUT h Recirculation connection
▪ The DHW pump is field-supplied and its installation is the
responsibility of the installer.
▪ For the standalone DHW tank: If there is no electrical backup
heater in the space heating circuit, you must install a DHW pump for tank preheating.
The indoor unit can control DHW pump operation. For more information, see "8Configuration"on page50.

5.5 Setting up the energy metering

▪ Via the user interface, you can read out the following energy data:
▪ Produced heat
▪ Consumed energy
Installer reference guide
5 Application guidelines
c c
c c d
▪ You can read out the energy data:
▪ For space heating
▪ For domestic hot water production
▪ You can read out the energy data:
▪ Per month
▪ Per year
The calculated produced heat and consumed energy are an estimation, the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

5.5.1 Produced heat

The sensors used to calculate the produced heat are calibrated automatically.
▪ Applicable for all models.
▪ The produced heat is calculated internally based on:
▪ The leaving and entering water temperature
▪ The flow rate
▪ The power consumption of the anti-legionella heater in the
domestic hot water tank
▪ Setup and configuration:
▪ No additional equipment needed.
▪ Measure the capacity (resistance measurement) of the anti-
legionella heater and set the capacity via the user interface. Example: If you measure an anti-legionella heater resistance of
17.1Ω, the capacity of the heater at 230V is 3100W.
▪ Setup and configuration: When using electrical power meters, set
the number of pulses/kWh for each power meter via the user interface. Consumed energy data for EHBH11+16 models will only be available if this setting is configured.
When measuring the electrical power consumption, make sure ALL power input of the system is covered by the electrical power meters.

5.5.3 Normal kWh rate power supply

General rule
One power meter that covers the entire system is sufficient.
Connect the power meter to X5M/7 and X5M/8.
Power meter type
In case of… Use a… power meter
▪ Single-phase outdoor unit
▪ No backup heater or backup
heater supplied from a single­phase grid
In other cases (i.e. a three-phase outdoor unit and/or a backup heater connected to a three­phase grid)
Single-phase power meter Three-phase power meter

5.5.2 Consumed energy

You can use the following methods to determine the consumed energy:
▪ Calculating
▪ Measuring
You cannot combine calculating the consumed energy (example: for backup heater (if applicable)) and measuring the consumed energy (example: for outdoor unit). If you do so, the energy data will be invalid.
Calculating the consumed energy
▪ Only applicable for EHBH04+08.
▪ The consumed energy is calculated internally based on:
▪ The actual power input of the outdoor unit
▪ The set capacity of the backup heater (if applicable) and anti-
legionella heater
▪ The voltage
▪ Setup and configuration: To get accurate energy data, measure
the capacity (resistance measurement) and set the capacity via the user interface for:
▪ The backup heater (step1 and step2) (if applicable)
▪ The anti-legionella heater
Measuring the consumed energy
▪ Applicable for all models.
▪ Preferred method because of higher accuracy.
▪ Requires external power meters.
A Outdoor unit
B Indoor unit
C DHW tank
a Electrical cabinet (L1/N)
b Power meter (L1/N)
c Fuse (L1/N)
d Outdoor unit (L1/N)
e Indoor unit (L1/N)
f Backup heater (L1/N)
g Anti-legionella heater (L1/N)
A Outdoor unit
B Indoor unit
C DHW tank
a Electrical cabinet (L1/L2/L3/N)
b Power meter (L1/L2/L3/N)
c Fuse (L1/L2/L3/N)
d Fuse (L1/N)
e Outdoor unit (L1/L2/L3/N)
f Indoor unit (L1/L2/L3/N)
g Backup heater (L1/L2/L3/N)
h Anti-legionella heater (L1/N)
Installer reference guide
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5 Application guidelines
e efe
0 1
▪ You can use a second power meter if:
▪ The power range of one meter is insufficient.
▪ The electrical meter cannot easily be installed in the electrical
▪ 230 V and 400 V three-phase grids are combined (very
uncommon), because of technical limitations of power meters.
▪ Connection and setup:
▪ Connect the second power meter to X5M/9 and X5M/10.
▪ In the software the power consumption data of both meters is
added so you do NOT have to set which meter covers which power consumption. You only need to set the number of pulses of each power meter.
▪ See "5.5.4 Preferential kWh rate power supply" on page 21 for
an example with two power meters.

5.5.4 Preferential kWh rate power supply

General rule
▪ Power meter1: Measures the outdoor unit.
▪ Power meter 2: Measures the rest (i.e. indoor unit, optional
backup heater, and anti-legionella heater).
▪ Connect power meter1 to X5M/7 and X5M/8.
▪ Connect power meter2 to X5M/9 and X5M/10.
Power meter types
▪ Power meter 1: Single- or three-phase power meter according to
the power supply of the outdoor unit.
▪ Power meter2:
▪ In case of no backup heater or a single-phase backup heater
configuration, use a single-phase power meter.
▪ In other cases, use a three-phase power meter.
Single-phase outdoor unit with a three-phase backup heater:

5.6 Setting up the power consumption control

▪ The power consumption control:
▪ Is only applicable for EHBH04+08.
▪ Allows you to limit the power consumption of the entire system
(sum of outdoor unit, indoor unit, anti-legionella heater, and optional backup heater).
▪ Configuration: Set the power limitation level and how it has to
be achieved via the user interface.
▪ The power limitation level can be expressed as:
▪ Maximum running current (inA)
▪ Maximum power input (inkW)
▪ The power limitation level can be activated:
▪ Permanently
▪ By digital inputs

5.6.1 Permanent power limitation

Permanent power limitation is useful to assure a maximum power or current input of the system. In some countries, legislation limits the maximum power consumption for space heating and DHW production.
PiPower input
t Time
DI Digital input (power limitation level)
a Power limitation active b Actual power input
Setup and configuration
▪ No additional equipment needed.
▪ Set the power consumption control settings in [A.6.3.1] via the
user interface (for the description of all settings, see
"8Configuration"on page50):
▪ Select full time limitation mode
▪ Select the type of limitation (power in kW or current in A)
▪ Set the desired power limitation level
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A Outdoor unit B Indoor unit C DHW tank
a Electrical cabinet (L1/N): Preferential kWh rate power
b Electrical cabinet (L1/L2/L3/N): Normal kWh rate power
c Power meter (L1/N)
d Power meter (L1/L2/L3/N)
e Fuse (L1/N)
f Fuse (L1/L2/L3/N) g Outdoor unit (L1/N) h Indoor unit (L1/N)
i Backup heater (L1/L2/L3/N)
j Anti-legionella heater (L1/N)
Mind the following guidelines when selecting the desired power limitation level:
▪ Set a minimum power consumption of ±3.6 kW to
guarantee defrost operation. Otherwise, if defrosting is interrupted several times, the heat exchanger will freeze up.
▪ Set a minimum power consumption of ±3 kW to
guarantee space heating and DHW production by allowing at least one electrical heater.

5.6.2 Power limitation activated by digital inputs

Power limitation is also useful in combination with an energy management system.
Installer reference guide
5 Application guidelines
The power or current of the entire Daikin system is limited dynamically by digital inputs (maximum four steps). Each power limitation level is set via the user interface by limiting one of the following:
▪ Current (in A)
▪ Power input (in kW)
The energy management system (field supply) decides the activation of a certain power limitation level. Example: To limit the maximum power of the entire house (lighting, domestic appliances, space heating…).
A Outdoor unit B Indoor unit C DHW tank D Energy management system
a Power limitation activation (4 digital inputs)
b Anti-legionella heater

5.6.3 Power limitation process

The outdoor unit has better efficiency than the electrical heaters. Therefore, the electrical heaters are limited and turned OFF first. The system limits power consumption in the following order:
1 Limits certain electrical heaters.
If… has priority Then set the heater priority
via the user interface to…
Domestic hot water production Anti-legionella heater.
Result: The backup heater (if applicable) will be turned OFF first.
Space heating Backup heater (if applicable).
Result: The anti-legionella heater will be turned OFF first.
2 Turns OFF all electrical heaters.
3 Limits the outdoor unit.
4 Turns OFF the outdoor unit.
If the configuration is as follows:
▪ Power limitation level does NOT allow operation of both anti-
legionella heater and backup heater (step1 and step2).
▪ Heater priority = Anti-legionella heater.
Then power consumption is limited as follows:
▪ Demand PCB (option EKRP1AHTA) needed.
▪ Maximum four digital inputs are used to activate the
corresponding power limitation level:
▪ DI1 = weakest limitation (highest energy consumption)
▪ DI4 = strongest limitation (lowest energy consumption)
▪ For the specifications of the digital inputs, and for where to
connect them, refer to the wiring diagram.
Set the power consumption control settings in [A.6.3.1] via the user interface (for the description of all settings, see "8Configuration"on
▪ Select activation by digital inputs.
▪ Select the type of limitation (power in kW or current in A).
▪ Set the desired power limitation level corresponding to each digital
Installer reference guide
PiPower input
t Time
DI Digital inputs (power limitation levels)
a Power limitation active
b Actual power input
In case more than 1 digital input is closed (at the same time), the digital input priority is fixed: DI4 priority>…>DI1.
PhProduced heat CeConsumed energy
A Outdoor unit B Anti-legionella heater C Backup heater
a Limited outdoor unit operation b Full outdoor unit operation c Anti-legionella heater turned ON d Backup heater step1 turned ON e Backup heater step2 turned ON

5.7 Setting up an external temperature sensor

You can connect one external temperature sensor. It can measure the indoor or outdoor ambient temperature. Daikin recommends to use an external temperature sensor in the following cases:
Indoor ambient temperature
▪ In room thermostat control, the user interface is used as room
thermostat and it measures the indoor ambient temperature. Therefore, the user interface must be installed on a location:
▪ Where the average temperature in the room can be detected
▪ That is NOT exposed to direct sunlight
▪ That is NOT near a heat source
▪ That is NOT affected by outside air or air draught because of,
for example, door opening/closing
▪ If this is NOT possible, Daikin recommends to connect a remote
indoor sensor (option KRCS01-1).
▪ Setup: For installation instructions, see the installation manual of
the remote indoor sensor.
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6 Preparation

▪ Configuration: Select room sensor [A.2.2.B].
Outdoor ambient temperature
▪ In the outdoor unit, the outdoor ambient temperature is measured.
Therefore, the outdoor unit must be installed on a location:
▪ At the north side of the house or at the side of the house where
the most heat emitters are located
▪ That is NOT exposed to direct sunlight
▪ If this is NOT possible, Daikin recommends to connect a remote
outdoor sensor (option EKRSCA1).
▪ Setup: For installation instructions, see the installation manual of
the remote outdoor sensor.
▪ Configuration: Select outdoor sensor [A.2.2.B].
▪ During suspend (see "8Configuration" on page 50), the outdoor
unit is turned down to reduce the standby energy losses. As a result, the outdoor ambient temperature is NOT read out.
▪ If the desired leaving water temperature is weather dependent, the
full time outdoor temperature measurement is important. This is another reason to install the optional outdoor ambient temperature sensor.
The external outdoor ambient sensor data (either averaged or instantaneous) is used in the weather-dependent control curves. To protect the outdoor unit, the internal sensor of the outdoor unit is always used.
Do NOT install the unit in the following places:
▪ Sound sensitive areas (e.g. near a bedroom), so that the
operation noise will cause no trouble. Note: If the sound is measured under actual installation conditions, the measured value might be higher than the sound pressure level mentioned in Sound spectrum in the data book due to environmental noise and sound reflections.
▪ In places where a mineral oil mist, spray or vapour may be
present in the atmosphere. Plastic parts may deteriorate and fall off or cause water leakage.
It is NOT recommended to install the unit in the following places because it may shorten the life of the unit:
▪ Where the voltage fluctuates a lot
▪ In vehicles or vessels
▪ Where acidic or alkaline vapour is present
Seaside installation. Make sure the outdoor unit is NOT directly exposed to sea winds. This is to prevent corrosion caused by high levels of salt in the air, which might shorten the life of the unit.
Install the outdoor unit away from direct sea winds.
Example: Behind the building.
6 Preparation

6.1 Overview: Preparation

This chapter describes what you have to do and know before going on-site.
It contains information about:
▪ Preparing the installation site
▪ Preparing the refrigerant piping
▪ Preparing the water piping
▪ Preparing the electrical wiring

6.2 Preparing installation site

Do NOT install the unit in places often used as work place. In case of construction works (e.g. grinding works) where a lot of dust is created, the unit must be covered.
Choose the installation location with sufficient place for carrying the unit in and out of the site.

6.2.1 Installation site requirements of the outdoor unit

Also read the following requirements:
▪ General installation site requirements. See the
"General safety precautions" chapter.
▪ Service space requirements. See the "Technical data"
▪ Refrigerant piping requirements (length, height
difference). See further in this "Preparation" chapter.
▪ Select a place where rain can be avoided as much as possible.
▪ Take care that in the event of a water leak, water cannot cause
any damage to the installation space and surroundings.
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If the outdoor unit is exposed to direct sea winds, install a windbreaker.
▪ Height of windbreaker≥1.5×height of outdoor unit
▪ Mind the service space requirements when installing the
a Sea wind b Building c Outdoor unit d Windbreaker
Strong winds (≥18 km/h) blowing against the outdoor unit’s air outlet causes short circuit (suction of discharge air). This may result in:
▪ deterioration of the operational capacity;
▪ frequent frost acceleration in heating operation;
▪ disruption of operation due to decrease of low pressure or
increase of high pressure;
▪ a broken fan (if a strong wind blows continuously on the fan, it
may start rotating very fast, until it breaks).
It is recommended to install a baffle plate when the air outlet is exposed to wind.
It is recommended to install the outdoor unit with the air inlet facing the wall and NOT directly exposed to the wind.
Installer reference guide
6 Preparation
10 10 500
a Baffle plate
b Prevailing wind direction
c Air outlet
The outdoor unit is designed for outdoor installation only, and for ambient temperatures ranging 10~43°C in cooling mode and – 25~25°C in heating mode.

6.2.2 Additional installation site requirements of the outdoor unit in cold climates

Protect the outdoor unit against direct snowfall and take care that the outdoor unit is NEVER snowed up.
Maximum refrigerant piping length between indoor unit and outdoor unit
Minimum refrigerant piping length between indoor unit and outdoor unit
Maximum height difference between indoor unit and outdoor unit
Maximum distance between the 3‑way valve and the indoor unit (for installations with domestic hot water tank)
Maximum distance between the domestic hot water tank and the indoor unit (for installations with domestic hot water tank)
(a) Parenthesised figure represents the equivalent length.
▪ Mind the following spacing installation guidelines:
ERHQ: 75m
ERLQ: 50m
You can use the optional snow cover (EK016SNC).
a Snow cover or shed
b Pedestal (minimum height = 150mm)
c Prevailing wind direction
d Air outlet

6.2.3 Installation site requirements of the indoor unit

Also read the precautions and requirements in the "General safety precautions" chapter.
▪ Mind the measurement guidelines:
Installer reference guide
Do NOT install the unit in places such as:
▪ In places where a mineral oil mist, spray or vapour may be
present in the atmosphere. Plastic parts may deteriorate and fall off or cause water leakage.
▪ Sound sensitive areas (e.g. near a bedroom), so that the
operation noise will cause no trouble.
▪ The foundation must be strong enough to bear the weight of the
unit. Take the weight of the unit with a domestic hot water tank full of water into account. Make sure, in the event of a water leak, water cannot cause any damage to the installation space and surroundings.
▪ In places with high humidity (max. RH=85%), for example a
▪ In places where frost is possible. Ambient temperature around the
indoor unit should be >5°C.
▪ The indoor unit is designed for indoor installation only and for
ambient temperatures ranging from 5~35°C.

6.2.4 Installation site requirements of the backup heater

Also read the precautions and requirements in the "General safety precautions" chapter.
▪ Mind the measurement guidelines:
Maximum distance between the backup heater and the indoor unit
▪ Mind the following spacing installation guidelines:
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>50 >50
▪ The backup heater is designed to be wall-mounted in indoor
locations only. Make sure the installation surface is a flat and vertical non-combustible wall.
▪ The backup heater is designed to operate in ambient
temperatures ranging from 5~30°C.
Do NOT install the backup heater in the following places:
▪ Sound sensitive areas (e.g. near a bedroom), so that the
operation noise will cause no trouble.
▪ In places with high humidity (max. RH=85%), for example a
▪ In places where frost is possible.

6.3 Preparing refrigerant piping

6.3.1 Refrigerant piping requirements

Also read the precautions and requirements in the "General safety precautions" chapter.
Piping material: Phosphoric acid deoxidised seamless copper.
Piping diameter:
Liquid piping Ø9.5mm (3/8")
Gas piping Ø15.9mm (5/8")
Piping temper grade and thickness:
Outer diameter
9.5mm (3/8") Annealed (O) ≥0.8mm
15.9mm (5/8") Annealed (O) ≥1.0mm

6.3.2 Refrigerant piping insulation

▪ Use polyethylene foam as insulation material:
▪ with a heat transfer rate between 0.041 and 0.052W/mK (0.035
and 0.045kcal/mh°C)
▪ with a heat resistance of at least 120°C
▪ Insulation thickness
≤30°C 75% to 80% RH 15mm
>30°C ≥80% RH 20mm
Temper grade Thickness (t)
(a) Depending on the applicable legislation and the unit's
maximum working pressure (see "PS High" on the unit name plate), larger piping thickness might be required.
Humidity Minimum thickness
6 Preparation

6.4 Preparing water piping

6.4.1 Water circuit requirements

Also read the precautions and requirements in the "General safety precautions" chapter.
In case of plastic pipes, make sure they are fully oxygen diffusion tight according to DIN 4726. The diffusion of oxygen into the piping can lead to excessive corrosion.
Connecting piping – Legislation. Make all piping connections in
accordance with the applicable legislation and the instructions in the "Installation" chapter, respecting the water inlet and outlet.
Connecting piping – Force. Do NOT use excessive force when
connecting the piping. Deformation of the piping can cause malfunctioning of the unit.
Connecting piping – Tools. Only use appropriate tooling to
handle brass, which is a soft material. If NOT, pipes will get damaged.
Connecting piping – Air, moisture, dust. If air, moisture or dust
gets into the circuit, problems may occur. To prevent this:
▪ Only use clean pipes
▪ Hold the pipe end downwards when removing burrs.
▪ Cover the pipe end when inserting it through a wall, to prevent
dust and/or particles entering the pipe.
▪ Use a decent thread sealant to seal connections.
Closed circuit. Use the indoor unit ONLY in a closed water
system. Using the system in an open water system will lead to excessive corrosion.
Glycol. For safety reasons, it is NOT allowed to add any kind of
glycol to the water circuit.
Piping length. It is recommended to avoid long runs of piping
between the domestic hot water tank and the hot water end point (shower, bath,…) and to avoid dead ends.
Piping diameter. Select the water piping diameter in relation to
the required water flow and the available external static pressure of the pump. See "14 Technical data"on page85 for the external static pressure curves of the indoor unit.
Water flow. You can find the minimum required water flow for
indoor unit operation in the following table. In all cases, this flow needs to be guaranteed. When the flow is lower, the indoor unit will stop operation and display error 7H.
Minimum required flow rate
04+08 models 12l/min
11+16 models 15l/min
Field supply components – Water. Only use materials that are
compatible with water used in the system and with the materials used in the indoor unit.
Field supply components – Water pressure and temperature.
Check that all components in the field piping can withstand the water pressure and water temperature.
Water pressure. The maximum water pressure is 4bar. Provide
adequate safeguards in the water circuit to ensure that the maximum pressure is NOT exceeded.
Water temperature. All installed piping and piping accessories
(valve, connections,…) MUST withstand the following temperatures:
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Installer reference guide
6 Preparation
k j
c d
a b
The following illustration is an example and might NOT match your system layout.
cyclone filter, which can remove small particles. Small particles may damage the unit and will NOT be removed by the standard filter of the heat pump system.
Domestic hot water tank – Capacity. To avoid stagnation of
water, it is important that the storage capacity of the domestic hot water tank meets the daily consumption of domestic hot water.
Domestic hot water tank – After installation. Immediately after
installation, the domestic hot water tank must be flushed with fresh water. This procedure must be repeated at least once a day the first 5 consecutive days after installation.
Domestic hot water tank – Standstills. In cases where during
longer periods of time there is no consumption of hot water, the equipment MUST be flushed with fresh water before usage.
Domestic hot water tank – Disinfection. For the disinfection
function of the domestic hot water tank, see "8.3.2Domestic hot
water control: advanced"on page63.
Thermostatic mixing valves. In accordance with the applicable
legislation, it may be necessary to install thermostatic mixing valves.
Hygienic measures. The installation must be in compliance with
the applicable legislation and may require additional hygienic installation measures.
Recirculation pump. In accordance with the applicable
legislation, it may be required to connect a recirculation pump in between the hot water end point and the recirculation connection of the domestic hot water tank.
a Outdoor unit
b Indoor unit
c Heat exchanger
d Pump
e Shut-off valve
f Motorised 3-way valve (supplied with the domestic hot
water tank)
g Motorised 2-way valve (field supply) h Collector
i Domestic hot water tank j Heat exchanger coil
k Anti-legionella heater
FCU1...3 Fan coil unit (optional) (field supply)
FHL1...3 Floor heating loop (field supply)
T Room thermostat (optional) (field supply)
Drainage – Low points. Provide drain taps at all low points of the
system in order to allow complete drainage of the water circuit.
Drainage – Pressure relief valve. Provide a proper drain for the
pressure relief valve to avoid water coming into contact with electrical parts.
Air vents. Provide air vents at all high points of the system, which
must also be easily accessible for servicing. An automatic air purge is provided in the indoor unit. Check that the air purge is NOT tightened too much, so that automatic release of air in the water circuit is possible.
Zn-coated parts. Never use Zn-coated parts in the water circuit.
Because the unit's internal water circuit uses copper piping, excessive corrosion may occur.
Non-brass metallic piping. When using non-brass metallic
piping, insulate the brass and non-brass properly so that they do NOT make contact with each other. This to prevent galvanic corrosion.
Valve – Separating circuits. When using a 3-way valve in the
water circuit make sure that the domestic hot water circuit and the floor heating circuit is fully separated.
Valve – Change‑over time. When using a 2-way valve or a 3-way
valve in the water circuit, the maximum change-over time of the valve must be 60seconds.
Filter. It is strongly recommended to install an additional filter on
the heating water circuit. Especially to remove metallic particles from foul heating piping, it is recommended to use a magnetic or
a Recirculation connection b Hot water connection c Shower d Recirculation pump

6.4.2 Formula to calculate the expansion vessel pre-pressure

The pre-pressure (Pg) of the vessel depends on the installation height difference (H):
Pg=0.3+(H/10) (bar)

6.4.3 To check the water volume and flow rate

The indoor unit has an expansion vessel of 10litre with a factory set pre-pressure of 1bar.
To make sure that the unit operates properly:
▪ You must check the minimum and maximum water volume.
▪ You might need to adjust the pre-pressure of the expansion
Minimum water volume
Check that the total water volume in the installation is minimum 20litre, the internal water volume of the indoor unit NOT included.
In critical processes, or in rooms with a high heat load, extra water might be required.
When circulation in each space heating loop is controlled by remotely controlled valves, it is important that the minimum water volume is guaranteed, even if all of the valves are closed.
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eea db f gc
a Outdoor unit
150 200 250 300 350 400 450
b Indoor unit
c Heat exchanger
d Pump
e Shut-off valve
f Collector (field supply)
g By-pass valve (field supply)
FHL1...3 Floor heating loop (field supply)
T1...3 Individual room thermostat (optional)
M1...3 Individual motorised valve to control loop FHL1...3 (field
Maximum water volume
Use the following graph to determine the maximum water volume for the calculated pre-pressure.
6 Preparation
Minimum flow rate
Check that the minimum flow rate (required during defrost/backup heater operation (if applicable)) in the installation is guaranteed in all conditions.
When circulation in each or certain space heating loops is controlled by remotely controlled valves, it is important that the minimum flow rate is guaranteed, even if all valves are closed. In case the minimum flow rate cannot be reached, a flow error 7H will be generated (no heating/operation).
Minimum required flow rate
04+08 models 12l/min
11+16 models 15l/min
See the recommended procedure as described in "9.4 Checklist
during commissioning"on page74.

6.4.4 Changing the pre-pressure of the expansion vessel

Only a licensed installer may adjust the pre-pressure of the expansion vessel.
When changing the default pre-pressure of the expansion vessel (1bar) is required, take following guidelines into account:
▪ Only use dry nitrogen to set the expansion vessel pre-pressure.
▪ Inappropriate setting of the expansion vessel pre-pressure will
lead to malfunction of the system.
Changing the pre-pressure of the expansion vessel should be done by releasing or increasing nitrogen pressure through the Schrader valve of the expansion vessel.
a Pre-pressure (bar)
b Maximum water volume (l)
Example: Maximum water volume and expansion vessel pre­pressure
≤280l >280l
≤7m No pre-pressure
adjustment is required.
Water volume
Do the following:
▪ Decrease the pre-
a Schrader valve
▪ Check if the water
volume does NOT exceed the maximum allowed water volume.
>7m Do the following:
▪ Increase the pre-
▪ Check if the water
volume does NOT exceed the maximum allowed water volume.
(a) This is the height difference (m) between the highest point
of the water circuit and the indoor unit. If the indoor unit is at the highest point of the installation, the installation height is 0m.
The expansion vessel of the indoor unit is too small for the installation. In this case, it is recommended to install an extra vessel outside the unit.

6.4.5 To check the water volume: Examples

Example 1
The indoor unit is installed 5 m below the highest point in the water circuit. The total water volume in the water circuit is 100l.
No actions or adjustments are required.
Example 2
The indoor unit is installed at the highest point in the water circuit. The total water volume in the water circuit is 350l.
▪ Because the total water volume (350 l) is more than the default
water volume (280l), the pre-pressure must be decreased.
▪ The required pre-pressure is:
Pg = (0.3+(H/10))bar = (0.3+(0/10))bar=0.3bar.
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Installer reference guide
6 Preparation
5 3
0 1
▪ The corresponding maximum water volume at 0.3 bar is 410 l.
(See the graph in the chapter above).
▪ Because 350 l is lower than 410 l, the expansion vessel is
appropriate for the installation.

6.5 Preparing electrical wiring

6.5.1 About preparing electrical wiring

Also read the precautions and requirements in the "General safety precautions" chapter.
Also read "7.10.5 Specifications of standard wiring
components"on page42.
▪ If the power supply has a missing or wrong N-phase,
equipment might break down.
▪ Establish proper earthing. Do NOT earth the unit to a
utility pipe, surge absorber, or telephone earth. Incomplete earthing may cause electrical shock.
▪ Install the required fuses or circuit breakers.
▪ Secure the electrical wiring with cable ties so that the
cables do NOT come in contact with sharp edges or piping, particularly on the high-pressure side.
▪ Do NOT use taped wires, stranded conductor wires,
extension cords, or connections from a star system. They can cause overheating, electrical shock or fire.
▪ Do NOT install a phase advancing capacitor, because
this unit is equipped with an inverter. A phase advancing capacitor will reduce performance and may cause accidents.
▪ All wiring must be performed by an authorized
electrician and must comply with the applicable legislation.
▪ Make electrical connections to the fixed wiring.
▪ All components procured on the site and all electrical
construction must comply with the applicable legislation.
The backup heater MUST have a dedicated power supply and MUST be protected by the safety devices required by the applicable legislation.
ALWAYS use multicore cable for power supply cables.

6.5.2 About preferential kWh rate power supply

This equipment allows for connection to such preferential kWh rate power supply delivery systems.
Consult with the electricity company acting as provider at the site where this equipment is to be installed to know whether it is appropriate to connect the equipment in one of the preferential kWh rate power supply delivery systems available, if any.
When the equipment is connected to such preferential kWh rate power supply, the electricity company is allowed to:
▪ interrupt power supply to the equipment for certain periods of time;
▪ demand that the equipment only consumes a limited amount of
electricity during certain periods of time.
The indoor unit is designed to receive an input signal by which the unit switches into forced off mode. At that moment, the outdoor unit compressor will not operate.
Whether the power supply is interrupted or not, the wiring to the unit is different.

6.5.3 Overview of electrical connections except external actuators

Normal power
a Normal power supply b Preferential kWh rate power supply 1 Power supply for outdoor unit 2 Power supply and interconnection cable to indoor unit 3 Power supply for backup heater 4 Preferential kWh rate power supply (voltage free contact) 5 Normal kWh rate power supply (to power the indoor unit
PCB in the event of power supply interruption of the preferential kWh rate power supply)
Preferential kWh rate power supply
Power supply is NOT interrupted
Power supply is
During preferential During preferential kWh rate power supply activation, power supply is NOT interrupted. The outdoor unit is turned off by the control.
Remark: The electricity company must always allow the power consumption of the indoor unit.
kWh rate power
supply activation,
power supply is
immediately or after
some time by the
electricity company.
In this case, the
indoor unit must be
powered by a
separate normal
power supply.
For applications with preferential kWh rate power supply:
The interruption of the outdoor unit power supply may not be more than 2 hours to guarantee optimised startup conditions for the compressor.
reliable electric service at competitive prices and are often authorized to bill clients at benefit rates. E.g. time-of-use rates,
Electricity companies throughout the world work hard to provide
seasonal rates, Wärmepumpentarif in Germany and Austria, ...
Installer reference guide

6.5.4 Overview of electrical connections for external and internal actuators

The following illustration shows the required field wiring.
The following illustration is an example and might NOT match your system layout.
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7 Installation

d e
8 10
9 19
a Single power supply for outdoor unit and anti-legionella
b Backup heater (option)
c Indoor unit
d Domestic hot water tank
e Anti-legionella heater
Item Description Wires Maximum
Outdoor unit and indoor unit power supply
1 Power supply for
outdoor unit
2 Power supply and
2+GND or 3+GND
3 interconnection cable to indoor unit
4 Preferential kWh rate
2 power supply (voltage free contact)
5 Normal kWh rate power
2 6.3A supply
User interface
6 User interface 2
Optional equipment
7 3‑way valve 3 100mA
8 Power supply for anti-
4+GND legionella heater and thermal protection (from indoor unit)
9 Power supply for anti-
2+GND 13A legionella heater (to indoor unit)
10 Domestic hot water
2 tank thermistor
11 Power supply for
2 bottom plate heater
12 Room thermostat 3 or 4 100mA
13 Outdoor ambient
2 temperature sensor
14 Indoor ambient
15 Heat pump convector 4 100mA
Field supplied components
16 Shut-off valve 2 100mA
17 Electricity meter 2 (per meter)
18 Domestic hot water
19 Alarm output 2
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temperature sensor
Item Description Wires Maximum
20 Changeover to external
heat source control
21 Space heating
operation control
22 Power consumption
digital inputs
23 Safety thermostat 2
(a) Refer to name plate on outdoor unit. (b) Minimum cable section 0.75mm². (c) Cable section 2.5mm². (d) The thermistor and connection wire (12m) are delivered
with the domestic hot water tank.
(e) Cable section 0.75mm² till 1.25mm²; maximum length:
50m. Voltage-free contact shall ensure the minimum applicable load of 15VDC, 10mA.
(f) Cable section 0.75mm² till 1.25mm²; maximum length:
500m. Applicable for both single user interface and dual user interface connection.
2 (per input signal)
More technical specifications of the different connections are indicated on the inside of the indoor unit.
Backup heater
Item Description Wires Maximum
Power supply
24 Backup heater power
See table below. —
Interconnection cable
25 Backup heater
26 Backup heater thermal
Backup heater
(a) Minimum cable section: 0.75mm2; maximum length: 10m. (b) Minimum cable section: 1.50mm2; maximum length: 10m.
Backup heater Power supply Wires
*6W 1× 230V 2+GND + 2 bridges
3× 400V 4+GND
More technical specifications of the different connections are indicated on the inside of the backup heater.
7 Installation

7.1 Overview: Installation

This chapter describes what you have to do and know on-site to install the system.
Installer reference guide
7 Installation
Typical workflow
Installation typically consists of the following stages:
1 Mounting the outdoor unit.
2 Mounting the indoor unit.
3 Mounting the backup heater (if applicable).
4 Connecting the refrigerant piping.
5 Checking the refrigerant piping.
6 Charging refrigerant.
7 Connecting the water piping.
8 Connecting the electrical wiring.
9 Finishing the outdoor installation.
10 Finishing the indoor installation.
11 Finishing the installation of the backup heater (if applicable).
Depending on the units and/or the installation conditions, it might be necessary to connect electrical wiring before you can charge refrigerant.

7.2 Opening the units

7.2.1 About opening the units

At certain times, you have to open the unit. Example:
▪ When connecting the refrigerant piping
▪ When connecting the electrical wiring
▪ When maintaining or servicing the unit
2 Tilt the front panel towards you and remove the front panel.

7.2.4 To open the switch box cover of the indoor unit

Do NOT leave the unit unattended when the service cover is removed.

7.2.2 To open the outdoor unit


7.2.3 To open the indoor unit

1 Loosen and remove the 2screws that fix the front panel.

7.2.5 To open the backup heater

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7.2.6 To open the switch box cover of the backup heater

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