Corel WordPerfect Office - 2000 Network Administrator Guide

Network Administrator
Copyright © 1999 COREL CORPORATION and COREL CORPORATION LIMITED. All rights reserved.
For more complete copyright information please refer to the About section in the Help menu of the software.
This file (ADMN9EN.PDF) should be placed in the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Corel\WordPerfect Office 2000\Shared\Refcntr
Version: 9.00


Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................1
What’s included in WordPerfect Office 2000? ...........................2
Installation Types Available from WordPerfect Office 2000 CD......................3
Server installation .....................................3
Chapter 2 Preparing for installation and distribution ...................5
Assembling your team ....................................5
Choosing a strategy .....................................6
Testing installation and distribution ...............................8
Performing server installation and preliminary distribution .......................9
Completing your final distribution ................................9
Chapter 3 Installing to a server .............................11
Preparing for server installation ................................12
Running the Network Setup program ..............................14
Removing a server installation of WordPerfect Office 2000 ......................18
Chapter 4 Installing to a workstation ..........................21
Preparing for workstation installation ..............................22
Running the Setup program .................................22
Controlling setup configuration with response files .........................25
Running a silent installation .................................26
Removing WordPerfect Office 2000 from a workstation .......................27
Chapter 5 Using the Corel Settings Editor ........................29
APPENDIX AWorking with clipart and Writing Tools ...................39
Making Clipart accessible over a network ............................39
Language support for Writing Tools...............................39
Table of contents i
APPENDIX BUsing command line switches ........................41
Command line switches ...................................41
APPENDIX C Glossary ...................................45
ii Table of contents
Welcome to the WordPerfect Office 2000 Network Administrator Guide. You can use this guide to help you install and maintain WordPerfect Office 2000 applications in a networked environment.
Unless noted otherwise, the information in this guide applies to all editions of
WordPerfect Office 2000.
This guide covers the following topics:
preparing for installation and distribution
installing to a server
installing to a workstation
using the Corel Settings Editor
working with clipart and writing tools
using command line switches
In order to run WordPerfect Office 2000, your computer must meet the system requirements necessary to run the version of Windows required by the version of WordPerfect you are running. Systems that barely meet the system requirements will not run WordPerfect optimally.
WordPerfect Office 2000 requires:
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0
486 PC, 66 MHZ processor
16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)
170 MB Hard disk space (280 MB for a typical install)
CD-ROM drive
VGA monitor
mouse or tablet
What’s included in WordPerfect Office 2000?
The following applications are included in most editions of WordPerfect Office 2000. Not all WordPerfect Office 2000 editions include all the applications noted below. For example, WordPerfect Office 2000 Standard Edition does not include Paradox, while the Professional Edition (Enterprise Edition outside of North America) does.
Contents of WordPerfect Office 2000
WordPerfect 9
Quattro Pro 9
Corel Presentations 9
Paradox 9 (Professional/Enterprise Edition)
Desktop Application Director (DAD) 9
Corel Versions
Adobe Acrobat Viewer
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
Bitstream Font Navigator
More than 100 True Type Fonts
Quick View Plus
WordPerfect Office 2000 Software Developers Kit (SDK)
All the WordPerfect Office 2000 editions contain all of the documentation on the CD. The documentation can be accessed by double-clicking the SETUP.EXE at the root level and clicking the Corel Reference Center. You can print or copy and paste items in the documentation. Printed documentation is available from Corel Sales. You can access the Release Notes by clicking the Release Notes button in the Corel Setup Wizard Welcome Screen.
A text file called VOLINFO.TXT is stored in a folder at the root level of each WordPerfect Office 2000 CD. You can use this file to determine which version of WordPerfect you are using.
Installation Types Available from WordPerfect Office 2000 CD
On the WordPerfect Office 2000 CD there are two installation executables: SETUP.EXE and NETSETUP.EXE. Use SETUP.EXE for standalone installations and NETSETUP.EXE for server installations.
Running SETUP.EXE gives the following installation options after selecting WordPerfect Office 2000 from the menu:
Typical Setup
This is a predefined installation of the most commonly installed components of the suite. It is customizable in that you can specify the main location (drive and main folder) of where the suite will be installed.
Compact Setup
This item will only install the necessary components needed to run the core applications of the suite, such as WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, Presentations, Corel Central for the Standard edition of WordPerfect Office 2000. Paradox is also included in the Professional edition of WordPerfect Office 2000.
Custom Setup
Enabling this option gives the user the ability to select and deselect components according to disk space, requirements, and so on. There are other options that are available when performing the custom install that are not available when performing a typical install.
All of the installation options can be run from the CD-ROM as CD-ROM-based
installations. You can enable this option when there is very little hard drive space available for installation. If you enable this option, you must have the CD-ROM in the system whenever you run a WordPerfect Office 2000 application.
Server installation
In order to install WordPerfect Office 2000 to a server, NETSETUP.EXE must be used. NETSETUP.EXE is stored in the \NetAdmin folder found in the root folder of the WordPerfect Office 2000 CD-ROM. You can run this executable from the CD to do initial server installations, and then run it from the server in a multi-server environment to install to additional servers if necessary. For more information about server installation, see the “Installing to a server” chapter of this document.
You must run NETSETUP.EXE to install WordPerfect Office 2000 to a server. You
cannot simply copy a server installation to a different server instead of performing a server installation. Because UNC path information is generated and stored in files necessary for a server installation, this operation copying a server installation will not install WordPerfect Office 2000.
4 WordPerfect Office 2000 Network Administrator Guide: Chapter 1 Version 9.0
You can prepare to install and distribute WordPerfect Office 2000 by using the following plan:
assemble your team
choose a strategy
test installation and distribution methods
perform server installation and preliminary distribution
complete your final distribution
Keep a detailed record of your install and distribute process. You can use the record to
plan subsequent steps and troubleshoot installation and distribution problems.
Assembling your team
Your team can include the following people:
Internal Support (IS) personnel to coordinate and prepare the test environment
testers to explore WordPerfect Office 2000 in a test environment
installers to deploy the installation of WordPerfect Office 2000
trainers to train and inform users
support personnel to assist users during and after distribution
You and your team should prepare in the following ways:
Understand the Windows Registry and System Policies. You can find detailed
information in the Windows 95 Resource Kit, Windows 98 Resource Kit, and the Windows NT Resource Kit.
Review an organizational chart of your organization, and decide how WordPerfect Office
2000 will meet the different needs of the departments and groups. Discuss with your team several distribution strategies and decide on those that you will test.
Preparing for installation and distribution
Read the release notes found in the Corel Reference Center.
Choosing a strategy
Before you install WordPerfect Office 2000, you must decide on an installation strategy. Planning your installation involves choosing the which installation type and location you will allow the users to install, whether you want to use response files during setup, and whether you want to use third-party distribution software.
Installation choices
During Network Setup, you can choose to install every WordPerfect Office 2000 application, the default setting, or you can customize your installation by selecting only the applications or components that you want.
Installation choice Description
Default installation Installs the default settings, which include
Customized installation Installs only the applications and
During Network Setup, you can choose to let users run a Local installation, a Run from Network installation, or let them decide. You are given the following options:
every WordPerfect Office 2000 application, to your server.
components you want to install.
If you enable... then running Setup at a workstation...
Allow Only Run From Network Installation configures the workstation to run
WordPerfect Office 2000 applications from the shared installation on a network server. This might be desirable if the hardware in your organization lacks sufficient disk space.
Allow Only Local Installation installs WordPerfect Office 2000
applications on the user’s local hard drive. This might be desirable if you are worried about network traffic.
Allow Both Local And Run From Network Installation
either installs WordPerfect Office 2000 applications on the user’s local hard drive or configures the workstation to run the applications from the shared installation on a network server. The user chooses.
6 WordPerfect Office 2000 Network Administrator Guide: Chapter 2 Version 9.0
We recommend that you choose Allow Both Local And Run From Network Installation. This offers the most flexibility since there are other opportunities for you to control whether a workstation runs from the network or is locally installed. If you choose Allow Only Local Installation or Allow Only Run From Network installation, you must reinstall WordPerfect Office 2000 if you later want both options.
If you install all WordPerfect Office 2000 applications and select Allow Both Local And Run From Network Installation, you need to install WordPerfect Office 2000 only once. You will have maximum control and flexibility to determine the exact configuration of WordPerfect Office 2000 on each workstation in your organization.
Running a workstation install
Upon completion of the administrative setup, the user installing the software on his or her workstation navigates to the SETUP32.EXE program in the root of the server administrative installation folder.
Controlling installation with response files
If you do not want users to select their own installation configuration, you can predetermine the configuration by using a response file. A response file contains information about a particular configuration of a workstation installation. By inserting a response file into the Setup shortcut, you can control the installation process so that it is configured the way you want; there is no user input.
Different response files — each with different installation information — provide the flexibility to meet a wide range of needs. For example, you can insert a response file into a Setup shortcut that requires the default installation of every WordPerfect Office 2000 application and a local installation on the user’s hard drive. Another response file might allow only the installation of WordPerfect Office 2000 core applications and require that they be run from the network. Using response files with Setup shortcuts still requires that users take the initiative to install WordPerfect Office 2000 to their workstations, but you can control their configuration.
A further modification of the Setup shortcut can create a silent installation. A silent installation suppresses all of the installation’s user interface so that the user sees nothing during the copying of files to his or her local drive. Silent installations are most often used with third-party distributions software. For more information about response files and silent installations, see the “Controlling Setup Configuration with Response Files” section on page 25 of the “Installing to a Workstation” chapter.
You can tell that a silent setup is running by noting the animated Corel icon in the
system tray. If you place your mouse over the animated icon, you can see percentage installed.
Preparing for installation and distribution
Third-party distribution software
WordPerfect Office 2000 can also be distributed using software such as Seagate WinInstall, Novell ManageWise, or Microsoft Systems Management Server. If you are already using third-party software for your organization’s distribution, you may want to consider using it to distribute WordPerfect Office 2000. For details, consult the third-party product documentation.
Using third-party software with Corel command line switches allows for a push installation. WordPerfect Office 2000 applications can be installed without the user’s knowledge. You will probably need to use the /RSPFile and /Silent command line switches. For information about command line switches, consult the third-party product documentation and see Appendix B on page 41.
Testing installation and distribution
Testing WordPerfect Office 2000 in a lab environment helps you resolve any installation issues, choose a standard installation, and gain the experience necessary to smoothly distribute applications. Prepare for testing by gathering information about the hardware used in your company. This enables you to set up an accurate test environment and determine if workstations meet the minimum requirements to run WordPerfect Office 2000 (see “Preparing for server installation” on page 12 for server requirements and “Preparing for workstation installation” on page 22 for workstation requirements). After the test hardware has been assembled, be sure to run any virus detection, disk scanning, and defragmentation before running the test installation. You should also back up any important files before testing. You can then focus on installation concerns rather than complicate the test with hardware issues.
Perform the following:
Install WordPerfect Office 2000 on your test server.
Test your options for client installations.
With WordPerfect Office 2000 installed on the workstations, you should:
Open, run, and close all of the core WordPerfect Office 2000 applications.
Open existing files from Corel WordPerfect Suite 8 in WordPerfect Office 2000
applications, if applicable.
Test the major features of all applications, including opening, modifying, saving, and
printing documents.
After you have thoroughly tested WordPerfect Office 2000, uninstall WordPerfect Office 2000 from each workstation using Corel Remove program. For more information about removing WordPerfect Office 2000 from a workstation, see the “Corel Remove Program” section on page 27. Also, uninstall WordPerfect Office 2000 from your test server using the Corel Network Remove program. For more information about removing WordPerfect Office 2000 from a server, see the “Corel Network Remove Program” section on page 19.
8 WordPerfect Office 2000 Network Administrator Guide: Chapter 2 Version 9.0
Performing server installation and preliminary distribution
Before distributing WordPerfect Office 2000 to your entire organization, first select a small number of workstations and perform a preliminary distribution. Choose a department or group that will be least disrupted should problems occur. If possible, select a group that includes a good sampling of the hardware found in your organization. Give adequate time and attention to any user training that is required, and inform the affected employees of the upcoming installation. Also, make sure that the support team or help desk is prepared. Treat the preliminary distribution as another test situation, documenting the installation process as well as any problems that occur. Based on this preliminary distribution, you can anticipate the issues and the duration of the organization-wide distribution.
Completing your final distribution
Now that you have completed your preliminary distribution and resolved any issues, you can plan and implement the final distribution of WordPerfect Office 2000 to your organization. Depending on the size of your organization, you may want to proceed in a series of smaller distributions. However, for most situations, you should now be prepared and have the experience to complete the organization-wide distribution. Use your notes from the previous steps as a guide. Be sure to allow enough time for user training and have all the necessary support in place to assist with user issues. Keep a detailed record of the final distribution to help with future troubleshooting, future upgrades, and personnel changes.
Preparing for installation and distribution
10 WordPerfect Office 2000 Network Administrator Guide: Chapter 2 Version 9.0
About the CD-ROMs
WordPerfect Office 2000 Disc 1 contains all the installation and program files. The files on the CD-ROM are uncompressed. However, simply copying the files from the CD to a network does not constitute a valid server installation. After successfully completing the network server installation (NETSETUP.EXE), you can use it to run workstation installation and program files. Once a valid network server installation exists, you can use it to run workstation installations that 1) set up the applications on a local hard drive, or 2) run the applications from the network.
The number and contents of the CDs may vary for specialized versions, such as
Academic editions or versions that are pre-installed on the system.
Installing WordPerfect Office 2000
WordPerfect Office 2000 gives you the option of installing the software so that it either runs from a server or runs from the user’s local hard drive. Installing WordPerfect Office 2000 to a local hard drive may not be possible on some systems where hard drive space is limited. A server installation can be performed and then the software can be run from the network. WordPerfect Office 2000 includes the Network Administrator Setup wizard. Using this wizard, Information Technology (IT) managers and system administrators can deploy WordPerfect Office 2000 to multiple workstations by setting up WordPerfect Office 2000 so that it runs from a server.
Installing to a network cannot be done with the SETUP.EXE program. In order to get an installation of the suite on a server that will allow workstation installations, NETSETUP.EXE must be executed. NETSETUP.EXE launches the Network Setup program that installs WordPerfect Office 2000 to a server. You can find NETSETUP.EXE in the \NetAdmin folder.
Setting up WordPerfect Office 2000 to run from a network requires two installation procedures. Install WordPerfect Office 2000 to a network server by running the Network Setup program (NETSETUP.EXE). Then install WordPerfect Office 2000 to a workstation by running the Setup program (SETUP32.EXE) from the server.
Installing to a server
Preparing for server installation
WordPerfect Office 2000 runs on Windows NT 4.0, Novell NetWare, and Banyan networks. It has also been tested successfully on peer-to-peer networks (such as Windows 95, or Windows 98). Here are some general recommendations, followed by information about each environment and/or client.
General recommendations
The server and volume or share you choose needs at least 462 MB of free space. To
install the Professional version, you need at least 533 MB.
Run a virus program and exit it before running Network Setup to prevent corruption
during installation.
Do not run Network Setup from the server console. Network Setup must be run from a
workstation connected to the server. Choose a workstation running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0.
When you are running setup, WordPerfect Office 2000 is not actually installed to this
workstation. However, some items are added to the Registry, and Corel Application Management is added to the workstation’s Windows Start Menu.
You need a user account on the server that has Read and Write access to the folder or
share where you are installing. Use this account to log on to the server from your workstation.
Make sure that your workstation is communicating with the server and is
authenticating your rights at logon time. For example, do not do a Quick Logon from a Windows 95 or a Windows 98 workstation.
From your workstation, make sure that you can create files in the folder or share
where you install the applications. Do not continue Network Setup until you can create files in the necessary directories or shares.
We recommend that you withhold all user access until after installation is complete.
When distributing policies on Novell NetWare servers, workstations must be using
Novell NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95/98 or Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows NT.
WordPerfect Office 2000 does not support Windows NT 3.51.
Windows NT
You must have a user account on the Windows NT server that has Full Control access to the share where you install WordPerfect Office 2000.
12 WordPerfect Office 2000 Network Administrator Guide: Chapter 3 Version 9.0
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