Corel WordPerfect Office - 2000 Instruction Manual

User Guide
Copyright © 1999 COREL CORPORATION and COREL CORPO R AT ION LIMITE D .All rights reserved.
For more complete copyright information please refer to the About section in the Help m e nu of th e so ftware.

Table of contents ..................i

Section 1: WordPerfect Section 2: WordPerfect
Office 2000.........1
Section 3: Quattro®Pro9.............145
Section 4: Corel Presentations
Section 5: Paradox®9...............323
Section 6: CorelCENTRAL


SECTION 1: WordPerfect Office 2000
Chapter 1 Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000 .............................1
What’s the purpose of this user guide? ......................................1
About Corel Corporation .............................................3
WordPerfect Office 2000 applications ......................................3
What's new in WordPerfect Office 2000 .....................................4
Other WordPerfect Office 2000 applications and utilities ............................5
Year 2000 and WordPerfect Office 2000 .....................................9
Chapter 2 Installing WordPerfect Office 2000 .............................11
Setting up WordPerfect Office 2000 .......................................11
Registering WordPerfect Office 2000 ......................................13
Adding, deleting, and updating WordPerfect Office 2000 components......................13
Upgrading from Corel WordPerfect Suite ....................................14
Questions and answers about installing.....................................14
Starting and closing WordPerfect Office 2000 applications ...........................15
Network installations ..............................................16
Chapter 3 Learning how to use WordPerfect Office 2000 ...........................19
Using online Help ................................................19
Reference Center manuals ...........................................20
PerfectExpert ..................................................21
We want your feedback.............................................22
Other sources for learning WordPerfect Office 2000 ..............................23
Chapter 4 Support and services ....................................25
Technical support on the World Wide Web ...................................25
Other WordPerfect Office 2000 support options.................................26
Telephone technical support options ......................................27
Professional Services ..............................................29
Customer Service ................................................29
SECTION 2: WordPerfect 9
Chapter 5 Welcome to WordPerfect 9 .................................33
What’s new in WordPerfect 9 ..........................................33
Table of contents i
Chapter 6 Creating, editing, and printing documents .........................37
Starting and opening documents ........................................37
Setting page size and orientation ........................................38
Saving and closing documents .........................................39
Inserting text using the Shadow Cursor .....................................39
Using Spell-As-You-Go™, Grammar-As-You-Go™, Prompt-As-You-Go™, and QuickCorrect™ ........40
Using Spell Check, Grammatik, and the Thesaurus ...............................41
Selecting text, graphics, and tables .......................................41
Moving and deleting text and graphics .....................................42
Using Cut, Copy, and Paste ...........................................42
Using Undo and Redo..............................................43
Finding and replacing text and codes ......................................43
Printing your document ............................................44
From here ...................................................44
Chapter 7 Formatting documents ...................................45
Applying and modifying fonts .........................................45
Setting tabs and indents ............................................47
Using QuickFormat™ to format text ......................................48
Aligning text ..................................................49
Setting page margins ..............................................50
Formatting paragraphs.............................................50
Using styles...................................................52
Using bullets and numbers ...........................................54
Adding and removing drop caps ........................................55
Sorting text...................................................56
Keeping text together and making it fit .....................................57
Inserting page numbers.............................................57
Using headers and footers ...........................................58
Inserting the date and time...........................................59
From here ...................................................60
Chapter 8 Working with long documents................................61
Using outlines .................................................61
Using master documents ............................................62
Inserting chapter or volume numbers......................................64
Creating a table of contents ..........................................64
Creating an index................................................65
From here ...................................................68
ii Table of contents
Chapter 9 Adding tables to documents.................................69
Adding tables and floating cells to a document .................................69
Editing tables..................................................70
Using QuickFormat and SpeedFormat for tables ................................73
Applying lines, borders, and fills to tables ...................................75
Calculating formulas in tables .........................................78
From here ...................................................78
Chapter 10 Adding columns to documents................................81
Adding and removing columns .........................................81
Editing columns ................................................84
Adding borders and fills to columns ......................................85
Adding tables and clipart to document columns ................................87
From here ...................................................88
Chapter 11 Working with graphics ...................................89
Adding graphics to a document.........................................90
Editing graphics ................................................92
Moving graphics ................................................94
Rotating graphics................................................95
Grouping and layering graphics ........................................96
Shaping and skewing graphics .........................................98
Adding borders, fills, and shadows to graphics .................................99
Adding watermarks to a document ......................................100
Working with drawings and charts ......................................101
Adding captions to graphics ..........................................102
Using TextArt® images ............................................104
Working with the Equation Editor.......................................105
From here ...................................................106
Chapter 12 Assembling documents using Merge ............................109
Working with a data source ..........................................110
Using a form document ............................................112
Merging documents ..............................................115
Merging using an address book ........................................117
From here ...................................................120
Chapter 13 Building Internet and electronic documents ........................123
World Wide Web basics ............................................123
Creating and using Internet links .......................................124
Table of contents iii
Publishing to HTML ..............................................125
Building Web documents ...........................................127
Adding a form to a Web document ......................................132
Browsing the Web ...............................................135
Publishing to Trellix ..............................................135
Building XML documents ...........................................136
Working with PDF files ............................................138
From here ...................................................138
SECTION 3: Quattro Pro 9
Chapter 14 Welcome to Quattro Pro 9 .................................147
What’s new in Quattro Pro 9? .........................................148
Quattro Pro concepts .............................................149
From here ...................................................152
Chapter 15 Getting started with Quattro Pro..............................153
Components of the desktop ..........................................153
Working with toolbars.............................................155
Navigating in rows and columns........................................156
Selecting cells, rows, and columns .......................................156
Inserting and deleting cells, rows, columns, and spreadsheets .........................157
Naming spreadsheets and cells ........................................158
Changing your view of the notebook ......................................159
Keeping key cells, rows, and columns in view .................................161
Hiding and revealing data ...........................................161
Inserting and deleting page breaks ......................................162
Saving, protecting and backing up files ....................................163
Printing spreadsheets .............................................164
Making Quattro Pro look like other spreadsheet applications .........................165
Creating and saving customized workspaces..................................166
Closing files and exiting Quattro Pro......................................166
From here ...................................................167
Chapter 16 Creating a spreadsheet...................................169
Creating and opening a notebook .......................................169
Working with data...............................................170
Entering labels ................................................170
Entering values ................................................171
Filling cells automatically ...........................................173
iv Table of contents
Restricting data ................................................174
Working with cell comments..........................................174
Performing simple calculations ........................................175
Setting cell addresses .............................................176
Working with formulas ............................................177
Copying formulas ...............................................178
Correcting and tracing errors in formulas ...................................179
Working with spreadsheet functions......................................180
From here ...................................................181
Chapter 17 Editing and formatting spreadsheets ...........................183
Editing, moving, copying, and deleting cell content ..............................183
Formatting cell content ............................................184
Formatting cells ................................................187
Formatting spreadsheets ...........................................188
Setting page margins .............................................192
Adding headers and footers ..........................................193
Protecting cells and objects ..........................................193
From here ...................................................194
Chapter 18 Analyzing and summarizing data .............................195
Sorting, filtering, grouping and combining data ................................195
Analyzing data using Quattro Pro Experts ...................................197
Analyzing data using regression analysis and frequency distribution tools...................199
Working with external databases .......................................200
Summarizing data using Cross Tab Reports ..................................201
Using OLAP in Cross Tab Reports .......................................202
From here ...................................................203
Chapter 19 Presenting data graphically ................................205
Working with chart data ...........................................205
Choosing a chart type .............................................206
Creating a chart ................................................212
Viewing charts.................................................214
Editing charts .................................................214
Working with maps ..............................................216
Working with TextArt .............................................217
Working with graphics and clipart.......................................218
Working with slide shows ...........................................219
From here ...................................................222
Table of contents v
Chapter 20 Managing data and files in Quattro Pro ..........................223
Opening and saving files ...........................................223
Opening a file with another file format ....................................224
Saving a file in another file format ......................................225
Importing data ................................................225
Embedding and linking data..........................................227
From here ...................................................231
SECTION 4: Corel Presentations 9
Chapter 21 Welcome to Corel Presentations 9 .............................239
What’s new in Corel Presentations 9? .....................................239
From here ...................................................241
Chapter 22 Getting started with Corel Presentations ..........................243
Understanding the components of a slide show ................................243
Using masters and layouts ..........................................244
Using slide show views ............................................244
Using the Slide Editor .............................................245
Using the Slide Outliner ............................................245
Using the Slide Sorter .............................................247
Creating Custom Audiences ..........................................248
Adding speaker notes .............................................248
Selecting objects................................................249
Sizing objects .................................................250
Shaping and positioning objects with precision ................................251
From here ...................................................252
Chapter 23 Creating, playing, and publishing slide shows .......................253
Creating slide shows..............................................253
Saving and closing slide shows ........................................254
Creating a portable slide show ........................................254
Printing slide shows ..............................................255
Working with PDF files ............................................256
Publishing an Internet slide show in HTML format...............................257
Playing slide shows ..............................................257
From here ...................................................258
Chapter 24 Working with text .....................................259
Creating text boxes ..............................................259
vi Table of contents
Importing text in a text box ..........................................261
Changing text format .............................................261
Using TextArt .................................................263
Changing bulleted lists ............................................263
Adding frames to text boxes ..........................................265
From here ...................................................266
Chapter 25 Object animation, slide transitions and multimedia elements ...............267
Adding transitions...............................................267
Adding animation effects to a bulleted list...................................268
Animating objects ...............................................269
Adding multimedia elements .........................................270
From here ...................................................272
Chapter 26 Working with drawings ..................................273
Opening and starting drawings ........................................273
Saving and closing drawings .........................................274
Printing drawings ...............................................274
From here ...................................................275
Chapter 27 Working with graphic objects and shapes .........................277
Adding shapes.................................................277
Filling shapes .................................................278
Sizing a shape .................................................279
Using Image Tools...............................................280
From here ...................................................280
Chapter 28 Working with data charts .................................281
Choosing a data chart type ..........................................281
Creating and saving data charts........................................286
Adding and editing chart data.........................................287
Importing and exporting data in the datasheet ................................289
Using formulas ................................................290
Formatting data charts ............................................291
Adding data chart titles ............................................293
Adding data labels and legends ........................................293
From here ...................................................296
Chapter 29 Working with organization charts .............................297
Creating and saving organization charts....................................297
Using WordPerfect outlines ..........................................298
Table of contents vii
Adding boxes to organization charts......................................299
Adding fields to boxes and editing fields....................................300
Changing organization chart views ......................................301
Changing the format of organization charts ..................................303
From here ...................................................304
Chapter 30 Working with clipart and bitmap images .........................305
Understanding bitmap concepts........................................305
Inserting, saving, and closing bitmap images .................................306
Adding clipart images .............................................307
Combining clipart images with other objects .................................308
Converting a vector image to a bitmap image .................................310
Viewing bitmap images ............................................310
Selecting bitmap images ............................................311
Sizing bitmap images .............................................312
Using bitmap tools ..............................................314
Applying fills to bitmap images ........................................315
Applying special effects ............................................317
From here ...................................................318
SECTION 5: Paradox 9
Chapter 31 Welcome to Paradox 9 ...................................325
What’s new in Paradox 9?...........................................325
Introducing relational databases .......................................327
Database terminology .............................................327
Chapter 32 Exploring Paradox .....................................329
The desktop ..................................................329
The Welcome screen ..............................................331
Chapter 33 Planning your database ..................................333
From here ...................................................334
Chapter 34 Working with tables and records ..............................335
Creating a table structure ...........................................335
Saving your tables...............................................337
Setting validity checks.............................................338
Establishing a secondary index ........................................338
Creating a lookup table ............................................339
viii Table of contents
Creating Passwords ..............................................340
Establishing referential integrity .......................................341
Navigating between records ..........................................342
Adding, editing and deleting records .....................................342
Locating records................................................343
Adding and deleting table fields ........................................344
Resizing table rows and columns .......................................345
From Here...................................................346
Chapter 35 Working with forms ....................................347
Creating a form ................................................347
Creating a data model.............................................348
Adding objects to your form..........................................349
Moving or deleting objects...........................................350
Changing the color of objects .........................................351
Using forms to add, edit, or delete records...................................351
Printing a form ................................................352
From Here...................................................352
Chapter 36 Working with reports ...................................353
Creating a report ...............................................353
Creating mailing labels ............................................354
Adding text and graphics to your reports ...................................354
Moving or deleting objects...........................................355
Changing the color of objects .........................................356
Adding a chart to a report...........................................356
Previewing a report ..............................................357
Printing a report ...............................................357
From Here...................................................358
Chapter 37 Working with queries ...................................359
Using Query By Example ...........................................359
Saving queries.................................................361
Creating multi-table QBE queries .......................................361
Creating advanced QBE queries ........................................362
Query operators ................................................363
From Here...................................................365
Chapter 38 Working with ObjectPAL ..................................367
Object-based .................................................367
Table of contents ix
Event-driven .................................................368
Intergrated Development Environment (IDE) .................................368
Using the Object Explorer ...........................................369
Using the ObjectPAL Editor ..........................................369
Using the Debugger ..............................................369
ObjectPAL Help ................................................370
From Here...................................................370
Chapter 39 Paradox and the Internet..................................371
Publishing a table to the Internet .......................................371
Publishing a report to the Internet ......................................372
Importing HTML information from the Internet ................................372
From Here ...................................................372
Chapter 40 Compatibility with other applications ...........................373
Publishing reports...............................................373
Importing and exporting data .........................................373
Using Paradox table data in a Quattro Pro spreadsheet ............................375
Creating a mail merge.............................................375
Working with previous versions of Paradox ..................................375
From Here...................................................376
Chapter 41 Welcome to CorelCENTRAL 9 ................................381
How CorelCENTRAL components work together ................................382
From here ...................................................382
Chapter 42 Using CorelCENTRAL Day Planner .............................383
Starting CorelCENTRAL Day Planner ......................................383
Scheduling tasks and events..........................................384
Adding subtasks to tasks and events......................................385
Viewing tasks and events ...........................................385
Repeating tasks and events ..........................................386
Setting alarms for events ...........................................386
From here ...................................................386
Chapter 43 Using CorelCENTRAL Calendar ...............................387
Starting CorelCENTRAL Calendar........................................387
x Table of contents
Starting and viewing calendars ........................................387
Displaying holidays ..............................................388
Scheduling tasks and events..........................................388
Adding subtasks to tasks and events .....................................389
Repeating tasks and events ..........................................390
Setting alarms for events ...........................................390
Displaying dates................................................390
Viewing tasks .................................................390
Printing calendars...............................................391
From here... ..................................................391
Chapter 44 Using CorelCENTRAL Memos ................................393
Starting CorelCENTRAL Memos.........................................393
Writing memos ................................................393
Using categories................................................393
Printing memos ................................................394
From here ...................................................394
Chapter 45 Using CorelCENTRAL Card File ...............................395
Starting CorelCENTRAL Card File........................................395
Starting new card files ............................................395
Adding fields and cards ............................................395
Linking fields .................................................396
Creating comment fields............................................397
Using groups .................................................397
Printing card files ...............................................398
Chapter 46 Using CorelCENTRAL Address Book.............................399
Starting CorelCENTRAL Address Book .....................................399
Adding address books .............................................399
Adding address entries ............................................399
Viewing address books and address entries ..................................400
Printing address books ............................................400
Chapter 47 Using CorelCENTRAL Alarms ................................401
CorelCENTRAL Alarms and CorelCENTRAL ...................................401
Starting CorelCENTRAL Alarms ........................................401
Setting alarms for CorelCENTRAL events....................................402
Chapter 48 Using a 3Com PalmPilot with CorelCENTRAL ........................403
Corresponding applications ..........................................403
Table of contents xi
Enabling and disabling CorelCENTRAL PalmPilot conduits...........................404
HotSyncing tasks, subtasks, and To Do List items ...............................404
From here ...................................................404
xii Table of contents
WordPerfect Office 2000
Chapter 1: Welcome to WordPerfect Office
Chapter 2: Installing WordPerfect Office 2000 Chapter 3: Learning how to use WordPerfect
Office 2000
Chapter 4: Support and services
Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000 from Corel Corporation. WordPerfect Office 2000 is an award-winning, integrated set of business-productivity applications for at work and at home. With WordPerfect Office 2000, you can create annual reports, calculate your home budget, produce mailing lists from databases, design brochures and menus, deliver business presentations, and more.
What’s the purpose of this user guide?
WordPerfect Office 2000 User Guide explains the features of WordPerfect Office 2000 applications, and provides step-by-step instructions for performing the most common tasks that users perform with our applications. Because a single book cannot be an exhaustive reference for every application in WordPerfect Office 2000, this user guide is designed to be a companion to the WordPerfect Office 2000 online Help system. WordPerfect Office 2000 User Guide is designed to get new and experienced business application users up and running with WordPerfect Office 2000 quickly.
If you're new to word-processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, or information-management business applications, you can use this user guide as a foundation to your learning. If you're familiar with business applications but new to WordPerfect Office 2000 applications, you can use this guide to learn about the tools available to you, and how to use them. If you are an experienced WordPerfect Office 2000 application user, you can use this user guide as a memory aid or a refresher course. Each section includes information about what's new in each WordPerfect Office 2000 application.
What’s in this user guide?
This user guide is divided into six sections. The first section, which you are currently reading, introduces WordPerfect Office 2000, and includes information about system requirements, installation, learning WordPerfect Office 2000, and support options. The other five sections document the major WordPerfect Office 2000 applications. The documentation for each major application provides basic information about performing the most common tasks and describes the application’s tools and functions. At the end of each chapter in each section, you'll find directions to appropriate topics in the online Help documentation, where you can find answers to questions not answered in this user guide.
Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000
What you need to know
This user guide assumes that you know how to perform basic operations in Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0. If you haven't used one of these operating systems before, you may want to read your Microsoft Windows manual before installing and using WordPerfect Office 2000.
You can find more information about WordPerfect Office 2000 documentation and online Help in Chapter 3 of this section, which begins on page 19.
Documentation conventions
Before you start using this user guide and the online Help, it's important to understand the documentation conventions.
The following are conventions related to using the mouse.
When you see this … Do this ...
Click File, New Click the File menu with the mouse, and
click the word New in the menu.
Click Edit, Select, Sentence Click the Edit menu, click Select, and click
Sentence from the submenu that appears.
Enable a check box Click the check box to place a check mark
or an "X" in the box.
Disable a check box Click the check box to remove the check
Select text Click and drag to highlight text.
Click a paragraph Click to plant the cursor in the paragraph.
Click a frame Click anywhere in a frame or click the
Right-click, and click Paste Click the right mouse button, and click the
The following conventions are related to keyboard actions.
When you see this … Do this ...
Press ENTER Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
CTRL + SHIFT Press the Control key and the Shift key at
The following conventions are used in this user guide.
2 WordPerfect Office 2000
mark or "X."
border of the frame.
Paste command from the submenu that appears.
the same time.
When you see this … This is ...
A note.
A tip.
About Corel Corporation
Corel Corporation is an internationally recognized developer of award-winning business productivity and graphics applications. Development of market-leading products such as WordPerfect Office 2000 and the CorelDRAW™ line of graphics applications is continually evolving to meet the demands of the corporate, retail, and academic users. Committed to value, compatibility, choice, and open standards, Corel® develops products for the Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, Linux, and Java platforms. Corel's common stock trades on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the symbol COSFF and on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol COS.
WordPerfect Office 2000 applications
This section describes the major applications included in WordPerfect Office 2000. Not all WordPerfect Office 2000 editions include all the applications described in this section. For example, WordPerfect Office 2000 Standard Edition does not include Paradox, while the Professional Edition does.
You can find more information about each of these applications in other sections of this user guide.
WordPerfect 9
WordPerfect 9 is a word-processing application that lets you produce professional-looking documents, such as newsletters, articles, reports, books, proposals, legal pleadings, and brochures. WordPerfect 9 makes it easy to add graphics, charts, and tables to any document. WordPerfect 9 continues to support reveal codes, which lets you control every element of a document. WordPerfect 9 also has enhanced Internet features, which let you create a document and publish it to paper, electronic media, and the World Wide Web.
Quattro Pro 9
Quattro Pro 9 is a spreadsheet application that lets you manage, analyze, report, and share data. Quattro Pro 9 helps you make informed business decisions by providing the tools you need to produce tables, financial forms, lists, databases, charts, and reports. Quattro Pro 9 lets you perform simple tasks, such as creating personal budgets, to more complex tasks, such as preparing year-end financial statements, performing complex data analyses, and creating reports from external databases. Like WordPerfect 9, Quattro Pro 9 lets you create a single file, then publish it to paper, electronic media, and the World Wide Web.
Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000
Corel Presentations 9
Corel Presentations 9 lets you create high-quality slide shows and drawings. Corel Presentations lets you produce project proposals, interactive reports and demonstrations, multimedia presentations, flyers, signs, and banners. You can also create slide show presentations for large monitors, portable presentations, the Internet or an intranet, overhead transparencies, 35-mm slides, and printed color or black-and-white copies of a slide show. Corel Presentations 9 is also a drawing application that lets you create drawings, edit and create bitmap images, and convert vector images to bitmaps, without learning a separate application.
CorelCENTRAL 9 is a personal information manager that helps you make the most of your time. You can plan your daily schedule, write reminders, organize reference information, and manage contact information. You can synchronize CorelCENTRAL with a 3Com Palm Pilot. In addition, CorelCENTRAL is compatible with any Internet browser; when you click on a hyperlink in a CorelCENTRAL component, it automatically opens your default Internet browser.
CorelCENTRAL includes the following components: CorelCENTRAL™ Day Planner, CorelCENTRAL™ Calendar, CorelCENTRAL™ Memos, CorelCENTRAL™ Card File, and CorelCENTRAL™ Address Book.
Paradox 9
Paradox is a powerful and easy-to-use relational database program that helps you organize, track, and retrieve data. You can also create sophisticated forms, charts, and reports to display data. You can run Paradox as a standalone system on a single computer, or as a multiuser system on a network.
Paradox contains Experts that guide you through the process of creating tables, forms, reports, charts, mailing lists, and queries. If you prefer, you can create these objects on your own.
Paradox also features ObjectPAL, an object-based, event-driven development language that you can use to create customized database applications.
What's new in WordPerfect Office 2000
WordPerfect Office 2000 provides improved integration of its applications, better performance, is smaller in size, and more Internet support. The following section outlines what's new overall in WordPerfect Office 2000. For information about what's new in WordPerfect Office 2000 applications, see their respective sections in this user guide. Not all WordPerfect Office 2000 editions include all the applications, tools, and features described in this section.
4 WordPerfect Office 2000
Install As You Go™
Install As You Go lets you minimize the hard disk space required by WordPerfect Office 2000 applications. If you try to use an item that is not installed, Install As You Go asks if you would like to install it. You can install only the applications and utilities you need, as you need them.
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader is included with WordPerfect Office 2000. This application lets you view, navigate, and print PDF (Portable Document Format) files across multiple platforms. You can save WordPerfect and Corel Presentations documents as PDF files.
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications
More than three million software developers worldwide use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to create custom business solutions. VBA, integrated in WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, Corel Presentations, and CorelCENTRAL, can be used by developers to build custom solutions.
VBA integrates it’s development capabilities with host applications. When you use VBA to extend WordPerfect Office 2000 applications you can benefit from the Visual Basic programming language, an integrated Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment, and fast runtime performance. You can also benefit from Microsoft Forms Package and support for ActiveX controls to create custom user interfaces, provide access to the Windows API and the underlying file system, add connectivity to corporate data, and integrate applications with other Component Object Model-based applications.
NetPerfect is a server-side application that is designed to be used by Information Technology (IT) managers. It lets organizations that run multiple applications on multiple platforms publish documents to the World Wide Web through a central server. It supports any input format with a print engine, including WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, CorelDRAW, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Trellix 2.x, .TXT, .RTF, and HTML files.
NetPerfect publishes documents as HTML or Adobe Acrobat PDF files, or by using Corel’s proprietary Java technology. This lets users view the documents using any standard Web browser, including Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. NetPerfect can automatically update documents at any specified time and log publishing results to a text log. Since IT managers can set up NetPerfect to publish documents to the World Wide Web automatically, end users can save their documents in their native file formats.
Other WordPerfect Office 2000 applications and utilities
In addition to the major applications already discussed in this chapter, WordPerfect Office 2000 includes several other applications and utilities. This section describes some of
Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000
This picture shows DAD on the Windows taskbar.
these applications and utilities. Not all editions of WordPerfect Office 2000 include the following items.
Desktop Application Director™
The Desktop Application Director (DAD™) lets you access the major applications in WordPerfect Office 2000 from the Windows taskbar, which eliminates the need to create shortcuts. You can can customize DAD to include any application or executable file, which reduces the need to navigate through the Windows Start menu.
Voice recognition
Some editions of WordPerfect Office 2000 include a voice recognition application. Using a voice recognition application, you can speak using your natural voice, and your words are transcribed immediately onto your screen and into your WordPerfect document. You can also use voice recognition to control Quattro Pro and Paradox. For more information about using voice recognition applications with WordPerfect Office 2000, see the following: on the World Wide Web
Reference Center electronic manuals (see page 20)
the online Help for WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, or Paradox
Corel® Versions®
Corel Versions provides a solution to the problem of controlling and tracking multiple copies of a file. Instead of tracking updates to a file by saving new versions of the file using different file names, you can use Corel Versions to save changes to each successive version of a file. Each version is archived to its own folder, or to the folder of your choice, on any read/write drive.
Corel Versions lists archived files in a history list. This lets you retrieve an archived file when you need a previous version. Corel Versions also lets you compare two files for text differences.
Corel Versions operates directly with your operating system. From the Windows Control Panel, you can:
enable or disable Corel Versions
enable file compression options
set where archived files are stored — in one location or in the current directory
set the maximum number of temporary versions
set the type of files that will not be archived
6 WordPerfect Office 2000
access online Help for Corel Versions
To open the Corel Versions dialog box
1 From the Windows taskbar, click Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2 Double-click the Corel Versions icon.
Bitstream Font Navigator
Bitstream Font Navigator 3.0.1 is a font manager. It lets you find and install fonts, organize fonts into manageable groups, and view and print font samples.
To start Bitstream Font Navigator
From the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, WordPerfect Office 2000, Utilities,
Bitstream Font Navigator.
Macros and PerfectScript™
Macros are time-saving programming scripts that automate routine tasks. Macros let you reproduce the behavior of keyboard commands, some mouse actions, and menu commands. For example, you can create a macro that retrieves a file, gives it a new name, and saves it in another format. Then, at any time, you can play the macro to repeat the action.
PerfectScript is the macro language for WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, and Corel Presentations. It is a command-based language that lets you record the results of keystrokes or mouse selections, instead of recording the keystrokes themselves. For example, instead of recording each keystroke involved in changing the top margin of a document to 2 inches, you can use PerfectScript to record the command MarginTop (MarginWidth: 2.0”).
PerfectScript includes programming commands that direct the function of a macro. These commands let you create macros that can prompt user input, make decisions, and access system variables. By using programming commands with product commands, you can automate long or complex tasks.
WordPerfect Office 2000 provides detailed online Help files for WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, Corel Presentations, and PerfectScript macro commands. These files contain information about macro commands and their syntax, and additional instructions, and examples.
Fonts, clipart, and photos
To help you enhance your documents, WordPerfect Office 2000 offers an extensive collection of fonts, clipart, and photos. WordPerfect Office 2000 provides:
more than 1,000 TrueType and Type 1 fonts. When you install WordPerfect Office 2000
using Typical Installation, a default set of fonts is installed automatically. Fonts are grouped by style and appearance to help you find the font you need.
Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000
more than 12,000 clipart images and symbols to help communicate your ideas and
make your documents more interesting. WordPerfect Office 2000 includes a full-color Libraries Catalog to help you find the clipart image or symbol you need. WordPerfect Office 2000 also lets you use the Scrapbook™ to search for clipart images or symbols by keyword or file name.
more than 200 photos which you can add to your documents and presentations.
Fonts, clipart, and photos can be installed on a network to give multiple users access without installing them on individual systems.
WordPerfect Office 2000 file filters
WordPerfect Office 2000 applications include file filters that let you open and edit documents created using Microsoft Office and Lotus SmartSuite applications. For example, you can open a Microsoft Word document in WordPerfect, or you can use Quattro Pro to open a Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. You can also save WordPerfect Office 2000 documents in Microsoft Office and Lotus SmartSuite formats. For example, you can save a Corel Presentations slide show as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, or a WordPerfect document as a Microsoft Word document.
To maintain backward file compatibility, the file format for WordPerfect 9 remains the
same as for WordPerfect 6.1, 7, and 8.
WordPerfect Office 2000 SDK and Corel® Solution Partners
The WordPerfect Office 2000 Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) is a set of tools that lets software developers customize WordPerfect Office 2000 applications for commercial or business use. The SDK is located on the WordPerfect Office 2000 installation CD in the D:\SDK folder (where "D" is the letter that corresponds to the CD-ROM drive). The SDK includes the following components:
online Help for the SDK
OLE automation samples
PerfectScript tools
tools and utilities, including code generation wizards for third-party add-ons to
WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, and Corel Presentations; utilities to monitor events in WordPerfect and Corel Presentations; and a file format parsing tool
The Corel Solution Partners program supports developers of complimentary products and add-ons for selected Corel products, including WordPerfect Office 2000. The program is designed to help accelerate the development of third-party products and promote these products. For more information about Corel Solution Partners, see our World Wide Web site at
8 WordPerfect Office 2000
Year 2000 and WordPerfect Office 2000
Presenting timely solutions to your Year 2000 needs is important to Corel. We have developed a comprehensive Product Evaluation Program to ensure that Year 2000 issues are examined thoroughly. This program uses "real-world scenarios" to determine whether our products will continue to operate as designed. For more information about WordPerfect Office 2000 applications and Year 2000 issues, see the WordPerfect Office 2000 online Help for your application.
For the most up-to-date information about Year 2000 issues and Corel products including WordPerfect Office 2000, see our World Wide Web site at
To view Year 2000 information for WordPerfect Office 2000 applications
1 In your application, click Help, Help Topics.
2 Click the Contents tab.
3 Click Reference Information, Year 2000.
4 Click the Display button.
Welcome to WordPerfect Office 2000
You must install WordPerfect Office 2000 before you run it for the first time. The WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup application makes it easy to install. You can also use the Setup application to
add components to your currently installed WordPerfect Office 2000
refresh files and configurations of your currently installed WordPerfect Office 2000
Before installing, you should do the following:
Close any open applications.
Close any virus-detection application.
Make sure your computer meets the system requirements which are listed below.
WordPerfect Office 2000 system requirements
The following are the minimum system requirements for WordPerfect Office 2000.
Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT 4.0
486 PC, 66 MHz processor
16 MB Ram (32 MB Recommended)
100 MB hard disk space (295 MB for typical install)
CD-ROM Drive
VGA Monitor
Mouse or Tablet
If you are using an edition of WordPerfect Office 2000 that includes a voice recognition application, your system requirements will differ from those listed above. For more information about voice recognition applications, see page 6.
Setting up WordPerfect Office 2000
The WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup application installs all the main applications and components.
Installing WordPerfect Office 2000
To change selections in the WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup application, click the Back
Click the Help button for more information when you make selections in the
WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup application.
To Install WordPerfect Office 2000 applications
1 Insert the WordPerfect Office 2000 CD into the CD-ROM drive.
If the WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup screen does not display, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, and click Run. Type D:\SETUP (where D is the letter corresponding to the CD-ROM drive) in the Open box.
2 Click WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup.
3 If you want to read the WordPerfect Office 2000 Release Notes, click the Release
Notes button. The Release Notes may contain installation tips that were not available at press time.
4 Click the Next button.
5 Read the WordPerfect Office 2000 license agreement, and click the Accept button. If
you don’t accept the license agreement, the Setup application terminates.
6 Type your full name and company name (if it exists), and click the Next button.
7 Type your WordPerfect Office 2000 serial number and click the Next button. The serial
number is on the WordPerfect Office 2000 Product Authenticity Card.
8 Enable one of the following options:
Typical Setup — installs the most commonly used applications, utilities, and files, and is the recommended installation type for most users. Use this option if you're not sure which WordPerfect Office 2000 components you want to install. You can add and remove components afterwards.
Compact Setup — conserves hard drive space by installing the minimum number of applications, utilities, and files needed to operate WordPerfect Office 2000. Enable this option if you have little free disk space and require only the minimum components. This installation is often used for laptop computers.
Custom Setup — lets you choose which WordPerfect Office 2000 components to install. This option gives you the most control over the installation process. Choose this option if you need to install specialized components that are not included in the Typical or Compact installation setups.
9 If you want WordPerfect Office 2000 to read required files from the CD-ROM drive
when you use applications, enable the CD-ROM Based check box. This option saves hard disk space, but requires you to insert the WordPerfect Office 2000 CD into the CD-ROM drive each time you want to run a WordPerfect Office 2000 application. Enabling this option also results in slower-than-normal performance.
10 Click the Next button and follow the installation instructions in the Setup Wizard.
12 WordPerfect Office 2000
When the installation is completed, you will be prompted to register WordPerfect Office 2000. For more information about registering, see “Registering WordPerfect Office 2000” below.
Registering WordPerfect Office 2000
Registering WordPerfect Office 2000 provides you with timely access to the latest product updates and to high-quality technical support.
The serial number on the Product Authenticity Card is proof that you own a legal copy of WordPerfect Office 2000. You will need the serial number when you call Corel Technical Support, upgrade to a new version of WordPerfect Office 2000, or order replacement discs.
You can register using any of the following methods:
Fill out the electronic registration form which displays when the WordPerfect Office
2000 installation is completed. The information in the registration form will be sent to Corel electronically if you have Internet access or a modem on your system. If you prefer, you can print the electronic registration form, and mail or fax it back to Corel.
Visit Corel on the World Wide Web, and complete the registration form at
Adding, deleting, and updating WordPerfect Office 2000 components
After installing WordPerfect Office 2000, you can add components to the installation. For example, after using the Typical installation option, you may discover that you need additional import file filters for Corel Presentations, or you want to use Data Maps with Quattro Pro, or want access to detailed Macro Help for WordPerfect.
You can delete WordPerfect Office 2000 components to free up disk space. You can also update components to refresh their configuration settings. Updating components also repairs WordPerfect Office 2000 if you have accidentally deleted application files.
To add components to a WordPerfect Office 2000 installation
1 Close any open WordPerfect Office 2000 applications.
2 On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, WordPerfect Office 2000, Setup and
Notes, Corel Setup Program.
3 Enable the Add New Components button.
4 Click the Next button, and follow the installation instructions in the Setup Wizard.
To delete installed WordPerfect Office 2000 components
1 Close any open WordPerfect Office 2000 applications.
Installing WordPerfect Office 2000
2 On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, WordPerfect Office 2000, Setup and
Notes, Corel Remove Program.
3 Click the Next button, and follow the installation instructions in the Corel Uninstaller.
To update a WordPerfect Office 2000 installation
1 Close any open WordPerfect Office 2000 applications.
2 On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, WordPerfect Office 2000, Setup and
Notes, Corel Setup Program.
3 Enable the Update Current Installation button.
4 Click the Next button.
5 Click the Install button.
Upgrading from Corel WordPerfect Suite
WordPerfect Office 2000 can co-exist with earlier versions of WordPerfect Office 2000 applications (for example, Corel WordPerfect Suite 8) on the same system, if you have enough disk space. The WordPerfect Office 2000 Setup application does not replace earlier versions of these applications.
If you don’t plan to use earlier versions of the applications, you can remove them from your hard drive to free up drive space.
To delete Corel WordPerfect Suite 8
1 Close any open applications.
2 On the Windows taskbar, click Start, Corel WordPerfect Suite 8, Setup and Notes,
Corel Remove Program.
3 Click the Next button.
4 Click the Select All button.
5 Enable the Remove Modified Files check box.
6 Click the Next button, and follow the installation instructions in the Corel Remove
Questions and answers about installing
The following list answers some common questions about installing WordPerfect Office
What should I do if I get a prompt telling me that I do not have enough room to install all the files?
Exit the Setup application and delete unnecessary files from your hard disk to make more disk space available.
14 WordPerfect Office 2000
You can also use the Custom, Compact, or Run from CD-ROM installation options. Several files, such as the Clipart or data maps, are not required to run the applications. Use the Custom setup installation to add these files later.
How can I conserve disk space during installation?
Choose Compact installation, which does not install all the components that come with WordPerfect Office 2000. You can also choose Custom installation and install only the required application files for each application, plus any other files you want.
I did a Compact installation. Why do Spell Check, Thesaurus, or Grammatik not run?
A Compact installation installs only the files necessary to run WordPerfect Office 2000. If you want to install writing tools, such as Spell Check, Thesaurus, or Grammatik, run the Setup application again, choose Custom installation, then install the files you want.
Can I reinstall specific files?
If you need a specific file, you can copy it from the CD, where all the decompressed WordPerfect Office 2000 files are located. You can also reinstall an entire product or component.
If I install a mail system after installing WordPerfect Office 2000, do I need to run the Setup application again?
No. WordPerfect Office 2000 detects your mail system when you start one of the applications, not when you install, so the order in which you install the applications does not matter.
Starting and closing WordPerfect Office 2000 applications
After you have installed WordPerfect Office 2000, you’re ready to start using the applications and utilities.
To start a WordPerfect Office 2000 application
From the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, WordPerfect Office 2000, and click
the application you want.
To start a WordPerfect Office 2000 utility
From the Windows taskbar, click Start, Programs, WordPerfect Office 2000, Utilities,
and click the utility you want.
To close a WordPerfect Office 2000 application
Click File, Exit.
Installing WordPerfect Office 2000
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