March 6, 1997
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Term inal I nst allation and Operation
Manual, Rev. 1, dated August 16, 1996
Attach this page to 4-3 of t he m anual.
The optional front panel display/keypad does not beep.
Change Specifics:
As incorrectly specified in Chapter 4, page 4-3:
The RFT-1225 responds by beeping whenever a key is pressed:
• A single beep indicates that the key pressed was a valid entry, and that
the appropriate action was taken.
• A double beep indicates the key pressed was an invalid entry.
This information should be deleted.
Errata B
EFData Documentation Update
Part Number:
Collating Instructions:
Changes to power input requirements.
April 9, 1997
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Term inal System Installation and
Operation Manual, Rev. 1, dated August 19, 1996
Attach this page to pages 1-1 and 2-21
The following changes provide the correct information for AC power input requirements. This
information will be incorporated into the next r evision.
Change Specifics:
As incorrectly specified Chapter 1, page 1-1:
Prime Power Options90 to 230 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz, using a 6’ cable North
American 3-prong plug, or 48 VDC (40 to 50 V)
This information should be changed to:
Prime Power Options190 to 240 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz, using a 6’ cable North
American 3-prong plug, or 48 VDC (40 to 50 V)
As incorrectly specified Chapter 2, page 2-21:
The AC power is supplied to the RFT by a 3-pin power connector. Normal input voltage is 90 to 232 VAC,
47 to 63 Hz.
This information should be changed to:
The AC power is supplied to the RFT by a 3-pin power connector. Normal input voltage is 190 to 240 VAC,
47 to 63 Hz.
Filename: T_ERRATA
EFData Corporation is an ISO 9001 Registered Company
Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Ku-Band Satellite TerminalKu-Band Satellite Terminal
Installation and Operation Manual
Installation and Operation Manual
Installation and Operation ManualInstallation and Operation Manual
Part Number MN/KST12025.IOM
Revision 1
August 16, 1996
Special Instructions:
This is the second edition of the manual.
Change bars were not utilized. For an overview of changes made to Rev. 0, refer to the preface
(“Overview of Changes to Previous Edition”).
This revision supersedes part number MN/KST12025 Rev. 0 dated September 13, 1995.
EFData Corporation, 2105 West 5th Place, Tem pe, Arizona 85281 USA, (602) 968-0447, FAX: (602) 921-9012.
Warranty Policy
This EFData Corporation product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. Duri ng the warranty
period, EFData will, at its option, repair or replace produc t s that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the customer is responsible for f rei ght to EFData and
all related custom, taxes, tariffs, ins urance, etc. EFData is responsible for the freight
return the equipment by the same method (i.e., A i r, Express, Surface) as the
equipment was sent to EFDat a.
for return of the equipment f rom the factory to the c ustomer. EFData will
Limitations of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper installation
or maintenance, abuse, unaut horized modification, or operati on outside of
environmental specifi cations for the product, or, for damages that occur due t o
improper repackaging of equipment for return to EFData.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. EFData Corporation specifically
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. EFData
Corporation shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, spec i al , incidental, or
consequential damages, whether bas ed on contact, tort, or any other l egal theory.
EFData has reviewed this manual thoroughly in order that it will be an easy-to-use
guide to your equipment. All statements, technical information, and recommendations
in this manual and in any guides or rel ated documents are believed reliable, but the
accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and they are
not intended to be, nor should they be unders t ood to be, representations or warranties
concerning the products described. Further, EFData reserves the right to make
changes in the specifications of the products described in this manual at any t ime
without notice and without obligation to not i fy any person of such changes.
If you have any questions regarding your equipment or the information in this manual,
please contact the EFData Customer Support Department. (For more informat i on,
refer to the preface.)
About this Manual
This manual provides installation and operation information for the EFData KST-12025
Ku-band satellite terminal. This is a technical document intended for earth station
engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of
the KST-12025.
Conventions and References Used in this Manual
Cautions and Warnings
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other
unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Rev. 1i
PrefaceKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Related Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual:
•EFData Specification SP/4668
•EFDataRSU-503 Redundancy Switch Unit Installation and Operation Manual
•EFDataKP-10 External Keypad Installation and Operation Manual
•EFData Monitor and Control Software for EFData Satellite Terminals User’s
•Updated firmware information in Chapter 4 and Appendix A
•Removed appendix describing M&C system monitor program (it is now a
separate manual)
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual
Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual will be
appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the EFData Customer Support
Department according to the following information.
iiRev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalPreface
Customer Support
Contact the EFData Customer Support Department for:
•Product support
•Information on returning a product
•Information on upgrading a product
•Product training
•Reporting comments or suggestions concerning manuals
An EFData Customer Support representative may be reached at:
EFData Corporation
Attention: Customer Support Department
2105 West 5th Place
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
1.1.2Monitor and Control............................................................................................................................ 1–4
2.2 Inspecting the Equipment.......................................................................................................................... 2–2
2.3.2Vertical Pole Installation..................................................................................................................... 2–8
2.5.5Prime Power (J5)............................................................................................................................... 2–21
Rev. 1v
Table of ContentsKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
2.5.6Serial Remote Control (J6)................................................................................................................ 2–21
3.2 Inspecting the Equipment.......................................................................................................................... 3–2
3.3.2Vertical Pole Installation..................................................................................................................... 3–9
4.1 System Operation....................................................................................................................................... 4–1
4.3 Front Panel Display/Keypad..................................................................................................................... 4–2
5. THEORY OF OPERATION....................................................................................5–1
5.1 Monitor and Control ................................................................................................................................. 5–1
5.1.4Theory of Operation............................................................................................................................ 5–4 Display, 24-Pin (12 x 2) Ribbon Connector (J5)............................................................. 5–9
5.1.6Test Points and LEDs........................................................................................................................ 5–10
viRev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalTable of Contents
5.2 High Stability Oscillator.......................................................................................................................... 5–10
5.3 IF Local Oscillator................................................................................................................................... 5–12
5.4.2Theory of Operation.......................................................................................................................... 5–13
5.5 Down Converter....................................................................................................................................... 5–14
5.5.2Theory of Operation.......................................................................................................................... 5–17
5.6 Up Converter............................................................................................................................................ 5–17
5.6.2Theory of Operation.......................................................................................................................... 5–20
6.1 Test Points and LEDs ................................................................................................................................ 6–1
APPENDIX A. REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION................................................... A–1
A.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................A–1
A.2.4 End Character........................................................................................................................................A–3
Table 2-2. RFT-1225 Remote Control Connector, J6................................................................................... 2–22
Table 4-1. Main Menu..................................................................................................................................... 4–4
Table 6-2. Test Points ..................................................................................................................................... 6–2
viiiRev. 1
This chapter describes the KST-12025 Ku-band satellite terminal, referred to in this
manual as “the KST-12025” (Figure 1-1).
1.1 Description
The KST-12025 is a 25W Ku-band satellite earth station electronics terminal configured
in two assemblies:
• The feed assembly consists of a transmit reject filter and a Low Noise Amplifier
Chapter 1.
• The outdoor enclosure assembly (the RFT-1225) consists of a solid state power
amplifier, up and down converters, Monitor and Control (M&C) microprocessor,
and power supply.
The KST-12025 meets all requirements for operation on both private and regional
domestic Ku-band satellite networks.
Rev. 11–1
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Figure 1-1. KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
The LNAs shown in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2 are typical LNAs. Other LNAs are
available, and can be ordered from an EFData marketing representative.
1–2Rev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalIntroduction
Side View
Top View
Figure 1-2. Redundant LNA Plate
Figure 1-3. KST-12025 Terminal Block Diagram
Rev. 11–3
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
1.1.1 Applications
When used in conjunction with EFData modems, the KST-12025 terminal is ideal for:
• Single digit carriers
• Multiple carrier operation over a 36 MHz bandwidth
Because the terminal has a 70 MHz IF, it can also be used for other analog and digital
Small-to-medium size earth stations are easily constructed and commissioned with the
When used with a high-gain antenna, the KST-12025 can also be used as the Radio
Frequency (RF) electronics of a central hub in point-to-multipoint applications, as well
as serve as the terminal for the end points of the network.
1.1.2 Monitor and Control
An on-board microcomputer monitors and controls all operational parameters and system
status of the KST-12025. This powerful M&C system enables the user to locally or
remotely control functions such as:
• Output power
• Transmit/receive channel frequencies
The system also reports terminal configuration status, as well as fault status of all
KST-12025 components.
The terminal can be initially configured by a keyboard/LCD controller within the
enclosure, or by connection of a common ASCII/RS-232 terminal connected to the serial
port. A simple command set allows total configuration control and retrieval of status
If the indoor unit is a more sophisticated station monitor and control computer, the serial
port can be set to RS-485 for bus operation.
For more information on the M&C board, refer to Chapter 5.
1–4Rev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalIntroduction
1.1.3 LNA Assembly
The LNA assembly consists of a wave guide transmit reject filter and an LNA.
The transmit reject filter provides receive system protection from transmit energy fed
back through the antenna feed system.
The LNA standard noise temperature is 120°K, with optional upgrades down to 80°K,
depending upon gain over temperature (G/T) requirements.
1.1.4 Outdoor Enclosure
The outdoor unit (the RFT-1225) is a weatherproof enclosure housing the following:
• Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA)
• Up and down converters
• M&C microprocessor
• Power supply and cables which interface with an antenna subsystem
In the transmit (uplink) direction, the RFT-1225 accepts a 70 MHz IF signal, and
transmits it in the 14.0 to 14.5 GHz frequency band.
In the receive (downlink) direction, depending upon the frequency band options, the
terminal accepts an RF signal in either the full 10.95 to 12.75 GHz band, or within an
individual sub-band (10.95 to 11.7 GHz, 11.7 to 12.2 GHz, 12.25 to 12.75 GHz), and
converts the signal to 70 MHz IF output.
Power level is 25W, and is temperature-compensated for maximum stability.
The up and down converters are dual conversion, with individual synthesizers for
independent transmit and receive transponder selection.
The microprocessor provides:
• Online loop monitoring
• Dynamic control functions
• Configuration control
• Fault/status monitoring
• Serial computer/terminal interface
Rev. 11–5
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
1.2 Options
1.2.1 Configurations
The KST-12025 can be ordered with various configurations, including:
•Output power levels
•Input power (AC/DC)
•Step sizes
•LNA gain
•Redundant LNA mounting plates
•Custom logos
Contact an EFData marketing representative for more information.
1.2.2 Equipment
The following items are available:
•KP-10 hand-held keypad. The KP-10 provides portable, external access for
controlling the RFT. For more information, refer to the EFData KP-10 ExternalKeypad Installation and Operation Manual.
•Front panel display/keypad. The optional front panel provides the local user
interface, which can be used to configure and monitor the status of the terminal.
For more information, refer to Chapter 4.
•High-performance low-noise amplifiers (LNAs).
Contact an EFData marketing representative for more information.
1–6Rev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalIntroduction
1.3 Specifications
Table 1-1. KST-12025 System Specifications
RF Input ConnectorType N f e male
RF Output ConnectorWR-75G
TX Band14.0 to 14.5 GHz
RX Band10.95 to 12.75 G H z
10.95 to 11.7 GHz
11.7 to 12.2 GHz
12.25 to 12.75 GHz
IF InterfaceTwo 70 MHz ports
IF Out ConnectorType TNC female
IF In ConnectorType TNC female
IF Out Impedance
IF Out RTN Loss> 19 dB at 70 MHz ± 18 MHz
IF In Impedance
IF In RTN Loss> 19 dB at 70 MHz ± 18 MHz
Prime Power Options90 to 230 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz, using a 6’ cable North American
Power Consumption:
25W RF Output800W AC or DC Input
Size (RFT-1225)
Thermal Gradient
Salt Fog
Sand and Dust
Solar Radiation
ES Discharge
3-prong plug, or 48 VDC (40 to 60V)
26.5” H x 12.7” W x 9.3” D ( re fer to Figure 1-6)
49 lbs. maximum
-40° to +55°C opera ting
-50° to +75°C surv iv a l
10°C/15 min.
0% to 100% relative at -40° to +55°C
95% at 65°C/72 hr.
810/Method 506.2
810/Method 509.2
810/Method 510.1
0 to 15,000 ft oper, 0 to 50,000 ft. surv.
360 BTU/hr./ft2 at 50°C
Capable of UL , CSA, VDE, IEC
FCC Part 15, J, Class A
10 kV operation, 15 kV surviva l
Rev. 11–7
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Table 1-2. RFT-1225 Specifications
Receiver Specifications
Frequency Ra ng e10.95 to 12.75 GHz, in 2.5 MHz ste ps
10.95 to 11.7 GHz, in 2.5 MHz ste ps
11.7 to 12.2 GHz, in 2.5 MHz ste ps
12.25 to 12.75 GHz, in 2.5 MHz ste ps
Frequency Range (Optional)10.95 to 12.75 GHz, in 1.0 MHz ste ps
10.95 to 11.7 GHz, in 1.0 MHz ste ps
11.7 to 12.2 GHz, in 1.0 MHz ste ps
12.25 to 12.75 GHz, in 1.0 MHz ste ps
Frequency Sens eNo inversion
Receiver gainVariable 70 to 95 dB with LNA
Frequency Stability
Daily RX Freq Stability
Annual RX Freq Stability
RX Drift/Temp
Gain Flatness± 1.0 dB/36 MH z
Bandwidth70 MHz with 1 dB BW of ± 18 MHz
Noise Figure120°K (options to 90°K)
Receive Image Rejection-45 dBc
LinearityT.O.I. -35 dBc for 2 tone s a t -86 dB m pin (with LNA )
Group Delay< 20 ns/36 MHz
Synth Lock T ime< 1 second
RX (2.5 MHz steps)
Phase Noise
Optional RX (1.0 MHz steps)
Phase Noise
Inband OverdriveN o da mage to 0 dBm
Third Order Interce pt+24 dBm minimum
1 dB Output compressi on+17 dBm minimum
± 1 x 10-8 at 23°C
± 1 x 10-8 at 23°C
± 1 x 10-7 at 23°C
± 1 x 10-8 from -40 to +55° C
-60 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz
-70 dBc/Hz at 1 kH z
-75 dBc/Hz at 10 kH z
-80 dBc/Hz at 100 kH z
-60 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz
-66 dBc/Hz at 1 kH z
-75 dBc/Hz at 10 kH z
-80 dBc/Hz at 100 kH z
1–8Rev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalIntroduction
Transmitter Specifications
Frequency Range14.0 to 14.5 GHz, in 2.5 MHz ste ps
Frequency Range (Optional)14.0 to 14.5 GHz, in 1.0 MHz ste ps
Transmitter power a t 1 dB c om pre ssion
Gain at 1 dB com pre s s ion point with customer
attenuator at 13 dB:
74 dB gain
Transmitter Power Option:
Transmitter linear ga in vs . Customer
controlled attentuator setting
TX Bandwidth70 MHz with 1 dB BW of ± 18 MHz
Gain flatne ss± 1 dB/36 MHz
Gain variation± 2 dB max. f or f la tness, te mp., aging
TX Freq Stability
Daily TX Freq Stability
Annual TX Freq Stability
TX Freq Drift/Temp
TX Synthesizer L oc k - up time< 1 second
TX Phase Noise (2.5 MHz ste ps )-60 dBc/H z a t 100 Hz
Optional TX (1.0 MHz steps)
Phase Noise
Linear Gain with customer atte nua tor a t 13 dB :
75 dB
0 to 25 dB, factory setting = 13 dB
± 1 x 10-8 at 23°C
± 1 x 10-8 at 23°C
± 1 x 10-7 at 23°C
± 1 x 10-8 from -40 to +55° C
-70 dBc/Hz at 1 kH z
-75 dBc/Hz at 10 kH z
-80 dBc/Hz at 100 kH z
-60 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz
-66 dBc/Hz at 1 kH z
-75 dBc/Hz at 10 kH z
-80 dBc/Hz at 100 kH z
Rev. 11–9
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Table 1-3. LNA Specifications
Input VSWR1.25:1 max.
Output VSWR1.25:1
Gain Flatness:± 2.0 dB/full band
10.95 to 12.75 GHz± 1.5 dB/full band
± 0.50 dB/40 MHz
10.95 to 11.7 GHz± 1.5 dB/full band
± 0.25 dB/40 MHz
11.7 to 12.2 GHz± 1.5 dB/full band
± 0.25 dB/40 MHz
12.25 to 12.75 GHz± 1.5 dB/full band
± 0.25 dB/40 MHz
Gain vs. Temperature± 1.5 dB Max.
Operating Temperature-40°C to +60°C
1 dB Gain Comp. Pt.
Third Order Intercept Point
Group Delay:
Power ConnectorP ower through coax
RF Input W/GWR-75 cover
Input Power+12 to +24 VDC at 100 mA nominal
Frequency10.95 to 12.75 GHz
AM-PM Conversion0.5°/dB at -5 dBm
+10 dBm
+20 dBm optional
+8 dBm
+20 dBm
+18 dBm
0.01 ns/MHz
0.001 ns/MHz
0.1 ns/p-p
10.95 to 11.7 GHz
11.7 to 12.2 GHz
12.25 to 12.75 GHz
1–10Rev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalIntroduction
Figure 1-4. LNA Dimensions
Rev. 11–11
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
Figure 1-5. Dimensions for 1:1 Redundant LNA Plate
1–12Rev. 1
KST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite TerminalIntroduction
MTC Plate
Side View
Figure 1-6. RFT-1225 Dimensions
Waveg uide
Rev. 11–13
IntroductionKST-12025 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal
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1–14Rev. 1
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