EFData Corporation, 2105 West 5th Place, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, (602) 968-0447, FAX: (602) 921-9012.
Warranty Policy
This EFData Corporation product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. During the warranty
period, EFData will, at its option, repair or replace produc t s that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the customer is responsible for f rei ght to EFData and
all related custom, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. EFData is responsible for the freight
return the equipment by the same method (i.e., A i r, Express, Surface) as the
equipment was sent to EFDat a.
for return of the equipment f rom the factory to the c ustomer. EFData will
Limitations of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from i mproper installation
or maintenance, abuse, unaut horized modification, or operat i on outside of
environmental specifi cations for the product, or, for damages that occ ur due to
improper repackaging of equipment for return to EFData.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. EFData Corporation specifically
disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. EF Dat a
Corporation shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
consequential damages, whether bas ed on contract, tort, or any ot her l egal theory.
EFData has reviewed this manual thoroughly in order that it will be an easy-to-use
guide to your equipment. All statements, t echnical information, and recommendations
in this manual and in any guides or rel ated documents are believed reliabl e, but the
accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and they are
not intended to be, nor should they be unders t ood to be, representations or warranties
concerning the products described. Further, EFData reserves the right to make
changes in the specifications of the products described in this manual at any time
without notice and without obligation to not i fy any person of such changes.
If you have any questions regarding your equipment or the information in this manual,
please contact the EFData Customer Support Department. (For more inform at i on,
refer to the preface.)
About this Manual
This manual provides installation and operation information for the EFData high-power
Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) amplifier (TWTA) systems for EFData satellite terminal
systems. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, technicians,
and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the high-power TWTA
Conventions and References Used in this Manual
Cautions and Warnings
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other
unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury.
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Rev. 1i
PrefaceHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
Related Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual:
•EFData CST-5000 C-Band Satellite Terminal Installation and Operation
•EFData CST-7000 C-Band Satellite Terminal (Insat) Installation and Operation
•EFData KST-12000 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal Installation and Operation
•EFDataRSU-503 Redundancy Switch Unit Installation and Operation Manual
Metric Conversions
Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This
information will assist the operator in cross-referencing English to Metric conversions.
Reporting Comments or Suggestions Concerning this Manual
Comments and suggestions regarding the content and design of this manual will be
appreciated. To submit comments, please contact the EFData Customer Support
Department according to the following information.
Overview of Previous Editions
Changes made to Rev. 0 were:
Manual changed to reflect model number HPCST-5000/-7000 and HPKST -12000.
Incorporated new styles and profiles.
iiRev. 1
High-Power TWTA Satellite TerminalsPreface
Customer Support
Contact the EFData Customer Support Department for:
•Product support
•Information on returning a product
•Information on upgrading a product
•Product training
•Reporting comments or suggestions concerning manuals
An EFData Customer Support representative may be reached at:
EFData Corporation
Attention: Customer Support Department
2105 West 5th Place
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA
1.2.2 Radio Frequency Terminal (RFT) .............................................................................................................. 1–7
1.2.5 Redundant Switch Unit (RSU).................................................................................................................. 1–12
1.2 Equipment List ............................................................................................................................................... 1–13
1.3.1 System Interface ....................................................................................................................................... 1–17
1.3.2 Prime Power ............................................................................................................................................. 1–18
1.3.5 Monitor and Control................................................................................................................................. 1–26
1.3.6 Physical Size and Weight......................................................................................................................... 1–27
Rev. 1v
Table of ContentsHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
CHAPTER 2. SINGLE THREAD SYSTEM INSTALLATION......................................2–1
2.2 Inspecting the Equipment................................................................................................................................ 2–3
2.2.1 Included Parts............................................................................................................................................. 2–3 TWTA Monitor & Control (J1)......................................................................................................... 2–18 Control Interfaces....................................................................................................................... 2–20 Digital Status Circuits................................................................................................................ 2–21 Analog Status Circuits................................................................................................................ 2–23 Output Voltage Circuits............................................................................................................. 2–24 TWTA Prime Power (J2) .................................................................................................................. 2–25 Prime Power............................................................................................................................... 2–25 System Interface Wiring.................................................................................................................... 2–28 Control Interfaces....................................................................................................................... 2–33 Digital Status Circuits................................................................................................................ 2–33 Analog Status Circuits................................................................................................................ 2–35 Output Voltage Circuits............................................................................................................. 2–35 ODU Monitor and Control (J2)......................................................................................................... 2–36 Prime Power...................................................................................................................................... 2–36
CHAPTER 3. REDUNDANT SYSTEM INSTALLATION............................................3–1
3.2 Inspecting the Equipment................................................................................................................................ 3–3
3.2.1 Included Parts............................................................................................................................................. 3–3 System Interface Wiring.................................................................................................................... 3–15 Standard Connections........................................................................................................................ 3–28 AC Prime Power........................................................................................................................ 3–28 TWTA Serial Interface ..............................................................................................................3–29
4.1 Operation and Control.................................................................................................................................... 4–2
4.1.1 Control and Status Interface....................................................................................................................... 4–2 High Voltage ON................................................................................................................................. 4–3
4.1.3 Control and Status Signals.......................................................................................................................... 4–5 Digital Status....................................................................................................................................... 4–6
4.2 Maintenance and Service............................................................................................................................... 4–10
5.1.1 LOCAL Control Configuration................................................................................................................... 5–3
5.1.2 REMOTE Control Configuration............................................................................................................... 5–3
5.1.3 Controls and Indicators............................................................................................................................... 5–3
Rev. 1vii
Table of ContentsHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
5.2 Maintenance and Service................................................................................................................................. 5–9
5.2.3 Clearing a Fault.........................................................................................................................................5–10 Clearing a Fault-LOCAL Control Configuration.......................................................................... ..... 5–10 Clearing a Fault-REMOTE Control Configuration ........................................................................... 5–10
CHAPTER 6. CONTROLLER FOR REDUNDANT SYSTEMS ..................................6–1
6.2.1 User Operational Choices........................................................................................................................... 6–3 Warm-Standby or Hot-Standby........................................................................................................... 6–3 Manual or Automatic Switching.......................................................................................................... 6–4
6.2.2 Local Controls and Indicators..................................................................................................................... 6–4 Basic Controls and Indicators.............................................................................................................. 6–4 Power Indicator............................................................................................................................ 6–5 Local Controller Mode........................................................................................................................ 6–9
6.2.5 Normal Operation..................................................................................................................................... 6–10
A.1.1 Communication Protocols ..........................................................................................................................A–2
A.2 Communication Protocols..............................................................................................................................A–3
Figure 2-11. Digital Status Circuit Isolation ..........................................................................................................2–33
Figure 3-8. Prime Power Connector....................................................................................................................... 3–28
Figure 5-5. Status Indicators.................................................................................................................................... 5–6
Figure 5-6. HPC-1200 Local Controls..................................................................................................................... 5–7
Figure 5-7. TEMP ANALOG Output Calibration.................................................................................................... 5–8
Table 1-4. Description of the HPC-1200............................................................................................................... 1–10
Table 1-5. Description of the HPC-1110............................................................................................................... 1–11
Table 1-6. HPCST-5000/–7000 Single Thread Systems Equipment List (Typical)............................................... 1–13
Table 1-7. HPKST-12000 Single Thread System Equipment List (Typical)......................................................... 1–15
Table 1-8. HPKST-12000 Redundant System Equipment List (Typical) .............................................................. 1–16
Table 1-9. System Interfaces for System Components........................................................................................... 1–17
Table 1-10. Prime Power ....................................................................................................................................... 1–18
Table 2-2. TWTA Monitor & Control Pinouts ...................................................................................................... 2–18
Table 2-3. Prime Power ......................................................................................................................................... 2–25
Table 2-4. Mating Connector for AC Unit............................................................................................................. 2–26
Figure Chapter 1-1. HPCST-5000/-7000, and HPKST-12000
Rev. 11–1
IntroductionHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
1.1 Introduction
The key component of these high-power systems is the external high-power TWTA.
When the TWTA is coupled with the CST-5000/-7000, and KST-12000 satellite terminal
systems, these components form an integrated high-power transceiver system. These
all-weatherized units are designed for the harsh, uncontrolled, outdoor environment
typical of antenna mounting. These completely integrated systems meet the requirements
for private, regional domestic, and international C-band or Ku-band satellite networks.
All three products may be configured for single thread or 1:1 redundant systems.
Refer to Table Chapter 1-1 for a typical HPCST-5000 and -7000 redundant system.
Table Chapter 1-1. Major Assemblies of the HPCST-5000/-7000
Outdoor Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Ass yConsists of a transit reject filter, redundant LNAs
(65°K; 40°K Optional) and a C-Band waveguide
Outdoor HPCST-5000/HPCST-7000 R e dunda nt
Outdoor high-power T W TA Redundant Ass y
(Figure Chapter
Redundancy Sw itc h Unit (R SU )Along with a redunda nc y cable/hardware k it, provides the system
Consists of a transit reject f ilte r, re dundant LNAs (120°K; 90°K
Optional) and a
Ku-Band waveguide sw itc h. Optiona lly, a Ku-Band coaxial
switch, 1:4 power splitter, and frequency (block) conv e rte r a re
Consists of two RFT-12000 redundant assemblie s. Eac h R FT
includes an up converte r with a 70 MHz IF input, a down
converter with a 70 MHz I F output, a n M&C microprocessor,
and a power supply.
Consists of two high- power TWTAs, a waveguide switch, a n
output coupler, and a sys te m cable harness with a c us tomerinterface connector for sys te m control.
Allows the cust omer M&C of TWTAA operations.
with a single M&C interface, redundancy switchove r , a nd
Rev. 11–3
IntroductionHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
The system outdoor terminal components are weatherproof units for the uplink and
downlink requirements. The redundant assemblies have been designed for antenna or
pole mounting. The system has a single customer interface connector for remote monitor
and control.
The onboard microcomputer monitors and controls the operational parameters. This
M&C system enables the user to locally or remotely control functions such as:
•Output power level
•Output On/Off
•Transmit/Receive channel frequency
The system also reports terminal configuration status, as well as fault status of all
components. The RFT can be initially configured by a keyboard/LCD controller within
the enclosure, or by connection of a common ASCII/EIA-232 terminal connected to the
serial port at the system interface connector (P1). A simple command set allows
configuration control and retrieval of status information.
If the customer M&C control unit is a more sophisticated monitor and control station
computer, the serial port can be set to EIA-485 for bus operation. A separate,
rack-mounted, redundant controller for the TWTAs provides the user with control and
status of the TWTA operation, as well as an automatic high voltage enable for
Refer to Figure Chapter 1-3 for a system block diagram of the HPCST-5000/-7000
redundant systems.
Refer to Figure 1-4 for a system block diagram of the HPKST-12000 redundant systems.
1–4 Rev. 1
High-Power TWTA Satellite TerminalsIntroduction
Figure Chapter 1-3. HPCST-5000/7000 Redundant Terminal Systems Block
Diagram (Typical)
Figure Chapter 1-4. KST-12000 Redundant Terminal System Block Diagram (Typical)
Rev. 11–5
IntroductionHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
1.2 Component Descriptions
1.2.1 Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Assembly
A typical redundant LNA assembly consists of a transmit reject filter, waveguide switch,
and two LNAs. Optionally, a coaxial switch, 1:4 power splitter, and a block converter are
For more information on the LNA assemblies, refer to the following manuals:
•CST-5000 C-Band Satellite Terminal Installation and Operation Manual
•CST-7000 C-Band Satellite Terminal (Insat) Installation and Operation Manual
•KST-12000 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal Installation and Operation Manual
1.2.2 Radio Frequency Terminal (RFT)
The RFT is a weatherproof enclosure which houses:
•Up and down converters
•Frequency synthesizer
•IF and RF interface
•M&C system
•Power supply
In the transmit (uplink) direction, the terminal accepts a 70 MHz IF signal and transmits
it in the uplink transmit frequency band. This output is coupled through a type N
connector to the external TWTA assembly. This system provides the high-power output
to the antenna through a waveguide switch. A 40 dB coupler is included at the output of
the waveguide switch to meet INTELSAT specifications.
A high-power termination is included on the offline channel port of the waveguide
switch for testing. Each redundant thread has been factory-compensated for TX gain
stability over temperature. EFData recommends that when replacing a faulted unit, the
RFT, TWTA, and associated coax link must be replaced as a set. Otherwise, gain
stability can not be guaranteed.
In the receive (downlink) direction, the terminal accepts an RF signal in the downlink
frequency band, and down-converts it to a 70 MHz IF output. The LNA assembly has an
RF RX type N coax output to each RFT receive input.
1–6 Rev. 1
High-Power TWTA Satellite TerminalsIntroduction
The RFT power level at 1 dB compression to drive the external TWTA is +8 dBm. The
up and down converters are dual conversion, and are configured with individual
synthesizers for independent transmit and receive transponder selection.
For more information on RFTs, refer to the following manuals:
•CST-5000 C-Band Satellite Terminal Installation and Operation Manual
•CST-7000 C-Band Satellite Terminal (INSAT) Installation and Operation
•KST-12000 Ku-Band Satellite Terminal Installation and Operation Manual
1.2.3 TWTA Models
The TWTA is an all-weather, high-power system specifically designed for compact
outdoor installation for earth station satellite communication. Because of the
compactness, the unit can be mounted on the antenna, thus reducing transmission losses
to the antenna feed. This outdoor unit contains:
•RF filters
•Self-contained forced air cooling system
•Control inputs
•Monitor output signals
EFData offers six TWTA models that operate in the satellite earth station uplink bands.
Specific models and options are identified by the EFData part number in Table 1-3.
Table Chapter 1-3. TWTA Models
BandModel #EFData
Part #
Manufacturing changes which do not impact component interchangability are
reflected in the revision level of the power amplifier part number. EFData maintains a
configuration log by serial number to track the applicable revision level for each power
amplifier. Please include the amplifier serial number when ordering parts or discussing
the amplifier with EFData representatives.
Prime input power to the unit is AC, as follows:
• 115 or 230VAC for the 100W unit
Rev. 11–7
IntroductionHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
• 100 to 260VAC for the 350W unit.
• Refer to Figures 1-5 and 1-6 for block diagrams.
1–8 Rev. 1
High-Power TWTA Satellite TerminalsIntroduction
Figure Chapter 1-5. 100W and 140W Unit Block Diagram
Figure Chapter 1-6. 300W and 350W Unit Block Diagram
Rev. 11–9
IntroductionHigh-Power TWTA Satellite Terminals
1.2.4 High-Power Controller (HPC)
The optional HPCs are indoor rack-mounted units used to monitor and control the status
of the TWTA units in the HPCST–5000/–7000, and HPKST–12000 high-power satellite
terminal systems. HPC-1200
The HPC-1200 (Figure 1-7) is specifically designed to monitor and control a TWTA in a
single thread configuration. Refer to Figure Chapter 1-4 for a description of the HPC-
Table Chapter 1-4. Description of the HPC-1200
EFData Part No.RF/XCT-100
Connector25-Pin D output connector for integ ra tion with other M&C eleme nts.
Local ControlCan provide local control at the HPC site, or control f rom a remote site through
a remote interface to the HPC.
This is a manual selection at the HPC site.
Front PanelThe front panel prov ide s c ontrol s witches and indicators, a r ea r pa ne l of
discrete interface connections for the TWTA, and a remote interface control
Figure Chapter 1-7. HPC-1200 Single Thread Controller
1–10 Rev. 1
High-Power TWTA Satellite TerminalsIntroduction HPC-1110
The HPC-1110 (Figure 1-8) is specifically designed to monitor and control a TWTA
in a 1:1 redundant configuration. Refer to Table 1-5 for a description of the
HPC-1110. Refer to Appendix A for programming guidelines.
Table Chapter 1-5. Description of the HPC-1110
EFData Part No.RF/XTC-111D
Auto ModeFor automatic operation when switched from offline to online system.
Power SupplyTWTA is power from an A C input.
Control InterfaceThe control interface from the TWTA to the HPC is parallel (discrete) signal
Local ControlProvides local control at the H PC site , or c ontrol from a remote site throug h a
remote control interface.
This is a manual selection at the HPC site.
PanelsThe front panel prov ide s c ontrol s witches and indicators. A re a r pa ne l of
discrete interface connections for the TWT A, an interlock connector input, a nd
a remote interface control connector. Also, an input is provided for the
waveguide switch position indicators. A f a ult indica tor a nd f a ult r es e t is
provided for each channel.