FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 vii
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: <Table of Contents MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Table of Figures
Figure 1-1 FX Series Multicator Theory of Operation ....................................................................... 31
Figure 1-2 FX Series Basic Mesh Connectivity Diagram ..................................................................... 35
Figure 1-3 FX Series Hub Spoke Mesh Connectivity Diagram ............................................................... 36
Figure 1-4 FX Series Mesh with Redundancy Connectivity Diagram........................................................ 37
Figure 1-5 FX Series Appliances Data Sheet .................................................................................. 38
Figure 1-6 FX Series Hardware Specifications ................................................................................ 39
Figure 1-7 FX Series FX-4010 Back Panel ..................................................................................... 40
Figure 1-8 FX Series FX-1005 Front Panel .................................................................................... 41
Figure 1-9 FX Series FX-1005 Rear Panel ..................................................................................... 42
Figure 1-10 FX Series FX-1010 Front Panel ................................................................................... 43
Figure 1-11 FX Series FX-1010 Rear Panel .................................................................................... 44
Figure 3-1 FX Series Mesh Connection Diagram ............................................................................. 52
Figure 4-1 FX Series Standard Configuration Screen ........................................................................ 53
Figure 4-2 FX Series Basic Network Interfaces Screen ....................................................................... 55
Figure 4-3 FX Series Host/DNS Settings Screen .............................................................................. 57
Figure 4-4 FX Series In-Path Interfaces Definition Screen ................................................................... 59
Figure 4-5 FX Series LAN Interfaces Screen .................................................................................. 61
Figure 4-6 FX Series SNMB Configuration Screen ............................................................................ 63
Figure 4-7 FX Series Quality of Service Menu ................................................................................ 64
Figure 4-8 FX Series Dynamic ACM Configuration Screen ................................................................... 65
Figure 4-9 FX Series ACM QOS Status by VSAT Modem Screen ............................................................. 67
Figure 4-10 FX Series QoS Filters Configuration Screen ..................................................................... 68
Figure 4-11 FX Series Quality of Service Queues ............................................................................ 70
Figure 4-12 FX Series Q0S Queues Configuration Screen ................................................................... 71
Figure 4-13 FX Series Multicator Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 74
Figure 4-14 FX Series Multicator Configuration Screen (Controller Settings) .............................................. 75
Figure 4-15 FX Series Multicator Transmitter/Receiver Configuration Settings ........................................... 76
Figure 4-16 FX Series Redundancy Screen ................................................................................... 79
Figure 4-17 FX Series ADC WCCP Definitions Screen ........................................................................ 83
Figure 5-1 FX Series ADC Configuration Menu ............................................................................... 91
Figure 5-2 FX Series ADC General Settings Screen ........................................................................... 92
Figure 5-3 FX Series ADC Port Definitions Screen ........................................................................... 95
Figure 6-1 FX Series Remote Main Index Screen ............................................................................ 97
Figure 6-2 FX Series Remote Configuration Screen .......................................................................... 98
Figure 6-3 FX Series Remote General Settings Screen....................................................................... 99
Figure 6-4 FX Series Remote In-Path Interfaces Screen .................................................................... 102
Figure 7-1 FX Series Status Menu............................................................................................ 105
Figure 7-2 FX Series ADC Real-Time Monitor Screen ....................................................................... 105
Figure 7-3 FX Series QOS Status Monitor Screen ........................................................................... 108
Figure 7-4 FX Series ADC Current Status Screen ............................................................................ 112
Figure 7-5 FX Series Remote Real-Time Monitor Screen ................................................................... 116
Figure 7-6 FX Series Remote Current Status Screen ........................................................................ 118
Figure 8-1 FX Series ADC Features Menu ................................................................................... 120
Figure 8-2 FX Series ADC Application Policy Menu ......................................................................... 120
Figure 8-3 FX Series Application Policy Applicability ....................................................................... 129
Figure 8-4 FX Series Authorization Realm Screen .......................................................................... 130
Figure 8-5 FX Series Specific Optimization Techniques Configurations ................................................... 131
Figure 8-6 FX Series Layer 5 Policy Configuration Screen .................................................................. 132
Figure 8-7 FX Series TCP/UDP Ports Table .................................................................................. 135
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 viii
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Table of Figures MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Figure 9-1 FX Series Operations Menu ...................................................................................... 136
Figure 9-2 FX Series Backup and Restore Screen ........................................................................... 137
Figure 9-3 FX Series Change Passwords Screen ............................................................................. 138
Figure 9-4 FX Series Upgrade Fast Codes Screen ........................................................................... 138
Figure 9-5 FX Series Shutdown/Restart Appliance Screen ................................................................. 139
Figure 9-6 FX Series Packet Capture Screen ................................................................................ 140
Figure 9-7 FX Series Update Software Screen .............................................................................. 142
Figure 9-8 FX Series Software Version Display Screen ..................................................................... 146
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 ix
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Table of Figures MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Using This Document
This guide was prepared to assist you in the installation, configuration and management of the FX Series Appliances.
This document contains the same information that is available thru the on-line help contained with the FX Series web
based administrative screens. This document supports Release 6.1 of FX Series Appliances.
Document Organization
Release Notes
This section delineates the major changes from the prior release.
Theory of Optimization
This section discusses the characteristic of data transmission that will cause slow response and higher
bandwidth requirements. It also delineates techniques that can reduce the slowness and help reduce
bandwidth requirements.
FX Series Technology
This section provides a brief description of the hardware and optimization techniques available through the
FX Series of appliances.
FX Series Installation Patterns
This section provides instruction on how to install the available configurations for all FX Series appliances.
FX Series Basic Network Settings
This section discusses how to set the basic networking parameters, such as Management Interface, Host
Settings, SNMP Settings, Multication, Quality of Service and High Availability.
FX Series ADC Specific Network Settings and Performance
This section discusses ADC specific network settings and current performance status, including General
Settings, In-Path Settings and WCCP.
FX Series Optimization
This section discusses optimization issues and definitions of optimization techniques available on the FX
Series appliances for web based or enterprise applications.
FX Series Remote Specific Network Settings and Performance
This section discusses Remote specific network settings and current performance status, including General
Settings and In-Path Settings.
FX Series Operations
This section discusses tools to perform operational tasks, including Backups, License Management,
Shutdown/Restart, and Updating Software for all FX Series Appliances. This section also describes how to
obtain FX Series documentation downloads for the FX Series Appliances.
Symbols used in this manual: Important Note Informational Note
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 x
Chapter: Using This Document
Comtech EF Data Product Support representatives for FX Series Products are available. For all
product support, please call:
+1.866.472.3963 (toll free USA)
Comtech EF Data offers an annual subscription plan providing unlimited telephone support for the coverage
period, software upgrades and other important support provisions. Contact Technical Support for more
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xi
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Contacting Product Support MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
FX Series End User License Agreement
This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and Comtech EF Data Corporation.
This product is covered by Comtech EF Data’s standard H/W warranty
This SOFTWARE is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international copyright treaties as
well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. This SOFTWARE product is licensed not sold.
The FX Series Appliance SOFTWARE you have licensed is defined as the SOFTWARE which operates on an
appliance. The FX Series Client SOFTWARE you have licensed is defined as the SOFTWARE whic h operates on
an intelligent, single computer, for use in accessing and accelerating Web, Browser or TCP-based
GRANT OF LICENSE: You have the right to install the FX Series Appliance SOFTWARE on all appliances for
which you have licensed copies. For each copy of the FX Series Client SOFTWARE this license confers you
have the right to install the SOFTWARE on a designated computer for use in accessing and accelerating Web,
Browser or TCP-based applications. The SOFTWARE is in “use” on a computer when it is loaded into
temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage
device) of that computer. You may not install the SOFTWARE on more appliances or on more computers
than you have licensed copies.
Additionally, you have the right to make one (1) archival copy of the SOFTWARE for each appliance and for
each computer which has the SOFTWARE installed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and
subject to the Use Restrictions as set forth below. The copyright notice, as contained in the original CD-ROM,
must be affixed to any archival copy.
COPYRIGHT: The SOFTWARE is owned by Comtech EF Data Corporation or its suppliers and is protected by
United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE
like any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or musical recording). You may not copy any of the written
materials accompanying the SOFTWARE.
OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You may not rent, lease or sublicense the SOFTWARE, but you may transfer the
SOFTWARE and accompanying written materials on a permanent basis provided you retain no copies and the
recipient agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You may not modify, create a derivative work, reverse
engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE. If the SOFTWARE is an update or has been updated,
any transfer must include the most recent update and all prior versions. This license and your right to use
the SOFTWARE automatically terminate if you fail to comply with any provision of this license agreement.
SUPPORT AND UPGRADES: This Agreement does not entitle Licensee to any support, upgrades, patches,
enhancements or fixes for the Product (collectively, "Support"). Licensee must make separate arrangements
for Support and pay any fees associated with such Support. Any software upgrades, patches, enhancements
or fixes provided as part of Support for the Software that may be made available by Comtech EF Data’s
Maintenance agreement shall become part of the Software and subject to this Agreement.
LIMITED WARRANTY: Comtech EF Data warrants that (a) the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in
accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt
provided that it is used on the computer hardware and with the operating system for which it was designed.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xii
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: FX Series End User License Agreement MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE are limited to ninety (90) days. These warranties commence on
the date you first obtain the product and extends only to you, the original customer. Some states/countries
do not allow limitations on duration of implied warranty, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
CUSTOMER REMEDIES: Comtech EF Data’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Comtech EF
Data’s option, either (a) return of the price paid, or (b) repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE that does not
meet Comtech EF Data’s Limited Warranty and which is returned to Comtech EF Data with a copy of your
Limited Warranty is void if failure to the SOFTWARE has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication.
Any replacement SOFTWARE will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty
(90) days, whichever is longer. Outside the United States, these remedies are not available without proof of
purchase from an authorized non-U.S. source.
NO OTHER WARRANTIES: The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all other,
oral or written, expressed or implied. Comtech EF Data disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a p articular purpose, with
regard to the SOFTWARE, and the accompanying written materials. Comtech EF Data does not warrant that
the SOFTWARE’s functions will meet your requirements or that its operation will be uninterrupted or error
free. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have others which vary from
NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: In no event shall Comtech EF Data be liable for any damages
whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of
business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this Comtech EF
Data product, even if Comtech EF Data Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because
some states/countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental
damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
EXPORT: You acknowledge that the laws and regulations of the United States restrict the export and reexport of the SOFTWARE. You agree that you will not export or re-export the SOFTWARE in any form without
the appropriate United States and foreign government approval.
The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by
the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)( 1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer SOFTWARE clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the
Commercial Computer SOFTWARE-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is
Comtech EF Data (Stampede), 80A Rhoads Center Drive, Dayton, Ohio 45458. This Agreement is the entire
agreement between you and Comtech EF Data relative to the SOFTWARE and supersedes all prior written
statements, proposals or agreements relative to its subject matter. If you acquired this product in the United
States, this Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Ohio. Should you have any questions
concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact Comtech EF Data, address your questions to:
Attention: Contracts Division.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xiii
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: FX Series End User License Agreement MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
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Patents and Trademarks
See all of Comtech EF Data's Patents and Patents Pending at http://patents.comtechefdata.com.
Comtech EF Data acknowledges that all trademarks are the property of the trademark owners.
Webmin is a web-based system administration tool created by Jamie Cameron. All recent versions of
Webmin may be freely distributed and modified for commercial and non-commercial use.
Under the copyright laws, this documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated,
or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior
written consent of Comtech EF Data/Stampede.
Comtech EF Data
2114 West 7th Street
Tempe AZ 85281
WORLD WIDE WEB: http://www.comtechefdata.com
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xiv
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Patents and Trademarks MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Conventions and References
Metric Conversion
Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This information is provided
to assist the operator in cross-referencing non-Metric to Metric conversions.
Recommended Standard Designations
Recommended Standard (RS) Designations have been superseded by the new designation of the Electronic
Industries Association (EIA). References to the old designations may be shown when depicting actual text
displayed on the Web Server (HTTP) or Command Line Interface pages for the FX Series appliance).
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
companies and are hereby acknowledged.
The FX Series Appliance must not be operated in an environment where the unit is exposed to extremes of
temperature outside the ambient range 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F); precipitation, condensation, or humid
atmospheres above 95% relative humidity; altitudes (unpressurized) greater than 2000 meters; excessive
dust or vibration; flammable gases; or corrosive or explosive atmospheres. Operation in vehicles or other
transportable installations which are equipped to provide a stable environment is permitted. If such vehicles
do not provide a stable environment, safety of the FX Series appliance may not be guaranteed.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xv
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Conventions and References MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Comtech EF Data Warranty Policy
Comtech EF Data products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a specific period
from the date of shipment, and this period varies by product. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data
will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective. Repairs are warranted for the
remainder of the original warranty or a 90 day extended warranty, whichever is longer. Contact Comtech EF
Data for the warranty period specific to the product purchased.
For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all related
customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return
of the equipment from the factory to the owner. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same
method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be
marked clearly on the return packaging. Comtech EF Data strongly recommends all equipment be returned in
its original packaging.
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed
parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.
Limitations of Warranty
The warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in
any way that, in the opinion of Comtech EF Data Corporation, would affect the reliability or detracts from the
performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that
had not been previously approved by Comtech EF Data Corporation.
The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of
any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.
The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.
The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond
the control of Comtech EF Data Corporation, such as lightning or other natural and weather related events or
wartime environments.
The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment
or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.
The warranty excludes any responsibility by Comtech EF Data Corporation for incidental or consequential
damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate
from or in combination with any other equipment or products. A fixed charge established for each product
will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where Comtech EF Data Corporation cannot
identify the cause of the reported failure.
Exclusive Remedies
Comtech EF Data Corporation’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or
statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to
any purchaser, lessee, or other user of Comtech EF Data Corporation’s products, the aforementioned
warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless Comtech EF Data Corporation from any claims or liability of
such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made
additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xvi
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Comtech EF Data Warranty Policy MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be
liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort,
or any other legal theory.
RMA Policy
To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replacement, please
follow these guidelines.
Contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department during normal business hours. Be prepared to
supply the Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number, and a description of the
problem. Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data Customer
Support representative.
Pack the product in its original shipping carton/packaging to ensure that the product is not damaged during
Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)
Online RMA Support
An RMA number can be requested electronically by accessing Comtech EF Data’s online Support page
(www.comtechefdata.com/support.asp). From this page:
Click the Service hyperlink, and then read the Return Material Authorization section for detailed instructions
on Comtech EF Data’s return procedures.
Click [Send RMA Request] on the Support page or the RMA Request hyperlink provided in the Service |
Return Material Authorization section; fill out the Billing Information, Return Information, and Unit to be Returned sections completely, then click [Send email]
Or –
Send an e-mail providing this same detailed information to the Customer Support Department at
Some Stampede products, programs, or services referred to in this publication may not be available in all
countries in which Stampede does business. Additionally, some Stampede products, programs, or services
may not be available for all operating systems or all product releases. Contact your Comtech EF
Data/Stampede representative to be certain the items are available to you.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xvii
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Comtech EF Data Warranty Policy MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Release Notes
Version 6.1.1 Functionality Enhancements
Package Release 6.1 is the latest WANOP firmware for the FX Series platforms. These new features have
been developed in response to customer feedback and market analysis for the purpose of increasing the
interoperability of the FX Series with other CEFD products and to broaden the scope of environments where
FX Series can be deployed.
This release adds the following new features:
Quality of Service
QoS only license is now rate limited at 700 Mbps instead of 500 Mbps
New protocol filter options for SCTP, PTPv1, PTPv3
Added support for VLAN priority in the QoS filters
FAST Codes
This release introduces new “trial license” Fast Codes for 30/60/90 day for Packet
Compression and WANOP.
The Status->View Current Status->ACM QOS->By VSAT Modem has two changes.
New column header for 'Queue Name' indicates which queue a filter is directed
'Filter Hits' column header has been changed to 'Filter Matches'
Version 6.1 Functionality Enhancements
These new features have been developed in response to customer feedback and market analysis for the
purpose of increasing the interoperability of the FX Series with other CEFD products and to broaden the
scope of environments where FX Series can be deployed.
This release adds the following new features:
Enhanced QOS Monitor Functionality
CurrentStatus-> ACM QOS-By VSAT modem.
This now shows ingress packets and bytes which will be non-zero if packet compression is
CurrentStatus->ACM QOS-Throughput by QOS Queue.
This now shows packet compression savings percentage.
Configuration->QOS-Queues pick list.
This function has been dramatically reworked. You can now change CIR, MIR, Priority, and
enable/disable packet compression directly from the view.
Enhanced SNMP Functionality
Entirely new MIB which allows full management of the FX.
Same MIB is used for both FX-Remote and ADC.
New wramp SNMP configuration wizard
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xviii
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Release Notes MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Enhanced Operations Functionality
Operations->Shutdown Restart.
Status Monitor Enhancements
Real-Time Monitor
CurrentStatus->NetworkStatus-Of WAN Interface.
Header Compression/Packet Aggregation
FX aggregates packets into an Ethernet frame and sends it to a peer, where the packets are
The default for DDS has been changed to 'Enabled' on the ADC. Previously it was 'Disabled' by
Now prompts for destination 'trap' community and 'read/write' community. (previous MIB
was not read/write and did not emit traps (traps are an SNMP term for alerts)
Now has new 'Restart acceleration service and reset cache. This is now the only way to
completely reset the cache files
Real-time monitor now does a 'quick' reset of cache that does not require reboot.
New status feature that is the only way to ascertain the MAC address of the WAN interface.
Version 6.0.3 Functionality Enhancements
These features have been developed in response to customer feedback and market analysis for the purpose
of increasing the interoperability of the FX Series with other CEFD products and to broaden the scope of
environments where FX Series can be deployed.
This release adds the following new features:
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is now supported in ACM Filter Definitions.
If MPLS is selected, then the “MPLS Label”and “MPLS experimental bits” fields will be
enabled as filter criteria.
The default for Dynamic ACM Polling Method Parameters is changed.
The default setting is now the Modem type, with the pull-down choices including:
CDM-750, CDM-625, CDM-760, CDM-800, CDM-840, and CTOG-250.
The default is the CDM-750
L5 functionality has been enhanced with the following improvements
Pre-connect option has been removed from the L5 form
Enable acceleration has been added to the L5 form
The ability to define a “*” policy for L5. A “*” is a port range of 1-65535.
Other changes include:
VLAN Mode has been added to the general screen for (Trunk or Access)
Fail-to-Wire option has been added to the general screen (on or off)
ACM QOS Section of the Current Status screen has an added report “Throughput by QoS
with an updated description of “By Modem”
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xix
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Release Notes MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Version 6.0.2 Functionality Enhancements
These features have been developed in response to customer feedback and market analysis for the purpose
of increasing the interoperability of the FX Series with other CEFD products and to broaden the scope of
environments where FX Series can be deployed.
This release adds the following new features:
Mesh Network Configuration
Mesh network optimization is now supported with two appliances at each site.
Multicator modifications
Configuration settings have been simplified and located on one main screen on the Web
Admin Guide. The Multicator icon will appear on a single screen if an in-path interface is
QOS modification for FTP
FTP is now an option on the QOS filter screen. If FTP is selected, the FX automatically tracks
the data ports associated with FTP transfers by monitoring the activity on the FTP control
port, which is defaulted to port 21 upon initial selection. The FTP control port may be
WCCP is now enabled on FX Series Remote
WCCP functionality for the FX Series Remote is now available and follows the
configuration/installation patterns which have been available on the FX Series ADC.
Redundancy modifications
The process for setting up these options has been simplified.
Installation patterns
Installation patterns have been updated to include the FX Remote WCCP and Mesh
Version 6.0.1 Functionality Enhancements
This release added the following features:
Management Port
This release supports a dedicated management port. The administrative WEB GUI has been enhanced to
configure management port settings. Management traffic flows over a separate routing table from the
accelerated data traffic. The Administrative Web GUI can now optionally run over HTTP/S.
Trunked VLAN Support
FX Series supports a trunked network, where multiple 802.1Q tagged VLANs flow thru the same physical
connection. To accomplish this, many aspects of the FX Series Remote FX Series ADC data interception and
acceleration was modified to retain the VLAN properties. Any accelerated data is transmitted over the
network on the same VLAN as the original, non-accelerated data.
. FX Series Release 6.0.1 provides:
• Support for 1024 active VLANs for IDs 2-4095.
• Support Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) environments.
• Support display of tallies on a per-VLAN basis at ADC only (not RCO).
• Accelerated VLAN traffic will maintain original VLAN affinity.
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Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Release Notes MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
• Private HTTP caches on a per VLAN basis
• Cached HTTP data will be segregated between VLANs.
VLAN addition and deletion configuration changes can be made without service loss or downtime. .A
restart is not required for the changes to take effect.
FX Series Release 6.0.1 provided:
• Ability to communicate between appliances using the same port as the original client connection.
• Ability to communicate between appliances using the original client source addresses.
• Ability to support active-active ADC configurations.
• Ability to optionally disable multiplexing of client connections.
Dynamic ACM QoS
• Special support was added to FX Series Release 6.0.1 ADC to continuously acquire the data rate of a
modem via SNMP connection. When the data rate changes the QoS rules are dynamically adjusted.
New fields were added to the Dynamic ACM page to configure the IP address of the modem, and
user name and password.
FAST Code Support
In prior releases, a “license” file was uploaded to the FX to enable functionality.
In FX Series Release 6.0.1 and above, this methodology is now superseded by FAST Codes.
The FX Series CLI and Administrative Web GUI have been enhanced to allow Fast code upgrades.
Routed Mode Deployment Option
The main configuration screen now allows you to put the FX in either “bridged” or “routed” mode. In routed
mode, policy based routing (PBR) must be set up on the Cisco router to specifically direct traffic to the FX
Series Appliances.
Reliable Multicast Fan-Out
“Multicator” feature is a powerful new content distribution system. This feature allows a user to upload a
file to an FX device via ftp, the file is then reliably multicast to a group of receivers. The receivers then upload
the content to a local ftp server. The Multicator employs the “Content Distribution Control Protocol” (CDCP)
to ensure that only one multicast transmission is in progress.
Base Platform Image ‘3’ Upgrade Kit
The new features of Release 6 require new software packages and a new kernel from previous FX releases.
This upgrade kit will define procedures for updating existing FX appliances from a USB flash drive.
Management via SSH
The Base Platform Image “3” provides support over SSH and will also allow the Administrative WEB GUI to
function over SSL.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 xxi
Chapter: Using This Document
Section: Release Notes MN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
Typical Users
• Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
• Enterprise
• Offshore/Maritime
• Telecommunications Operators
• Satellite Operators
• Managed Service Providers
Common Applications
• High-speed content delivery
• HTTP and TCP optimization & acceleration
• Corporate networks
• Mobile Backhaul
Key Benefits
• Provides up to 80% bandwidth savings in both directions
• Provides up to N times efficiency when using the
• Enables measurable reduction in response time for users
• Delivers CAPEX for OPEX payback typically in 3-4 months
• Scales easily for small, medium and high volume networks
• Ensures the best traffic flow with Advanced Traffic
• Matches the modem link rates with ACM tracking
• Real time voice sessions with the use of Header
Compresses/Packet Aggregation.
1 Overview - FX Series
1.1 Stampede FX Series Product Line Update
Value Proposition
“Reduce OPEX, Improve User Experience”
Reduce OPEX by:
Shrinking the Data
Keeping the Pipe Full
Improve User Experience by:
Getting the Data there faster
Getting the Right Data there
The Challenges for ISPs with Satellite Links
Data consumed by individual users and enterprises is increasing exponentially. ISPs must cost-effectively
keep up with the enormous demand for limited bandwidth - while conserving it.
Assuring Delivery of Web Applications for Bottom Line Results
Data center simplification and the growing
migration to web-enabled applications are driving
the need for a new class of multi-function
optimization devices. The Stampede FX Series
combines both one-sided application delivery and
two-sided WAN optimization into a single
platform. The FX Series delivers unprecedented
application performance, optimization,
transparency, availability and management for
existing networks.
Productivity and Performance
The Stampede FX Series WAN optimization
improves access to your applications by reducing
the amount of data transferred on the link
through use of various compression and caching
schemes as well as accelerating reliable
As a two-sided FX Series implementation, the FX
Series Remote resides at the remote site
providing TurboStreaming, Dynamic Cache
Differencing, Adaptive Compression, Persistent
Connections, Dynamic Data De-duplication, and
Header Compression/Packet Aggregation.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 22
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Section: Stampede FX Series Product Line UpdateMN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
1.2 Technologies that Optimize Satellite Bandwidth Acceleration
Traffic Shaping with ACM Tracking
Traffic is classified and prioritized by protocol, source/destination subnets, source/destination ports, VLAN,
MPLS labels/EXP and DSCP bits. Classified traffic is then shaped to the link rate based upon priority, CIR and
MIR. Link rate is either configured at setup or optionally read from the modem in real time. Reading from the
modem in real time allows the output rate to track the actual link rate for an ACM modem, which changes
based upon changing link conditions. While it is possible to configure this with other modems, it is designed
to work with the CDM-750 and CDM-625 modems. This feature is available as either stand-alone, or as part of
the full WAN optimization product.
Transparent Assured Delivery
With flexible options for in-line or Cisco’s Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP), the FX Series devices
deliver unprecedented transparent optimization. End-to-end assurance is maintained for all applications
providing complete transparency and the ability for existing Quality of Service (QoS) and network visibility
management programs to continue monitoring the health of your network.
Optimize VLAN Trunked Data
All appropriate Layer 5 and Layer 7 optimizations are available for tagged VLAN data, preserving or recreating
the VLAN tags for optimized traffic. This includes HTTP caching as well as de-duplication. Caches are
maintained by appliance and by VLAN. Appropriate traffic can be shared between VLANs on the same
appliance. In addition, the FX-1010 will support up to 8 LAN ports, each of which is tagged and passed to the
WAN trunk.
The FX Series supports a reliable multicast. This is designed to work in a mesh network, but will also work in a
hub/spoke network. In the mesh, any device can be a transmitter with the remaining devices being receivers.
Multiple devices can be transmitters. The transmitter function is time shared, with a second device being
given permission to transmit after the first is complete. This can work in a hub-spoke network where typically
the ADC would be the transmitter, although this is not required. The process is to FTP a file from the client into
the transmitter’s inbox, that file is transmitted reliably in a multicast to all of the receivers. Once transmitted,
the receivers FTP the file to a specified server.
Redundancy and Fail Over
Redundancy is critical to 24/7 availability, and the FX appliance is designed to handle redundancy and fail over
in two different ways; inline and routed. The inline configuration is used when operating in conjunction with a
CEFD modem operating with 1:1 redundancy. WCCP (Web Caching Communication Protocol) is used in routed
mode to allow N devices to serve the function of any M devices, resulting in M: N redundancy. The inline
configuration has a primary and a redundant device in series, the redundant takes over whenever the primary
The FX platforms provide total insight through real-time information including over 100 real-time statistics
providing extensive details on all inbound and outbound traffic. Historical data for days or months are easily
viewed via online graphs, simplifying capacity planning, trending, network issues, and application
troubleshooting. Management information can be obtained via an intuitive Web GUI or SNMP. The updating
for the FX Series Remotes is automatic. The FX Series remotes poll the FX Series ADC for updates. When the
ADC is updated; each remote will download the update and automatically update itself.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 23
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Section: Technologies that Optimize Satellite Bandwidth AccelerationMN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
The FX Series platforms provide a comprehensive range of flexible options for total transparent 24/7
operation within your existing or growing network infrastructure. No matter what your application
acceleration or WAN optimization requirements are today or in the future, the FX Series platform solutions
will handle all your business critical applications with ease. Whether your installation requires small, medium
or large branches or the consolidation of multiple remote or enterprise data centers, we have the solution for
your organization’s needs.
Compatible with Advanced VSAT Solutions
The Stampede FX Series products can be added to an Advanced VSAT Solutions network for WAN optimization
and application acceleration. The results can be significant improvements in user experience and a reduction
by 20-80% in required bandwidth for TCP traffic.
Deploy the Stampede FX Series (ADC) as a single-sided solution to optimize traffic from your outbound
channel. For a two-sided solution, add the FX Series Remote (REM) appliance and achieve the ultimate in
application acceleration and WAN optimization.
Header Compression/Packet Aggregation
As real time traffic moves to IP, there is a proliferation of traffic with small payloads. In this case, the header
bytes can be 2 to 4 times the number of payload bytes. For small voice packets, compression can result in
reducing the required data rate to 30 – 50% of the original. The FX aggregates packets into an Ethernet
frame and sends it to a peer, where the packets are restored. Header compression is integrated into the
traffic shaping, and maximum latency per queue can be set. Header Compression is available as a standalone
function with ACM QoS.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 24
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Section: Technologies that Optimize Satellite Bandwidth AccelerationMN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
1.3 Single-Sided Solution
1.3.1 Load Balancing via WCCP
The Web Cache Communications Protocol (WCCP) allows satellite network service providers to
transparently inject acceleration into their satellite network infrastructure by redirecting traffic flows in
real-time to network devices such as the FX Series. WCCP has built-in load balancing, scaling, fault
tolerance, and service-assurance (failsafe) mechanisms to ensure network devices can scale and have
high-availability. For fault tolerance, if one of the FX Series appliances incurs a hardware failure, the
WCCP-enabled router will stop sending traffic to that device and redirect traffic to the other FX Series
appliances with zero down-time.
Load balancing via WCCP intelligently distributes the TCP and HTTP workload across multiple FX Series
appliances. For flexible scalability, service providers can simply add an FX Series appliance to the cluster,
and WCCP will split the traffic load among all the FX Series appliances. Up to thirty-two FX Series
appliances can be set up within a cluster and dynamically load balanced.
WCCP enables network service providers to implement the FX Series into their network with greater
deployment flexibility, without requiring the FX Series to be physically in-line. The FX Series can be
deployed "virtually" in-line, hence, not all traffic is required to pass through the FX Series appliance. The
network administrator programs the router to redirect traffic to the FX Service appliance in-bound and
out-bound based on the router policies. This allows the administrators to make changes to their network
environment by simply changing the router policies.
Stampede's FX Series (running WCCP) localizes content, and responds to content requests in order to
reduce the amount of data going over the WAN. This improves application delivery response times, and
allows the WAN link to support more traffic. Using WCCP, traffic is transparently redirected to the FX
Series appliance for TCP and HTTP acceleration, compression, caching and other optimization services.
With WCCP configured, the router redirects traffic to the FX Series to perform the application acceleration
and WAN optimization functions. When an end-user makes a request, the router intercepts the request,
and redirects the request to the FX Series inside a generic routing encapsulation (GRE) frame to prevent
any modifications to the original packet. The FX Series with WCCP can be used to transparently route
traffic, so that you don't have to make changes to Web browsers, and configure the FX Series as a proxy
server to offload servers, accelerate application delivery and optimize the network.
1.3.2 Source IP Preservation
Source IP Preservation is a technology that is used to support security policies that require a specific
source IP address, or range of IP addresses. It is also used to prevent the FX Series appliance from being
For example, in the event where a situation is deemed inappropriate, such as a SPAM event, the sending
device Source IP address will be blacklisted. To avoid this problem, the FX Series uses the end-user's
Source IP address when making a request to a Web or application server. The FX Series configuration
method makes implementing Source IP Preservation easy within a WCCP or inline environment. The FX
Series is usually configured to use the IP address of the client when making requests to content servers,
whereas, other FXs make requests to Web servers using their own IP address. IP addressing problems can
occur when, for example, an end-user is involved with illegal online activity and the IP address of the FX is
recorded in the Web server's logs. If the IP address of the FX is used to make the client request to the
server, it will likely be placed on a blacklist, and therefore cause considerable network problems. By
spoofing the IP address of the client, the FX Series is able to avoid this problem.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 25
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Connection management removes the burden of establishing and terminating TCP connections from the
web servers, allowing the server to handle more traffic. Stampede manages network connections in
several ways to optimize the flow of data and reduce the impact on the network, application servers and
end-user devices. The FX Series appliance maintains a consistent pool of connections between itself and
the servers. The servers are then offloaded from managing the connections, and are isolated from
inadvertent session disconnects.
With Stampede's FX Series Remote appliances working with the FX Series head-end appliance, a
persistent connection between the client and server is always maintained, even when the browser may
close and reopen a session. These sessions are also multiplexed across multiple connections, improving
throughput and response time. This persistent connection is extremely important for AJAX and Web 2.0
applications which constantly open and close sessions as they poll and access various Web services.
Stampede eliminates this potentially network intrusive overhead.
1.3.4 QoS with ACM option
The Quality of Service Function with ACM option is intended to work with EF Data modems that support
ACM. The FX Series ADC and Remote have the ability to read the current data rate from the modem, and
will adjust the output data rate to match the modem data rate. The FX Series data rate is calculated
based a per Ethernet frame basis.
The FX is also designed to work with the modem in a 1:1 Redundant with fail over mode and work with
the modems when they are in a 1:1 redundant configuration.
Output Data Rate
All data rates are Ethernet frame rates. The total data rate is a parameter that can be set, or
under the optional ACM mode, can be updated dynamically and continuously from the modem in
the link.
Traffic Classification
Traffic can be classified on combinations of Protocol, VLAN, Source/Destination IP Port number,
Source/Destination subnet, MPLS labels/EXP and DSCP bits. Classified traffic is directed into
specified Queues. Queues are assigned priority.
Traffic shaping
Traffic is shaped using drain algorithms on the specified queues. Queues of equal priority are
treated in a fair-weighted manner. Connections within a specified Queue are also treated in a
fair-weighted manner.
The drain algorithms are strict priority or Min-Max. In Strict Priority, available bandwidth is
allocated on the basis of priority.
Min-Max gives more control. Bandwidth is allocated up to a committed information rate based
upon priority. Once the committed information rate is reached for all classes, excess bandwidth
is allocated based on the same priority, up to a defined maximum for each Queue.
1.3.5 GZIP Compression
The most common use of compression in Web environments is accomplished by enabling GZIP
functionality at the Web server. GZIP compression is handled on-the-fly from the servers to the clients.
This reduces bandwidth consumption and improves application delivery and client response time. The FX
Series uses GZIP compression to reduce the payload size to deliver more data across the satellite link,
enabling more applications to be delivered and the ability to support more users. GZIP compression
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 26
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
removes non-essential information from data being moved from one location to another, and then
reassembles the data to its original form after the transfer is complete.
Squeezing the data reduces network traffic and accelerates the delivery of time-sensitive information.
GZIP compression uses standard techniques to compress data sent to browsers. While compression exists
in many forms throughout Web deployments, the FX Series is able to more effectively apply compression
resulting in better compression ratios. GZIP is not normally used for attachment compression or for
inbound compression from the browser. In addition, GZIP cannot be used to compress HTTP headers or
image data. In a single-sided mode, the FX Series appliance utilizes GZIP to compress information that can
be processed by standard browsers.
Stampede utilizes various compression techniques to reduce the amount of data that must be sent across
the network. In two-sided deployment, the FX Series bi-directional compression provides compression
• All HTTP Headers
• Application Cookies
• All Text and Data Objects
• JPEG files with Image Reduction, yielding very acceptable quality
• All attachments and file uploads and downloads
1.3.6 Image Reduction and Smoothing
Image Reduction and Smoothing reduces the amount of data required to represent an image without
significantly altering the visual perception of the image. This is accomplished in two ways. Smoothing
reduces the high frequency components or the sharpness of an image. A moderate amount of smoothing
can significantly reduce the amount of data. The quality factor of a JPEG image relates to the precision of
the samples. Sample precision can be reduced without visible detection.
The goal of the JPEG quality and smoothing values is to reduce the amount of data while maintaining a
usable image. Depending on the JPEG, the compression is often in the range 9:1. A number between 1
and 100 specifies the tradeoff between size of the jpeg data and quality of the original image. A higher
number will retain a higher quality but will not conserve as much bandwidth. If no value is specified then
the FX Series value is inherited from a higher level policy; a default value of 50 is used if no higher level
policy is defined. Images that have been transformed are typically not significantly changed by running
through the algorithm again. What this means is that if an image has been compressed with particular
smoothing and quality factor, if the same factors are used again, the image is not significantly changed.
1.3.7 Static Caching
Caching brings information closer to the end-user by storing recently accessed data in local memory or on
hard disk, reducing the time it takes to bring back needed information, Improving the users’ experience by
speeding the page load times. While today's browsers maintain their own cache, they tend to be overly
conservative. This means they will error on the side of requesting a new piece of data or object, usually
when it really hasn't been changed. This not only impacts response time to the end-user, but also
saturates bandwidth with unnecessary data transmissions.
The FX Series uses caching to maintain copies of routinely accessed data to eliminate unnecessary
requests to Web and application servers, and from going over limited satellite links. By keeping local
copies of frequently requested content, the FX Series allows organizations to significantly reduce their
upstream bandwidth usage and cost, while improving performance. The FX Series acts as an intermediary
from end-users requesting content (such as a file, web page, or other resource) from servers.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 27
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
• Keeping servers behind the FX Series anonymous for security purposes
• Delivering fast access to content
1.3.8 TCP Optimization
Advanced protocol optimizations drive significant improvements in bandwidth efficiencies and time
savings (reducing payload and latency). WAN optimization and application acceleration technologies are
deployed to improve satellite network performance and increase the amount of applications and users
that can be delivered over the satellite link. The FX Series manages all TCP sessions, and handles the
establishing and tearing down of TCP connections locally (at LAN speeds) to avoid satellite network
congestion problems. This helps to increase link utilization and improve the user experience. TCP
termination offloads the responsibility from servers having to handle the overhead imposed by the
volume of TCP connections from web applications.
Additionally, application level multiplexed TCP streams take advantage of all other TCP or protocol
optimization done at the link level, and application-level handshakes are eliminated by consolidating
transaction requests.
Benefits include:
• Increases server capacity
• Reduces the amount of traffic sent over satellite links
• Keeps the satellite links maximized for optimum utilization
• Dramatically reduces transaction TCP turns (requests and responses) that bottleneck
satellite links
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 28
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Cache Differencing takes the concept of caching one step further and maintains identical copies of the
browser's cache at the local device and on the FX Series appliance. The FX Series then uses intelligent
differencing technology to understand what data has actually changed, and then transfers only the
changed data. The local device functions normally, but with less data being transferred, you realize
improved utilization of the satellite network, and increased end-user productivity.
Traditionally, pages can be marked as cacheable and will have expiration dates. When they expire they
must be retrieved from the original server, resulting in additional traffic and data being transmitted across
the satellite network. Within a two-sided environment, the FX Series Remote appliance caches all pages
returned to the browser (even pages that are marked as non-cacheable) and performs validation when
needed to ensure that no stale data is returned to the browser. When the browser asks for a page or an
item that has expired or been marked as non-cacheable, the FX Series remote appliance sends a
validation request to the FX Series appliance at the head-end. If the FX Series appliance is aware of the
last page the client cache contains and can compute differences in the page, it sends just the differences
to an expired page or non-cached page. If the differences are too big, or if the FX Series appliance no
longer has retained the last version that the client has, then the entire page is returned and subsequently
cached for future possible differencing. The client in turn reconstructs the requested page, caches it, and
returns it to the browser. Checksums are calculated by the FX Series appliance at the head-end and
verified at the FX Series remote appliance so that pages will never be delivered incorrectly. While this
technique adds value on expired pages, it is extremely effective for dynamic page generation.
An important aspect of Stampede's Cache Differencing is the ability to perform differencing not only on
HTML GET requests but also on POST requests. This is significant because a) responses to posts are always
marked non-cacheable, and b) most applications that are based on SOAP and XML (including most AJAX
applications) issue SOAP requests via the HTML POST command.
1.4.2 Multiplexing of Large Data Objects
The FX Series multiplexes large data objects using Comtech EF Data's patented TurboStreaming™
(multiplexed TCP sessions, patent # 7,543,072) that enables HTTP browser traffic to be intermixed across
multiple "pipelines". All browser activity is optimized, including the network-intensive polling associated
with Web 2.0 and AJAX applications. A key advantage of TurboStreaming is that communication resources
can be shared across multiple applications, and all HTTP requests and responses from any application
(including multiple browsers) are intermixed simultaneously across multiple concurrent sessions.
TurboStreaming serves as a platform for the consolidation and aggregation of all Web-based traffic from a
given user. Multiple HTTP protocol streams are logically aggregated across a few TCP sessions. Individual
objects or pieces of objects can be split into any size and then multiplexed with other object data and
reconstructed as needed SNSPs that deliver mixed payloads consisting of business-critical applications and
data, streaming media, and other network-intensive traffic. The end result is improved throughput and
faster response time for the end-user.
TurboStreaming enables the browser to open multiple pipelines (10s or even 100s) that communicate
with the FX Series remote appliances. All of this data, from all browsers and all browser windows, is
intelligently multiplexed over multiple TCP sessions back to the head-end FX Series appliance. This fully
utilizes all available bandwidth, and enables the browser to function at its full potential. This is only
possible because of advanced, industry leading two-sided acceleration technology.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 29
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Section: Two-Sided SolutionMN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
Comtech EF Data / Stampede
1.4.3 MicrosoftTM Update Caching
Intelligently caches Microsoft® updates on the client side saving significant bandwidth attributed to
"Patch Tuesday". The FX Series caching methodology handles the rather complicated procedures
employed by Microsoft and other AV vendors to request updates by requesting "partial objects". This
reduces the amount of data sent over satellite links to reduce bandwidth consumption and provide faster
response times for end-users.
The FX Series Remote can dramatically curb bandwidth consumption by caching software updates
published frequently by Microsoft, Symantec, Adobe, Apple and many other leading software vendors.
The delivery of these updates is performed when software that resides on client devices downloads the
new content in the background by requesting "partial content" over HTTP. The complex nature of "partialcontent" HTTP requests thwarts the capabilities of most caching devices, however the FX Series Remote
appliance caching engine can handle these requests. Once the content is cached by the FX Series Remote,
subsequent retrievals by the updating agents that request "partial-content" will be satisfied by the FX
Series Remote appliance, eliminating the need to repetitively transfer the same updates over satellite
1.4.4 Network Protocol Optimization
The FX Series provides application-aware modules for HTTP, CIFS, MAPI, POP3, SMTP, and FTP that
dramatically reduce costly handshakes and intelligently apply compression to lower bandwidth
consumption and reduce latency.
Stampede specializes in optimizing protocols by consolidating multiple transactions into a single
transaction, which eliminates round-trips, performing cache differencing on dynamically generated
content, and bi-directional data compression. In addition, our patented technology (TurboStreaming)
enables the transfer of previously compressed objects up to 5 times faster through intelligent multiplexing
across multiple TCP sessions.
• TCP and HTTP applications have chatty protocols that put added delay in satellite networks, as do
delay-sensitive such as Microsoft Exchange and CIFS.
• IT managers are placing thousands of applications on their satellite links. Many of these
applications are mission-critical, and compete over a limited amount of bandwidth.
1.4.5 Dynamic Data Deduplication
Dynamic Data Deduplication segments the incoming data stream, uniquely identifies the data segments,
and then compares the segments replacing repetitive streams of payload data with signatures prior to
transmission over the satellite links. This feature is not application protocol specific and can be applied to
most TCP application traffic. The FX Series intelligently monitors the data stream and is able to distinguish
protocol headers which change frequently from payload data which is often static. The FX Series extracts
this payload data and segments it into blocks, storing each block into persistent memory known as a "byte
cache". Blocks of data are replaced with a signature for that data. This generates significant data
1.4.6 Header Compression/Packet Aggregation
As real time traffic moves to IP, there is a proliferation of traffic with small payloads. In this case,
the header bytes can be 2 to 4 times the number of payload bytes. For small voice packets,
compression can result in reducing the required data rate to 30 – 50% of the original. The FX
aggregates packets into an Ethernet frame and sends it to a peer, where the packets are
restored. Header compression is integrated into the traffic shaping, and maximum latency per
queue can be set.
FX Series Administration Guide - Version 6.1.1 30
Chapter: Overview - FX Series
Section: Two-Sided SolutionMN-FXSERIESADM6 Rev 5
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