SIP Compliance
This appendix describes Cisco SIP proxy server (Cisco SPS) compliance with the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) definition of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) as described in the following RFCs.
2543 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol (March 1999)
3261 SIP: Session Initiation Protocol (June 2002)
3263 SIP: Locating SIP Servers (June 2002)
1. Not all supported RFCs are listed.
• RFC 2543 and RFC 3261
SIP Functions, page A-2
SIP Methods, page A-2
SIP Responses, page A-2
SIP Header Fields, page A-6
SIP Transport Layer Protocols, page A-7
SIP Security, page A-8
• RFC 3263
SIP DNS Records Usage, page A-8
Cisco SIP Proxy Server Administrator Guide

RFC 2543 and RFC 3261
RFC 2543 and RFC 3261
SIP Functions
Table A-1 SIP Functions
Function Supported?
Proxy server Yes (transaction stateful, parallel forking, and
Redirect server Yes
Registrar server Yes
SIP Methods
Cisco SPS supports five of the six methods used by SIP. It handles unknown methods such as
NEWMETHOD in the same manner as known methods such as OPTIONS and REFER.
Appendix A SIP Compliance
SIP Responses
Table A-2 SIP Methods
Method Supported? Cisco SPS Action
ACK Yes Forwards ACK requests.
BYE Yes Forwards BYE requests.
CANCEL Yes Forwards CANCEL requests.
INFO Yes Forwards INFO requests.
INVITE Yes Forwards INVITE requests.
NOTIFY Yes Forwards NOTIFY requests.
OPTIONS Yes Responds to OPTIONS requests.
REFER Yes Forwards REFER requests.
REGISTER Yes Supports both user and device registration.
SUBSCRIBE Yes Forwards SUBSCRIBE requests.
UPDATE Yes Forwards UPDATE requests.
1. The SPS can generate a local ACK for a non-200 OK final response to an INVITE request.
2. The SPS can generate a local CANCEL for a pending branch when it receives a 200 OK or 6xx response from the branch.
Cisco SPS supports the following SIP responses:
• 1xx Response—Information Responses
• 2xx Response—Successful Responses
• 3xx Response—Redirection Responses
• 4xx Response—Request Failure Responses
Cisco SIP Proxy Server Administrator Guide

Appendix A SIP Compliance
RFC 2543 and RFC 3261
• 5xx Response—Server Failure Responses
• 6xx Response—Global Responses
Table A-3 SIP Responses
SIP Response Meaning Supported? Cisco SPS Action
1xx Response—Information Responses
100 Trying Action is being taken on behalf of the
caller, but the called party is not yet
180 Ringing Called party is located and is being
notified of the call.
181 Call is being forwarded Call is being rerouted to another
182 Queued Called party is not currently available or
elects to queue the call rather than reject
183 Session progress System performs inband alerting for the
2xx Response—Successful Responses
200 OK Request has been successfully
processed. The action taken depends on
the request made.
3xx Response—Redirection Responses
300 Multiple choices Address resolves to more than one
location. All locations are provided and
the user or UA can select which location
to use.
301 Moved permanently User is no longer available at the
specified location. An alternate location
is included in the header.
302 Moved temporarily User is temporarily unavailable at the
specified location. An alternate location
is included in the header.
305 Use proxy Caller must use a proxy to contact the
called party.
380 Alternative service Call is unsuccessful, but alternative
services are available.
Yes Generates and forwards this
response for an incoming
INVITE. Upon receiving this
response, waits for a 180
Ringing, 183 Session progress,
or 200 OK response.
Yes Forwards this response.
Yes Generates this response to a
request. Otherwise forwards this
Yes Does not generate this response.
If recursive is enabled, recurses
on all contacts; otherwise
forwards this response.
Yes In redirect mode, generates this
response when it locates one or
more contacts. In proxy mode, if
recursive is enabled, recurses on
all contacts; otherwise forwards
this response.
Yes Does not generate this response.
If recursive is enabled, recurses
on all contacts; otherwise
forwards this response.
Cisco SIP Proxy Server Administrator Guide