Cisco ASR 14000 Series Management Command Reference

Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference

Cisco IOS XR Software Release 3.7.1
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Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
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Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1


This reference describes the Cisco IOS XR system management commands available on the Cisco
ASR 14000 Series Router. This module contains the following sections:
Changes to This Document, page iii
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page iii

Changes to This Document

Table 1 lists the technical changes made to this document since it was first printed.
Ta b l e 1 Changes to This Document
Revision Date Change Summary
OL-17231-01 October 2008 Initial release of this document.

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Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software

The Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) provides the Cisco IOS XR software with high-performance downloading capabilities. This capability is used by the following internal applications:
IPv4 and IPv6 unicast routing protocols—to provide the ability to download forwarding information
from the router Global Routing Information Base (GRIB) to the line cards.
IPv4 and IPv6 multicast routing protocols—to download the Multicast Routing Information Base
(MRIB) entries to consumers managing the Multicast Forwarding Information Base (MFIB) on the various line cards and route processors (RPs).
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)—to download the Label Forwarding Information Base
(LFIB) entries to the line card.
Local Packet Transport Services (LPTS)—to maintain the Internal Forwarding Information Base
(IFIB) table on all nodes that do IP forwarding to and from the RPs.
Fabric Management—to update memberships for individual fabric group IDs (FGIDs) to selected
portions of the fabric hardware.
Context Distribution Service (CDS).
There is no configuration necessary for the BCDL. This module describes the available show commands that you can use to see the status of the BCDL process.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference

show bcdl

show bcdl
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
To display Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) information, use the show bcdl command in EXEC mode.
show bcdl [group_name]
Syntax Description
group_name (Optional) Displays information for a specific BCDL group.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
sysmgr read
Examples The following example shows sample output from the show bcdl command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bcdl ipv4_rib
grp ipv4_rib, gid 2052, sg cnt 1, agent jid 112, node 0/RP0/CPU0, pulse 23930, new mbr 0 sg lwg fd csmr hdlr-act dnld-act susp wait-lck seq pulse-tot pulse-out 0 2053 16 6 no no no 0 23950 23926 0
Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Ta b l e 2 show bcdl Field Descriptions
Field Description
group ipv4_rib Type of download and the Group Services Protocol (GSP) group name.
gid 2052 Heavyweight group (HWG) in the GSP. This is the group that a consumer
initially joins. It is used by the BCDL agent to send control updates.
sg count Number of subgroups for this particular download type.
agent jid 112 Job identifier of the BCDL agent. The JID is numerical identifier for a
particular process and remains the same across process restarts.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Table 2 show bcdl Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
node 0/RP0/CPU0 Node, expressed in the rack/slot/module notation, in which the agent is
pulse 23930 Pulse code used by the producer to pulse the BCDL agent.
new mbr 0 Number of new consumers that have not yet been assigned a subgroup.
sg Subgroups number.
lwg Lightweight group in GSP. This is a type of child group of the HWG. The
BCDL agent tells the consumers to join this group to receive data.
fd The connection handle between the producer and the BCDL agent.
csmr Number of consumers.
hdlr-act Specifies if there is a download in progress.
dnld-act Indicates whether the convergence flag has been sent or not.
susp Indicates whether the download is suspended due to the queue filling up.
wait-lck If non-zero, some thread is waiting for other thread to take control of this
seq Sequence number of the last message sent on this subgroup.
pulse-tot Total number of pulses sent by the producer to the BCDL agent.
pulse-out Total number of outstanding pulses that have not yet been processed by the
BCDL agent.
show bcdl
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference

show bcdl consumers

Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
show bcdl consumers
To display Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) consumer information, use the show bcdl consumers command in EXEC mode.
show bcdl consumers [group_name]
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Syntax Description
group_name (Optional) Displays information for a specific BCDL group.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
sysmgr read
Examples The following example shows sample output using the show bcdl consumers command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bcdl consumers ipv4_rib
group ipv4_rib, gsp gid 2029, 3 consumers, agent jid 113, node 0/5/CPU0 (expected 3 consumers to reply, received 3 replies) pid node asg csg lwg sus messages bytes errs name 823389 0/5/CPU0 0 0 2030 N 20559 1518476 0 fib_mgr 45129 0/1/CPU0 0 0 2030 N 1922 222892 496 fib_mgr 45129 0/3/CPU0 0 0 2030 N 1922 222892 498 fib_mgr
Table 3 describes the significant fields shown in the display that are not described in Tab l e 2.
Ta b l e 3 show bcdl consumers Field Descriptions
Field Description
PID Process indentifier.
node Consumer node, expressed in the rack/slot/module notation.
asg Subgroup to which the BCDL agent thinks this consumer belongs.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Table 3 show bcdl consumers Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
csg Subgroup to which the consumer thinks it belongs.
messages Number of messages processed by this particular consumer.
bytes Bytes processed by this particular consumer.
errors Errors encountered by the consumer. This field indicates the number of times
the connection was reset.
name Name of the consumer process.
show bcdl consumers
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference

show bcdl queues

Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
show bcdl queues
To display the Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) queue information, use the show bcdl queues command in EXEC mode.
show bcdl queues [group_name]
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Syntax Description
group_name (Optional) Displays information for a specific BCDL group.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
sysmgr read
Examples The following example shows sample output from the show bcdl queue command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bcdl queues ipv4_rib
group ipv4_rib, gsp gid 2052, 6 consumers, agent jid 112, node 0/RP0/CPU0 (expected 6 consumers to reply, received 6 replies) pid node asg csg lwg sus msgs_in_q bytes_in_q errs name 417925 0/RP0/CPU0 0 0 2053 N 0 0 0 fib_mgr 209029 0/RP1/CPU0 0 0 2053 N 0 0 0 fib_mgr 106595 0/4/CPU0 0 0 2053 N 0 0 0 fib_mgr 114785 0/4/CPU1 0 0 2053 N 0 0 0 fib_mgr 82008 0/6/CPU0 0 0 2053 N 0 0 0 fib_mgr 82008 0/1/CPU0 0 0 2053 N 0 0 0 fib_mgr
Table 3 and Table 2 describe the significant fields shown in the display.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

show bcdl tables

To display Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) table information, use the show bcdl tables command in EXEC mode.
show bcdl tables [group_name]
show bcdl tables
Syntax Description
group_name (Optional) Displays information for a specific BCDL group.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
sysmgr read
Examples The following example shows sample output using the show bcdl tables command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bcdl tables ipv4_rib
grp ipv4_rib, gid 2052, sg cnt 1, agent jid 112, node 0/RP0/CPU0, pulse 26587, new mbr 0 sg lwg fd csmr hdlr-act dnld-act susp wait-lck seq pulse-tot pulse-out 0 2053 16 6 no no no 0 26607 26583 0 sgs: 1, table_cnt: 1, table_mid_cnt: 6, buf size: 124 Showing table info for 1 subgroups sg 0: has 1 tables (messages: 0, bytes: 0) table 0xe0000000: 6 members, dnld act: 0, messages: 26607, bytes: 3447976 cnsmr 0: pid 417925 on node 0/RP0/CPU0 cnsmr 1: pid 82008 on node 0/6/CPU0 cnsmr 2: pid 82008 on node 0/1/CPU0 cnsmr 3: pid 209029 on node 0/RP1/CPU0 cnsmr 4: pid 106595 on node 0/4/CPU0 cnsmr 5: pid 114785 on node 0/4/CPU1
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
show bcdl tables
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Table 4 describes the significant fields shown in the display that are not described in Ta ble 2 or Ta ble 3.
Ta b l e 4 show bcdl tables Field Descriptions
Field Description
sgs Number of subgroups.
table_cnt Number of tables in this subgroup.
sg Specific subgroup for which information is provided.
has 1 tables Number of tables in this subgroup.
messages Messages sent that are not associated with a particular table ID.
bytes Bytes sent that are not associated with a particular table ID.
table Specific table ID for which information is provided.
6 members Number of consumers associated with this table.
dnld act Indicates whether the convergence flag has been sent or not
messages Number of messages sent for a particular table.
bytes Number of bytes sent for a particular table.
cnsmr 0: pid 419725 on node 0/RP0/CPU0
Process ID and node information for each consumer in the specified table.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

show bcdl trace

To display Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) trace information, use the show bcdl trace command in EXEC mode.
show bcdl trace [group_name] [event] [grpsnd] [hexdump] [last n] [reverse] [stats] [tailf]
[unique] [verbose] [wrapping] [file filename original] [location [node-id | all]]
show bcdl trace
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values
group_name (Optional) Displays information for a specific BCDL group.
event Displays event trace entries.
grpsnd Displays group send trace entries.
hexdump Displays traces in hexidecimal format.
last n Displays the last n number of traces only.
reverse Displays the most recent traces first.
stats Displays execution path statistics.
tailf Displays new traces as they are added.
unique Displays unique entries only, along with the count of the number of times
this entry appears.
verbose Displays additional internal debugging information.
wrapping Displays wrapping entries.
file filename original Specifies the filename of the file to display.
location node-id Specifies the RP node for which to display the execution path monitoring
information. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/slot/module notation.
all Displays mirroring information for all RP nodes in the router.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
Tas k ID
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
task IDs.
Task ID Operations
sysmgr read
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show bcdl trace
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Examples The following example shows sample output using the show bcdl trace command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show bcdl trace ipv4_rib location 0/0/cpu0 | inc /a/
Jul 7 09:02:25.658 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t1 E bytes critical 524288, normal 262144, max suspend 60 Jul 7 09:02:25.658 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t1 E buffer size set to 65200 Jul 7 09:02:25.981 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t1 E group_create bcdl_ipv4_rib returns 0, gid is 2055 Jul 7 09:02:30.806 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t3 E queuing new consumer: pid 172153, node 0/0/CPU0 Jul 7 09:02:30.807 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t3 E add new member: pid 172153, node 0/0/CPU0 nmc 0 -> 1 Jul 7 09:02:31.812 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t5 E attempt open producer connection sg 0 Jul 7 09:02:31.895 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t5 E bind sg 0 to producer, fd 14, handle 0x48230e08 Jul 7 09:02:31.895 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t5 E sbe: gid 2055, lwg_s: 0, lwg 2056, node 0/0/CPU0, ent 1, rc 11, rr 1 Jul 7 09:02:31.895 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t5 E send_bcdl_event: sending BCDL_EVENT, rc 11(connection init), entries 1 Jul 7 09:02:31.942 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t3 E processing table request Jul 7 09:02:31.943 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t3 E add 1 table tags, first tag 0xe0000000 Jul 7 09:02:31.945 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t3 E create_table_entry: create 0xe0000000, in sg 0, with pid 172153, node 0/0/CPU0 Jul 7 09:02:31.945 bcdl/a/ipv4_rib 0/0/CPU0 t3 E Call p_t_f to add table 0xe0000000 to sg 0 inherit FALSE
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software

This chapter describes the commands used to boot or reset Cisco IOS XR software.
For more information about boot tasks, see Cisco ASR 14000 Series Routers Getting Started Guide.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference


Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
To define the configuration register boot value, use the config-register command in administration EXEC mode.
config-register value [location {node-id | all}]
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Syntax Description
Defaults By default, the configuration register value is 0x102 after a TURBOBOOT.
Command Modes Administration EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
value Hexadecimal or decimal value that represents the 16-bit configuration
register value to be used the next time the router is reloaded. Range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFF (0 to 65535 in decimal).
For information about common configuration register settings, see
Table 5.
location {node-id | all} Specifies the node in a multishelf system. The all keyword specifies
all RP nodes.
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
task IDs.
The configuration register setting is a 16-bit, user-configurable value that determines how the route processor (RP) functions during initialization. The configuration register can cause the RP to boot normally from the default configuration, or to enter ROMMON mode during a reload. Configuration register settings can also be used to perform tasks such as password recovery.
The config-register command is entered in administration EXEC mode, on the designated system controller (DSC). The DSC is the primary RP of the router. When setting the configuration register value for the
If both the primary and standby DSC are up and running when the configuration register value is set,
By contrast, if only the primary DSC is up and running when the configuration register value is set
Note To display the current configuration settings, use the command show variables boot.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
config-register command, note the following conditions:
the configuration register value applies to both the primary and standby DSC.
and the standby DSC is introduced into the router at a later time, the router does not attempt to synchronize the configuration register value for the standby RP to that of the active RP; in this situation, the configuration register setting applied to the standby DSC is determined by the configuration register value set in ROMMON mode.
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Enter the command config-register value to set the configuration register setting for the DSC.
The most commonly used configuration register settings are described in Tab le 5.
Ta b l e 5 Common Configuration Register Settings
Valu e Description
0x0 RP enters ROMMON mode (rommon B1>) on the next system boot.
0x2 RP loads the Cisco IOS XR software and default configuration on the
0x102 Router loads the Cisco IOS XR software with the console break key
0x40 Router enters the password recovery mode on the next system boot.
next system boot. After logging in, the user can access EXEC mode.
disabled on the next system boot.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
root-lr read, write
Examples The following example shows how to set the configuration register on the DSC to 0x2. Setting the
configuration registration to 0x2 causes the router to boot the Cisco
IOS XR software and enter EXEC
mode during a router reload.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(admin)# config-register 0x2
Successfully set config-register to 0x2 on node 0/RP0/CPU0 Successfully set config-register to 0x2 on node 0/RP1/CPU0
Related Commands
Command Description
reload Performs a reload of the route processor.
show variables boot Displays the configuration register setting and boot file setting for the
RPs in the system.
show version Displays information about the Cisco IOS XR software.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference


Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
To configure disk mirroring on a node, use the mirror command in global configuration mode. To disable disk mirroring, use the no form of this command.
mirror location [preconfigure] node-id primary-device:secondary-device:
no mirror location node-id
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes Global configuration
Command History
primary-device: Specifies the primary boot device used to store installation packages
secondary-device: Storage device on the same RP as the primary-device, to where critical
preconfigure Enables you to specify a node that is not yet installed.
node-id Node in a multishelf system. It can be a node that is not yet installed
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
and configuration files. Supported devices are disk0: and disk1: (if installed).
data is replicated.
Supported devices are the same as for primary-device:, but
secondary-device: must be different than the primary-device:.
if the keyword preconfigure is used.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
The mirror command replicates all critical data contained in the primary partition of the primary boot device, onto a second storage device on the same RP. Therefore, if the primary boot device fails, applications continue to be serviced transparently by the secondary device, without having to switch control to a standby RP.
Before the mirror command can be used, the secondary storage device must be partitioned using the format command. If the primary boot device is not partitioned, once mirroring is enabled and all data on the primary boot device is replicated to the secondary device, the primary boot device is partitioned automatically. This guarantees that only critical data on the primary boot device is mirrored to the secondary device. Noncritical data, such as logging data, should not be mirrored and should, therefore, be saved to the secondary partition on the storage device.
To temporarily suspend disk mirroring without changing the configuration, use the mirror pause command in EXEC mode.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
root-lr read, write
Examples The following example shows how to configure disk mirroring from the primary boot device (disk0:) to
the secondary storage device (disk1:):
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# mirror location 0/rp0/cpu0 disk0: disk1:
Related Commands
Command Description
format Formats a file system.
mirror pause Temporarily pauses disk mirroring on a node.
mirror resume Resumes disk mirroring on a node after it has been temporarily
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference

mirror pause

mirror pause
To temporarily pause disk mirroring on a node, use the mirror pause command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
mirror pause [location {node-id | all}]
Syntax Description
Defaults If no node is specified, disk mirroring is paused on the active RP.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
location {node-id | all} Specifies the RP node in a multishelf system. The all keyword
specifies all RP nodes.
Administration EXEC
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
task IDs.
The mirror pause command temporarily pauses the mirroring of the primary boot device. This command is primarily useful during an installation operation to prevent significant performance degradation on single CPU boards. The mirror pause command does not change the configured state of mirroring, but rather causes the mirroring to be suspended until the mirror resume command is used.
The mirror pause command has no affect if the mirror configuration command is not enabled.
Tas k ID
Examples The following example shows how to pause disk mirroring on the active RP:
Related Commands
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Task ID Operations
root-lr read, write
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# mirror pause
Command Description
mirror Configures disk mirroring on a node.
mirror resume Resumes disk mirroring on a node after it has been temporarily stopped.
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

mirror resume

To resume disk mirroring on a node after it has been temporarily stopped, use the mirror resume command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
mirror resume [location {node-id | all}]
mirror resume
Syntax Description
Defaults If no node is specified, disk mirroring is enabled on the active RP.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
location {node-id | all} Specifies the RP node in a multishelf system. The all keyword
specifies all RP nodes.
Administration EXEC
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
task IDs.
The mirror resume command resumes the mirroring of the primary boot device after it has been temporarily paused with the mirror pause command.
The mirror resume command has no affect if the mirror configuration command is not enabled and the mirror pause command has not been used.
Tas k ID
Examples The following example shows how to resume disk mirroring on the active RP:
Related Commands
Task ID Operations
root-lr read, write
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# mirror resume
Command Description
mirror Configures disk mirroring on a node.
mirror pause Temporarily pauses disk mirroring on a node.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference

mirror verify

mirror verify
To verify disk synchronization for disk mirroring on a node, use the mirror verify command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
mirror verify [location node-id]
Syntax Description
location node-id Specifies the RP node in a multishelf system.
Defaults If no node is specified, the verification is done on the active RP.
Command Modes EXEC
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
The mirror verify command verifies the synchronization consistency between the primary and secondary media devices being used in mirroring. The command verifies that the full contents are identical between the mirrored devices and reports any inconsistencies found.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
root-lr read, write
Examples The following example shows how to verify the disk mirroring on the active RP:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# mirror verify
Mirror Verify Information for 0/0/CPU0. ======================================================== Primary device and secondary device are fully synchronized.
Related Commands
Command Description
mirror Configures disk mirroring on a node.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1


To reload the designated secure domain router system controller (DSDRSC), use the reload command in EXEC mode.
Syntax Description This command has no arguments or keywords.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
Caution If a standby RP is not installed or is not in the ready state, then the router experiences a loss of service
Releases Modifications
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
task IDs.
Use the reload command to cause the DSDRSC to reload the Cisco IOS XR software according to the configuration register setting (for example, 0x0 to enter ROMMON mode and 0x2 to reload the RP to EXEC mode). If a standby DSDRSC is in the ready redundancy state, the reload command also causes the router to fail over to the standby DSDRSC. Use the show redundancy command in EXEC mode to display the status of the standby RP.
When the reload command is used and a failover occurs, the running (active) software configuration is automatically maintained during failover.
while the active RP is reloading the Cisco the show redundancy command in EXEC mode.
If you use the reload command and there is no available standby node, you are prompted to continue with the reload:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# reload Standby card not present or not Ready for failover. Proceed?[confirm]
IOS XR software. To view the status of the standby RP, issue
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
root-lr execute
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Examples The following example shows how to reload the active RP. If a standby RP is in the ready state, then the
router fails over to the standby RP. If the standby RP is not installed or is not in the ready state, then the router enters ROMMON mode and routing operations stop.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# reload
Updating Commit Database. Please wait...[OK] Proceed with reload? [confirm] y PCI0 device[7]: Vendor ID 0x10ee
PCI0 device[7]: Device ID 0x300e
PCI1 device[7]: Device ID 0x1100 PCI1 device[7]: Vendor ID 0x1013 PCI1 device[8]: Device ID 0x649 PCI1 device[8]: Vendor ID 0x1095 PCI1 device[9]: Device ID 0x5618 PCI1 device[9]: Vendor ID 0x14e4 PCI1 device[10]: Device ID 0x5618 PCI1 device[10]: Vendor ID 0x14e4 System Bootstrap, Version 1.15(20040120:002852) , Copyright (c) 1994-2004 by cisco Systems, Inc. Board type is 0x100000 (1048576) Enabling watchdog
Broadcom 5618 #0 Found on PCI Broadcom 5618 #1 Found on PCI No. of BCM 56xx switches found 2 . BCM Switch #0 initialisation complete. BCM Switch #1 initialisation complete G4(7450-SMP-GT64260_A) platform with 2048 Mb of main memory
rommon B1 >
Related Commands Command Description
config-register Defines the configuration register setting in administration EXEC mode.
reload (administration
Performs a reload of a single node or all nodes in the system.
show redundancy Displays the redundancy status of the RPs.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

reload (administration EXEC)

To reload a node or all nodes on the router, use the reload command in administration EXEC mode.
reload [location {node-id | all} | rack rack-number]
reload (administration EXEC)
Syntax Description
location Specifies which node to reload.
node-id The node-id argument is expressed in rack/slot/module notation.
all Reloads all the nodes in the system.
rack Reloads all the nodes on a specified chassis.
rack-number Rack number of the line card chassis or fabric chassis.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes Administration EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
Note Before reloading nodes on a Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router router, we recommend using the cfs check
command to check the sanity of the configuration file system and attempt to recover from internal inconsistencies.
To reload a specific node on the router, specify the reload command with the location node-id
keyword and argument. The node-id is expressed as rack/slot/module.
To ensure a graceful reload and ensure the sanity of the configuration file system, enter the cfs check
command on each SDR that has nodes impacted by the reload.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
root-system execute
Examples The following example shows how to reload all the nodes on the router:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(admin)# reload location all
Graceful reload of all nodes not supported Assuming 'force'
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
reload (administration EXEC)
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Operation may result in file corruptions or loss of config. Proceed [Y/N]? Y
Note To ensure the sanity of the configuration file system, enter the cfs check command on the router.
Related Commands Command Description
cfs check Verifies the Configuration File System (CFS).
config-register Defines the configuration register setting in administration EXEC mode.
reload Performs a reload of the route processor.
show redundancy Displays the redundancy status of the RPs.
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

show epm trace boot

To display execution path monitoring traces, use the show epm trace boot command in administration EXEC mode.
show epm trace boot [hexdump] [last n] [reverse] [stats] [tailf] [unique] [verbose] [wrapping]
[file filename original] [location node-id]
show epm trace boot
Syntax Description
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes Administration EXEC
hexdump Displays traces in hexidecimal format.
last n Displays the last n number of traces only.
reverse Displays the most recent traces first.
stats Displays execution path statistics.
tailf Displays new traces as they are added.
unique Displays unique entries only, along with the count of the number of
verbose Displays additional internal debugging information.
wrapping Displays wrapping entries.
file filename original Specifies the filename of the file to display.
location node-id Specifies the RP node for which to display the execution path
all Displays mirroring information for all RP nodes in the router.
times this entry appears.
monitoring information. The node-id argument is expressed in rack/slot/module notation.
Command History
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
Tas k ID
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
task IDs.
The show epm trace boot command provides a simple way of tracking and time-stamping critical events to clearly understand their temporal relationship to one another and the amount of time spent performing critical operations.
Task ID Operations
basic services read
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
show epm trace boot
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
Examples The following is sample output from the show epm trace boot command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(admin)# show epm trace boot
8 wrapping entries (1024 possible, 0 filtered, 8 total) Jul 12 21:17:36.229 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t1 @ 00:00:14 - [init] start Jul 12 21:17:54.746 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t1 @ 00:00:32 - [sysmgr] start Jul 12 21:17:55.315 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t7 @ 00:00:33 - [sysmgr] start-level: start Jul 12 21:17:59.899 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t9 @ 00:00:37 - [sysmgr] start-level: admin Jul 12 21:20:13.564 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t15 @ 00:02:51 - [sysmgr] start-level: infra Jul 12 21:21:47.562 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t11 @ 00:04:25 - [sysmgr] start-level: active Jul 12 21:22:09.132 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t6 @ 00:04:47 - [sysmgr] start-level: final Jul 12 21:22:17.475 epm/boot 0/RP0/CPU0 t9 @ 00:04:55 - [sysmgr] lr-plane-up
In this sample output, the time stamp following the @ sign is the elapsed time in the format hh:mm:ss since the execution phase started (for example, since node start, in the case of a boot).
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1

show mirror

To display disk mirroring information, use the show mirror command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
show mirror [location {all | node-id}]
show mirror
Syntax Description
location node-id Specifies RP node for which to display the mirroring information.
The node-id argument is expressed in rack/slot/module notation.
all Displays mirroring information for all RP nodes in the router.
Defaults No default behavior or values
Command Modes EXEC
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release Modification
Release 3.7.1 This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router.
Usage Guidelines To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper
task IDs.
Tas k ID
Task ID Operations
filesystem read
Examples The following is sample output from the show mirror command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show mirror
Mirror Information for 0/0/CPU0. ======================================================== Mirroring Enabled Configured Primary: disk0: Configured Secondary: disk1:
Current Mirroring State: Syncing Files Current Physical Primary: disk1: Current Physical Secondary: disk0:
Mirroring Logical Device: disk0:
Physical Device State Flags
-------------------------------------------------------­ disk0: Available Enabled Formatted
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
show mirror
Boot Commands on Cisco IOS XR Software
Cisco Confidential - Beta Review R3.7.1
disk1: Available Enabled Formatted compactflash: Not Present disk0a: Available Formatted disk1a: Available Formatted compactflasha: Not Present
Mirroring Rommon Variable BOOT_DEV_SEQ_CONF = disk0:;disk1: BOOT_DEV_SEQ_OPER = disk1: MIRROR_ENABLE = Y
Syncing Files Number Left: 5735 Current file: asr14k-base- Current state: File is Syncing
Table 6 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Ta b l e 6 show mirror Field Descriptions
Field Description
Mirroring Enabled Indicates whether mirroring is enabled or disabled.
Configured Primary If mirroring is enabled, the configured primary disk for
Configured Secondary If mirroring is enabled, the configured secondary disk for
Current Mirroring State Current status of mirroring. Possible values are as follows:
Syncing files—Files are being synchronized between the primary and secondary disks.
Not Configured—Mirroring is not configured.
Mirroring Paused—In this state no mirroring is being done to the secondary device and the disk redundancy has been removed. The values of the BOOT_DEV_SEQ_OPER and MIRROR_ENABLE variables reflect this.
Redundant—The primary and secondary disks are totally in synchronization. Any read or write failure on the primary device results in disk redundancy failover such that all operations are performed on the secondary device.
Current Physical Primary Current primary disk.
Current Physical Secondary Current secondary disk.
Mirroring Logical Device Device name used by the mirroring process to intercept all
application requests to that named device before passing them through to one of the mirrored physical devices.
Physical Device Physical disk in router.
State Status of the disk. Possible values are as follows:
Available—Disk exists in router and is available.
Not present—Disk does not exist in router. “a” partitions of disks are only available after the disk has been formatted with the partition keyword.
Cisco ASR 14000 Series Router System Management Command Reference
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