Nimbus™ Cart QRG
The information and spec ific ations contained in this QRG are subject to
as condensation can form and
Outside the U.S., United Kingdom, or Ireland, contact your distributor to
The Nimbus™ Cart Quick Reference Guide (QRG) has basic
information such as mounting, menu op tions , a nd DMX val ues.
the User Manual from www.chauvetlighting.com for more details.
change without notice.
These Safety Notes include important information about
and maintenance.
• This product is not intended for permanent installation.
• Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the Nimbus™ while
• Do not touch the Nimbus™ housing when operating because it may be
very hot.
• Do not mount the Nimbus™ on a flammable surface (linoleum, carpet,
wood, paper, carton, plastic, etc.)
• The Nimbus™, especially the nozzle, is very hot during operation and it
rem ains h ot f or a long tim e after operation has s topp ed.
• The fog exits the nozzle at a very high temperature. Keep a m inimum
distance of 6.5 ft (2 m) fr om t h e nozzle to the n eares t object .
• Do not u se in a very confine d spa c e (e.g. a room less than 10 square feet.)
Make sure th e room is well-ventil ated before begi nnin g usage .
• Dry ice should never be stored in a sealed container that can lead to a
pressure bui l d-up an d a r isk of an exp losion.
• Take care when walking around the Nimbus
leave surrou ndin g surfaces slick w i th moi sture. Ch eck surface s oft en for
moisture and dry completely.
• Not for spa c e heating p urpos es.
• DO NOT t ouch this product when it is operating because it may be hot.
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contact information.