DJ Bank™
OK on Dimmer
Outdoor OK
115/220 SWITCH
Replaceable Fuse
DJ Bank™ User Manual Rev. 5 1 6/21/2013 1:59 PM

1. Before You Begin................................................................................................................................. 2
WHAT IS INCLUDED........................................................................................................................................................................... 2
UNPACKING INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Safety I ns truc tions ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
FEATURES ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Product Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
This fixture can operate in automatic mode with the speed adjustment or in sound triggering mode with the sound
sensitivity adjustment. ............................................................................................................................ 4
Note: the auto speed adjustment takes priority over the sound sensitivity adjustment.3. S etup ......... 4
AC POWER ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
MOUNTING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Orientation.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Rigging ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4. Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 6
GENERAL MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
RETURNS PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CLAIMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
DJ BANK SERVICE MAINTENANCE GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................. 7
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CONTACT US................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
What is Included
Ø 1 x DJ Bank™
Ø 1 x Power cable with plug
Ø 1 x Warranty Card
Ø 1 x Quick Reference Guide
Unpacking Instructions
Immediatel y upon receiving a fixture, carefully unpac k the carton, check the contents to ensure that all
parts are present, and hav e been r ec eived in good condition. Notify the shipper im m ediately and retain
packing material for inspection if any parts appear damaged from shipping or the carton itself shows signs
of mishandling. S av e the carton and all packing materials. In the event that a fixture must be returned to
the factory, it is important that the fixture be retur ned in the original factory box and packing.
DJ Bank™ User Manual Rev. 5 2 6/21/2013 1:59 PM

Safety Instructions
Please read these instructions carefully, which includes important
inform at i on ab ou t th e inst allation, usage and m ai ntenanc e of th is
• Please keep this User Guide for future consultation. If you sell the unit to another user, be
sure that they also receive this instruction booklet.
• Always make sure that you are connecting to the proper voltage, and that the line voltage
you are connecting to is not higher than that stated on the decal or rear panel of the fixture.
• The unit must be installed in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 20in (50cm) from
adjacent surfaces. Be sure that no ventilation slots are blocked.
• Always di sc o nn ec t fr om pow er sour ce before s er vicing or replacing lamp or fuse and be sure
to replace with same lamp source.
• Secure fixture to fastening device using a safety chain. Never carry the fixture solely by its
head. Use its carrying handles.
• Maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104°F (40°C). Do not operate fix tur e at t em peratures
higher than this.
• In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the unit immediately. Never try to
repair the unit by yourself. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can lead to damage or
malfunc ti o n. Pl ease contact the nearest authori z e d tec h ni c al as si s t ance center . Al w ays us e
the same ty pe spare parts.
• Never c on nect the devic e t o a dim m er pac k.
• Make sure the power cord is never crimped or damaged.
• Never disconnect the power cord by pulling or tugging on the cord.
• Avoid direct eye exposure to the light sou r ce while it is on.
Caution! There are no user serv ice a ble par ts i nside the unit. Do not ope n the ho using or
attempt any repairs yourself. In the unlikely event your unit may require
service, please contact CHAUVET at: 954-929-1115.
Caution! After prolonged periods of operation, the fixture chassis may reach high
temperatures. Use caution when handling this fixture.
DJ Bank™ User Manual Rev. 5 3 6/21/2013 1:59 PM