Casio WK3200, WK3700, CTK900 User Manual

MIDI Implementation for the CTK-900, WK-3200, and WK-3700
• All mentions of "this Model" in this document refer to the CASIO CTK-900, WK-3200, and WK-3700.
Part I MIDI Message Overview
1 Product Configuration as a MIDI Device ............................................................................................ 7
1.1 Controller Block......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Sound Source Block.................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Sound Source Common Sub-blocks......................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Sound Source Instrument Part Sub-block................................................................................................. 8
1.5 MIDI Send by Auto-accompaniment, Song Memory, and the SMF Player ............................................... 8
2 Conditions that Disable Message Send and Receive ........................................................................ 8
4 Different Operations Depending on Part Mode .................................................................................. 9
Part II Channel Message
5 Receive Channel................................................................................................................................ 9
6 Send Channel .................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Note Off.............................................................................................................................................. 9
8 Note On............................................................................................................................................ 10
9 Polyphonic Key Pressure................................................................................................................. 10
10 Control Change .............................................................................................................................. 10
10.1 Bank Select (00H)................................................................................................................................. 11
10.2 Modulation (01H)................................................................................................................................... 11
10.3 Data Entry (06H,26H)............................................................................................................................ 11
10.4 Volume (07H)........................................................................................................................................ 12
10.5 Pan (0AH) ............................................................................................................................................. 12
10.6 Expression (0BH).................................................................................................................................. 12
10.7 General Use Controllers 1 through 8 (10H through 13H, 50H through 53H) ........................................ 13
10.8 Hold1 (40H)........................................................................................................................................... 13
10.9 Sostenuto (42H) .................................................................................................................................... 14
10.10 Soft (43H)............................................................................................................................................ 14
10.11 Envelope Release Time (48H)............................................................................................................ 14
10.12 Envelope Attack Time (49H) ............................................................................................................... 15
10.13 Filter Cutoff (4AH) ............................................................................................................................... 15
10.14 Filter Resonance (47H)....................................................................................................................... 15
10.15 Vibrato Rate (4CH).............................................................................................................................. 16
10.16 Vibrato Depth (4DH)............................................................................................................................ 16
10.17 Vibrato Delay (4EH) ............................................................................................................................ 16
10.18 Reverb Send (5BH)............................................................................................................................. 17
10.19 Chorus Send (5DH)............................................................................................................................. 17
10.20 NRPN (62H,63H) ................................................................................................................................ 17
10.20.1 Filter Cutoff.............................................................................................................................................. 17
10.20.2 Filter Resonance ....................................................................................................................................... 18
10.20.3 Drawbar Position...................................................................................................................................... 18
10.20.4 Drawbar Organ Click ............................................................................................................................... 19
10.20.5 Drawbar Organ 2nd Percussion................................................................................................................ 19
10.20.6 Drawbar Organ 3rd Percussion ................................................................................................................ 19
10.20.7 Percussion Decay Time ............................................................................................................................20
10.21 RPN (64H,65H)................................................................................................................................... 20
10.21.1 Pitch Bend Sensitivity ..............................................................................................................................20
10.21.2 Fine Tune.................................................................................................................................................. 21
10.21.3 Coarse Tune.............................................................................................................................................. 21
10.21.4 Modulation Depth.....................................................................................................................................21
10.21.5 Null ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
10.22 All Sound Off (78H)............................................................................................................................. 22
10.23 Reset All Controllers (79H) ................................................................................................................. 22
11 Mode Message .............................................................................................................................. 23
11.1 All Notes Off (7BH)................................................................................................................................ 23
11.2 Omni Off (7CH) ..................................................................................................................................... 23
11.3 Omni On (7DH) ..................................................................................................................................... 23
11.4 Mono (7EH)........................................................................................................................................... 23
11.5 Poly (7FH)............................................................................................................................................. 23
12 Program Change............................................................................................................................ 24
12.1 About the Part Mode............................................................................................................................. 24
13 Channel Aftertouch ........................................................................................................................ 24
14 Pitch Bend...................................................................................................................................... 24
Part III System Message
15 Active Sensing ............................................................................................................................... 25
16 System Exclusive Message ........................................................................................................... 25
16.1 Universal Realtime System Exclusive Message................................................................................... 25
16.1.1 Master Volume ........................................................................................................................................... 25
16.1.2 Master Balance ........................................................................................................................................... 26
16.1.3 Master Fine Tuning ....................................................................................................................................26
16.1.4 Master Coarse Tuning ................................................................................................................................26
16.1.5 Reverb Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 27
16.1.6 Chorus Parameter .......................................................................................................................................27
16.1.7 GM System Message.................................................................................................................................. 29
16.1.8 GS Message ............................................................................................................................................... 30
16.2 CTK-900/WK-3200/WK-3700 System Exclusive Message................................................................... 30
Part IV This Model's System Exclusive Messages
17 Format............................................................................................................................................ 31
17.1 Message Classifications........................................................................................................................ 31
17.2 Message Structures.............................................................................................................................. 32
17.2.1 1...SYSEX : System Exclusive message Status ........................................................................................32
17.2.2 2...MAN : Manufacturer's ID .................................................................................................................... 32
17.2.3 3...MOD : Model ID .................................................................................................................................. 32
17.2.4 : MIDI Device ID 00H through 1FH,7FH ......................................................................................32
17.2.5 5...act : Action ........................................................................................................................................... 32
17.2.6 : Category ........................................................................................................................................ 33
17.2.7 7...prm : Parameter ID ............................................................................................................................... 34
17.2.8 8...ilen/dlen : index length / data length .................................................................................................... 34
17.2.9 : Parameter Set Number ..................................................................................................................34
17.2.10 10...index Parameter Index Number ........................................................................................................35
17.2.11 Parameter Data ......................................................................................................................... 36
17.2.12 12...sum Check Sum ................................................................................................................................37
17.2.13 14...EOX : End of System Exclusive Message ....................................................................................... 37
18 Parameter Operations.................................................................................................................... 38
19 Parameter Set Transfer Protocols ................................................................................................. 38
19.1 Communication Protocols..................................................................................................................... 38
19.2 One-way Protocol Communication Flow ............................................................................................... 39
19.3 Handshake Protocol Communication Flow ........................................................................................... 40
Part V Parameter Lists
20 Command Parameters ................................................................................................................... 43
20.1 System Parameter List.......................................................................................................................... 43
20.2 Data Management Command Parameter List....................................................................................... 44
20.3 Command Parameter List ..................................................................................................................... 46
21 Patch Parameter ............................................................................................................................ 47
21.1 Patch Common Parameter List ............................................................................................................. 47
21.2 Patch Part Parameter List..................................................................................................................... 51
22 Wave Data Parameters.................................................................................................................. 54
22.1 Wave Data Information ......................................................................................................................... 54
23 Song Data Parameter .................................................................................................................... 55
23.1 Song Data Information.......................................................................................................................... 55
24 Rhythm Data Parameters .............................................................................................................. 56
24.1 Rhythm Data Information ...................................................................................................................... 56
25 SMF Data Parameters ................................................................................................................... 57
25.1 SMF Data Information ........................................................................................................................... 57
Part VI Parameter Set List
26 User Tone Parameter Set .............................................................................................................. 58
27 User Timbre Parameter Set ........................................................................................................... 58
28 User Drum Parameter Set ............................................................................................................. 59
29 User Voice Parameter Set ............................................................................................................. 59
30 User Instrument Parameter Set ..................................................................................................... 60
31 User Wave Parameter Set ............................................................................................................. 60
32 User DSP Parameter Set ............................................................................................................... 61
33 Song Data ...................................................................................................................................... 61
34 User Rhythm Pattern ..................................................................................................................... 62
35 Registration Data ........................................................................................................................... 62
36 User Drawbar Parameter Set......................................................................................................... 63
37 SMF Parameter Set ....................................................................................................................... 64
38 Flash Memory Image Parameter Set ............................................................................................. 65
39 About Parameter Set (PS) numbers .............................................................................................. 65
Part VII DSP Parameter List
40 DSP Algorithm List (Single Effect) ................................................................................................. 66
40.1 Algorithm 00 (00H) : Auto Pan ............................................................................................................. 66
40.2 Algorithm 01 (01H) : Tremolo ............................................................................................................... 66
40.3 Algorithm 02 (02H) : 2BandEQ ............................................................................................................ 66
40.4 Algorithm 03 (03H) : 3BandEQ ............................................................................................................ 66
40.5 Algorithm 04 (04H) : LFO Wah ............................................................................................................. 66
40.6 Algorithm 05 (05H) : Auto Wah ............................................................................................................ 66
40.7 Algorithm 06 (06H) : Compressor ........................................................................................................ 67
40.8 Algorithm 07 (07H) : Limiter ................................................................................................................. 67
40.9 Algorithm 08 (08H) : Distortion.............................................................................................................. 67
40.10 Algorithm 09 (09H) : Stereo Phaser ................................................................................................... 67
40.11 Algorithm 10 (0AH) : Phaser .............................................................................................................. 67
40.12 Algorithm 11 (0BH) : Rotary ............................................................................................................... 67
40.13 Algorithm 12 (0CH) : Overdrive Rotary .............................................................................................. 67
40.14 Algorithm 13 (0DH) : Enhancer .......................................................................................................... 67
40.15 Algorithm 14 (0EH) : Ring Modulator ................................................................................................. 68
40.16 Algorithm 15 (0FH) : LoFi ................................................................................................................... 68
40.17 Algorithm 16 (10H) : 1-Phase Chorus ................................................................................................ 68
40.18 Algorithm 17 (11H) : Sin 2-Phase Chorus .......................................................................................... 68
40.19 Algorithm 18 (12H) : 3-Phase Chorus ................................................................................................ 68
40.20 Algorithm 19 (13H) : Tri 2-Phase Chorus ........................................................................................... 68
40.21 Algorithm 20 (14H) : Stereo Delay 1................................................................................................... 68
40.22 Algorithm 21 (15H) : Stereo Delay 2................................................................................................... 68
40.23 Algorithm 22 (16H) : 3-Tap Delay ...................................................................................................... 69
40.24 Algorithm 23 (17H) : Gate Reverb ...................................................................................................... 69
40.25 Algorithm 24 (18H) : Reverse Gate Reverb........................................................................................ 69
40.26 Algorithm 25 (19H) : Reflection .......................................................................................................... 69
40.27 Algorithm 26 (1AH) : Flanger ............................................................................................................. 69
40.28 Algorithm 27 (1BH) : Reverb .............................................................................................................. 69
40.29 Algorithm 28 (1CH) : 2-Tap Delay ...................................................................................................... 69
41 DSP Algorithm List (Multi Effect).................................................................................................... 70
41.1 Algorithm M00 (20H) : Multi00 .............................................................................................................. 70
41.2 Algorithm M01 (21H) : Multi01 .............................................................................................................. 70
41.3 Algorithm M02 (22H) : Multi02 .............................................................................................................. 70
41.4 Algorithm M03 (23H) : Multi03 .............................................................................................................. 70
41.5 Algorithm M04 (24H) : Multi04 .............................................................................................................. 70
41.6 Algorithm M05 (25H) : Multi05 .............................................................................................................. 71
41.7 Algorithm M06 (26H) : Multi06 .............................................................................................................. 71
41.8 Algorithm M07 (27H) : Multi07 .............................................................................................................. 71
41.9 Algorithm M08 (28H) : Multi08 .............................................................................................................. 71
41.10 Algorithm M09 (29H) : Multi09 ............................................................................................................ 71
41.11 Algorithm M10 (2AH) : Multi10............................................................................................................ 71
41.12 Algorithm M11 (2BH) : Multi11............................................................................................................ 72
41.13 Algorithm M12 (2CH) : Multi12............................................................................................................ 72
41.14 Algorithm M13 (2DH) : Multi13............................................................................................................ 72
41.15 Algorithm M14 (2EH) : Multi14............................................................................................................ 72
41.16 Algorithm M15 (2FH) : Multi15 ............................................................................................................ 72
41.17 Algorithm M16 (30H) : Multi16 ............................................................................................................ 73
41.18 Algorithm M17 (31H) : Multi17 ............................................................................................................ 73
41.19 Algorithm M18 (32H) : Multi18 ............................................................................................................ 73
41.20 Algorithm M19 (33H) : Multi19 ............................................................................................................ 73
41.21 Algorithm M20 (34H) : Multi20 ............................................................................................................ 73
41.22 Algorithm M21 (35H) : Multi21 ............................................................................................................ 73
41.23 Algorithm M22 (36H) : Multi22 ............................................................................................................ 74
41.24 Algorithm M23 (37H) : Multi23 ............................................................................................................ 74
41.25 Algorithm M24 (38H) : Multi24 ............................................................................................................ 74
41.26 Algorithm M25 (39H) : Multi25 ............................................................................................................ 74
41.27 Algorithm M26 (3AH) : Multi26............................................................................................................ 74
41.28 Algorithm M27 (3BH) : Multi27............................................................................................................ 75
41.29 Algorithm M28 (3CH) : Multi28............................................................................................................ 75
41.30 Algorithm M29 (3DH) : Multi29............................................................................................................ 75
41.31 Algorithm M30 (3EH) : Multi30............................................................................................................ 75
41.32 Algorithm M31 (3FH) : Multi31 ............................................................................................................ 75
Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values
42 Setting Value Table........................................................................................................................ 76
42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table .................................................................................................................. 76
42.2 Slow/Fast Setting Value Table.............................................................................................................. 76
42.3 Rotate/Break Setting Value Table......................................................................................................... 76
42.4 -24 to 0 to 24 Setting Value Table......................................................................................................... 76
42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table......................................................................................................... 76
42.6 Pan Setting Value Table ....................................................................................................................... 76
42.7 -99 to 0 to 99 Setting Value Table......................................................................................................... 76
42.8 Type 0 to Type 7 Setting Value Table .................................................................................................. 76
42.9 Master EQ Type Setting Value Table................................................................................................... 76
42.10 Reverb Type Setting Value Table ....................................................................................................... 77
42.11 Chorus Type Setting Value Table ....................................................................................................... 77
42.12 Equalizer Low Frequency Setting Value Table ................................................................................... 77
42.13 Equalizer Mid Frequency Setting Value Table.................................................................................... 77
42.14 Equalizer High Frequency Setting Value Table .................................................................................. 77
42.15 Equalizer Gain Setting Value Table .................................................................................................... 78
42.16 DSP Algorithm ID Table...................................................................................................................... 78
42.17 Drawbar Position Setting Value Table ................................................................................................ 78
42.18 Drawbar Percussion Setting Table...................................................................................................... 78
Part IX MIDI Implementation Notation
42.19 Hexadecimal Notation......................................................................................................................... 79
42.20 Binary Notation.................................................................................................................................... 79
Part I
MIDI Message Overview
1 Product Configuration as a MIDI Device
This Model consists of a controller block and a sound source block as described below.
Controller Block
Pedals, wheels, and other real-time controllers
Auto accompaniment
Song Memory
SMF Player
Parameter editing tools
Sound Source Block
Common Sub-blocks
Sound source common sub-block (Drawbar Organ Waveform Synthesis) Effector sub-block (DSP, Reverb, Chorus, EQ) Mixer common sub-block
Channel Independent Sub-blocks (1 to 16)
Instrument part sub-block Mixer independent sub-block
1.1 Controller Block
The Controller Block issues messages for the following: keyboard, real-time controllers (WK-3200/WK-3700 bender wheel, WK-3200 modulation switch, WK-3700 modulation wheel, etc.), song memory, auto-accompaniment, panel operations, etc. An operation causes the corresponding message to be sent to the sound source and from MIDI OUT. Though the Controller Block is mainly a send function, turning on MIDI IN Chord Judge configures it to perform chord judgment on received data and send the matching auto-accompaniment play data. The channel number of the sent data is in accordance with the settings configured for each of this Model's parts. Channel messages are not sent from any part that is turned off. Accompaniment part send messages are sent when this Model's Accomp MIDI Out setting is turned on.
1.2 Sound Source Block
The Sound Source Block consists of effectors and other common sub-blocks, and independent instruments for each channel. It operates in accordance with receive MIDI messages. Setting data may also be sent, depending on external requests.
1.3 Sound Source Common Sub-blocks
The Sound Source Common Sub-blocks include sound source settings that are not dependent on sound source parts; namely effectors, a mixer, and a drawbar organ waveform synthesizer. Basically, common sub-block parameters can be controlled using System Exclusive messages, but a number of parameters can be controlled using Channel messages.
DSP Sub-block The effector DSP sub-block can be used to change DSP settings in accordance with the Channel messages associated with the channel number specified by the MIDI Global Channel (see "MIDI Channel Number" in section 10.7).
Drawbar Organ Waveform Synthesis Sub-block The drawbar organ waveform synthesis sub-block can be used to change settings in accordance with the Channel messages associated with one of the channel numbers when drawbar organ is selected.
1.4 Sound Source Instrument Part Sub-block
The parts of the sound source can be operated and their settings can be changed with System Exclusive messages and Channel messages. The following table shows the fixed relationships between the part numbers and Channel numbers of Channel messages.
Part 12345678910111213141516
1.5 MIDI Send by Auto-accompaniment, Song Memory, and the SMF Player
This document provides information about which operations are sent by each message. Note however, that when an auto-accompaniment, Song Memory, or SMF Player operation is performed, MIDI messages may be sent as part of playback data. Such data is not covered here.
Also note that auto-accompaniment and Song Memory play data is sent only when the Transpose/Function menu's Accomp/Song MIDI Out item is turned on.
SMF player play data is sent only when SMF player settings are configured with MIDI as the output destination.
2 Conditions that Disable Message Send and Receive
All MIDI message send and receive is temporarily disabled while any one of the following processes is in progress.
System Initialization
FDD formatting (WK-3700 only)
SmartMedia formatting (WK-3200/WK-3700 only)
3 Conditions that Disable Bulk Dump Session Send and
Bulk dump message send and receive is disabled while any one of the following processes is in progress. See "19 Parameter Set Transfer Protocols" for information about bulk dump.
SMF data playback on the FDD (WK-3700 only)
Parameter data loading from the FDD (WK-3700 only)
Parameter data writing to the FDD (WK-3700 only)
4 Different Operations Depending on Part Mode
Each Part Mode (see 12.1 "About the Part Mode"), which is the sound source operational mode, has different messages for performing operations upon receipt. Each message is explained in the applicable message sections of this document.
Part II
Channel Message
5 Receive Channel
The channel number of Channel messages received by each part is in accordance with each part's receive channel setting, which is configured on this Model. Turning off the setting disabled Channel message receipt for that part.
The MIDI Channel of messages that can change DSP settings is determined by the Global Channel, which is described under "10.7 MIDI Channel Number".
6 Send Channel
Basically, the MIDI Channel of the Channel message that is sent when play data or parameter setting is changed is the value that corresponds to the part that is playing or the parameter that was changed. When the performance part or part for which the parameter setting is changed is Part 1, however, the value depends on the Transpose/ Function Keyboard Channel value.
The MIDI Channel of the message that is sent when the DSP setting is changed depends on the Global Channel, which is described under "10.7 MIDI Channel Number".
7 Note Off
Message Format: 9nH kkH 00H
8nH kkH **H (Receive only)
n: MIDI Channel Number
Key Number
Sent when something is played on the keyboard.
Received over MIDI Channels that correspond to each part. Any part whose mixer channel is turned off is not received. The velocity value is ignored.
8Note On
Message Format: 9nH kkH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
kk: Key Number
vv: Velocity
Sent when something is played on the keyboard.
Received over MIDI Channels that correspond to each part. Any part whose mixer channel is turned off is not received.
9 Polyphonic Key Pressure
Message Format: AnH kkH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
kk: Key Number
vv: Pressure Value
Send Operation
This message is not sent.
Receive Operation
This message is not received.
10 Control Change
Message Format: BnH ccH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
cc: Control Number
vv: Value
Sent when this Model's modulation button (WK-3200 only), modulation wheel (WK-3700 only), or pedal is operated, and when a parameter is changed with a control panel operation.
Receipt changes this Model's performance control status or the corresponding parameter.
Drawbar Organ Operation
Independent drawbar organ settings cannot be configured for each part, but multiple parts can use the same drawbar organ settings. At this time, the drawbar organ related Control Change Message (NRPN) is recognized by the MIDI Channels of all parts that are using the drawbar organ tone.
When Drawbar Organ is selected by Part 1 and Part 2, for example, the same parameters are applied to MIDI Channels 1 and 2.
10.1 Bank Select (00H)
Message Format: BnH 00H vvH (MSB)
BnH 20H **H (LSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
Sent when a tone is selected. See the "Tone List" of this Model's User's Guide for details.
Receipt causes a change in the tone bank number stored in this Model's memory, but the tone is not actually changed until Program Change is received. For details, see "12 Program Change" in this document, and the "Tone List" in this Model's User's Guide.
10.2 Modulation (01H)
Message Format: BnH 01H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
Sent when WK-3200 modulation button or WK-3700 modulation wheel, which is assigned to the vibrato function, is operated. A fixed value of 85 is always sent when the WK-3200 modulation button is operated.
Receipt adds vibrato of a depth specified by the value to the tone being sounded. In the case of a tone that already has vibrato applied, receipt of this message increases the vibrato depth.
10.3 Data Entry (06H,26H)
Message Format: BnH 06H vvH (MSB)
BnH 26H vvH (LSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
Sent when there is a change in the parameters assigned to NRPN and RPN.
Receipt changes the parameters assigned to NRPN and RPN.
10.4 Volume (07H)
Message Format: BnH 07H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
Sent when the volume of Mixer Part 1 through 16 is changed.
Receipt changes the Mixer Part Volume.
10.5 Pan (0AH)
Message Format: BnH 0AH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.6 Pan Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when the pan setting of mixer parts 1 through 16 is changed.
Receipt changes the Mixer part pan setting.
10.6 Expression (0BH)
Message Format: BnH 0BH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
Sent when there is a change in the Expression value by an accompaniment function.
Receipt changes the Expression value.
10.7 General Use Controllers 1 through 8 (10H through 13H, 50H through 53H)
Message Format: BnH 10H vvH
BnH 11H vvH BnH 12H vvH BnH 13H vvH BnH 50H vvH BnH 51H vvH BnH 52H vvH BnH 53H vvH
n:MIDI Channel Number (Note 1)
vv:Value (Note 2)
Note 1:MIDI Channel Number
The MIDI Channel for manipulating DSP parameters with control change messages is called the "Global Channel". The initial factory default Global Channel is Channel 1. The Global Channel cannot be changed with a control panel operation. You need to use a System Exclusive Message to change the Global Channel. For details about messages, "Global Channel" under "21.1 Patch Common Parameter List".
Note 2:Value
The range for a value that can be sent by any of the parameters is 0 to 127. Note, however, that the parameter values that can actually be set and the corresponding send value depend on the parameter.
DSP Parameter 0 DSP Parameter 1 DSP Parameter 2 DSP Parameter 3 DSP Parameter 4 DSP Parameter 5 DSP Parameter 6 DSP Parameter 7
Sent when the WK-3200 modulation button or WK-3700 modulation wheel assigned to a DSP Parameter is operated, and when this Model's DSP edit function is used to change the DSP Parameter value.
Receipt changes the DSP Parameter value. Any message received that corresponds to a parameter whose number exceeds the number of parameters for the currently selected DSP is ignored.
10.8 Hold1 (40H)
Message Format: BnH 40H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the "42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values."
Sent when the assignable jack is configured for sustain and the connected pedal is operated.
Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a sustain pedal operation.
10.9 Sostenuto (42H)
Message Format: BnH 42H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the "42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values."
Sent when the assignable jack is configured for sostenuto and the connected pedal is operated.
Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a sostenuto pedal operation.
10.10 Soft (43H)
Message Format: BnH 43H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the "42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values."
Sent when the assignable jack is configured for soft and the connected pedal is operated.
Receipt performs an operation equivalent to a soft pedal operation.
10.11 Envelope Release Time (48H)
Message Format: BnH 48H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Release Time is changed.
Receipt changes Release Time.
10.12 Envelope Attack Time (49H)
Message Format: BnH 49H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Attack Time is changed with the synthesizer function.
Receipt changes Attack Time.
10.13 Filter Cutoff (4AH)
Message Format: BnH 4AH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Filter Cutoff is changed with the synthesizer function.
Receipt changes Filter Cutoff.
10.14 Filter Resonance (47H)
Message Format: BnH 47H vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Filter Resonance is changed with the synthesizer function.
Receipt changes Filter Resonance.
10.15 Vibrato Rate (4CH)
Message Format: BnH 4CH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Vibrato Rate is changed with the synthesizer function.
Receipt changes Vibrato Rate of Tone Parameter.
10.16 Vibrato Depth (4DH)
Message Format: BnH 4DH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Vibrato Depth is changed with the synthesizer function.
Receipt changes Vibrato Depth of Tone Parameter.
10.17 Vibrato Delay (4EH)
Message Format: BnH 4EH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Vibrato Delay is changed with the synthesizer function.
Receipt changes Vibrato Delay of Tone Parameter.
10.18 Reverb Send (5BH)
Message Format: BnH 5BH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
Sent when Reverb Send of Mixer Part 1 through 16 is changed.
Receipt changes Reverb Send of Mixer Part 1 through 16.
10.19 Chorus Send (5DH)
Message Format: BnH 5DH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
Sent when Chorus Send of Mixer Part 1 through 16 is changed.
Receipt changes Chorus Send of Mixer Part 1 through 16.
10.20 NRPN (62H,63H)
Message Format: BnH 62H vvH (LSB)
BnH 63H vvH (MSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
10.20.1 Filter Cutoff
Message Format: BnH 62H 20H 63H 01H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
This message is never sent.
Receipt changes Filter Cutoff of Tone Parameter.
10.20.2 Filter Resonance
Message Format: BnH 62H 21H 63H 01H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.5 -64 to 0 to 63 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
This message is never sent.
Receipt changes Filter Resonance of Tone Parameter.
10.20.3 Drawbar Position
Message Format: BnH 62H ffH 63H 40H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
ff: Drawbar Foot(Feet) (Note 1)
Value (Note 2)
Note 1:
The table below shows the relationship between the Drawbar Foot value and the position of the foot bar.
ff Foot Bar
0 Ft16'
1 Ft5 1/3'
4 Ft2 1/3'
6 Ft1 3/5'
7 Ft1 1/3'
Note 2:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.17 Drawbar Position Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Drawbar Organ Parameter is changed on this Model.
Receipt changes the drawbar position in accordance with the message contents.
10.20.4 Drawbar Organ Click
Message Format: BnH 62H 09H 63H 40H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the "42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values."
Sent when Click of Drawbar Organ Parameter is edited.
Receipt changes Click of Drawbar Organ Parameter.
10.20.5 Drawbar Organ 2nd Percussion
Message Format: BnH 62H 0AH 63H 40H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the "42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values."
Sent when 2nd Percussion of Drawbar Organ Parameter is changed on this Model.
Receipt changes 2nd Percussion of Drawbar Organ Parameter.
10.20.6 Drawbar Organ 3rd Percussion
Message Format: BnH 62H 0BH 63H 40H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see the "42.1 Off/On Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values."
Sent when 3rd Percussion of Drawbar Parameter is changed on this Model.
Receipt changes 3rd Percussion the Drawbar Organ Parameter.
10.20.7 Percussion Decay Time
Message Format: BnH 62H 0CH 63H 40H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
Sent when Percussion Decay Time of Drawbar Parameter is changed on this Model.
Receipt changes Decay Time of Drawbar Parameter.
10.21 RPN (64H,65H)
Message Format: BnH 64H vvH (LSB)
BnH 65H vvH (MSB)
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
10.21.1 Pitch Bend Sensitivity
Message Format: BnH 64H 00H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H **H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Value 0-24(Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
Same value sent over channels 1 through 5 when the Bend Range parameter of Transpose/Function is changed.
Receipt changes Pitch Bend Sensitivity.
10.21.2 Fine Tune
Message Format: BnH 64H 01H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H llH
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value MSB (Note 1)
ll: Value LSB (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.7 -99 to 0 to 99 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Fine Tune of Mixer Part 1 through 16 is by operation of this Model.
Receipt changes Fine Tune of Mixer Part 1 through 16.
10.21.3 Coarse Tune
Message Format: BnH 64H 02H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
For information about the relationship between setting values and send/receive values, see "42.4 -24 to 0 to 24 Setting Value Table" in "Part VIII Setting Values and Send/Receive Values".
Sent when Coarse Tune of Mixer Part 1 through 16 is changed by operation of this Model.
Receipt changes Coarse Tune of Mixer Part 1 through 16.
10.21.4 Modulation Depth
Message Format: BnH 64H 05H 65H 00H 06H mmH 26H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
mm: Value (Note 1)
Note 1:
The setting value matches the value that is sent and received.
This message is never sent.
Receipt changes Vibrato depth.
10.21.5 Null
Message Format: BnH 64H 7FH 65H 7F
n: MIDI Channel Number
This message is never sent.
Receipt deselects RPN.
10.22 All Sound Off (78H)
Message Format: BnH 78H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
This message is never sent.
Receipt stops all voices that are sounding.
10.23 Reset All Controllers (79H)
Message Format: BnH 79H 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
Sent when the song function is used.
Receipt initializes controller values as shown below.
Message Number Controller Value
Control Change 01H
65H/64H 63H/62H
Channel Pressure 00H
Pitch Bend Change 40H/00H
Breath Controller
Foot Controller
00H 00H 00H 7FH 00H 00H 00H 7FH/7FH 7FH/7FH
11 Mode Message
11.1 All Notes Off (7BH)
Message Format: BnH 7BH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
11.2 Omni Off (7CH)
Message Format: BnH 7CH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
11.3 Omni On (7DH)
Message Format: BnH 7DH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
11.4 Mono (7EH)
Message Format: BnH 7EH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
11.5 Poly (7FH)
Message Format: BnH 7FH 00H
n: MIDI Channel Number
These messages are never sent.
Receipt of any of these messages releases (same as releasing the keyboard key) the currently sounding voice.
12 Program Change
Message Format: CnH ppH
n: MIDI Channel Number
pp: Program Number
Sent when a tone is selected. See the "Tone List" of this Model's User's Guide for details about program numbers.
Receipt changes the tone of the part corresponding to the MIDI Channel. The selected tone is determined by the program value of this message and the Bank Select message value received prior to this message. See the "Tone List" in this Model's User's Guide for information about actually selecting tones, etc. Also note that receipt of this message may also change the Part Mode parameter at the same time. For more information, see "12.1 About the Part Mode" below.
12.1 About the Part Mode
Each of this Model's parts has a parameter called "Part Mode," which can be set to Normal Mode, Drum Mode, or Drawbar Organ Mode. Melody tones are set to Melody Mode, rhythm tones that use the drum map are set to the Drum Mode, and drawbar organ tones are set the to Drawbar Organ Mode.
13 Channel Aftertouch
Message Format: DnH vvH
n: MIDI Channel Number
vv: Value
These messages are never sent.
Receipt of this message adds vibrato to the voice that is sounding. Details of the effect differ according to the tone setting.
14 Pitch Bend
Message Format: EnH llH mmH
n: MIDI Channel Number
ll: Value LSB
mm: Value MSB
Sent when the bender wheel is operated (WK-3200/WK-3700 only). Also sent when play data or auto-accompaniment data that includes bender wheel data is played back.
Receipt changes the pitch of the currently sounding note. The width of the change depends on the setting of the Transpose/Function's Bend Range parameter and the Pitch Bend Sensitivity, whose setting is configured by RPN.
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