30097, pg 2
FPPB Free Area in Square Feet
12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
12 0.24 0.39 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.30 1.45
18 0.47 0.75 1.04 1.32 1.61 1.90 2.18 2.47 2.76
24 0.66 1.06 1.47 1.88 2.28 2.69 3.09 3.50 3.90
30 0.93 1.51 2.08 2.65 3.23 3.80 4.38 4.95 5.52
36 1.09 1.76 2.43 3.09 3.76 4.43 5.10 5.77 6.44
42 1.35 2.18 3.00 3.83 4.66 5.49 6.32 7.15 7.98
48 1.55 2.51 3.47 4.42 5.38 6.34 7.29 8.25 9.21
54 1.76 2.84 3.93 5.01 6.10 7.18 8.26 9.35 10.43
60 2.02 3.26 4.50 5.74 6.98 8.22 9.46 10.70 11.94
66 2.02 3.26 4.50 5.74 6.98 8.22 9.46 10.70 11.94
72 2.45 3.96 5.46 6.97 8.48 9.98 11.49 13.00 14.51
78 2.61 4.22 5.82 7.43 9.04 10.64 12.25 13.86 15.46
84 2.86 4.63 6.39 8.15 9.91 11.67 13.44 15.20 16.96
90 3.10 5.01 6.92 8.83 10.73 12.64 14.55 16.46 18.37
96 3.28 5.29 7.31 9.33 11.35 13.36 15.38 17.40 19.41
102 3.55 5.74 7.92 10.11 12.29 14.48 16.66 18.85 21.04
108 3.72 6.01 8.30 10.59 12.88 15.17 17.46 19.75 22.04
114 3.97 6.41 8.85 11.29 13.73 16.17 18.61 21.05 23.49
120 4.19 6.76 9.34 11.92 14.49 17.07 19.64 22.22 24.80
FPQB Free Area in Square Feet
12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
12 0.25 0.40 0.56 0.71 0.87 1.02 1.17 1.33 1.48
18 0.48 0.77 1.06 1.36 1.65 1.94 2.24 2.53 2.82
24 0.68 1.10 1.52 1.94 2.36 2.78 3.20 3.62 4.04
30 0.96 1.55 2.14 2.74 3.33 3.92 4.51 5.10 5.69
36 1.12 1.81 2.50 3.19 3.88 4.57 5.26 5.95 6.64
42 1.39 2.25 3.11 3.96 4.82 5.68 6.54 7.39 8.25
48 1.61 2.60 3.58 4.57 5.56 6.55 7.54 8.53 9.52
54 1.82 2.95 4.07 5.19 6.32 7.44 8.56 9.68 10.81
60 2.08 3.37 4.65 5.93 7.22 8.50 9.78 11.07 12.35
66 2.09 3.38 4.66 5.95 7.24 8.52 9.81 11.10 12.38
72 2.54 4.10 5.66 7.22 8.78 10.34 11.90 13.46 15.02
78 2.70 4.37 3.03 7.69 9.36 11.02 12.68 14.35 16.01
84 2.97 4.79 6.62 8.44 10.27 12.10 13.92 15.75 17.57
90 3.21 5.19 7.16 9.14 11.11 13.09 15.06 17.04 19.02
96 3.40 5.49 7.58 9.67 11.76 13.86 15.95 18.04 20.13
102 3.68 5.94 8.20 10.47 12.73 14.99 17.26 19.52 21.78
108 3.85 6.23 8.60 10.97 13.34 15.71 18.08 20.45 22.83
114 4.11 6.64 9.17 11.70 14.23 16.75 19.28 21.81 24.34
120 4.34 7.00 9.67 12.34 15.01 17.68 20.35 23.01 25.68
FPPB and FPQB Selection and Examples
Example 1:
Airflow given as 10,000 cfm – select four louver sides
A. Determine louver free area by dividing airflow by free area
velocity (do not exceed 1050 fpm on intake louver application).
10,000 cfm ÷ 1050 fpm = 9.52 sq. ft.
Airflow ÷ Velocity = Free Area
B. Select a louver size with at least the required free area from the
chart above (9.52 sq. ft.).
42” wide x 72” high FPPB louver = 9.98 sq. ft.
(other sections available, see chart above)
C. Check the pressure drop of the selected louver at the selected
louver given airflow (Airflow Resistance Chart on page 2).
ΔP at 750 fpm = X.XX in. w.g.
Free Area Velocity Pressure Drop
Example 2:
Louver size given 36” wide x 48” high.
Determined maximum airflow.
A. Use Free Area Chart to determine
Free Area = 5.38 sq. ft.
B. Multiply Free Area by Free Area Velocity (do not exceed 1050
fpm on intake louver applications).
5.38 sq. ft. x 1050 fpm = 5,649 cfm
Free Area x Max. Free Area Velocity = Max Airflow