Service Bulletin
Issued by Canon Europa N.V.
Model :
Location :
Subject :
Reason :
Details :
When an original using a thick and stiff paper is fed from the ADF, the or iginal may strike the edge of
the copyboard glass with the consequence of folding at the leading edge of the original or an
occurre nce of a pick-up jam. To ove rcome this problem, a spring with hig her tension has be en made
available to the field. And in this connection, a formal engineering drawing change has been made.
When an original using a thick paper is fed from the ADF, the or iginal may strike the edge of the
copyboard glass with the consequence of folding at the leading edge of the original or an occurrence
of a pick-up jam for the original.
When a thick and stiff original is fed, it can push down the lower guide (for guiding the paper to the
path the paper is to follow) to a position below the edge of the copyboard glass. When that occurs the
original may strike the glass with the consequence of folding at the leading edge of the original or an
occurrence of a pick-up jam for the original. (See Figure 1.)
Lower guide
Tension spring
Lower guide
Standard weight paper
Thick original
Fig. 1
Copyboard glass
Area where the lower guide is pushed
down and the original strikes the
copyboard glass.
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<Factory measure>
Tentative Measures: Supply a counterm easure spring for specif i c cases of use rs in the field feeding
thick papers.
Permanent measure: An engineering drawing change has been made to increase the pressure of the
spring in retaining the lower guide in place (prevent it from getting pushed
down) against the downward force of the stiff paper.
Servicing :
The diameter of the spring increases due to the engineering drawing change, necessitating a change to
the shape of t he following parts (4 lo cations; Parts Ca t alog FY8-31DV-000, p. 32) as shown in the
Figure below. It is not possible to install the new spring to the ADF without the modification and for
that reason old parts and old part numbers will continue to be in use.
Since the parts other than the springs used in the modified locations are not assigned as
service parts, change in the revision level segment of the parts numbers is not the matter to
become concerned with.
Rear plate
Change in the shape
Reversing guide A
Reversing flapper
Change to the shape
Front plate
Tension spring
(New: FS7-2045)
Change in the shape
Service Parts :
Fig. 2
No. Description Part number Q’ty
1 Old SPRING, TENSION FS7-2031-000 1→0 30-82
New SPRING, TENSION FS7-2045-000 0→1
No No
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