CANON EOS-1V Technical Information

Part 2
1.1 AF System
While based on the EOS-3, the EOS-1V’s AF system incorporates major enhance­ments including a newly designed AF unit and a new AI Servo AF sequence and algorithm for improved speed, precision, and reliability. Other components are based on the EOS-3’s such as the large, oval secondary mirror, the optical sys­tem’s basic configuration and focusing principle, the focusing point’s automatic selection algorithm, and the low-contrast countermeasures.
1) Faster Area AF
High-speed, 33.3 MHz, RISC microcomputer and high-speed software processing
The high-speed RISC microcomputer with a clock speed of 33.3 MHz is ded­icated to AF calculations and shooting data memory. The processing speed is faster than the EOS-3’s (clock speed:
24.576 MHz). And with the same high­speed, predictive calculation algorithm and other software processing, the focusing point selection speed is faster than the EOS-3’s. Even the manual focus­ing point selection speed is the world’s fastest.
2) Area AF with higher precision
Improved S/N ratio and in-focus indicator with guaranteed precision
q To further improve the S/N ratio, the sensor’s effective light-sensing area per
pixel has been increased by 12 percent. Also, the AF sensor’s light-sensing sur­face has an anti-reflection layer to reduce the ghosting that affects the S/N ratio. (Fig. 2-1)
w In low-light, whether focus has been achieved or not depends on how reliable the
focusing signal is. To obtain the correct result, focusing signal precision has been given priority. Of course, focusing precision is officially guaranteed in low light down to EV 0.*
* Although this specification is common to all EOS cameras, it has not been men-
tioned in the manual until now.
Part 2: Technical Information
Camera EOS-1 EOS-1N EOS-3 EOS-1V
Basic Clock Speed
12 MHz 12 MHz
24.576 MHz
33.3 MHz
Fastest Processing Speed
0.33 µs
0.17 µs
0.04 µs
0.03 µs
Table 2-1 AFCPU
Fig. 2-1 EOS-1V’s AF sensor. Fig. 2-2 EOS-3’s AF sensor.
3) Area AF with higher reliability
New AF optical system eliminating unstable precision
The new AF optical system (Fig. 2-3) does not have the fully-reflective mirror 2 which the EOS-3 has near the sensor. The mirror’s reflective surface which caused unstable precision has thereby been eliminated. Also, the secondary image-forming lens is now made of molded glass instead of plastic resin. It enables consistent focusing precision even under high tempera­tures and humidity.
AF unit in a strong box
The AF unit’s AF chassis (Fig. 2-4) is now made of a material whose properties change little when the humidity changes. The rigid box construction is also able to withstand shock and other environmental influences to improve precision sta­bility.
Part 2: Technical Information
Prime lens
Main reflex mirror
Secondary mirror
Prime lens
Main reflex mirror
Secondary mirror
Fully-reflective mirror Fully-reflective mirror 1
Fully-reflective mirror 2
Secondary image-forming lens
Area AF sensor
Area AF sensor
Secondary image-forming lens
EOS-1V AF optical system EOS-3 AF optical system
Fig. 2-3 Comparison of the EOS-1V and EOS-3’s AF optical systems.
Fully-reflective mirror 1
Fully-reflective mirror 2
Infrared filter
Fixed diaphragm
Secondary image-forming lens
Center holder
Area AF sensor
Fully-reflective mirror
AF chassis
Infrared filter
Fixed diaphragm
Secondary image-forming lens
Center holder
Area AF sensor
EOS-1V AF unit EOS-3 AF unit
AF chassis
Fig. 2-4 Comparison of EOS-1V and EOS-3’s AF units.
4) Predictive AI Servo AF Control
During continuous shooting, the EOS-3’s AI Servo AF incorporates shutter release priority for the first shot and focusing priority (lens drive priority) from the second shot onward. So for a fast-moving subject at a close distance, the first shot might be out of focus (the point of focus is in front of the subject) or camera shake may cause focusing error. This causes the continuous film advance speed to become irregular. To resolve this problem with the EOS-1V, the priority control for the first shot during AI Servo AF continuous shooting has been changed and the predictive AF algorithm and continuous shooting sequence for 9 fps have been newly developed. The result is better focus tracking of the subject and better focusing precision. The continuous film advance speed is also more stable.
(1) AI Servo AF control for the first shot The EOS-3’s predictive AF control (Fig. 2-
5) stops driving the lens immediately when the shutter is released. Therefore, for a subject moving quickly across the image plane, the camera must overshoot the predictive lens drive amount to com­pensate for the time lag between the lens drive stoppage and the start of the expo­sure. Depending on the moment of the shutter release, the lens drive overshoot might be excessive, resulting in the point of focus falling slightly in front of the sub­ject. Since a point of focus in front of the subject is more favorable (the picture is still salvageable) than one behind the sub­ject, this control inclination was intention­al.
The lens, aperture, and mirror are driven
simultaneously from the first shot with the EOS-1V.
When focus must be achieved as quickly as possible during AF search, the stan­dard power is used after focus is achieved during AI Servo AF when the lens drive amount for the maximum power and time is minimal. This enables the predictive lens drive, aperture, and reflex mirror to be driven simultaneously (with or with­out PB-E2 attached). It reduces the lens drive overshoot amount before the shut­ter is released.
* AF search drive: During SW-1 ON when the AF system cannot detect the sub-
ject, the lens is driven to find the subject.
* AI Servo AF drive: After focus is achieved, the moving subject is tracked during
continuous focusing.
* Standard power: This is the amount of power supplied to the lens at the EOS-
1N’s level.
* Maximum power: This is twice the amount of the standard power.
Part 2: Technical Information
Shutter released
Lens drive stops Aperture stopped down
Mirror goes up
Shutter released
AI Servo AF
Lens driven
AI Servo AF
Lens driven
Aperture stopped down
Predictive lens drive
Mirror goes up
Lens drive stops
AF search
Lens driven
AF search
Lens driven
Maximum power supplied.
Power cut by half.
Power stopped.
Power supply to lens drive
Fig. 2-5 Comparison of
AI Servo AFcontrol.
Lens driving time setting after SW-2 ON
Regardless of when the shutter is released, the lens drive stops at the predicted point of focus. The lens driving time after SW-2 ON is set (0 - 35 ms). Thus, while shutter release-priority is maintained, the correct focus drive is obtained for the predicted point of focus.
(2) AI Servo AF control from the second shot onward To improve the EOS-1V’s AI Servo AF tracking perfor mance and focusing preci­sion and to maintain the film advance speed at a consistent level, the following measures were incorporated. Other than the below, the basic AI Servo AF control system is the same as the EOS-3’s.
q New predictive AF algorithm suited for 9 fps
High-precision, predictive AF with statistical operation and analysis
The EOS-3 refers to the last three focusing data readings to predict the next point of focus. However, the EOS-1V uses more focusing data for statistical operation and analysis (Fig. 2-6) and compensates for focusing error while predicting the point of focus. This increases the probability of obtaining the correct focus in the AI Servo AF mode. And since this enables a stable lens drive and a correct predic­tive point of focus, it is more likely for the lens drive to end within the time alloted during the maximum-speed sequence of 9 fps. This also helps to stabilize the continuous shooting speed. Table 2-2 shows the process of predicting the point of focus from the first to fourth focusing attempts and beyond.
Part 2: Technical Information
, Focusing error
Movement speed on image plane
Low speed
High speed
Subject distance
Predictive point of focus with other cameras
Statistical operation and predictive point of focus
Subject movement condition/
Fig. 2-6 Comparison of statistical operation and conventional predictive operation.
Focusing Attempts
First time
Second time
Third time
Fourth time onward
Predictive Focusing Method The lens drive amount from the point of defocus to the point of focus is detected. With the first focusing data reading, the next point of focus is predicted. With the first and second focusing data readings, the next point of focus is predicted. The focusing data obtained so far is used for statistical operation and the focusing error is
corrected to obtain a more precise predicted point of focus.
Table 2-2 Point of Focus Prediction Process
w New continuous shooting sequence
With the EOS-3, the shutter releases immediately when the lens driving ends. This causes an irregular lens driving time which in turn makes the film advance speed irregular as well. Since the focusing time for each shot is also irregular, predictive focusing control also becomes more difficult.
Exposure standby until the set time after the lens drive ends
During the 9 fps continuous shooting sequence, the exposure is delayed until the set standby time elapses (since the lens is being driven forward during this stand­by time, the focus is not affected) even if the lens drive ends earlier (Fig. 2-7). The standby time cushions the irregular lens driving time, and it thereby stabilizes the continuous shooting speed increases the probability for achieving correct focus.
Securing the exposure standby time
The shooting speed is set to 9 fps even when AI Servo AF can exceed 9 fps. The extra time is used to stabilize the continuous shooting speed. The ultra-high speed shooting sequence at 10 fps in the One-Shot AF mode and the new predic­tive AF algorithm and high-speed EF lenses make it possible to set a standby time. In the high-speed continuous shooting mode at 7 fps, the sequence provides even more extra time. Continuous shooting in the AI Servo AF mode is therefore more stable than with the EOS-3.
Continuous shooting speed adjusted to suit the lens driving time
If the lens driving cannot be completed within the set time due to difficult subject tracking conditions, the film advance speed is decreased (in 0.5 fps increments) to a stable level that is maintainable. This is to prevent the film advance speed from becoming irregular. When the subject tracking becomes easier, the film advance speed is increased again.
Part 2: Technical Information
Lens driven
Exposure starts
Lens driven
Lens driven
Exposure starts Exposure starts
Lens driven
Exposure starts
Lens driven
Lens driven
Exposure starts Exposure starts
The standby time absorbs the irregular lens driving time, and the AF interval and exposure interval become uniform.
With no standby time, the irregular lens driving time directly affects the AF interval and exposure interval.
Standby time provided
No standby time
Fig. 2-7 Comparison of continuous shooting sequences.
(3) Preconditions for attaining 9 fps When the PB-E2 + NP-E2 and an EF lens having the EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM’s lens drive speed are attached to the camera and the lens EMD stopdown time is 35 ms or shorter (equivalent to 2 stops worth with the EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM), 9 fps is attained when the lens drive ends within the time in the maxi­mum-speed sequence described above. The EMD stopdown time decreases the continuous shooting speed accordingly. Also, when the focusing point selection is automatic during predictive AF and the subject moves to another focusing point, the continuous shooting speed and the predictive AF perfor mance deteriorate slightly (by how much depends on how often the subject moves to another focusing point) due to the extra focusing and processing time required. The deterioration occurs even while the PB-E2 is attached to the camera.
e Predictive AF control perfor mance
50 kph at 8 meters
The camera can focus track a subject approaching the camera at 50 kph up to 8 meters away (with the EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM). Each of the 45 focusing points is capable of the same predictive AF perfor mance. As mentioned before, AI Servo AF control for the first shot is the same with or without the PB-E2 attached. Therefore, the predictive AF perfor mance with the EOS-1V is the same with or without the PB-E2 attached. When the battery becomes exhausted, the lens, aperture, and reflex mirror are driven sequentially instead of simultaneously, resulting in lower perfor mance of the predictive AF control.
Part 2: Technical Information
Subject Distance
5 10 50 100 500
Subject Movement Speed (kmh)
EOS-1N + PDB-E1: 5 fps
EOS-1V: 9 fps EOS-3: 7 fps
Fig. 2-8 Comparison of predictive AF control performance.
1.2 Viewfinder
1) Configuration
The viewfinder’s basic optical system is the same as the EOS-3’s. The coverage is 100%, the viewfinder magnification is 0.72 ×, dioptric correction is provided, an eyepiece shutter is provided, and superimposition (SI) display optics is provided. Even without the Eye Control unit, there was a problem with too little space. The basic configuration was revamped to minimize space requirements, and the SI display brightness was increased. The major changes in the configuration are as follows:
Pentaprism with a high refractive index
To shorten the viewfinder’s optical path and secure a viewfinder magnification of
0.72 ×, glass with a high refractive index was incorporated in the pentaprism.
New SI display optics
The EOS-3’s SI display optics have a dichroic mirror between the pentaprism and eyepiece lens. With this configuration, if the viewfinder coverage is increased or if dioptric correction is incorporated, the optical path will become longer, resulting in a lower viewfinder magnification. In the case of the EOS-1V, the dichroic mirror has been replaced by a prism (Fig. 2-9) to shorten the viewfinder optical path. And with the pentaprism having a high refractive index, the same viewfinder mag­nification as the EOS-1N’s could be secured.
Retractable dioptric correction lens
When the eyepiece shutter is closed, the dioptric correction lens retracts toward the pentaprism automatically. The eyepiece shutter and dioptric correction lens share the same operation space. The dioptric correction mechanism is the same as the EOS-1N’s.
Part 2: Technical Information
Fig. 2-9 Center cross section.
Metering sensor, 21-zone SPC
Metering lens
SI mirror
SI lens
Eyepiece lens 1
Eyepiece shutter
SI prism 1
SI prism 2
Eyepiece lens 2
(Dioptric correction lens) H-LCD
H-LCD prism
Film plane
Secondary mirror
CMOS Area AF sensor
Secondary image-forming lens
Fixed diaphragm
Infrared filter
Fully-reflective mirror
45-deg. main mirror
Focusing screen
Laser Matte surface
Condensor lens
2) Superimposition display optics
Except for not having a dichroic mirror between the pentaprism and eyepiece lens, the SI display optics (Fig. 2-10) for the focusing points are basically the same as the EOS-3’s. The improvements are a brighter SI display and an SI dis­play that is easier to see (Fig. 2-11).
Display brighter by over 2 stops
The backlight optics uses a direct system (lens × 2) instead of a diffusion system (fresnel lens + diffusion panel). It eliminates the light loss inherent with the fres­nel lens and diffusion panel and increases the display brightness by over 2 stops.
Clear SI display
By incorporating an aspherical surface for backlight lens 2 and the two SI lenses (focusing point image-forming lens), a clear SI display with minimal aberrations is obtained.
Part 2: Technical Information
Focusing screen
Eyepiece lens
SI lens 1
SI lens 2
Condensor lens
SI prism 1
SI prism 2
Backlight lens 1
Backlight lens 2
SI mirror
Metering sensor
Metering lens
Fig. 2-10 SI display optics.
SI lens Eyepiece lens
Fresnel lens
Diffusion panel
Backlight lens
Fig. 2-11 Comparison with the EOS-3’s SI display optics.
1.3 Exposure Control
1) Metering
(1) Metering optics and the AE sensor The EOS-1V’s metering optics (see Fig. 2-10 on the preceding page) are positioned above the eyepiece lens to avoid obstructing the SI display optics. Evaluative metering and E-TTL autoflash use a new algorithm. Otherwise, the other sensors and metering methods have the same specifications as the EOS-3’s.
(2) Evaluative metering The EOS-3’s 21-zone evaluative metering system has won high praise. However, a few users have pointed out that the exposure can become inconsistent when the picture is recomposed slightly. The EOS-1V uses a new algorithm so that a more consistent exposure is obtained with 21-zone evaluative metering while auto­matic exposure compensation (a strong point of the EOS evaluative metering system) remains intact.
EOS-3’s evaluative metering system
The EOS evaluative metering system hitherto centered the main metering area around the active focusing point and executed automatic exposure compensation for the different brightness (mainly the differ ence with the backlight areas) of the adjacent and peripheral areas. However, since the EOS-3’s main metering area is almost as narrow as the spot metering area, shifting the main metering area even slightly can cause the automatic exposure compensation amount to change (Fig. 2-12). Thus, the exposure setting can change even with a slight change in the subject framing. Also, during continuous shooting of a moving subject with AI SERVO AF and automatic focusing point selection, the resulting exposures tended to be irregular in the same series of continuous shots as the focusing point shifted to next one. The shifting focusing point also shifted the main metering area, causing the meter reading to change.
EOS-1V’s evaluative metering system
The EOS-1V’s evaluative metering system is linked to and weighted on the active focusing point and the meter reading is averaged (Fig. 2-14). Automatic expo­sure compensation is set for bright subjects. In effect, the manual exposure compensation set for a bright background during centerweighted averaging metering has been replaced by focusing point-linked automatic exposure compensation. In other words, evaluative metering is now weighted less on the active focusing point’s metering area. This makes the exposure more consistent even when the framing is changed slightly. When focus is achieved at the desired location with a manually-selected focusing point in the One-Shot AF mode, it is highly likely that the main metering area will cover the main subject completely. Therefore, if the main metering area’s bright­ness level is still low after the automatic exposure compensation for a bright
Part 2: Technical Information
The main metering
The main metering area covers
the subject completely.
The main metering area is shifted to
cover the subject partially.
Fig. 2-12 EOS-3’s evaluative
metering system.
Fig. 2-13 Metering pattern for
centerweighted metering.
background, conventional evaluative metering is applied for backlight expo­sure compensation to suit the main metering area’s brightness level (see Table 2-3). Backlight exposure compensation is applied mainly under cloudy condi­tions, daylight shadows, and other backlit conditions when exposure compensa­tion for a bright subject is not likely to be applied. Evaluative metering is executed in the following steps: q The metering is averaged while weighted on the focusing point and correspond-
ing metering area. If the active focusing point is on the border of the metering area, the metering area with a less bright meter reading is selected as the focusing point’s corresponding metering area.
w If the metered value is higher than the stipulated brightness level, several adja-
cent bright areas are sampled starting with the brightest area. If the metered value is lower than the stipulated brightness level, conventional evaluative metering is applied. The value obtained in q is used as the final reading.
e The sampled bright areas are averaged and a positive amount of exposure com-
pensation is added.
r With manual focusing point selection + One-Shot AF, backlit exposure compen-
sation obtained with conventional evaluative metering is also applied if the subject’s brightness level at the main metering area is still low even after expo­sure compensation for a bright subject is applied.
Evaluative metering for consistent exposures and easy detection of required exposure
This evaluative metering uses a relatively simple algorithm which weights the metering relatively lightly on the active focusing point and corresponding metering area and mainly compensates for high-level brightness instead. Thus, a proper exposure is obtained consistently even if the framing is slightly altered. For users who mainly use centerweighted averaging metering, it makes it easier to see how exposure compensation is applied.
Fig. 2-14 Sample metering patterns of focusing point-weighted averaging metering.
Part 2: Technical Information
Table 2-3 Conditions for evaluative
metering and exposure compensation.
Manual Focusing Automatic Focusing
Point Selection Point Selection
Brightness compensation
+ Backlit compensation
compensation only
AI SERVO AF Brightness compensation only
Partial and spot metering coverage
Since the EOS-3’s viewfinder coverage is 100% instead of 97%, the partial and spot metering coverage has become slightly smaller. However, if you round off the figure to the second decimal place, it becomes the same as the EOS-3. Thus, the EOS-1V’s partial and spot metering coverage is the same as the EOS-3’s at approx. 8.5% for partial and 2.4% for spot metering. (These are official specifica­tions.)
3) E-TTL autoflash To obtain a more consistent flash exposure, the main flash output calculation algorithm has been changed. With the EOS-3, the main flash output is determined by the preflash reflected off only the areas covered by the main flash metering area (covering the main sub­ject) and adjacent flash metering areas. Thus, if the picture is even slightly recomposed, a different flash exposure (Fig. 2-15) may result as in the case of evaluative metering. With the EOS-1V, preflash meter readings are taken from the main flash metering area covering the main subject and from a peripheral group of flash metering areas (Fig. 2-15 - q ) which received the brightest r eflectance. The metering weight of the main flash metering area and the weight of the brightest peripheral group are averaged to determine the main flash output. Since the peripheral group cov­ers a larger area than with the EOS-3, the algorithm selects a more consistent flash exposure level even if the framing changes slightly. During automatic focusing point selection, the metering is weighted more on the peripheral flash metering area than on the main flash metering area. This results in a more consistent flash exposure level even if the subject framing is changed slightly. In the case of manual focusing point selection, it is more likely that the entire main flash metering area will cover the subject. Therefore, the metering is weighted more on the main flash metering area than on the peripheral flash metering area. If a peripheral flash metering area receives an abnormally high preflash reflectance, the peripheral flash metering area expands (Fig. 2-15 - w ) and the metering weight is averaged with the weight of the main flash metering area. The main flash output is thereby determined.
Part 2: Technical Information
q E-TTL autoflash metering areas
w E-TTL autoflash metering areas for abnormally high preflash reflectance.
Fig. 2-15 Grouping of peripheral flash metering areas
2) Exposure control system
The EOS-1V’s exposure control is the same as the EOS-3’s.
Part 2: Technical Information
3) Exposure control mechanism
(1) Shutter While based on the EOS-3’s shutter, the EOS-1V’s shutter (made by Canon) fea­tures improved basic perfor mance, reli­ability, and durability. The official shut­ter durability specification is 150,000 cycles. In actual tests, the shutter last­ed up to 200,000 cycles. The operation principle, unit appearance, and the maximum bulb exposure time (1,000 hr) are all the same as the EOS-3’s shutter. q Improved shutter curtain-driving
spring and coil for faster operation A more powerful shutter curtain-dri­ving spring and coil (Fig. 2-16) enables the maximum shutter speed of 1/8000 sec. and maximum X-sync speed of 1/250 sec. (curtain speed of
2.2 ms/24 mm).
w Higher precision
To enhance precision, the motor shaft now has a different shape, material, and surface finish to lower friction and the shape of the release lever has been changed.
e Carbon fiber shutter curtains for better strength and durability
The slit-producing shutter curtains are made of carbon fiber to make the cur­tain unit lighter, stronger, and more durable.
r Anti-friction material and surface finish for better durability
To improve durability, the rotating shafts and bearings of all drive levers are now made of a material and surface finish having excellent anti-friction proper­ties.
t Stronger shutter curtain braking for added durability
To cope with the faster shutter curtain drive speed, the curtain brake mecha­nism is now stronger for better durability.
Table 2-4 Shutter Design Specifications
Part 2: Technical Information
Fig. 2-16 Exploded view of shutter unit.
1. Type
2. Shutter curtain system
3. Shutter curtains
4. Shutter curtain material
5. Curtain driver
6. Shutter speed control
7. Curtain speed
8. Shutter speed range
9. Max. flash sync speed
10. Signal
Design Specifications Vertical-travel, focal-plane shutter Rectangular, parallel-linked type 1st curtain: 5, 2nd curtain: 5, total 10 2 curtains made of carbon fiber, 3 curtains made of ultra-duralumin 2 curtains made of carbon fiber, 3 curtains made of ultra-duralumin 1st and 2nd curtains each have two dedicated torsion springs All speeds electronically controlled by controlling the conduction of power
to the dedicated magnets for the 1st and 2nd curtains, (Magnet type: Newly-developed, rotary magnet)
Approx. 2.2 ms/24 mm 30 - 1/8000 sec., bulb 1/250 sec. Two types: q X-sync and w 2nd-curtain synchronization
1st curtain 2nd curtain
Coil (for 2nd curtain)
Yoke (for 2nd curtain)
Magnet × 2
Cam (for 2nd curtain)
2nd curtain fixed lever
2nd curtain drive lever
2nd curtain
1st curtain
1st curtain drive lever
1st curtain fixed lever
Cam (for 1st curtain)
Yoke (for 1st curtain)
Coil (for 1st curtain)
Chip condensor × 2
1.4 Film Transport
High-power film advance motor M1, film advance with floating support, and
a film transport detection system compatible with infrared film. Other features
are the same as with the EOS-3 (see the EOS-3’s Technical Information Part 2).
1) High-power, film advance motor
The EOS-3 uses a motor having a rated voltage of 6 V. The EOS-1V uses the same high-power, 12 V motor as the EOS-1N. And with the 12 V power supplied directly by the PB-E2, the EOS-1V can attain a continuous shooting speed of 10 fps. The difference between the motors used in the EOS-3 and EOS-1V lies in the design concept. The EOS-3 pro­vides adequate performance even without the PB-E2. It uses a 6 V motor to match the 2CR5 6 V bat­tery used when the EOS-3 is pow­ered internally. Whereas the EOS­1V was primarily designed to attain maximum performance with the PB-E2 attached. It therefore uses a 12 V motor. See Table 15 for the speed difference with and without the PB-E2 for both cameras.
Preconditions to attain 10 fps
The PB-E2 and NP-E2 are attached and the lens EMD stopdown time is 35 ms or shorter (equivalent to 2 stops worth with the EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM). If the aperture is stopped down, farther the continu­ous shooting speed decreases due to the increased EMD stopdown time. The continuous shooting speed does not differ with different lenses.
Part 2: Technical Information
Table 2-5 Maximum Continuous
Shooting Speed (fps)
M-1: Dedicated motor for film advance
M-1: Dedicated motor for film advance
Guide roller 1
M-2: Cocks the shutter and quick-return reflex mirror and rewinds the film
Guide roller 2
Guide roller 2
Guide roller 1
M-2: Dedicated motor for film rewind
M-3: Cocks the shutter and quick-return reflex mirror
Lo planetary gear
Hi planetary gear
(2) Three-motor system with PB-E2 attached
(1) Two-motor system (without PB-E2)
Fig. 2-17 Film transport system.
Camera only
PB-E2 + NP-E2
3.5 fps 10 fps
4.3 fps 7 fps
2) Silent film advance
The floating supports at four places (Fig. 2-18) in the film advance unit have reduced the film advance noise and vibration (Table 2-6). The shut­ter cocking system’s floating supports also help to reduce the continuous film advance noise.
Discernable noise cut by half with low-speed cocking
With the Personal Function PF-21 “Silent (low­speed) film advance after film is exposed and shutter button turns off,” silent film advance is possible with the EOS-1V (without PB-E2) set to single-frame advance. The noise level is 5 dB lower than the standard cocking noise which is about half the discernable noise level (Table 2-7). Also, since low-speed film advance suppresses the high-frequency range (4 - 8 KHz), it actually sounds much quieter. With mirror lockup, the noise comes from only the shutter, making it even more quiet. It is suited for when noise is unwanted. By employing a slow speed (the film advance speed is unchanged) for cocking the shutter and mirror which usually makes a large noise, the operation is quieter. The M2 motor’s PWM control and silent rewind have been applied to the cocking of the shutter and mirror.
3) Film transport detection system
Compatible with infrared film
The film perforation is detected optically with a photo reflector (Fig. 2-19). The upper half of the perforation is detected by condensor optics. Masking material is used to shield the picture area against the infrared light. This enables infrared film to be used. Also, the light reception efficiency has been improved with the condensor optics, and the infrared light intensity has been reduced to further decrease the chances of fogging the film.
Part 2: Technical Information
Fig. 2-18 Film advance unit’s
floating supports.
Continuous Shooting
79.2 (7)
87.1 (7)
78.9 (6)
Single-Frame Shooting
Table 2-6 Comparison of shutter release and film
advance noise in dB (fps)
Standard Cocking Low-speed Cocking
67 62
Film Advance
Table 2-7 Comparison of cocking noise
(dB) and time (sec.)
Fig. 2-19 Film transport
detection system.
Rubber bushing × 1
Rubber bushing × 3
M1: Film advance motor
Infrared film fogging area
Photo reflector for film transport detection
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