Mono multifunctional laser printers
built for speed and reliability – ideal for
home and small oces.
High-quality printing, copying,
scanning and faxing
mono laser printers – fast,
reliable and easy to use.
in compact
MF231 MF232w
Rapid print performance
• The speedy 23 ppm printing helps you work quickly.
• With Quick First-Print, the printer wakes from sleep mode and
starts printing in an instant.
Scanner with OCR
• Copy and save digital versions of paper documents with the
built-in high-resolution flatbed scanner and ADF2.
• Turn scanned documents into editable, text-searchable PDFs
with the included optical character recognition (OCR) software.
Print documents from your smartphone
• Print from your mobile devices with built-in support for
Mopria™, Apple AirPrint™ and the Canon PRINT Business app.
• Connect the printer to a Google Cloud Print account.
Monitor from a PC or mobile
• Access printer information, change network settings, set
up the address book and check toner levels – all from the
Remote User Interface (RUI).
Improve your sustainability
• Cut down on wastage thanks to the ECO reports containing
actionable insights on the printer’s energy consumption.
• Save energy with the Auto O and reduced power usage in
sleep and standby modes.
Footnote :
only on MF237w
only on MF237w
on MF232w and MF237w

Technical Specifications
Machine type Mono Laser All-In-One
Available functions MF23 1 & MF232 w : Print, C opy and S can
MF237 w : Print, C opy, Scan a nd Fax
Print speed Single s ided: U p to 23 ppm (A4)
Printing method Monoc hrome la ser beam printin g
Print quality Up to 120 0 x 1200 dp i
Print resolution 600 x 60 0 dpi
First Pr int Ou t Time Approx: 6.0 seconds or less
Printer languages UFRII-LT
Print margins 5 mm-top, b ottom , left an d right
10 mm-to p, botto m, lef t and righ t (Envelo pe)
Toner saver m ode Yes
Advanced printing features MF232 w & MF23 7w only :
Googl e Cloud P rint Rea dy
iOS: Air Print, C anon PRINT Bu siness app
Androi d; Mopr ia certi fied, C anon Print Ser vice Plu g-in, C anon
PRINT Business app
Copy speed Single s ided: U p to 23 ppm (A4)
First Co py Outp ut Tim e
Approx. 9.0 seconds or less
Copy resolution Up to 6 00 x 600 d pi
Copy modes Text/Photo, Text/Photo (High speed), Photo, Text
Multiple copy Up to 999 co pies
Reduction / Enlargement 25-4 00% in 1 % increm ents
Other features Memor y sort, 2 on 1, 4 on 1 , ID card c opy
Typ e Colour
Scan resolution Optica l: Up to 60 0 x 600 dp i
Scan speed MF23 1 & MF232 w (Flat bed) :
Enhan ced: Up to 9 600 x 9600 dpi
Single s ided mo no: 3 sec /page (30 0 x 300 dpi)
Single s ided col our: 4 se c/page (300 x 30 0 dpi)
MF237w (ADF):
Single s ided mo no: 20 ipm ( 300 x 30 0 dpi)
Single s ided col our: 1 5 ipm (30 0 x 300 dpi)
Colour scanning depth 24 bit/24 bi t (input / o utput)
Greyscales 256 levels
Compatibility TWAIN , WIA , ICA
Max. sc an widt h 216 mm
Scan to P C TIFF/JPEG/PDF/Compact PDF/Searchable PDF
Scan to Cl oud TIFF/JPEG/PDF/PNG
Fax (MF2 37w only )
Modem speed 33.6 K bps (Up to 3 s econd s/page
Receive m ode Fax on ly, Fax/Tel Auto Sw itch, An swer Mod e, Manual
Fax resolution N ormal: 200 x 10 0 dpi
FAX m emo ry Up to 256 p ages
Fine: 20 0 x 200 dpi
Photo: 20 0 x 200 dp i
Super fi ne: 200 x 4 00 dpi
Speed d ials Up to 104 d ials
Group dials/destinations Max. 1 03 dials / M ax. 50 de stinat ions in on e group
Sequential broadcast Max. 114 destinations
Memor y backup Per manen t fax mem ory backup (B ackup wi th flash me mory)
Other features Fax Forwa rding, D ual Access, Rem ote Recep tion, P C Fax (TX
only) DRP D, ECM, A uto Redia l, Fax Activ ity Rep orts , Fax Activi ty
Result Re ports, Fax Acti vity Ma nagem ent Rep orts
Media Handling
Scanner type M F231 & M F232w : Flatbe d
Paper input (Standard) MF23 1 & MF232 w :
MF237 w : Flatbe d and Autom atic Doc ument F eeder (A DF)
250-sheet casset te
1-sheet multi-purpose tray
MF237 w :
250-sheet casset te
1-sheet multi-purpose tray
35-sheet ADF
Paper output 100 -sheet
Media types P lain pap er, Colour paper, Re cycled p aper, Heav y Paper, Bond
Media s izes C asset te :
Media weights Cassette: 60 to 163 g /m²
paper, Label, Index card, Envelope
A4, A5 , B5, Leg al, Let ter, Execut ive, State ment, O FFICI O,
B-OF FICIO , M-O FFICI O, GLTR, GLG L, Foo lscap, 1 6K, Envelop
(COM10, D L, C5 ), Custom s izes: Min . 76. 2 mm x 210 m m
Max. 21 6 mm x 356 mm.
Multi -purpose tra y:
A4, A5 , B5, Leg al, Let ter, Execut ive, State ment, O FFICI O,
B-OF FICIO , M-O FFICI O, GLTR, GLG L, Foo lscap, 1 6K, Indexcar d,
Envelope (CO M10, Monarch,D L, C5 ), Custom s izes:
Min 76. 2 mm x 127 mm Max. 21 6 x 356 mm .
ADF (For M F237w o nly) :
A4, A5 , B5, B6 , Legal, Letter, Cus tom sizes ( W x L):
Min. 1 05 mm x 14 8 mm Max 21 6 mm x 356 m m
Multi-purpose tray: 60 to 163 g/m²
ADF (For M F237w only) : 50 to 1 05 g/m²
Interface & Software
Interface type MF231 : USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Operating System
Network Protocol MF2 32w & MF 237w on ly :
Softw are and p rinte r
MF232 w & MF237w : USB 2.0 Hi-Speed, 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX ,
Wireless 802.11b/g/n, Wireless Direct Connection
MF23 1 :
Windows ® 10 / Win dows® 8 .1 / Wind ows® 8 / Win dows® 7 / Vi sta
Mac OS X ver sion 10 .6 & up
MF232 w & MF23 7w :
Windows ® 10 / Win dows® 8 .1 / Wind ows® 8 / Win dows® 7 /
Server® 2012R2
Server® 20085 / Server® 2003R25 / Server® 20035 / Vista
Mac OS X ver sion 10 .6 & up
LPD, RAW, WSD -Print (IPv4 ,IPv6)
Email, S MB, WSD-Sc an(I Pv4, IP v6)
TCP/IP Application Services:
Bonjo ur(mDN S), HTT P, HTTPS , POP bef ore SMT P (IPv4 ,IP v6)
DHCPv6 (IPv6)
SNMPv1, SNMPv3 (IPv4,IPv6)
Security (wired):
IP/Mac ad dress fi ltering , IEEE802.1X , SNMPv3, HT TPS, I Psec
Security (wireless):
MF231 :
Presto! Page Manager,
MF Sca n Utility,
Toner Status Tool
MF232 w & MF23 7w :
Presto! Page Manager,
MF Sca n Utility,
Remote Us er Inter face (RUI),
SSID Tool,
Toner Status Tool
/ Server® 20125 / Server® 2008R25 /
General Features
Recomm ende d Mont hly Prin t
Duty cycle Max. 15 ,000 p ages pe r month
Memory MF231 : 128MB
Control panel MF231 & M F232w : 5 lines B &W LCD
Dimensions with trays
(W x D x H)
Installation space
(W x D x H)
Weigh t MF23 1 : Approx. 1 0.1 Kg
Operating environment Temperature: 10 to 30°C (50 to 86 °F)
500 - 2, 500 pages per m onth
MF232 w & MF23 7w : 256MB
MF237 w : 6-lin e LCD B&W Touch Sc reen
MF23 1 & MF232 w : 390 mm x 3 71 mm x 3 12 mm
MF237 w : 390 mm x 3 71 mm x 36 0 mm
MF23 1 & MF232 w : 590 mm x 7 96 mm x 72 2 mm
MF237 w : 629 mm x 79 6 mm x 730 mm
MF232 w : Approx . 10. 2 Kg
MF237 w : Approx . 11.4 Kg
Humid ity: 20 to 8 0% RH (no condensa tion)
Power Source 22 0-240V(±10 %) 50/6 0Hz (±2Hz)