Candy FCS502XE User Manual

CANDY HOOVER GROUP S.R.L. • Via Privata Eden Fumagalli • 20047 Brugherio Milano Italy
Safety Indications
• WARNING:the applianceand accessibleparts becomehot duringuse. Be carefulnot to touchany hot parts.
•WARNING: the accessible parts can become hot when the oven is in use. Childrenmustbe kept atasafe distance.
•WARNING: ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the bulb, toavoid thepossibilityofelectric shocks.
•WARNING:beforeinitiatingthe automatic cleaningcycle:
- Clean theovendoor;
- Removelarge or coarsefood residuesfromthe insideof theoven using a damp sponge.Donotuse detergents;
- Removeall accessoriesand the sliding rackkit(wherepresent);
- Do notplaceteatowels
• In ovens with meat probe it is necessary, before making the cleaning cycle, close the hole with the nut provided. Always close the hole with the nut whenthemeatprobe is not used.
•Children under 8 must be kept at a safe distance from the appliance if not continuouslysupervised.
•Children must not play with the appliance. The appliance can be used by those aged 8 or over and by those with limited physical, sensorial or mental capacities, without experience or knowledge of the product, only if supervised or provided with instructionastotheoperation of the appliance, in asafe waywith awareness of thepossiblerisks.
•Cleaning and maintenance should not be carried out by unsupervised children.
•Do not use rough or abrasive materials or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glasses, as they can scratch the surface and cause the glass toshatter.
•The oven must be switched off before removing the removable parts and, aftercleaning,reassemblethem according the instructions.
•Only use themeatprobe recommendedfor this oven.
•Do not useasteamcleaner for cleaning operations.
• Connect a plug to the supply cable that is able to bear the voltage, current and load indicated on the tag and having the earth contact. The
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socket must be suitable for the load indicated on the tag and must be having the earth contact connected and in operation. The earth conductor is yellow-green in colour. This operation should be carried out by a suitably qualified professional. In case of incompatibility between the socketand theapplianceplug,aska qualified electrician to substitute the socket with another suitable type. The plug and the socket must be conformed to the current norms of the installation country. Connection to the power source can also be made by placing an omnipolar breaker between the appliance and the power source that can bear the maximum connected load and that is in line with current legislation. The yellow-green earth cable should not be interrupted by the breaker. The socket or omnipolar breaker used for the connection should be easily accessible when the appliance is installed.
•The disconnection maybeachievedbyhaving the plug accessible or by incorporating a switch in the fixed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules.
•If the power cable is damaged, it must be substituted with a cable or special bundle available from the manufacturer or by contacting the customerservicedepartment.
•The type ofpowercable must be H05V2V2-F.
•Failure to comply with the above can compromise the safety of the appliance and invalidatetheguarantee.
•Anyexcessofspilledmaterial should beremoved before cleaning.
•During the pyrolytic cleaning process, surfaces can heat up more than usual, childrenmustthereforebekept at asafe distance.
•The appliance must not be installed behind a decorative door in order toavoidoverheating.
•When you place the shelf inside, make sure that the stop is directed upwardsand inthe back of the cavity. The shelf mustbeinserted completely intothecavity
• WARNING: Do not linethe oven walls with aluminum foil or single-use protectionavailable from stores.Aluminumfoiloranyotherprotection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, riskmelting and deteriorating the enamel of theinsides.
• WARNING:Never removetheovendoor seal.
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General Instructions
Product Description
Use of the Oven
Oven Cleaning and Maintenance
1.1 Safety indications
1.2 Electrical safety
1.3 Recommendations
1.4 Installation
1.5 Waste management
1.6 Conformity declaration
2.1 Overview
2.2 Accessories
2.3 First use
3.1 Display description
3.2 Cooking modes
3.3 Using the minute timer
4.1 General notes on cleaning
4.2 Self-cleaning oven with catalytic
4.3 Maintenance
• Removal of the oven window
• Removal and cleaning of the glass door
• Changing the bulb
5.1 F.A.Q.
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1. General Instructions
We thank you for choosingone of ourproducts. Forthe best results with your oven, you should read this manual carefully and retain it for future reference. Before installing the oven, take note of the serial number so that you can giveit to customer service staff if any repairs are required. Having removed the oven from itspackaging, check thatit has notbeen damaged during transportation. If you have doubts, do not use the oven and refer to a qualified technician for advice. Keep all of the packaging material (plastic bags, polystyrene, nails) out of the reach of children. When the oven is switched on for the first time, strong smelling smoke can develop, whichis causedby the glue on theinsulation panels surrounding the oven heating for the first time. This is absolutely normal and, if it occurs, you should wait for the smoke to dissipate before putting food in the oven. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility in cases where the instructions contained in thisdocument are notobserved.
NOTE: the oven functions, properties and accessories cited in this manual will vary, depending on the model you have purchased.
1.1 Safety Indications
Only use the oven for its intended purpose, that is only for the cooking of foods; any other use, for example as a heat source, is considered improper and therefore dangerous. The manufacturer cannot be held responsibleforany damage resulting fromimproper,incorrector unreasonableusage.
The use ofany electrical applianceimplies theobservance ofsome fundamental rules:
- do notpull onthe powercable to disconnectthe plug fromthe socket;
- do nottouch the appliancewith wetor damphands orfeet;
- in generalthe use ofadaptors,multiple sockets and extensioncables isnot recommended;
- in caseof malfunction and/orpoor operation,switch off theappliance anddo nottamper with it.
1.2 Electrical Safety
The powersupply to which the ovenis connected must conform with the lawsin forcein the country of installation.The manufactureraccepts noresponsibility foranydamage causedby thefailure to observe these instructions. The oven must be connected toan electrical supply with an earthed wall outlet or a disconnector with multiple poles, depending on the laws in force in the country of installation. The electrical supply should be protected with suitable fuses and the cables used must have a transverse section that canensurecorrect supplyto theoven.
The ovenis supplied with a powercable thatshould only be connected toan electricalsupply with 220­240 Vac 50 Hz power between the phases or between the phase and neutral. Before the oven is connectedto theelectrical supply, itis important to check:
- power voltage indicated onthe gauge;
- the settingof the disconnector. The groundingwire connectedto the oven's earth terminal mustbe connectedto the earthterminal of
the power supply.
Beforeconnecting the ovento thepowersupply,ask aqualified electrician tocheck thecontinuity of the power supply's earth terminal. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for any accidents or other problems caused byfailure to connect the oven tothe earthterminal orby anearth connectionthat has defectivecontinuity.
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NOTE: as the oven couldrequire maintenance work, itis advisableto keep another wallsocket available so that the oven can be connected to this if it is removed from the space in which it is installed. The power cable must only be substituted by technical service staff or by technicians with equivalent qualifications.
1.3 Recommendations
Aftereach useof the oven,a minimumof cleaningwill helpkeepthe oven perfectly clean. Do not line the ovenwalls withaluminium foil orsingle-use protection available from stores. Aluminium
foil or any other protection, in direct contact with the hot enamel, risks melting and deteriorating the enamel of the insides. In order to prevent excessive dirtying of your oven and the resulting strong smokey smells, we recommend not using the oven at very high temperature. It is better to extend the cooking time and lower the temperature alittle. In addition to the accessories supplied with the oven, weadvise youonly use dishesand bakingmoulds resistant to veryhigh temperatures.
1.4 Installation
The manufacturers have no obligationto carry thisout. If the assistance ofthe manufacturer is required to rectify faults arising from incorrect installation, this assistance is not covered by the guarantee. The installation instructions for professionally qualified personnel must be followed. Incorrect installation may cause harm or injury to people, animals or belongings. The manufacturer cannot be held responsiblefor such harmor injury.
The oven can be located high in a column or under a worktop. Before fixing, you must ensure good ventilation in the oven space to allow proper circulation of the fresh air required for cooling and protectingthe internal parts. Make the openingsspecified onlast pageaccordingto thetype of fitting.
1.5 Waste management and environmental protection
This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU regarding electric and electronic appliances (WEEE). The WEEE contain both polluting substances (that can have a negative effect on the environment) and base elements (that can be reused). Itis important that theWEEE undergospecific treatmentsto correctly remove and dispose of the pollutants and recover all the materials. Individuals can play an important role in ensuring that the WEEE do not become an environmental problem; it is essential to followa fewbasic rules:
- the WEEEshould notbe treatedas domestic waste;
- the WEEE should be taken todedicated collection areas managed by the town council or a registered company.
In many countries, domestic collections may be available for large WEEEs. When you buy a new appliance, the old one can be returned tothe vendor whomust accept it free of charge as a one-off,as long as theappliance isof anequivalent type andhas thesame functionsas thepurchasedappliance.
Where possible,avoid pre-heating theoven andalways tryto fill it. Open theoven door as infrequently as possible, because heat from the cavity disperses every time it is opened. For a significant energy saving, switch off theoven between 5 and 10minutes before theplanned end ofthe cooking time, and use the residualheat that theoven continues togenerate.Keep the sealsclean andin order, toavoidany heat dispersal outside of the cavity. If you have an electric contract with an hourly tariff, the "delayed cooking" programme makes energy saving more simple, moving the cooking process to start at the reducedtariff time slot.
1.6 Declaration of compliance
The parts ofthis appliancethat may comeintocontact with foodstuffs comply withthe provisionsof EEC Directive89/109.
By placing the mark on thisproduct, we are confirmingcompliance to allrelevantEuropean safety, health and environmentalrequirements which areapplicable in legislationforthis product.
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2. Product Description
2.1 Overview
2.2 Accessories
Drip pan
Collects the residuesthat drip duringthe cooking of foods onthe grills.
1. Control panel
2. Shelf positions (lateral wire grid if included)
3. Metal grill
4. Drip pan
5. Fan (behind the steel plate)
6. Oven door
Metal grill
Holds baking trays and plates.
2.3 First Use
PRELIMINARYCLEANING Clean theoven before usingfor thefirst time. Wipe over externalsurfaces witha dampsoft cloth.Wash all accessories and wipe inside the oven with a solution of hot water and washing up liquid. Set the empty ovento the maximum temperature and leave on for about1 hour, thiswill removeany lingering smells of newness.
3. Use of the Oven
3.1 Display description
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3.2 Cooking Modes
T °C
T °C
50 ÷ 280
L1 ÷ L5
150 ÷ 220
50 ÷ 240
Function (Depens on the oven model)
LAMP: Turns on the oven light.
CONVENTIONAL COOKING: Both top and bottom heating elements are used.
Preheat theoven for aboutten minutes. This method is ideal for all traditional roastingand baking.For seizingred meats, roast beef,leg oflamb, game,bread, foilwrapped food (papillotes), flakypastry.Place the food andits dishon a shelf in mid position.
GRILL : usethe grill withthe doorclosed. The top heating element is used alone and you can adjust the temperature. Five minutes preheating is required to get the elements red-hot. Success is guaranteed for grills,kebabs andgratin dishes.White meatsshould beput ata distance from the grill; the cooking time is longer, but the meat will be tastier. You can put red meats and fish fillets on the shelf with the drip tray underneath.The ovenhas twogrill positions: Grill: 2140 W Barbecue: 3340 W
FANASSISTED GRILL: usethe turbo-grillwith thedoor closed. The top heating element isused with thefan circulatingthe airinside theoven. Preheating is necessary for red meats but not for white meats. Ideal for cooking thick food items, whole pieces such as roast pork, poultry, etc. Place the food to be grilled directly on the shelf centrally, at the middle level. Slide the driptray underthe shelfto collect thejuices. Makesure thatthe food is not tooclose tothe grill.Turnthe food overhalfway through cooking.
FAN COOKING: We recommend you use this method for poultry, pastries,fish and vegetables. Heat penetratesinto the food better andboth thecooking and preheating times are reduced. You can cook different foods at the same time with or without the same preparation in one or more positions. This cooking method gives evenheat distributionand the smellsare not mixed. Allow about tenminutes extrawhen cookingfoods at thesame time.
*Tested in accordance with the CENELEC EN 60350-1 used for definition of energy class.
3.3 Using the minute timer
To set thecooking time,turn dialone complete revolutionand then position the index to the required time. When the time has lapsed, thesignal will ringfor a fewseconds.
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4. Oven cleaning and maintenance
4.1 General notes on cleaning
The lifecycle ofthe appliancecan beextended throughregular cleaning.Waitfor the ovento cool before carrying out manual cleaning operations.Never useabrasive detergents, steel wool or sharp objects for cleaning, so as to not irreparably damage the enamelled parts. Use only water, soap or bleach-based detergents(ammonia).
It is advisable to clean the glass window with absorbent kitchen towel after every use of the oven. To remove more obstinate stains, youcan use a detergent-soaked sponge, well wrung out, and then rinse with water.
If dirty,the sealcan be cleanedwith aslightly damp sponge.
Clean accessories with a wet, soapy sponge before rinsing and drying them: avoid using abrasive detergents.
After using thegrill, removethe pan fromthe oven.Pour the hotfat into acontainer and washthe panin hot water,using asponge andwashing-up liquid. If greasy residues remain, immerse the panin water anddetergent. Alternatively,you can wash the pan in the dishwasheror use acommercial oven detergent.Never puta dirty panback into the oven.
4.2 Self-cleaning oven with catalytic
Special self-cleaning panels covered in a micro-porous coating are available as optional extras for all models. If theyare fitted, theovenno longerneeds to becleaned by hand. The fat that is splattered onto the sides of the oven during roasting is eliminated by the microporous coatingwhich breaks the fatdown bycatalysisand transformsit intogas. Excessive splattering may nevertheless block the pores and therefore hinder self-cleaning. The self­cleaning capacity may be restored by switching on the empty oven to maximum for about 10-20 minutes. Do not use abrasive products, metal cleaning wads, sharp objects, rough cloths, or chemical products and detergents that maypermanently damage thecatalyticlining. It is a good idea to usedeep roastingtraysto roast fatty foods such asjoints ofmeat etc.and to put a tray underneath the grill to catch surplus fat.If the walls of the oven are so thickly coated in grease that the catalytic lining is no longer effective remove surplus grease with a soft cloth or sponge soaked in hot water. The lining mustbe porous forself-cleaning tobe effective. N.B.: All catalytic linings currently on the market have a working life of about 300 hours. They should thereforebe replacedafter about 300hours.
4.3 Maintenance
1. Open thefront window.
2. Openthe clamps of the hingehousing on the right andleft side of the front windowby pushing them downwards.
3. Replace thewindow by carryingout the procedurein reverse.
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1. Open theoven door.
2.3.4. Lock thehinges, remove the screwsand removethe upper metalcover by pullingit upwards.
5.6. Remove the glass, carefully extracting it from the oven door (NB: in pyrolytic ovens, also remove the second andthird glass (ifpresent)).
7. At theend of cleaningor substitution,reassemble theparts in reverse order. On all glass, the indication"Pyro" must be legible and positioned on the left sideof thedoor,close to the left-handlateral hinge. Inthis way, theprinted labelof thefirst glass willbe insidethe door.
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