The Energy Efficient Fresh Air Solution
• 71 to 163 cfm (0.3 in. w.g.)
• 64 to 146 cfm (0.4 in. w.g.)
• Whole-house balanced ventilation, minimize
infiltration and exfiltration
• Offers solid ventilation performance
• Best airflow range in its category
• Superior heat recovery
• Durable, reliable, high performance
• Best airflow and heat recovery in its class
• Smart Defrost system
• Easy to service
Ideal For
• Houses from 3,001 to 4,500 sq. ft.
• Contractors who want added
value, quality, and best performance
• Continuous background ventilation with
energy savings – the outgoing airstream
tempers the air of the incoming airstream.
• Failure protection system to prevent cold
air from entering the house.
• Easy to service – all parts removable in
5 minutes, electrical access on side panel.

HRV100H Specifications
Voltage: 120 V AC
Frequency: 60Hz
Dimensions: 21.1 x 34.6 x 13.25
Weight: 65 lbs
Shipping Weight: 75 lbs
Warranty: 2 years, parts
HVI Rated of air flow: 169 CFM
ower Consumed (max): 150 Watts
Supply air duct connections: 6" Diameter
Exhaust air duct connections: 6" Diameter
Filter: 30 ppi washable reticulated foam
Cabinet: 20 ga. Pre-painted steel
Mounting: Suspension by chains and springs
Wall control modes: N/A
Power: 147 Watts
Current: 1.4 Amps
Energy Performance
Supply Net Average Recovery Sensible Moisture
Temperature Airflow Power Efficiency Effectiveness Transfer
Heating C F L/s cfm Watts % %
0 32 30 64 54 75 83 -0.03
0 32 46 97 78 67 74 0.01
0 32 65 138 124 64 72 -0.02
-13 26 55 62 67 89 0.05
ng 35 95 Not Tested
Sensible Apparent Latent Recovery
Total Recovery Efficiency
Ventilation Performance
External Static Net Supply Gross Airflow
Pressure Airflow Supply Exhaust
Pa In.W.g. L/s cfm L/s cfm L/s cfm
25 0.1 84 177 88 186 90 190
50 0.2 80 169 84 178 86 182
75 0.3 77 163 81 171 81 171
100 0.4 69 146 72 153 76 161
125 0.5 61 130 65 137 66 139
150 0.6 46 98 49 103 52 110
175 0.7 38 81 40 85 31 67
Broan-NuTone, LLC, 926 W. State Street, Hartford, WI 53027 • 800-558-1711
In Canada call 888-882-7626
©2005 Broan-NuTone, LLC 9985 0753A 7/05
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