Bosch MT-121575W-NW, MT-121575W-FR Specsheet

Fire Alarm Systems | MT Fixed‑candela Multitone Electronic Appliances
MT Fixed‑candela Multitone Electronic Appliances
u Field‑selectable choice of eight nationally and
internationally recognized alerting signals
The Wheelock MT Fixed‑candela Electronic Appliances are audible and visual alarm-indicating devices engineered to comply with temporal pattern specifications without requiring an additional code mechanism. They have a selection of eight tone patterns, two sound output levels, and a strobe listed at 15 cd that provides 75 cd of light intensity on axis. The temporal (Code 3) horn and tone patterns meet ANSI/NFPA/ISO requirements for standard emergency evacuation signaling. The extended temperature range satisfies all severe‑weather outdoor applications. The option to silence the audible signal allows emergency personnel to communicate while maintaining the visual alarm condition, a requirement in some jurisdictions.
Certifications and approvals
Cooper Wheelock, Inc. holds these Listings and Approvals:
u Strobe listed at 15 cd provides 75 cd on axis
u ADA, NFPA, and ANSI compliant
u Low average current draw
USA UL ULSZ: Audible Signal Appliances
(UL464), UUKC: Signaling Appliances and Equipment for the Hearing Impaired (UL1971) (-FR models only)
CSFM see our website
Installation/configuration notes
Compatible Products
The following products are compatible with the MT Fixed‑candela Electronic Appliances:
Category Product ID Product Description
Control Panels
Compatible with all Bosch G Series, 6000 Series, 2000 Series, DS7400Xi and DS7400XiV4, DS7080iP‑32, DS7200 Series, and DS7060 Series Control Panels
Conventional FACP
Addressable FACP
D7024 Conventional FACP
Analog FACP
2 | MT Fixed‑candela Multitone Electronic Appliances
Addressable FACP
Analog FACP
Addressable FACP
FPD-7024 Conventional FACP
FPA-1000 Analog Addressable FACPs
Modules SM‑12/24‑R Synchronization module (red)
DSM‑12/24‑R Dual synchronization module (red)
For synchronization, use the SM or DSM modules with these control panels and set the synchronization module for 12 VDC operation. Use the MT‑121575W appliances.
The D7022 can be used in either 12 VDC or 24 VDC mode, but the synchronization module must be set for the same operating voltage as the control panel. Use the appliances with the same voltage as the control panel setting.
When used with a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module, the FPD-7024 and D7024 become addressable fire alarm control panels (FACPs).
For synchronization, use the SM or DSM modules with these control panels and set synchronization module for 24 VDC operation. Use the MT‑241575W appliances.
Mounting Considerations
For inside applications, mount these multitone appliances on the indicated back boxes for the indicated applications:
Surface Mounted
Semi‑Flush or Flush Mount
Double‑gang • *
Four‑inch square • *
DBB • *
* For semi‑flush applications use an ISP2 Surface Adapter. All models have an attractive cover plate for a clean, finished appearance.
Retrofit Applications
Where an oversize electrical box is already installed, these multitone appliances can be installed with the RP‑R Retrofit Plate that measures 8 in. (20.3 cm) high by 5.875 in. (14.9 cm) wide.
These strobe units are not recommended for use in coded or pulsed signaling circuits.
The input terminals accept wires with diameters between 18 AWG and 12 AWG (ISO 0.75 mm2 to 4 mm2).
Parts included
Quant. Component
1 Electronic appliance
1 Hardware pack
1 Literature pack
Technical specifications
Audible Alarm Patterns and Ratings
Horn (continuous)
Current (maximum) at 12 V:
Current (maximum) at 24 V:
High output: 176 mA VDC, 172 mA FWR Standard output: 34 mA VDC, 39 mA VDC
High output: 108 mA VDC, 87 mA FWR Standard output:44 mA VDC, 45 mA FWR
Pattern Description: Broadband continuous horn
Sound output* at 10 ft (3 m):
High output: 92 dBA Standard output: 87 dBA
Current (maximum) at 12 V:
Current (maximum) at 24 V:
High output: 95 mA VDC, 98 mA FWR Standard output: 20 mA VDC, 23 mA FWR
High output: 53 mA VDC and 51 mA FWR Standard output: 24 mA VDC, 28 mA FWR
Pattern Description: 1560 Hz modulated (0.7 sec on, repeat)
Sound output* at 10 ft (3 m):
High output: 86 dBA Standard output: 80 dBA
Horn (march-time)
Current (maximum) at 12 V:
Current (maximum) at 24 V:
High output: 142 mA VDC, 172 mA FWR Standard output: 34 mA VDC, 39 mA FWR
High output: 104 mA VDC, 87 mA FWR Standard output: 38 mA VDC, 45 mA FWR
Pattern Description: Horn (0.25 sec on, 0.25 sec off, repeat)
Sound output* at 10 ft (3 m):
High output: 89 dBA Standard output: 84 dBA
Horn (Code 3)
Current (maximum) at 12 V:
Current (maximum) at 24 V:
High output: 142 mA VDC, 172 mA FWR Standard output: 34 mA VDC, 39 mA FWR
High output: 91 mA VDC, 87 mA FWR Standard output: 35 mA VDC, 45 mA FWR
Pattern Description: Horn (ANSI S3.41 temporal pattern)
Sound output* at 10 ft (3 m):
High output: 88 dBA Standard output: 83 dBA
Tone (Code 3)
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