Bosch D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB Installation Instructions Manual

Installation Instructions
Fire Keypads and
D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB | Installation Instructions | Listings and Approvals
Listings and Approvals
UL 365
UL 609
UL 864
UL 985
UL 1023
UL 1076
UL 1610
UL 1635
Police Station Burglar Alarm Units and Systems
Local Burglar Alarm Units and Systems
Control Units for Fire-protective Signaling Systems
Household Fire Warning System Units Household Burglar Alarm System Units
Proprietary Alarm Units
Central-station Burglar-alarm Units
Digital Alarm Communicator System Units
2 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/06 | F01U011791B
D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB | Installation Instructions | Contents
1.0 Introduction.......................................................4
2.0 Overview ...........................................................4
2.1 D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB Features ........4
2.1.1 D1255RB .............................................................4
2.1.2 D1256RB .............................................................4
2.1.3 D1257RB .............................................................4
2.2 Description ..........................................................4
2.2.1 Display ................................................................. 4
2.2.2 Audible Tones..................................................... 4
2.2.3 Switch Settings ....................................................5
3.0 Installation .........................................................5
3.1 Mounting Information (D1255RB,
D1256RB, and D1257RB) .................................5
3.2 Wiring Information (D1255RB, D1256RB,
and D1257RB) .................................................... 5
3.3 Installation Procedure ........................................6
4.0 D1256RB Programming Requirements.......9
4.2 Area Text............................................................. 9
4.3 Custom Functions.............................................10
4.4 Function List......................................................10
4.4.1 Menu Item and Function.................................11
4.4.2 CC Address # ...................................................11
4.4.3 Passcode Worksheet.........................................11
4.4.4 Passcode............................................................. 11
4.4.5 Keypad (Command Center) Functions..........12
5.0 Specifications ..................................................13
Figure 1: D1255RB, D1256RB, and D1257RB
Internal Arrangement................................. 5
Figure 2: Releasing the Enclosure Base .................... 6
Figure 3: Lifting the Keypad from the Enclosure
Base............................................................... 6
Figure 4: Removing the Enclosure Base................... 6
Figure 5: Lifting the Red Cover................................. 6
Figure 6: Removing the Red Cover.......................... 7
Figure 7: Removing the Faceplate............................. 7
Figure 8: Setting the Address Switches ..................... 7
Figure 9: Address DIP Switches ................................ 7
Figure 10: Mounting the Enclosure Base.................... 8
Figure 11: Wiring Harness Connection to Keypad
Figure 12: Installing the Enclosure Base Top ......... 8
Figure 13: Closing the Enclosure Base – Bottom ...... 8
Figure 14: Example – Area Text for Fire Figure 15: Example – Custom Functions
Figure 16: Example – Function List.......................... 10
Figure 17: Example – Fire Passcode Worksheet ..... 11
Figure 18: Example – Keypad Functions ................. 12
Figure 19: Custom Functions ..................................... 13
or Annunciator............................................ 8
Applications................................................. 9
Recommended for UL864 9
Edition .... 10
Table 1: DIP Switch Address Settings ..................... 7
Table 2: Keypad or Annunciator Connections....... 8
Table 3: Function List Description......................... 11
Table 4: Specifications for the D1255RB and
D1256RB Keypads and the D1257RB
Annunciator............................................... 13
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/06 | F01U011791B 3
D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB | Installation Instructions | 1.0 Introduction
2.1.2 D1256RB
1.0 Introduction
Before installing the D1255RB, D1256RB, or D1257RB, you should be familiar with the operation and installation guide and the program entry guide for the control panel you are using. Before proceeding with the installation instructions in this manual, be sure that you are familiar with the programming recommendations in the Guide to UL 864 9th Edition Programming Requirements section of the Introduction in the D9412GV2/D7412GV2 Program Entry Guide (P/N F01U003636).
2.0 Overview
2.1 D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB Features
The D1255RB and D1256RB Fire Keypads and the D1257RB Fire Alarm Annunciator are 4-wire serial
devices used with the following Bosch Security Systems control panels with firmware version 7.04 or higher:
The D7212GV2 is not approved for commercial fire applications.
Each of these control panels supervises up to eight keypads or annunciators. You can connect a total of 32 keypads or annunciators to the system. The number of supervised keypads or annunciators, number of areas, and the available power affect the total number of keypads or annunciators you can connect to the system.
2.1.1 D1255RB
The D1255RB has number keys (0 to 9) and function or menu keys, including [COMMAND] and [ENTER]. The D1255RB can be used as a system controller and an annunciator.
Because a passcode is required to use the keypad, it is usually installed in building entrances and areas with unrestricted access. Near an exterior door in a hotel or in a business lobby is an ideal mounting location, allowing a responding agency or persons evacuating the building to identify quickly the type and location of the emergency from outside without being in danger.
The D1256RB provides annunciation and system control. Four function keys on the D1256RB provide quick execution of alarm silencing, trouble silencing, annunciator display reset, and sensor reset functions.
The D1256RB should be mounted in a secure area or locked inside an approved
2.1.3 D1257RB
The D1257RB provides remote annunciation without system control capability. It can be mounted in public access locations.
Two keys on the D1257RB allow the user to select forward or backward through a list of system events.
clear plastic enclosure.
2.2 Description
2.2.1 Display
The D1255RB, D1256RB and D1257RB use a 16-character display with custom programmable text. The custom text programmed at the control panel appears in the vacuum fluorescent display (VFD). Refer to Figure 1, Item 1.
The keypads and annunciator show the latest status conditions of the fire system using words, numbers, and symbols. When an alarm occurs, a message remains in the display until the user acknowledges the event at a keypad or annunciator. When a series of events affecting the system occurs, each event appears in order of its priority.
2.2.2 Audible Tones
The D1255RB, D1256RB and D1257RB have a built­in speaker that produces several distinct warning tones. To change the speaker volume, adjust the potentiometer (Figure 1, Item 3). Turn the potentiometer clockwise to increase and counterclockwise to decrease the volume.
You cannot connect external annunciation devices to the D1255RB, D1256RB, and
Fire Signal – Pulsed, high pitched bell tone when
Invalid Key Buzz – Flat buzz tone when an
Keypad Encoding Tone – Muted beep tone as
the system is in alarm
invalid key, or sequence of keys, is pressed
each key is pressed to indicate that the entry has been accepted. To disable the keypad encoding tone, refer to Section 2.2.3 Switch Settings.
4 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/06 | F01U011791B
D1255RB/D1256RB/D1257RB | Installation Instructions | 3.0 Installation
Figure 1: D1255RB, D1256RB, and D1257RB Internal Arrangement
1 - Vacuum fluorescent display (VFD) 2 - Keypad 3 - Speaker volume control (potentiometer) 4- Address DIP switches
Trouble Buzzer – Two-tone warble when a
trouble event occurs, such as a service alert. To stop the signal on a D1255RB Keypad, press [COMMAND][4]. To stop the tone on a D1256RB, press the [TROUBLE SILENCE] key.
The D1257RB does not have a manual method of stopping the trouble buzzer.
Refer to the Fire System User’s Guide (P/N: F01U011793) for information about silencing the signals.
Lost Communication – Single trouble tone
followed by a 30-second silence when a keypad or annunciator loses communication from the control panel. To stop the tone, restore communication or remove power from the keypad or annunciator.
2.2.3 Switch Settings
A 6-position DIP switch (Figure 1, Item 4) located under the cover allows you to select the address of each keypad or annunciator and silence the keypad encoding tones.
For information on accessing the switches, refer to Section 3.3 Installation Procedure on page 6.
For supervised keypads, assign only one keypad to each address.
5 - Status LEDs 6 - Wiring harness connector 7 - Speaker for sounder
3.0 Installation
3.1 Mounting Information (D1255RB, D1256RB, and D1257RB)
The D1255RB, D1256RB, and D1257RB are low­profile, surface-mounted units molded in durable red plastic. Use the D56 Keypad Conduit Box (protected surface or flush mount) for mounting the units.
Mounting Locations
Do not mount the keypads and
annunciators in locations where they are exposed to direct sunlight. Direct
3.2 Wiring Information (D1255RB,
A four-wire flying lead is required for the data and power connections between the keypad or annunciator and the control panel. The unit includes a wiring harness with four color-coded flying leads at one end and a female four-pin connector at the other end.
Refer to Figure 10 and Figure 11 on page 8 to wire the D1255RB, D1256RB, or D1257RB.
sunlight can interfere with the display screen’s visibility and damage internal components.
Do not mount the units in wet or moist
D1256RB, and D1257RB)
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