Wireless Smoke Detector (SD-S1)
PPaarrttss DDeessccrriippttiioonn
PPaacckkaaggee CCoonntteenntt
SSmmookkee DDeetteeccttiioonn
RReeccaalliibbrraattiinngg tthhee SSmmookkee DDeetteeccttoorr
TTeessttiinngg tthhee SSmmookkee DDeetteeccttoorr
1. Learn/Test Button
Press the button to transmit a learn/test code, silence the alarm,
test or recalibrate the Smoke Detector
2. LED Indicatorr
3. Battery Compartment
4. Mounting Bracket
1 x Smoke Sensor with mounting bracket
2 x wall plugs and screws
4 x 1.5V AAA alkaline batteries
Put the Control Panel into learning mode, then press the learn
button to transmit learn code. Please refer to Control Panel
manual to complete learn in process.
The Smoke Detector has 2 knockouts on the back cover for
mounting on the ceiling.
1. Use the two knockouts on the back cover to mark posittion on
the ceiling.
2. Drill holes into the ceilling using the knockouts as template.
3. Fix the base onto the wall with the screw and plugs provided.
4. Replace the cover onto the base.
It is recommended to mount the Smoke Detector at center of
Do not mount the Smoke Detector at the following locations
Kitchen – The smoke from cooking may trigger false alarm.
Near ventilating fan or air conditioner -- Air draft from them
may affect sensor sensitivity
Corner, top of an “A” frame type ceiling, near ceiling beams or
over a cabinet – The stagnant air may affect sensor sensitivity.
Upon smoke detection, the Smoke Detector LED will flash, and
the buzzer will sound to raise alarm. The LED flash and alarm will
continue until smoke presence is removed.
Alarm Silence
When the alarm is activated, pressing the learn/test button will
put the Smoke Detector into Alarm Silence mode for 10 minutes.
During this period, the built-in siren will be silenced and the LED
will flash once per second.
After the 10-minute period has expired, the Smoke Detector will
emit 2 beeps and return to normal operation. If smoke presence
is still detected, the Smoke Detector will raise alarm immediately
Auto Calibration
The operation condition of the Smoke Detector may vary
sometime after installation, which may affect its smoke detection
performance. In order to maintain its performance, the Smoke
Detector will automatically recalibrate its sensor every month to
ensure it is under optimal working condition.
The Smoke Detector will not give any indication when it is
performing auto calibration, unless the calibration process has
failed. When auto calibration fails, the LED will flash to indicate.
You can choose to:
Remove and reload the batteries. The Smoke Detector will
enter calibration process when batteries are inserted. Or,
Manually recalibrate the sensor.
The Smoke Detector will still function normally when auto
calibration fails by using previous calibration’s setting.
Manual Calibration
Follow below steps to manually recalibrate the Smoke Detector
when auto calibration fails
1. Press and hold the learn/test button for 10 seconds until the
LED begins to flash.
2. Release the learn/test button, the Smoke Detector will emit 2
short beeps.
3. The Smoke Detector is now under recalibration. The process
takes about 2~16 minutes. When recalibration is complete, the
Smoke Detector will emit 2 short beeps and the LED will turn
4. The Smoke Detector is now under normal operation.
5. If manual calibration still fails, the Smoke Detector will emit
beeps, please remove the batteries, wait for 30 seconds then
reload the batteries.
By pressing the learn/test button, you can test if Smoke Detector
is functioning normally

If the Smoke Detector is functioning normally, the LED will turn on
LLEEDD IInnddiiccaattoorr
Slow Flash
(every 30 seconds)
EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall CCoonnddiittiioonn
for 2 Sec. It will then sound a 2-tone beep.
If the buzzer sounds 3 beeps, it means the Optical Chamber in
the Smoke Detector is either dirty or out-of-order.
If the LED does not light up and no beep is sounded, it means the
Smoke Detector is either out-of-order or battery depleted.
The PIR uses four 1.5V alkaline batteries as its power source. It
also features low battery detection function to notify the Control
Panel when battery voltage is low.
When the Smoke Detector is on low battery, follow the procedure
below to change the batteries.
1. Detach the Smoke Detector from the mounting bracket.
2. Open the back cover.
3. Remove the old batteries.
4. Press the learn/test button several times to fully discharge.
5. Insert the new batteries observing correct polarity. The Smoke
6. Replace the back cover.
7. Replace the Smoke Detector on the mounting bracket
-10°C to 40°C, relative humidity 85% non-condensing.
868 MHz
Detector will enter self-calibrating process for 8-22 minutes
after inserting batteries.