1. Responsibility and recommendations ................ 3
2. Specifications ................................................................. 8
3. Installation ....................................................................... 9
3.1 Notice for safety installation
3.2 Positioning and securing
3.3 Main components
3.4 Pressures and quantity available at heat pump outlet
3.5 Water circuit connection
3.6 Electrical connections
3.7 Remote controller
4. Remote controller ........................................................ 26
4.1 Buttons
4.2 Display panel
5. Operation and functions
of the Remote controller .......................................... 28
5.1 System ON/OFF
5.2 Setting the day and time
5.3 Selecting the operating mode
5.4 Domestic Hot Water production
5.5 Setting the time bands for Heating/Cooling
5.6 Setting the time bands for DHW, Low tariff and Night mode
5.7 Procedure for accessing the Parameter setting menu
6. Electrical connections ............................................... 49
6.1 PCB(Terminal)
6.2 PCB(Terminal) Input/Output
6.3 Parameters Input/Output
7. Unit Management........................................................ 53
7.1 Operating modes
7.1.1 Select mode from user interface
7.1.2 Select mode by remote contact
7.2 Water temperature set point
7.2.1 Fixed set point
7.2.2 Climatic curve Heating Climatic curves Cooling Climatic curves
7.2.3 Additional Outdoor air temperature probe for Climatic
7.2.4 Buffer tank temperature probe
7.2.5 HP unit control HP unit controlled based on Outgoing water temperature HP unit controlled based on Outgoing water temperature
and Room air temperature HP unit controlled based on Buffer tank temperature HP unit controlled based on Buffer tank temperature
and Room air temperature HP unit controlled based on DHW tank temperature
7.3 Water pump management
7.3.1 Main water pump Continuous operation “Always ON” Sniffing operation “Sniffing cycle” Unlock pump function Pump output adjustment function
7.4 Frost protection
7.4.1 Frost protection based on Room air temperature
7.4.2 Frost protection based on Outdoor air temperature
7.4.3 Frost protection based on Outgoing water temperature
7.4.4 DHW tank frost protection
7.4.5 Secondary system circuit frost protection
7.5 Input/Output contact
7.5.1 Heating/Cooling mode remote contact
7.5.2 ON/OFF DHW production remote contact
7.5.3 ON/OFF remote contact
7.5.4 EHS Alarm
7.5.5 Flow switch
7.5.6 Dual set point control
7.5.7 Additional water pump Additional water pump1 Additional water pump2
7.5.8 Heating/Cooling mode output
7.5.9 Configurable contact (Alarm) Alarm Ambient temperature reached
7.5.10 Night mode
7.5.11 Low tariff
7.5.12 Dehumidifier management
7.5.13 Space Heating management
8. Domestic Hot Water Production .......................... 98
8.1 DHW 3way valve management
8.1.1 Max time for DHW request
8.1.2 DHW 3way valve change over time
8.2 DHW production mode
8.2.1 Heat pump only
8.2.2 DHW Electric heater only
8.2.3 Heat pump + DHW heater
8.2.4 Legionella prevention function
8.3 Backup heater
8.3.1 Backup heater in Replacement mode
8.3.2 Backup heater in Supplementary mode
8.3.3 Freeze protection function
8.4 EHS (External heat source)
8.4.1 EHS in Replacement mode
8.4.2 EHS in Supplementary mode
9. Parameter List ............................................................. 124
9.1 Access limitation
9.2 Parameter table
10. Installation check and Test operation ............ 138
10.1 Installation check
10.2 Test operation
11. Service and Maintenance .................................... 140
11.1 1 Error code display
11.2 2 Error history display
11.3 3 Method of reset error code display
11.4 List of Error codes
11.5 Check and troubleshooting
11.6 6 Monitor display function
11.7 7 Maintenance