Blaupunkt BLUETOOTH USB interface VOLKSWAGEN and audi User Manual

Zubehör / Accessories
Bluetooth-/USB-Interface VW / Audi 7 607 545 550
mit / with PTT
mit / with OLED-Display (optional) 7 607 548 500
Connection / Anschluss
OLED (not included)
PTT (Push to talk) - key
AK 7 607 001 539
Phone Mute
Pin9 (Fakra)
Pin 2 (ISO)
Radio Mute
Pin9 (Fakra)
AK 7 607 001 543
Phone Mute
USB socket (Memory stick not included)
Connection / Anschluss
ISO Audi
PTT (Push to talk) - key
(not included)
Pin 2 (ISO)
USB socket (Memory stick not included)
PTT (Push to talk) - key
(not included)
7 607 001 540
Pin 9
Pin 9
USB socket (Memory stick not included)
Technical Data / Technische Daten
Bluetooth 1.2 (compatible with 1.x) Supported Bluetooth profi les
Unterstützte Bluetooth-Profi le Certifi cations
Standards USB Version 2.0 (full speed), (compatible with 1.x)
MP3-USB-Bitrate max. 320 kb/s, max. 48 kHz sample rate MP3 Meta Data ID3 v1, v2 (ISO8859-1 and ASCII), max.32char Title,
Playlist M3U format supported, Latin-1 char set,
Data Structure max. 64000 fi les and directories, up to 16 directory levels Temperature range
Temperaturbereich USB voltage / current strength
USB-Spannung / -Stromstärke Power Supply
Spannungsversorgung Dimensions (inch)
Abmessungen (mm) Weight
Gewicht For / Für VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda, Ford Radios see / siehe
Bluetooth USB Interface VW Compatibility list of OEM devices Bluetooth-USB-Interface-VW Kompatibilitätsliste Erstausrüstergeräte
e1, CE, FCC, Bluetooth
Mass Storage Device Class
Album, Artist
see e.g.
- 40° C ... 85° C
5V / 0,5 A (1,0 A short term / kurzzeitig)
+12 ... 28 V
1.1 x 3.2 x 4.8 (without cables) 28 x 81 x 121 (ohne Kabel)
300 g
Connection ............................................................... 2
Technical Data ........................................................... 4
Safety notes ............................................................ 25
Declaration of conformity ........................................ 25
Switch-on ................................................................ 25
Switch-off ............................................................... 25
Displays and controls ............................................... 26
Registering (pairing) your cell phone
with the interface .................................................... 26
Connecting two BT devices with
the interface at the same time .................................. 27
Overview of functions .............................................. 28
Telephone: incoming call .......................................... 30
Telephone: outgoing call .......................................... 30
Audio streaming via BT ............................................ 30
MP3 playback via USB .............................................. 31
Browsing (OLED) .....................................................31
Folder management /
Structure on USB removable data carrier ................... 32
Settings menu (OLED only) ....................................... 33
Settings .................................................................. 34
Software update ...................................................... 39
Reading out technical data ....................................... 39
Changing the confi guration (PTT) ............................. 40
FCC-Statements ...................................................... 42
(see the
Software update).
We provide a manufacturer's warranty for our products purchased within the European Union. You can view the warranty terms at or request them directly from:
Blaupunkt GmbH Hotline Robert Bosch Str. 200
D-31139 Hildesheim
Safety notes
Before drilling holes for mounting, ensure that no routed cables or vehicle components are damaged!
Do not install the USB socket, microphone and PTT button in the deployment area of the airbag, and ensure that the tray is safe and solid so that passen­gers in the vehicle are not at risk during emergency braking. Use cable glands for holes with sharp edges.
The negative terminal on the bat­tery must be disconnected while the device is being installed and connected.
Observe the safety notes from the vehicle manu­facturer (airbag, alarm systems, on-board com­puters, immobilisers).
Recycling and disposal
Please use the return and collection systems avail­able to dispose of the product.
Declaration of conformity
The Blaupunkt GmbH declares that the Bluetooth/ USB Interface device complies with the basic re­quirements and the other relevant regulations of the directive 1999/5/EG.
Dear customer,
the fi rmware "SW8C01VW" for the Bluetooth USB interface (BT-USB interface, 7607 545 500 001) is now available and provides several new func­tions that we would like to explain below.
A signifi cant innovation since SW8625VW is the support for the OLED display
(7 607 548 500 001).
Caution: Before startup of the OLED display, it is nec-
essary to update the fi rmware of your BT-USB interface
(see the section
The following instructions assume that the fi rmware of your BT-USB interface has already been updated, and the language was set to English (see the section Settings menu).
This fi rmware can also be used with your PTT like the previous versions. The OLED-specifi c control and display options listed below are not available in this case.
Software update).
The OLED display switches on automatically as soon as you switch on your radio or radio naviga­tion device (RNS).
The OLED display switches off automatically as soon as you switch off your radio or radio naviga­tion device (RNS).
You can also switch off the display manually; to do so, press and hold the red phone button for longer than 5 seconds. The buttons remain illumi­nated to improve navigation at night.
In the "Display -> Standby" Settings menu, you can preselect a time after which the display au­tomatically switches off with switched-on radio, e.g. to reduce a possible distraction of the driver.
In the "Display -> Switch-on" menu item, you se­lect how the display will be switched on again.
If a call should be received after manual or auto­matic switch-off, the display switches on auto­matically again (provided that the radio is still switched on).
Displays and controls
The OLED display shows different information de­pending on the current status of your BT-USB in­terface. Which control options are available via the green (left) and red right) phone button as well as the central rotary pushbutton is listed in the following sections.
Pressing the red and green phone button at the same time calls up the Settings menu. Here you can adjust many properties to your personal pref­erences, such as the language (English, French, German) or ID3 tags from MP3 fi les to be dis­played.
After initial switch-on
After switch-on, the OLED display greets you with a Blaupunkt lettering which gives way for a smaller lettering after a few seconds.
Registering (pairing) your cell phone with the interface
Use your cell phone to search for Bluetooth de­vices (see the instructions of the cell phone -> Pairing). The telephone fi nds "Blaupunkt IF" and asks for a PIN. Enter PIN 1234 on your cell phone. An existing BT handsfree connection is shown on your OLED display by a non-fl ashing BT symbol in the top left corner.
If you telephone does not request a PIN, please check by means of the compatibility list for cell phones ( whether a differ­ent confi guration should be set for operation with your type of telephone.
You can couple up to 5 cell phones with the inter­face. If additional phones are coupled, the data of the phone coupled fi rst are deleted from the list.
The automatic reconnect for handsfree register­ing is started by the interface under the following conditions:
After switch-on of the interface, every one of the last up to 5 pairings is checked for up to 15 seconds whether a pairing can be re-established. During this time, the BT symbol fl ashes. With active pairing, the BT symbol is displayed constantly. If no pairing is accomplished, the BT symbol goes out. As long as the BT symbol fl ashes, acoustic interference's are possible in an existing audio stream connection, since all BT radio channels (including those in which an audio stream already exists) are checked for the pairing.
An automatic pairing attempt (fl ashing BT symbol) starts if an existing pairing is dis- solved with switching off BT in the cell phone or removing it from the BT radio range.
Press on the green phone button (as long as no telephone is registered).ntaste (solange kein Telefon gekoppelt ist).
To initiate a pairing, it is NO LONGER required to hold the PTT button pressed for 5 seconds. The interface is always visible in the BT radio range and ready for pairing.
Without any preparation at the interface of your BT device, start the function "Find other BT de- vices" (may be called differently, see the in­structions of your BT device) and select your "Blaupunkt interface"
Connecting two BT devices with the interface at the same time
The use of the services "Hands-Free Calling" and "Audio Streaming" can now (new) be performed by different BT devices that are connected with the interface at the same time.
For example: cell phone for hands-free calling and Music Player with Bluetooth transmitter (BT-TX) for audio streaming.
Until now, it has only been possible to perform both functions with the same BT device. The fol­lowing illustrations (overview of functions) dis­play the existing and the newly made possible connections:
Each of the offered services "Hands-Free Calling" (BT profi le HFP) and "Audio Streaming" (BT pro­fi le A2DP and AVRCP) can only be used by no
more than one BT device at the same time.
A simultaneous hands-free connection with two cell phones is NOT possible. Only after discon­necting a hands-free connection is it possible to activate the second one.
For audio streaming connections, there is no list of the devices used last.
A Bluetooth Audio streaming transmitter (BT-TX) connects itself only if the connection is actually requested.
An interface that is switched on is always ready for pairing with a BT-TX.
The pairing of a BT streaming device is NOT saved in the interface, some streaming devices may re­quest the PIN after every restart.
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