Bio-Rad 2-D Electrophoresis Workflow User Manual

Oriole™ Fluorescent Gel Stain
Instruction Manual
Catalog # 161-0495, 1x solution, 200 ml 161-0496, 1x solution, 1 L 161-0497, kit for 5 L
For technical suppor t call yo ur local Bio-Rad offi ce. In the U.S. ca ll 1-800-424-6723.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction an d General Informat ion 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Product D escription 2
1.3 Storage 2
1.4 Materials and Equipment Required but Not Supplied 3
1.5 Reagents Required but Not Supplied 3
1.6 Safety Considerations 4
1.7 Disposal Considerations 4
1.8 Fluorescence Characteristics 4
Section 2: Instru ctions 6
2.1 General Considerations 6
2.2 Stain Solution Preparation 8
2.3 Gel Staining 9
2.4 Gel Imaging 11
Section 3: Technical Information 14
3.1 Sensitivity of Staining — 1-D Gels 14
3.2 Compatibilit y with Mass Spectrometr y 15
3.3 Protein-to-Protein Variability 15
3.4 Dynamic Range 16
3.5 2-D Gel Staining 17
Section 4: Troubleshooting 18
Section 5: Product Information 21
5.1 Oriole
Fluorescent Gel Stain 21
5.2 Related Products 21
Section 1
Introduction and General Information
1.1. Introduction
fluorescent gel stain is an easy to use, rapid, and
Oriole sensitive stain for visualization and quantitation of proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. The product is available in three configurations. The 200 ml and 1 L sizes are provided ready to use. The product is also available as a kit containing components to make 5 L of ready to use staining solution.
The staining procedure is a simple one-step protocol that can be completed in as little as 9 0 minutes. Gels stained with Oriole fluore scent gel stain may be visualized with a variety of dif ferent UV-based fluorescence imaging systems.
Oriole fluorescent gel stain gives exceptional sensitivity and dynamic range (see pages 14–16) and is compatible with subsequent analysis by enzymatic digestion and mass spectrometry. It is thus particularly well suited to proteomics applications.
1.2. Product Description
Oriole fluorescent gel stain comes in three package configurations.
The 200 ml size — fully diluted and ready to use; provide s enough stain for four mini format Mini-PROTEAN Criterion
gels (~8.6 x 6.8 cm), or two midi format
gels (13.3 x 8.7 cm).
The 1 L size — fully diluted and ready to use; provides enough stain for 20 Mini-PROTEAN gels (~8.6 x 6.8 cm), ten Criter ion gels (13.3 x 8.7 cm), four large format PROTE AN
II gels (16 x 16 cm or 16 x 20 cm), or two large
format PROTEAN Plus gels (25 x 20.5 cm).
The 5 L kit — contains concentrated compone nts to prepare 5 L of staining solution and can be diluted to 1x according to demand.
1.3. Storage
The product is sta ble for at least 18 months from the date of manufacture or until the expiration date on the label when stored at 24°C or below. Consult the expiration date
before using. Avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures greater than 37°C and protect from light.
1.4. Materials a nd Equipment Required but Not Sup plied
Staining containers — Any glass or plastic tray capable
of holding the recommended volume of solution may be used
Imaging equipment — Gels are best imaged using a
UV-based fluorescence imager capable of excitation near 270 nm and detection near 604 nm such as the Molecular Imager ChemiDoc
Gel Doc™ XR+, Molecular Imager®
XRS+, VersaDoc™ MP 4000, ExQuest™ spot cutter, and VersaDoc MP 500 0 systems. For a more complete list of compatible imaging systems, see pages 12–13
L aboratory shaker or rocker
Powder-free latex, vinyl, or nitrile gloves
1.5. Reag ents Required but Not Supplied
Methanol, reage nt grade (for 5 L kit only)
1.6. Safet y Consideration s
Oriole fluorescent gel stain is a dilute solution of a fluorescent dye. T he working solution is flammable and should be handled in a manner that prevents exposure to open flame or sparks. The complete proper ties of the dye component have not been investigated. Eye protection and gloves should be worn and general laboratory safety precautions followed while handling both the diluted and undiluted product.
1.7. Disposal Considerations
Laws governing the disposal of laboratory chemicals vary by re gion. Consult the MSDS (available online at and check local laws for proper disposal guidelines.
1.8. Fluorescence Characteristics
Oriole fluorescent gel stain has a fluorescence excitation maximum of 270 nm and a fluorescence emission maximum of 604 nm.
Fluore scence, norm alized
200 300 40 0 500 600 700 800
Fig. 1. Fluo resce nce exci tatio n and emissio n spec tra of Oriol e stai n. Orio le stai n has its exc itatio n maxi mum at 270 nm
and emi ssion m axim um at 604 n m, making it compatible with UV-base d image rs. , Excitation sp ectru m;
Wavelen gth, nm
, emiss ion spe ctrum.
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