Bio-Rad 2110 Fraction Collector User Manual

Model 2110
Catalog Numbers
Model _________________________________________
Serial No. ______________________________________
Date of Delivery_________________________________
Warranty Period _________________________________
Unless otherwise specified, instruments sold by Bio-Rad Laboratories are under warranty for 1 year against defects in materials and workman­ship.
If any defects should occur during this warranty period, Bio-Rad will replace the defective parts without charge. However, the following defects are specifically excluded:
1. Defects caused by improper operation
2. Repair or modification done by anyone other than Bio-Rad
Laboratories or their authorized agent.
3. Use of fittings or other spare parts supplied by anyone other than Bio-
Rad Laboratories.
4. Damage caused by deliberate or accidental misuse.
5. Damage caused by disaster.
6. Damage due to use of improper solvent or sample.
This warranty does not apply to tubing and fuses.
For inquiry or request for repair service, contact Bio-Rad Laboratories after confirming the model and serial number of your instru­ment.
For Technical Service Call Your Local Bio-Rad Office or in the U.S. call 1-800-4BIORAD(1-800-424-6723)
Table of Contents
Section 1 Safety .............................................................................. 1
Section 2 Introduction ................................................................... 2
Section 3 Unpacking and Voltage Conversion ............................ 3
3.1 Unpacking Instructions ............................................................ 3
3.2 Voltage Conversion ..................................................................
Section 4 Physical Description and Control Features................ 5
4.1 Physical Description.................................................................
4.2 Front Panel Functions ..............................................................
4.3 Rear Panel Connections ...........................................................
Section 5 Instrument Set-Up......................................................... 9
5.1 Tubing Installation ...................................................................
5.2 Carousel Installation.................................................................
5.3 Collection Tube Installation.....................................................
5.4 Waste Collection Port...............................................................
Section 6 Stand Alone Operation ................................................. 12
6.1 Stop (Standby) and Run ...........................................................
6.2 Collection Modes .....................................................................
6.3 Operation without Direct Connection to a System..................
6.4 Manual Advance.......................................................................
6.5 Reset/End of Run ..................................................................... 15
Section 7 Remote Operation of the Model 2110
Fraction Collector ......................................................... 15
7.1 Remote Operation with Model EP-1 Econo Pump.................. 15
7.2 Remote Operation with BioLogic LP ...................................... 16
7.3 Remote Operation with BioLogic system................................ 16
7.4 Remote Operation with other Instruments............................... 16
Section 8 Accessories ..................................................................... 18
8.1 Instrument Dust Cover ............................................................. 18
8.2 Micro Tube Adaptor ................................................................. 18
Section 9 Cleaning and Maintenance........................................... 19
9.1 Drop Sensor.............................................................................. 19
9.2 Instrument Case, Carousel, and Drainage Tube....................... 19
Section 10 Troubleshooting ............................................................. 19
Appendix A Technical Specifications ................................................ 21
Appendix B Model 2110 Fraction Collector Procedure
for Adjusting Drop Detector Signal Level .................. 22
Appendix C Ordering Information................................................... 24
Section 1 Safety
Disconnect supply before servicing. No user serviceable parts inside, refer servicing to Bio-Rad service personnel.
High leakage current, ensure proper grounding.
This instrument is intended for laboratory use only.
This product conforms to the “Class A” standards for electro­magnetic emmissions intended for laboratory equipment applications. It is possible that emissions from this product may interfere with some sensitive appliances when placed nearby or in the same circuit as those appliances. The user should be aware of this potential and take appropriate measures to avoid interference.
Section 2 Introduction
Fig. 2.1. Model 2110 Fraction Collector.
The Model 2110 Fraction Collector (Figure 2.1), shown with the optional instrument dust cover, is designed to be used with gravity feed columns, preparative electrophoresis and liquid chromatography systems.
The Model 2110 Fraction Collector will accurately collect up to 80 fractions, at a flow rate of up to 40 ml/min. The Model 2110 Fraction Collector accepts standard 13 x 100 mm test tubes or, with an optional adaptor, 1.5 ml micro test tubes. Tubes are advanced by a motor-driven
carousel where tube changes are initiated upon reaching a predetermined drop count (1-999 drops) or time interval (0.05-99.9 minutes), or upon command from an external source.
The silicone drop former insures uniform drop size for accurate drop
count measurement. The drop former will accommodate either 1¼
¼16-inch inlet tubing, without the need for additional fittings.
The Model 2110 Fraction Collector is spill-proof and solvent resistant. A drain tube at the rear of the case channels all spills to waste. The mem­brane front panel is sealed to the case and the carousel drive is positioned in such a way that it will not be affected by spills.
Section 3 Unpacking and Voltage Conversion
3.1 Unpacking Instructions
Lift the instrument out of its packing by grasping the instrument case. Do not lift by the drop arm. Remove the power cord and bag of acces­sories. Remove the fraction collector from its protective bag. Check off all parts against the supplied packing list. You may want to retain the origi­nal packaging material in the event the instrument needs to be returned for service. If repackaging is necessary, be careful to position the carousel so that it is not resting against the motor drive gear.
8-inch or
Warning: The Model 2110 Fraction Collector is shipped in its 120 V
version. For 220 V operation, refer to the procedure below.
3.2 Voltage Conversion
Prior to connecting the power cord to the power entry module and power mains, make sure the voltage indicated on the fraction collector power entry module matches your line voltage. If it does not, use the following procedure to make the conversion. (See Figure 3.1.)
1. Insure that the unit is disconnected from the wall socket.
2. Remove the fuse drawer with a small-blade screwdriver or similar tool.
3. Pull the fuse holder out of the fuse drawer and ensure that the voltage
shown in the window corresponds to the voltage you are using (100, 120,
220, 240 V ). To change the voltage, grasp the fuse drawer and withdraw
it (see Figure 3.1). Rotate the fuse drawer so that the voltage shown is cor-
rect, and reinsert it. The fuse holder is keyed and cannot be installed
improperly. The Model 2110 Fraction Collector uses 0.20 A fuses for
100/120 V operation, and 0.10 A fuses for 220/240 V operation.
4. Reinsert the fuse drawer in the power entry module, with the locking tab to the left. The voltage indicator will read right-side-up if the drawer is oriented correctly. Push the fuse drawer in gently until it snaps into place.
5. Connect the power cord to the power entry module and power mains.
6. There is no power switch on the fraction collector. When connected to an AC power source, the Model 2110 Fraction Collector will come on in the Stop or Set mode.
Fig. 3.1. Voltage conversion.
Fuse drawer (110 V configuration)
Fuse drawer (220 V configuration)
Section 4 Physical Description and Control Features
4.1 Physical Description
Fig 4.1. Model 2110 Fraction Collector features.
Feature Function Drop arm Directs flow to the collection tubes.
• Collection position, rotated forward, the drop arm is directly above each collection tube.
• Standby position, rotated rearward, the drop arm allows installation of the carousel or allows flow to drip onto the case and to waste. To change positions, gently lift and rotate the drop arm.
Inlet tubing
Arm cap
Drop former
Drive seal
Drop arm
Drive gear
Pivot shaft
Carousel positioning guides
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