BFT CLONIX RTD Installation And User Manual

TRC 1-2-4 / MITTO 2-4 433MHz
D811347 ver.03 17-07-03
8 027908 196811
Via Lago di Vico, 44 36015 Schio (VI) Tel.naz. 0445 696511 +39 0445 696533 Fax 0445 696522 Internet: E-mail:
Nel ringraziarVi per la preferenza accordata a questo prodotto, la ditta è certa che da esso otterrete le prestazioni necessarie al Vostro uso.
Leggete attentamente l’opuscolo ”Libretto istruzioni” che lo accompagna in quanto esso fornisce importanti indicazioni riguardanti la sicurezza, l’installazione, l’uso e la manutenzione. Questo prodotto risponde alle norme riconosciute della tecnica e delle disposizioni relative alla sicurezza. É conforme alle seguenti direttive europee: 89/336/CEE, 1999/5/CEE e modifiche successive. Sistema radioricevente ad autoapprendimento, programmabile le cui principali caratteristiche sono:
• Ricevitore clonabile a 512 o 2048 codici
• Fino a 4 uscite (1 standard + 3 modulari) con riconoscimento automatico dei moduli inseriti
• Uscite configurabili come monostabile, bistabile, temporizzata, antiaggressione
• Programmazione mediante display incorporato
• Funzionamento a codice fisso e variabile.
• Compatibile con il protocollo EElink per una rapida installazione e manutenzione.
• Funzione blocco per l’inserimento automatico di gruppi di trasmettitori
• Protezione della ricevente mediante password
2) MANUTENZIONE La manutenzione dell’impianto va fatta eseguire regolarmente da parte di personale qualificato.
Le trasmittenti MITTO sono alimentate da 2 batterie al litio da 3V (tipo CR2016). Le trasmittenti TRC sono alimentate da una batteria alcalina da 12V. Una diminuzione della portata della trasmittente può essere dovuta alle batterie che si stanno scaricando. Quando il led della trasmittente lampeggia, indica che le batterie sono scariche e devono essere sostituite.
3) DEMOLIZIONE ATTENZIONE: Avvalersi esclusivamente di personale qualificato.
L’eliminazione dei materiali va fatta rispettando le norme vigenti. Nel caso di demolizione del sistema, non esistono particolari pericoli o rischi derivanti dai componenti stessi. È opportuno, in caso di recupero dei materiali, che vengano separati per tipologia (parti elettriche - rame ­alluminio - plastica - ecc.). Per lo smaltimento della batteria riferirsi alla normativa vigente.
Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more than satisfied with the performance of the product. Read the “Instruction Manual” supplied with this product carefully, as it provides important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance.This product conforms to recognised technical standards and safety regulations. It complies with the 89/336/EEC, 1999/5/CEE, European Directive and subsequent amendments. Programmable self-learning radio receiver system, having the following main features:
• Receiver which can be cloned with 512 or 2048 codes
• Up to 4 outputs (1 standard + 3 modular) with automatic recognition of the modules entered
• Outputs which can be configured as monostable, bistable, timed, anti-aggression
• Programming by means of incorporated display
• Operation with fixed and variable codes
• Compatible with EElink protocol for fast installation and maintenance
• Group function for automatic entry of groups of transmitters
• Protection of receiver by means of password.
2) MAINTENANCE The maintenance of the system should only be carried out by qualified personnel regularly.
The MITTO transmitters are supplied by two 3V lithium battiers (type CR2016). The TRC transmitters are powered by a 12V alkaline battery. Any reduction in the transmitter capacity may be due to the batteries getting flat. When the led of the transmitter flashes, it means that the batteries are flat and must be replaced.
3) DISPOSAL ATTENTION: disposal should only be carried out by qualified personnel.
Materials must be disposed of in conformity with the current regulations. In case of disposal, the system components do not entail any particular risks or danger. In case of recovered materials, these should be sorted out by type (electrical components, copper, aluminium, plastic etc.). For battery disposal, refer to the current regulations.
RTD- Ver. 03 -
Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more than satisfied with the product’s performance. The product is supplied with a “Warnings” leaflet and an “Instruction booklet”. These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance. This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 89/336/EEC and 73/23/EEC (and subsequent amendments).
GENERAL SAFETY WARNING! An incorrect installation or improper use of the product can cause damage to persons, animals or things.
• The “Warnings” leaflet and “Instruction booklet” supplied with
this product should be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, use and maintenance.
• Scrap packing materials (plastic, cardboard, polystyrene etc) according to the provisions set out by current standards. Keep nylon or polystyrene bags out of children’s reach.
• Keep the instructions together with the technical brochure for future reference.
• This product was exclusively designed and manufactured for the use specified in the present documentation. Any other use not specified in this documentation could damage the product and be dangerous.
• The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting from improper use of the product, or use which is different from that expected and specified in the present documentation.
• Do not install the product in explosive atmosphere.
• The construction components of this product must comply with the following European Directives:It complies with the 89/336/EEC, 1999/5/CEE, European Directive and subsequent amendments. As for all non-EEC countries, the above-mentioned standards as well as the current national standards should be respected in order to achieve a good safety level.
• The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting from failure to observe Good Technical Practice when constructing closing structures (door, gates etc.), as well as from any deformation which might occur during use.
• The installation must comply with the provisions set out by the following European Directives:It complies with the 89/336/EEC, 1999/5/CEE, European Directive and subsequent amendments.
• Disconnect the electrical power supply before carrying out any work on the installation. Also disconnect any buffer batteries, if fitted.
• Fit an omnipolar or magnetothermal switch on the mains power supply, having a contact opening distance equal to or greater than 3mm.
• Check that a differential switch with a 0.03A threshold is fitted just before the power supply mains.
• Check that earthing is carried out correctly: connect all metal parts for closure (doors, gates etc.) and all system components provided with an earth terminal.
• Fit all the safety devices (photocells, electric edges etc.) which are needed to protect the area from any danger caused by squashing, conveying and shearing.
• Position at least one luminous signal indication device (blinker) where it can be easily seen, and fix a Warning sign to the structure.
• The Company declines all responsibility with respect to the automation safety and correct operation when other manufacturers’ components are used.
• Only use original parts for any maintenance or repair operation.
• Do not modify the automation components, unless explicitly authorised by the company.
• Instruct the product user about the control systems provided and the manual opening operation in case of emergency.
• Do not allow persons or children to remain in the automation operation area.
• Keep radio control or other control devices out of children’s reach, in order to avoid unintentional automation activation.
• The user must avoid any attempt to carry out work or repair on the automation system, and always request the assistance of qualified
- RTD- Ver. 03
• Anything which is not expressly provided for in the present instructions, is not allowed.
Programmable self-learning radio receiver system, having the following main features:
• Receiver which can be cloned with 512 or 2048 codes
• Up to 4 outputs (1 standard + 3 modular) with automatic recognition of the modules entered
• Outputs which can be configured as monostable, bistable, timed, anti-aggression
• Programming by means of incorporated display
• Operation with fixed and variable codes
• Compatible with EElink protocol for fast installation and maintenance
• Group function for automatic entry of groups of transmitters
• Protection of receiver by means of password.
The RTD receiver combines the characteristics of utmost safety in copying variable code (rolling code) coding with the convenience of carrying out transmitter “cloning” operations thanks to an exclusive system. Cloning a transmitter means creating a transmitter which can be included automatically within the list of the transmitters memorised in the receiver, either as an addition or as a replacement of a particular transmitter. Therefore it will be possible to remotely program a large number of additional transmitters, or for example, replacement transmitters for those which have been lost, without making changes directly to the receiver. Replacement cloning is used to create a new transmitter which takes the place of the one previously memorised in the receiver; in this way the lost transmitter can be removed from the memory and no longer be usable. When coding safety is not a decisive factor, the RTD receiver allows you to carry out fixed code additional cloning, which although abandoning the variable code, provides a high number of coding combinations, while maintaining the option of “copying” any receiver already programmed. Using clones when there is more than one receiver (as in the case of communal buildings), and especially when a distinction is to be made between clones to be added to or replaced in individual or collective receivers, could turn out to be rather difficult. The RTD receiver cloning system for communal buildings makes it particularly easy to solve the problem of clone storage for up to 250 individual receivers. Passageway control is managed by an output with a N.O. contact; when needed, the number of outputs can be increased by means of appropriate MOP optional modules to obtain a maximum of 4 output channels, which can be configured independently.
2.1) Receiver
Power supply: .................................................. 230V ±10%50Hz (*)
Frequency: ....................................................................... 433.92MHz
Working temperature: .................................................... -20 to +55°C
Coded by means of: ....................................... Rolling-code algorithm
No. combinations: ................................................................ 4 milliard
Antenna impedance: ................................................. 50 Ohm (RG58)
Dimensions: .......................................................................... see fig. 1
Relay contact: ................................................................... 0,5A, 12V=
Degree of protection: ................................................................ IP 20*
Max no. radio transmitters to be memorised: Receiver version No. radio transmitters RTD 512 512 RTD 2048 2048 (*) The degree of protection of the container becomes IP55 with the use of an accessory supplied on request. Only use fittings suitable for the container dimensions and cable diameter.
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