Beko CFB 9431 User Manual [ru, de, fr, en]

Instructions Manual
Kullanim Kilavuku
Naudojimosi instrukcija
Príručka na obsluhu
CFB 5432 - CFB 6431 - CFB 6432 - CFB 6433 - CFB 6434 CFB 6436 - CFB 6437 - CFB 6438 - CFB 9431 - CFB 9433
Руководство по эксплуатации
Εγχειρίδιο οδηγιών
Instructions Manual INDEX
GENERAL INFORMATION - SAFETY WARNINGS............................................................................................................11
INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................................................12
USE - MAINTENANCE.........................................................................................................................................................13
Manuel d’Instructions SOMMAIRE
GENERALITES - CONSEILS CONCERNANT LA SECURITE......................................................14
UTILISATION - ENTRETIEN........................................................................................................16
Bedienungsanleitung INHALTSVERZEICHNIS
ALLGEMEINES - SICHERHEITSHINWEISE................................................................................ 17
BEDIENUNG - WARTUNG..........................................................................................................19
Gebruiksaanwijzing INHOUDSOPGAVE
ALGEMEEN - VEILIGHEIDSMAATREGELEN ....................................................................................................................20
INSTALLATIE .......................................................................................................................................................................21
GEBRUIK - ONDERHOUD...................................................................................................................................................22
Руководство по эксплуатации УКАЗАТЕЛЬ
ОБЩИЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ - ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ ПО БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ..........................................................................23
ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ - ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ ..................................................................................................25
Kullanim Kilavuku IÇERIKLER
GENEL BİLGİLER - GÜVENLİK UYARILARI.......................................................................................................................26
KULLANIM - BAKIMI VE TEMİZLENMESİ...........................................................................................................................28
Naudojimosi instrukcija TURINYS
BENDRA INFORM ACIJA - SAUGUMO ĮSPĖJIMAI.............................................................................................................29
NAUDOJIMAS - VALYMAS IR PRIEŽIŪRA.........................................................................................................................31
Εγχειρίδιο οδηγιών ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΑ
ΓΕΝΙΚΑ - ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ ..........................................................................................................32
ΧΡΗΣΗ - ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ.........................................................................................................................................................34
SK 110
Príručka na obsluhu OBSAH
VŠEOBECNÉ POKYNY – BEZPEČNOSTNÉ UPOZORNENIA..........................................................................................35
POUŽÍVANIE - ÚDRŽBA......................................................................................................................................................37
EN 111
This canopy hood is designed to be fixed to any rigid vertical surface, over a gas or electric hotplate and can be used either in the extraction mode (ducted to the outside) or in th e recircu-lation m ode (internal recycling). All cookers hood perform better when used in evacuatio n m od e. Du ri ng win ter ti m e it m ay be convenient to use the hood in the recycling mode to avoid heat loss from the kitchen.
Before starting the install ation , con sideratio n sh ould b e given to th e difficu lties to be fou nd dur ­ing installation. The installation work must be undertaken by a qualified and com petent person in conformity to the rules concerning the evacuation of contaminated air. The manufacturer d isclaims all liability for any damage or inju r y caused as a r esu lt o f n o t fo llo w­ing the instructions for installation contained in the following text.
1.1 - When used in th e extraction mode, the cooker hood ducting mu st not be connected to a flue which is used for exhau sting fumes from applian ces supplied with energy other than electric, such as a central heating fl ue or water heating flue.
1.2 - Before connecting to the mains supply ensure that the mains voltage corresponds with the volt­age on the rating plate inside the hood.
1.3 - Connect the cooker ho od to the mains via a bipolar switch which has 3mm clear ance between the contacts.
1.4 - For cooker hoods featuring an earth cable, make sure the electric p lant of your house is cor ­rectly eart hed.
1.5 - Appliance in class II are provided with a double insulation; therefore do not connect then through earthed plugs but thro ugh simple bipolar plugs.
1.6 - When installed, the hood must be positioned at least 65cm above the hotplate.
1.7 - Never do flambé cooking under this cooker hood.
1.8 - Never leave frying pans unattended during use as overheated fat and oil may catch fire.
1.9 - Befor e carrying out any kind of mainten ance or cleaning, disconn ect the hood from the mains supply.
1.10- If the room where the cooker hood is to be used contains a fuel burning appliance such as a cen­tral heating boiler then th is must be of the room sealed or balanced flue type. If other types of flue or appliance are fitted, ensure that there is an ad equate supply of air into th e room. When the cooker hood is used in co njunctio n with appliances su pplied with ener gy oth er than electric, the negative pressure in the room must not exceed 0,04 mbar to prevent fum es being drawn back into the room by the cooker hood.
1.11- The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible.
1.12- If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly availab le from the manufacturer or its service agent.
1.13- This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
1.14- Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
EN 112
Some installation systems require the opening and removal of the metal grille panel.
2.1 - Instructions for opening and removing the metal grille panel
To open the grille panel, press inwardly on the two slide r catch es at each side of the grille panel and the grille will pivot down. To remove the metal grille, pull forward on t he right han d side so that the hinge pin on the back of the grille will be released from the slot in the side of the casing.
2.2 - Wall cabinet fixing
a - Predrill ed wall cabinet: fi x the h ood ont o the wall c abin et base pa nel usi ng the four sc rews 4.2 x 4 5 mm
(supplied with the fixing kit).
It is not necessary to open the metal grille. b - No predrilled wall cabinet: b.1 - If the hood is provided with a paper fixing template, follow the instructions. b.2 - If the hood is not provide d with a pape r fixing tem plate, position the hood o n the wall c abinet b ase
panel and pilot drill the 3.5 x 16 mm screws (not supplied with the fixi ng kit) from the inside onto the wood.
2.3 - Wall mounting
a - Drill two Ø 8 mm holes on the wall using the paper template, insert two rawl plugs and two 4.2 x 44,4
mm screws leaving 5 mm untightened. Open the metal grille panel, hook the hood on a nd fully tighten the screws.
b - If the hood is no t provided with a paper fixing template, drill two Ø 8 mm holes (see draw.), insert the
plugs and screws, proceeding as directed under paragraph a.
c - For wall mounting using wallbrackets (optional), follow the instructions of the fixing template. d - Pay attention to the safety regulation of point 1.6.
2.4 - Choice of operating mode
a - Evacuation mode
To check that the hood is set up for ev acua tion, op en the grille panel and make sure that the conversion lever or the change-over knob on the centrifugal unit is in the DUCTING posi tion. The charcoal filter is not required. For ducting to the outside, the hood i s suppli ed with a rear and to p outlet . A flange spi got of 1 00 mm di ­ameter (120 mm in certain mod els ) is usually fitted on the top outlet and a blanking pl ug on th e rear out­let. If you choose to duct the hood from the rear o f the c asing, you s hould i nvert the positio n of t he flan­ge and of the blanking plug. Pay attention to the safety regulation 1.1.
b - Internal recirculation mode
To check that the hood is set up for recycling, open the grille panel and m ake sure that the conversion lever or the change-over knob on the centrifugal unit is in the RECYCLING position. The charcoal filter is t o be fitted. To fit the c harcoal filter, su pport the filter wi th one hand and turn the thumb screw through the cent re of the charco al filte r. If th e filt er is of the inte rlocki ng type, turn t he fi lter clockwise. The hood can remain connected to the outside.
2.5 - Electrical connection and working test
1 - The safety measures 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 of paragraph 1 are to be strictly observed. 2 - Once the electrical connection has been completed, check that the worktop illumination, motor and
speeds work properly.
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