Beckman Coulter ACT Service manual

BECKMAN COULTER™ AC•T™ 5diff Hematology Analyzer

Service Manual
PN 4237616B (September 2000) COULTER CORPORATION
A Beckman Coulter Company Miami, Florida 33196-2500 USA
Beckman Coulter, Inc. makes no representation that, upon furnishing this service manual, the holder of the manual will have the necessary technical capabilities and know-how to properly troubleshoot and repair any of the equipment specified in the manual. Beckman Coulter, Inc. assumes no liability whatsoever, including consequential and incidental damages, resulting from improper operation of Beckman Coulter instruments after maintenance of Beckman Coulter instruments has been performed by persons not employed by Beckman Coulter, Inc. Furthermore, Beckman Coulter, Inc. assumes no liability whatsoever for any personal injury or property damage resulting from maintenance and/or repair of Beckman Coulter instruments performed by persons not employed by Beckman Coulter, Inc.
WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and IMPORTANTS alert you as follows:
WARNING - Might cause injury. CAUTION - Might cause damage to the instrument. IMPORTANT - Might cause misleading results.
Beckman Coulter, Inc. urges its customers to comply with all national health and safety standards such as the use of barrier protection. This may include, but it is not limited to, protective eyewear, gloves, and suitable laboratory attire when operating or maintaining this or any other automated laboratory analyzer.
"This Service Manual contains confidential information of Beckman Coulter, Inc. and its receipt or possession does not convey any rights to reproduce, disclose its contents, or to manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe. Reproduction, disclosure, or use without specific written authorization of Beckman Coulter, Inc. is strictly forbidden."
Copyright © Beckman Coulter, Inc. 1999-2000 All rights reserved.


Initial Issue, 3/2000
Released by CN 040130-0003 Software Version 0.11
Issue B, 07/00
Released by CN 040150-0025 Software version 1.03
The material in the revision B change pages was updated for software version 1.03 and for any hardware changes since revision A. The changes include updating the adjustment procedures for the bath assembly, HGB blank, RBC/PLT gain, WBC/BASO, motor current, thresholds, and the optical bench; updating the replacement procedures for the heater assembly, power supply, start switch, reagent syringes, count syringe, sample prove, waste syringe, 5diff syringe, flow-cell coax, optical bench lamp, diluent reservoir, and sample syringe; updating the procedure for testing and configuring the bar-code reader; updating the parts lists; updating the tubing lists and associated circuit connections; adding procedures for balancing
the WBC count, setting the diff information on the LX300 + printer.
Changes were made on the following pages:
1.1-1, 1.1-2, 1.1-4
2.1-4, 2.6-1, 2.6-2, 2.6-3, 2.6-4, 2.6-5, 2.8-3, 2.8-11, 2.8-12, 2.8-13, 2.8-15, 2.10-2, 2.10-3
3.1-1, 3.2-1, 3.2-2, 3.2-3, 3.2-6, 3.2-7, 3.2-9, 3.2-10, 3.3-1, 3.3-7, 3.3-8 added 3.3-9 and 3.3-10
4.1-1, 4.1-2, 4.1-3, 4.1-4, 4.2-1, 4.2-2, 4.2-4, 4.2-5, 4.2-6 through 4.2-8, 4.4-1, 4.5-1 through 4.5-4
4.6-1 through 4.6-8, 4.7-2
4.14-1, 4.14-2, 4.17-2, 4.17-3, 4.18-1 4.19-1 through 4.19-8, 4.20-1, 4.20-2, 4.20-3, 4.20-4 deleted 4.20-5 and 4.20-6
4.21-1 through 4.21-3, 4.23-1 through 4.23-6, 4.24-1 through 4.24-6, 4.25-1 through 4.25-8 deleted 4.25-9 through 4.25-12
4.26-1, 4.26-3, 4.26-4, 4.27-1 through 4.27-8 deleted 4.27-9 through 4.27-12
4.29-1, 4.29-3 through 4.29-6, 4.30-1, 4.30-3 through 4.30-5, 4.31-1, 4.31-3, 4.31-4
4.32-1 through 4.32-3, 4.33-1, 4.33-2, 4.35-1, 4.35-2, 4.35-3, 4.35-10, 4.36-1, 4.36-2, 4.36-5, 4.36-6 added 4.37-1 and 4.37-2, 4.38-1 and 4.38-2, 4.39-1 through 4.39-10
5.2-3, 6.3-2 through 6.3-6, 7.3-2
8.1-1 through 8.1-12, 8.2-7, 8.2-8, 8.2-9, 8.2-16, 8.2-17, 8.2-42, 8.2-46, 8.2-48 A.2-9, A.3-3, A.4-1, C.1-1, C.1-2 and C.1-7.
/diff- thresholds, and replacing the new Main card; and adding
4.8-1, 4.9-1, 4.9-2, 4.10-1, 4.10-2, 4.11-1, 4.12-1, 4.12-2, 4.13-1; 4.13-2
The change page packet also includes the latest revision of the Pneumatic/Hyraulic Schematic, 7616069B.
Changes that are part of the most recent revision are indicated in the printed copy by a bar in the margin of the amended page.
This document applies to the latest software listed and higher versions. When a subsequent software version affects the information in this document, the changes will be included on minor revision change pages or summarized on a Notice of Information Update form and will be released by service memo.
PN 4237616B
PN 4237616B
1.1 MANUAL DESCRIPTION, 1.1-1 Scope, 1.1-1
Notification of Updates, 1.1-1 Intended Audience, 1.1-1 Organization, 1.1-1 Numbering Format, 1.1-2 Special Headings, 1.1-3
WARNING, 1.1-3
CAUTION, 1.1-3
Note, 1.1-3 Conventions, 1.1-3 Graphics, 1.1-4


1.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, 1.2-1 Electronic, 1.2-1 Biological, 1.2-1 Troubleshooting, 1.2-1
Purpose, 2.1-1 Function, 2.1-1 Description, 2.1-1
Components, 2.1-1
Interaction with the A
•T 5diff Hematology Analyzer, 2.1-1
Modes of Operation, 2.1-3
CBC Mode, 2.1-3 CBC/DIFF Mode, 2.1-3
Reagent Consumption, 2.1-4
2.2 OPERATION PRINCIPLES, 2.2-1 Overview, 2.2-1 Measurement Principles, 2.2-1
Coulter Principle, 2.2-1 Aperture Sensor System, 2.2-1 Applying the Coulter Principle, 2.2-2
V Technology, 2.2-3
Dual Focused Flow (DFF), 2.2-3 Flow Cell, 2.2-3 Focused Flow Impedance, 2.2-4 Absorbance Cytochemistry, 2.2-4
PN 4237616B
Signal Processing, 2.2-4 Thresholds, 2.2-4
WBC/BASO Methodology,2.2-5 Sample Analysis Overview,2.2-5
Aspiration, 2.2-5 Dilution, 2.2-6 Delivery, 2.2-6 Sample Partitioning, 2.2-7
2.3 CYCLE DESCRIPTION, 2.3-1 Cycle Start Conditions, 2.3-1 Sample Flow, 2.3-2
2.4 SAMPLE ANALYSIS, 2.4-1 RBC and Platelet Analysis, 2.4-1
Parameter Results Obtained from the RBC/Plt Dilution, 2.4-2 Hgb Measurement, 2.4-3 WBC Count and Differential, 2.4-4
Parameter Results Obtained from the WBC/BASO Dilution, 2.4-5
Differential, 2.4-5
Parameter Results Obtained from the DIFF Dilution, 2.4-6 Dilution Summary, 2.4-7
2.5 RBC PARAMETER DEVELOPMENT, 2.5-1 RBC/Plt Dilution, 2.5-1 RBC Count, 2.5-1 RBC Histogram, 2.5-1 Parameter Results Obtained Using the RBC Histogram, 2.5-2
Hct Measurement, 2.5-2 MCV Calculation, 2.5-2 RDW Calculation, 2.5-2
RBC Distribution Flags, 2.5-2
RBC1 and RBC2 Thresholds, 2.5-3 Flags, 2.5-3
Hgb Determination, 2.5-3
Hgb Blank Reading, 2.5-3 Sample Reading, 2.5-4 Hgb Specific Flags, 2.5-4
MCH and MCHC Calculations, 2.5-4
MCH Calculation, 2.5-4 MCHC Calculation, 2.5-4
2.6 PLATELET PARAMETER DEVELOPMENT, 2.6-1 RBC/Plt Dilution, 2.6-1 Plt Count, 2.6-1 Platelet Distribution Curve, 2.6-1 Parameter Results Obtained Using the Plt Histogram, 2.6-2
MPV Measurement, 2.6-2 Pct Calculation, 2.6-2 PDW Calculation, 2.6-2
PN 4237616B
Detecting Abnormal Platelet Distributions, 2.6-3
Identifying a Normal Distribution, 2.6-3 Interference on the Lower End of the Platelet Distribution Curve, 2.6-3 Microcytic Interferences on the Upper End of the Platelet Distribution Curve, 2.6-3 Microcytic Interference with a Distinct Valley between 18 fL and 25 fL, 2.6-4 Microcytic Interference with a Valley below 18 fL, 2.6-4 Interference with No Distinct Valley, 2.6-5
2.7 WBC PARAMETER DEVELOPMENT, 2.7-1 Overview, 2.7-1 WBC/BASO Dilution, 2.7-1 WBC Count, 2.7-1 BASO Count, 2.7-1 DIFF Dilution, 2.7-2 DiffPlot Development, 2.7-2 DiffPlot Regions Defined, 2.7-3
Neutrophil (Neut), 2.7-3 Lymphocyte (Lymph), 2.7-3 Monocyte (Mono), 2.7-3 Eosinophil (Eos), 2.7-3 Debris, 2.7-3
Immature White Blood Cells, 2.7-4
Immature Granulocytes, 2.7-4 Band Cells, 2.7-4 Blast Cells, 2.7-4
DiffPlot Thresholds, 2.7-4
2.8 PNEUMATIC/HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, 2.8-1 Functions of Valves, 2.8-1 Pneumatic Diagrams, 2.8-4 Diluter System, 2.8-11
Diluent Input (Figure 2.8-10), 2.8-11 5diff Syringe and Flow Cell, 2.8-12 Probe and Probe Rinse, 2.8-13 Diluent to Baths, 2.8-13
Waste System, 2.8-15
2.9 ELECTRONIC SYSTEM, 2.9-1 Plug/Jack Labels, 2.9-1 Optical Preamplifier Card, 2.9-1 LCD and Keypad Card, 2.9-1 LED Card, 2.9-1 Motor Interconnect Card, 2.9-1 Traverse Interconnect Card, 2.9-1
2.10 SOFTWARE STRUCTURE, 2.10-1 Overview, 2.10-1 Menu Trees, 2.10-1 How to Select a Menu Item, 2.10-1
PN 4237616B
3.1 PREINSTALLATION CHECKS, 3.1-1 Environment, 3.1-1
Altitude Range, 3.1-1
Ambient Temperature, 3.1-1 Space and Accessibility Requirements, 3.1-1 Electrical Input, 3.1-1
Power Requirements, 3.1-2
Grounding, 3.1-2
Installation Category, 3.1-2 Electromagnetic Environment Check, 3.1-2 Inspection Report, 3.1-2
3.2 INITIAL SETUP, 3.2-1 Preinstallation Checks, 3.2-1 Supplies, 3.2-1 Unpacking, 3.2-1
Inspection, 3.2-1 Unpack the Analyzer, 3.2-1 Unpack the Installation Kit, PN XEA484A, 3.2-1
Unpack the Waste Alarm Kit, PN 6912680, 3.2-1 Verify All Caution and Compliance Labels are in Place, 3.2-1 Connect the Waste System, 3.2-3
Connect the Waste Tubing, 3.2-3
Install the Waste Alarm, 3.2-3 Connect the Reagents, 3.2-5
Connect the Diluent Tubing, 3.2-5
Install the Reagent Bottles, 3.2-6 Install the Printer, 3.2-7 Power On the Instrument, 3.2-7 Enter Reagent Lot Numbers, 3.2-8 Prime the Instrument, 3.2-8 Configure the Instrument Printer Settings, 3.2-9 Set the User Mode, 3.2-9 Verification, 3.2-10
LX- 300 and LX- 300+ Printer Connection, 3.3-1 Unpack the Printer, 3.3-1 Install the Knob, 3.3-1 Install the Ribbon Cartridge, 3.3-2 Connect the Printer, 3.3-3 Paper Feed Options, 3.3-4
Single Sheet Paper Feed Setup, 3.3-4 Loading Continuous Feed Paper Feed, 3.3-5
Configure the Printer, 3.3-7
LX300 Printer, 3.3-7 LX300+ Printer, 3.3-7
Complete the Instrument Installation, 3.3-9
PN 4237616B
4.1 GUIDELINES FOR SERVICING THE A ANALYZER, 4.1-1 General Guidelines, 4.1-1
Safety Precautions, 4.1-1 Accessibility, 4.1-1 Electronic Precautions, 4.1-1 Environment Protection, 4.1-1
Procedures, 4.1-1
Tools and Supplies, 4.1-2
Instrument Performance Verification, 4.1-2 Service Password, 4.1-2 User Mode, 4.1-2
How to Disable the Right Side Door Interlock, 4.1-2
How to Reactivate the Right Side Door Interlock, 4.1-3 Power Down / Power Up the Instrument, 4.1-3
Purpose, 4.1-3
Power Down, 4.1-3
Power Up, 4.1-4 Reset the Instrument, 4.1-4
System Reset Cycle, 4.1-4
Hardware Reset, 4.1-4
4.2 OPENING OR REMOVING INSTRUMENT DOORS, PANELS, AND COVERS, 4.2-1 Purpose, 4.2-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.2-1 Opening the Right Side Door, 4.2-1
Bypassing the Right Side Door interlock, 4.2-1
Removing the Left Side Panel, 4.2-2
Removal, 4.2-2 Opening the Main Card Door, 4.2-3 Installation, 4.2-3
Removing the Rear Access Panel, 4.2-3
Removal, 4.2-4 Installation, 4.2-4
Removing the Top Cover, 4.2-4
Removal, 4.2-4 Installation, 4.2-5
Removing the Front Cover, 4.2-5
Removal, 4.2-5 Installation, 4.2-7
4.3 PREPARATION TO SHIP THE INSTRUMENT, 4.3-1 Purpose, 4.3-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.3-1 Bleach the Baths (20 minutes), 4.3-1 Clean the External Surfaces (20 minutes), 4.3-2 Clean the Tubing and Chambers (60 minutes), 4.3-2
PN 4237616B
Preparation, 4.3-2 Cycle Routine, 4.3-3 Drain and Rinse, 4.3-3
4.4 FLOW CELL CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS, 4.4-1 Purpose, 4.4-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.4-1 Preparation, 4.4-1 Flow Cell Checks, 4.4-1 DIFF Lamp Voltage Adjustment, 4.4-3
Preparation, 4.4-3 Adjustment, 4.4-3 Interim Verification, 4.4-4
Resistive Channel Adjustment, 4.4-5
Preparation, 4.4-5 Adjustment, 4.4-6 Interim Verification, 4.4-6
Absorbance Channel Adjustment, 4.4-7
Preparation, 4.4-7 Adjustment, 4.4-7 Interim Verification, 4.4-8
Final Verification, 4.4-9
4.5 BATHS ASSEMBLY ALIGNMENT CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT, 4.5-1 Purpose, 4.5-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.5-1 Preparation, 4.5-1 Alignment Check, 4.5-1 Alignment Adjustment, 4.5-3
Verification, 4.5-4
4.6 SAMPLE PROBE CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS, 4.6-1 Purpose, 4.6-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.6-1 Sample Probe Checks, 4.6-2
Home Position Check, 4.6-2 Inside Bath Position Check, 4.6-3
Sample Probe Adjustments, 4.6-4
Home Position Adjustment, 4.6-4 Inside Bath Position Adjustment, 4.6-5
4.7 HGB BLANK ADJUSTMENT, 4.7-1 Purpose, 4.7-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.7-1 Preparation, 4.7-1 Adjustment, 4.7-2 Verification, 4.7-2
4.8 APERTURE CURRENT CHECK, 4.8-1 Purpose, 4.8-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.8-1
PN 4237616B
Procedure, 4.8-1
4.9 RBC/PLT GAIN ADJUSTMENT, 4.9-1 Purpose, 4.9-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.9-1 Procedure, 4.9-1
Preparation, 4.9-1 Adjustments, 4.9-2
4.10 WBC/BASO GAIN ADJUSTMENT, 4.10-1 Purpose, 4.10-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.10-1 Procedure, 4.10-1
Preparation, 4.10-1 Adjustment, 4.10-2
4.11 DRAIN SENSOR ADJUSTMENT, 4.11-1 Purpose, 4.11-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.11-1 Preparation, 4.11-1 Adjustment, 4.11-2 Wrap Up, 4.11-2
4.12 TRANSFER SENSOR ADJUSTMENT, 4.12-1 Purpose, 4.12-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.12-1 Preparation, 4.12-1 Adjustment, 4.12-2 Wrap Up, 4.12-2
4.13 MOTOR CURRENT ADJUSTMENT, 4.13-1 Purpose, 4.13-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.13-1 Procedure, 4.13-1
4.14 THRESHOLD ADJUSTMENTS, 4.14-1 Purpose, 4.14-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.14-1 Procedure, 4.14-1
4.15 REAGENT TEMPERATURE CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT, 4.15-1 Purpose, 4.15-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.15-1 Reagent Temperature Check, 4.15-1 Reagent Temperature Adjustment, 4.15-3
Preparation, 4.15-3 Adjustment, 4.15-4
PN 4237616B
4.16 BATH ENCLOSURE TEMPERATURE CHECK AND ADJUSTMENT, 4.16-1 Purpose, 4.16-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.16-1
Bath Enclosure Temperature Check, 4.16-1 Bath Enclosure Temperature Adjustment, 4.16-2
Preparation, 4.16-2 Adjustment, 4.16-3
4.17 VACUUM CHECKS AND ADJUSTMENTS, 4.17-1 Purpose, 4.17-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.17-1 Waste Syringe Vacuum Check, 4.17-1 Count Syringe Vacuum Check and Adjustment, 4.17-2
Count Syringe Vacuum Check, 4.17-2 Count Syringe Vacuum Adjustment, 4.17-3
4.18 MIX BUBBLE ADJUSTMENT, 4.18-1 Purpose, 4.18-1 Tools/Supplies Required, 4.18-1 Procedure, 4.18-1
4.19 HEATER ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT, 4.19-1 Purpose, 4.19-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.19-1 Removal, 4.19-1 Installation, 4.19-5
4.20 POWER SUPPLY REPLACEMENT, 4.20-1 Purpose, 4.20-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.20-1 Removal, 4.20-1 Installation, 4.20-3 Verification, 4.20-4
4.21 START SWITCH REPLACEMENT, 4.21-1 Purpose, 4.21-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.21-1 Removal, 4.21-1 Installation, 4.21-3
4.22 OPTICAL BENCH DISASSEMBLY AND REPLACEMENT, 4.22-1 Purpose, 4.22-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.22-1 Removal, 4.22-1 Installation, 4.22-3
4.23 BAR-CODE READER TESTING AND CONFIGURATION, 4.23-1 Purpose, 4.23-1 Read Test, 4.23-1 Default Settings, 4.23-2
Codabar - Start/Stop Equality Check/Output, 4.23-4 Interleaved 2-of-5 Options, 4.23-5
PN 4237616B
Purpose, 4.24-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.24-1 Preparation, 4.24-1 Removal, 4.24-2 O-Ring, Washer, and Piston Replacement, 4.24-2 Installation, 4.24-5 Verification, 4.24-5
4.25 COUNT SYRINGE COMPONENT REPLACEMENTS, 4.25-1 Purpose, 4.25-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.25-1 Preparation, 4.25-1 Removal, 4.25-2 O-ring, Washer, and Piston Replacement, 4.25-5
Piston Replacement, 4.25-5
O-ring and Washer Replacement Only, 4.25-6 Installation, 4.25-7 Verification, 4.25-8
4.26 SAMPLE PROBE AND RINSE BLOCK ASSEMBLY COMPONENT REPLACEMENTS, 4.26-1 Purpose, 4.26-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.26-1 Preparation, 4.26-1 Removal, 4.26-1 Sample Probe Replacement, 4.26-2 Rinse Block Assembly Component Replacement, 4.26-2 Installation, 4.26-4
Verification, 4.26-4
4.27 WASTE SYRINGE COMPONENT REPLACEMENTS, 4.27-1 Purpose, 4.27-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.27-1 Preparation, 4.27-1 Removal, 4.27-2
Piston Replacement, 4.27-5
O-ring and Washer Replacement Only, 4.27-6 Installation, 4.27-7 Verification, 4.27-8
4.28 CLEANING THE BATH ENCLOSURE, 4.28-1 Purpose, 4.28-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.28-1 Procedure, 4.28-1
PN 4237616B
4.29 5diff SYRINGE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTS, 4.29-1 Purpose, 4.29-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.29-1 Preparation, 4.29-1 Removal, 4.29-1 O-ring Replacements, 4.29-3
Installation, 4.29-6 Verification, 4.29-6
4.30 FLOW CELL COAXIAL CABLE REPLACEMENT, 4.30-1 Purpose, 4.30-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.30-1 Preparation, 4.30-1 Removal, 4.30-1 Replacement, 4.30-4 Verification, 4.30-5
4.31 OPTICAL BENCH LAMP REPLACEMENT, 4.31-1 Purpose, 4.31-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.31-1 Preparation, 4.31-1 Removal, 4.31-3 Lamp Replacement, 4.31-4 Verification, 4.31-5
4.32 DILUENT RESERVOIR REPLACEMENTS, 4.32-1 Purpose, 4.32-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.32-1 Preparation, 4.32-1 Removal, 4.32-1 O-ring and Washer Replacement, 4.32-2 Installation, 4.32-3 Verification, 4.32-3
4.33 SAMPLE SYRINGE ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENTS, 4.33-1 Purpose, 4.33-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.33-1 Preparation, 4.33-1 Removal, 4.33-1 O-ring Replacements, 4.33-3 Installation, 4.33-4 Verification, 4.33-5
4.34 DRAINING BATH REPLACEMENTS, 4.34-1 Purpose, 4.34-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.34-1 Preparation, 4.34-1 O-ring Replacements, 4.34-1 Verification, 4.34-2
4.35 O-RING REPLACEMENTS IN THE COUNTING BATHS (RBC and WBC/BASO Baths), 4.35-1 Purpose, 4.35-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.35-1 Preparation, 4.35-1 Removal, 4.35-2 O-ring Replacements, 4.35-3
PN 4237616B
Replacing the Coaxial Cable O-ring on the Bath Electrode, 4.35-3
Replacing the Aperture O-rings in the Counting Head, 4.35-5 Installation, 4.35-8 Align the Bath Assembly, 4.35-8 Verification, 4.35-9
4.36 OPTICAL BENCH PRELIMINARY ADJUSTMENTS, 4.36-1 Purpose, 4.36-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.36-1 Preparation, 4.36-1
Verify the Flow Cell is Free of Bubbles, 4.36-2
Course Adjustments, 4.36-2
Y-Axis Adjustment, 4.36-2 X-Axis Adjustment, 4.36-3
Lamp Alignment, 4.36-5
4.37 FLOW CELL WBC BALANCE, 4.37-1 Purpose, 4.37-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.37-1 Procedure, 4.37-1
4.38 SETTING diff+/diff- THRESHOLDS, 4.38-1 Purpose, 4.38-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.38-1 Procedure, 4.38-1
4.39 MAIN CARD REPLACEMENT AND SOFTWARE TRANSFER, 4.39-1 Purpose, 4.39-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 4.39-1 Preliminary Setup, 4.39-1 Removing Main Card, 4.39-1 Transferring EPROMs to Replacement Card, 4.39-3 Installing Main Card, 4.39-4 Verifying System Configuration, 4.39-5
Patient Ranges, Action Ranges and Thresholds, 4.39-6
Verifying Main Card Settings, 4.39-7
5.2 MAINTENANCE WORKLIST, 5.2-1 Purpose, 5.2-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 5.2-1
Additional Tools or Supplies Needed for 1-Year Maintenance, 5.2-1
Additional Tools or Supplies Needed for the Every 2-Years Maintenance, 5.2-1 User Mode, 5.2-1 Worklist Instructions, 5.2-2
Overview, 5.2-2
Maintenance Category Identifier, 5.2-2
Basic Instructions, 5.2-2
PN 4237616B
Preparation, 5.2-3 Reagent Syringes Assembly, 5.2-4
Replacement Parts, 5.2-4 Procedure, 5.2-4
5diff Syringe Assembly, 5.2-5
Replacement Parts, 5.2-5 Procedure, 5.2-5
Count Syringe Assembly, 5.2-5
Replacement Parts, 5.2-5
Procedure, 5.2-5 Interim Verification Check, 5.2-6 Replace the Optical Bench Lamp, 5.2-6
Replacement Part, 5.2-6
Procedure, 5.2-6 Replace the Flow Cell Coaxial Cable, 5.2-7
Replacement Part, 5.2-7
Procedure, 5.2-7 Preparation, 5.2-7 Sample Probe and Rinse Block Assembly, 5.2-8
Replacement Parts, 5.2-8
Procedure, 5.2-8 Sample Syringe Assembly, 5.2-8
Replacement Part, 5.2-8
Procedure, 5.2-8 Waste Syringe Assembly, 5.2-9
Replacement Parts, 5.2-9
Procedure, 5.2-9 Diluent Reservoir, 5.2-9
Replacement Parts, 5.2-9
Procedure, 5.2-9 Interim Verification Check, 5.2-10 Preparation, 5.2-10 Draining Baths, 5.2-11
Replacement Parts, 5.2-11
Procedure, 5.2-11 Counting Heads, 5.2-11
Replacement Parts, 5.2-11
Procedure, 5.2-11 Clean the Bath Enclosure, 5.2-11 Wrap Up, 5.2-12
5.3 SYSTEM VERIFICATION PROCEDURES, 5.3-1 Purpose, 5.3-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 5.3-1 Preparation, 5.3-1 Startup, 5.3-1 Reproducibility, 5.3-1 Calibration, 5.3-2
Autocalibration, 5.3-2 Run Calibration, 5.3-2
PN 4237616B
Calibration Passed, 5.3-2
Step-By-Step Cycle Check, 5.3-3
Preparation, 5.3-3 Instrument At Rest, 5.3-3 Sample Preparation (Making the Dilutions), 5.3-3 Count and Measurement of the WBC Group, 5.3-5 RBC/PLT Group Count, 5.3-6 Permanent Rinse Flow (PRF), 5.3-6 Filling of Diluent Reservoir, 5.3-6 Completing the Cycle, 5.3-6 Wrap Up, 5.3-6
6.1 ENGINEERING SCHEMATIC DRAWINGS, 6.1-1 Engineering Schematics, 6.1-1 Additional Pneumatic/Hydraulic Information, 6.1-1
Tubings and Connectors, 6.1-1 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Circuit Connections, 6.1-1
Additional Interconnect Information, 6.1-1
6.2 PNEUMATIC / HYDRAULIC SCHEMATIC, 6.2-1 Layout, 6.2-1 Color Coding, 6.2-1 Tubing Designations, 6.2-1 Solenoid Valves, 6.2-1
6.3 PNEUMATIC/HYDRAULIC TUBINGS AND CONNECTIONS, 6.3-1 Tubings and Connectors List, 6.3-1 Pneumatic/Hydraulic Circuit Connections, 6.3-3
7.2 CHECKING THE MOTORS, 7.2-1 Purpose, 7.2-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 7.2-1 Preparation, 7.2-2
To Check All Motors, 7.2-2 To Only Check Motors in the Right Side Compartment, 7.2-2
To Only Check Motors in the Left Side Compartment, 7.2-2 Motors Check, 7.2-3 Wrap Up, 7.2-3
PN 4237616B
7.3 CHECKING THE VALVES, 7.3-1 Purpose, 7.3-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, 7.3-1
Preparation, 7.3-1
To Only Check Valves in the Left Side Compartment, 7.3-1
To Only Check Valves in the Right Side Compartment, 7.3-1 Valves Check, 7.3-2 Wrap Up, 7.3-3
8 PARTS LISTS, 8.1-1
Main Card, A.2-1
Component Locations, A.2-1
Tes t P oi nt s, A. 2- 2
Potentiometers, A.2-4
Jumper Settings, A.2-5 Optical Preamplifier Card, A.2-6
Component Locations, A.2-6
Connectors, A.2-6 LCD and Keypad Card, A.2-7
Component Locations, A.2-7 LED Card, A.2-8
Connectors, A.2-8 Motor Interconnect Card, A.2-9
Connectors, A.2-9 Traverse Card, A.2-10
Connectors, A.2-10
A.3 A
T 5diff MODULE LOCATIONS AND FUNCTIONS, A.3-1 Overview, A.3-1 Analyzer Modules, A.3-1
Mechanical and Hydraulic Modules Locations, A.3-2 Rear Panel, A.3-4
B.1 FORMAT, B.1-1
Flag Sensitivity, C.1-1
PN 4237616B
Thresholds, C.1-2
Plt Threshold, C.1-2 WBC and BASO Thresholds, C.1-2 DiffPlot Thresholds, C.1-3 DiffPlot - Volume Thresholds, C.1-4 DiffPlot - Absorbance Thresholds, C.1-6 NL, NE, and MN Alarms, C.1-7 RBC Histogram, C.1-7
Purpose, C.2-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, C.2-1 Procedure, C.2-1 Verification, C.2-1
Purpose, C.3-1 Tools/Supplies Needed, C.3-1 Procedure, C.3-1 Verification, C.3-2
PN 4237616B
1.2-1 Warning and Information Label, 1.2-2
2.1-1 User Interfaces on the A
2.2-1 Coulter Principle, 2.2-2
2.2-2 Dual Focused Flow Process, 2.2-3
2.2-3 Signal Processing, 2.2-4
2.2-4 Basophil Thresholds, 2.2-5
2.2-5 Bath Assembly, 2.2-6
2.2-6 Sample Delivery Using Tangential Flow, 2.2-6
2.2-7 CBC/DIFF Mode ­Sample Partitions inside the Probe, 2.2-7
2.2-8 CBC Mode ­Sample Partitions inside the Probe, 2.2-7
2.3-1 Sample Probe and LED at Start of a Cycle, 2.3-1
2.3-2 Baths Assembly at Start of a Cycle, 2.3-1
2.3-3 Rinsing Probe Exterior After Aspiration, 2.3-2
2.3-4 Making the RBC/PLT First Dilution, 2.3-2
2.3-5 Making the WBC/BASO Dilution, 2.3-3
2.3-6 Making the DIFF Bath Dilution, 2.3-3
2.3-7 Double Rinse of the Sample Probe, 2.3-4
2.3-8 Aspirating from the First Dilution, 2.3-4
2.3-9 Rinsing the Outside of the Probe, 2.3-5
2.3-10 Making the RBC/Plt Dilution, 2.3-5
2.4-1 Bath Assembly, 2.4-1
2.4-2 Bath Assembly, 2.4-4
2.4-3 Flow Cell Operation, 2.4-5
2.4-4 DiffPlot Regions, 2.4-6
2.5-1 Typical RBC Histogram, 2.5-1
2.5-2 RBC1 and RBC2 Positions - RBC Histogram, 2.5-2
2.6-1 Typical Plt Histogram, 2.6-1
2.6-2 Area of the Plt Histogram Used to Determine the PDW Parameter Result, 2.6-2
2.6-3 Typical Platelet Distribution Curve, 2.6-3
2.6-4 Microcytic Interference with a Valley between 18 fL and 25 fL, 2.6-4
2.6-5 Microcytic Interference with a Valley below 18 fL, 2.6-4
2.6-6 Interference with no Distinct Valley, 2.6-5
2.7-1 Areas Used to Determine WBC and BASO Parameter Results, 2.7-1
2.7-2 DiffPlot Regions, 2.7-2
2.7-3 Volume Thresholds, 2.7-5
2.7-4 Absorbance Thresholds / NL, NE and MN Alarms, 2.7-6
2.8-1 Valve 1 through Valve 16 Locations, 2.8-1
2.8-2 Valve 17 and 18 Location, 2.8-1
2.8-3 Valve 20 to Valve 31 Locations, 2.8-2
2.8-4 Hgb Lyse Reagent Circuit, 2.8-5
2.8-5 Fix Reagent Circuit, 2.8-6
2.8-6 WBC Lyse Reagent Circuit, 2.8-7
2.8-7 Rinse Reagent Supply Circuit, 2.8-8
2.8-8 Probe Rinse Reagent Circuit, 2.8-9
2.8-9 WBC/BASO Rinse Reagent Circuit, 2.8-10
2.8-10 Diluent Reagent Circuit, 2.8-11
T 5diff Hematology Analyzer, 2.1-2
PN 4237616B
2.8-11 Probe Diluent Reagent Circuit, 2.8-13
2.8-12 Bath Diluent Reagent Circuit, 2.8-14
2.8-13 Waste Circuit, 2.8-15
2.10-1 User Menu Tree, 2.10-2
2.10-2 Service Menu Tree, 2.10-3
3.2-1 Warning and Caution Label Locations on the Instrument, 3.2-2
3.2-2 Plastic Blocker Locations, View with Right Door Open, 3.2-2
3.2-3 Rear Panel Connections, 3.2-3
3.2-4 Loop-Side Velcro Strip Attachment, 3.2-4
3.2-5 Waste Alarm and Float Sensor Setup, 3.2-4
3.2-6 Position the Waste Alarm on the Rear Access Panel, 3.2-5
3.2-7 Reagent Bottle Locations, 3.2-6
3.2-8 Printer Configuration Menu, 3.2-9
3.3-1 Carefully Remove All Packing Materials, 3.3-1
3.3-2 Paper-Feed Knob Installation, 3.3-1
3.3-3 Insert the Ribbon Cartridge, 3.3-2
3.3-4 Threading the Ribbon, 3.3-2
3.3-5 Proper Ribbon Placement, 3.3-3
3.3-6 Cable Connection at the Instrument, 3.3-3
3.3-7 Cable Connections, 3.3-4
3.3-8 Paper Support for Printing Single Sheets of Paper, 3.3-5
3.3-9 Printer Sprockets, 3.3-5
3.3-10 Replace Paper Guide, 3.3-6
3.3-11 Printer Ready for Continuous Feed Printing, 3.3-6
3.3-12 LX300 Printer Control Panel, 3.3-7
3.3-13 LX300+ Printer Control Panel, 3.3-7
4.1-1 Location of the Power On/Off Rocker Switch, 4.1-3
4.2-1 Opening the Right Side Door, 4.2-1
4.2-2 Removing the Left Side Panel, 4.2-3
4.2-3 Rear Access Panel Screw Locations, 4.2-4
4.2-4 Top Cover - Side Screw Locations, 4.2-5
4.2-5 Reagent Compartment Screw Locations, 4.2-6
4.2-6 Torx Screw Location Inside Front Panel, 4.2-6
4.2-7 Torx Screw Location on Right Frame, 4.2-6
4.2-8 Front Panel Screw Locations, 4.2-7
4.2-9 Connector for the Keypad and LCD Card, 4.2-7
4.3-1 Rear Panel Connections, 4.3-3
4.4-1 Diff Adjustment Screen, 4.4-2
4.4-2 Potentiometer R11 - Location on the Optical Bench Assembly, 4.4-3
4.4-3 Potentiometer R11 Location - Top View from the Front of the Instrument, 4.4-3
4.4-4 Main Card Flow Cell Adjustments, 4.4-5
4.4-5 Front Adjustment Knob - Optical Bench, 4.4-7
4.4-6 Side Adjustment Screw - Optical Bench, 4.4-7
4.4-7 DiffPlot Regions, 4.4-9
4.5-1 Sample Probe Position at the Rinse Bath, 4.5-2
4.5-2 Close-up of Probe Position, 4.5-2
4.5-3 Sample Probe at the WBC/BASO Bath, 4.5-2
4.5-4 Close-up of Probe at the WBC/BASO Bath, 4.5-2
4.5-5 Location of Screws Securing the Baths Support Panel, 4.5-3
4.5-6 Sample Probe Position at the Rinse Bath, 4.5-3
PN 4237616B
4.5-7 Close-up of Acceptable Probe Position, 4.5-3
4.5-8 Sample Probe Position, Right Side, 4.5-4
4.5-9 Close-up of Acceptable Probe Position, 4.5-4
4.6-1 Dilution Screen, 4.6-1
4.6-2 Acceptable Distance between the Sample Probe Tip and the Traverse, 4.6-2
4.6-3 Measuring the Distance between the Sample Probe Tip and the Traverse, 4.6-2
4.6-4 Correct View through the Port, 4.6-3
4.6-5 Incorrect View through the Port, 4.6-3
4.6-6 Properly Adjusted Sample Probe Tip, 4.6-4
4.6-7 Ideal Probe Position, 4.6-5
4.6-8 Improper Probe Tip Position - Too Forward, 4.6-5
4.6-9 Improper Probe Tip Position - Too Backward, 4.6-5
4.6-10 Improper Probe Tip Position - Too High, 4.6-6
4.6-11 Improper Probe Tip Position - Too Low, 4.6-6
4.7-1 Main Card Hgb Blank Adjustment, 4.7-1
4.8-1 LMNE CIS, GR (RBC), and GB (WBC) Coax Locations, 4.8-1
4.9-1 Main Card RBC/PLT Gain Adjustments, 4.9-1
4.10-1 Main Card WBC/BASO Gain Adjustment, 4.10-1
4.11-1 Main Card Drain Sensor Adjustment, 4.11-1
4.12-1 Main Card Transfer Sensor Adjustment, 4.12-1
4.13-1 Main Card Motor Current Adjustments, 4.13-2
4.14-1 Main Card Threshold Adjustments, 4.14-2
4.15-1 Thermometer Probe inside the DIFF Bath, 4.15-1
4.15-2 Main Card Heating Status LED Location, 4.15-2
4.15-3 Location of the Label Containing the Temperature Value for the Heater Assembly, 4.15-3
4.16-1 Temperature Sensor Location - View with the Right Side Door Open, 4.16-1
4.16-2 Location of the Label Containing the Temperature Value for the Temperature Sensor, 4.16-2
4.17-1 Attach the Vacuum Meter to the Waste Syringe, 4.17-1
4.17-2 Attach the Vacuum Meter to the Count Syringe, 4.17-2
4.19-1 Captive Hex Screw Locations - Reagent Syringes and 5diff Syringe, 4.19-1
4.19-2 CHC M3 x 6 Screw Locations, 4.19-2
4.19-3 Heater Assembly, 4.19-3
4.19-4 Heater Assembly - Tubing Port Locations, 4.19-3
4.19-5 Main Card Heater Assembly Replacement, 4.19-4
4.19-6 Heater Assembly After Removal, 4.19-5
4.19-7 Heater Assembly - Tubing Port Locations, 4.19-5
4.19-8 Heater Assembly - Orientation Inside the Instrument, 4.19-6
4.19-9 Heater Assembly - Port Locations, 4.19-6
4.19-10Baths Assembly Support Panel Nut Locations, 4.19-7
4.19-11Location of Openings in the Baths Assembly Support Panel, 4.19-7
4.19-12Heater Assembly Screw Locations, 4.19-8
4.20-1 Main Card - J2 Location, 4.20-1
4.20-2 Main Card - J37 Location, 4.20-2
4.20-3 Optical Module - Lamp Supply Cable Location, 4.20-2
4.20-4 Location of Screws Securing the Power Supply to the Rear Panel, 4.20-3
4.20-5 Screws Securing the Power Supply to the Instrument Frame, 4.20-3
4.20-6 Main Card Heater Assembly Replacement Adjustment, 4.20-4
PN 4237616B
4.21-1 Fan Removal - Right Side Compartment, 4.21-1
4.21-2 Start Switch Screw Locations - With Fan Removed, 4.21-2
4.21-3 Disconnected Start Switch - Front View with Front Panel Removed, 4.21-2
4.21-4 Start Switch Orientation, 4.21-3
4.22-1 5diff Syringe Port Locations, 4.22-1
4.22-2 Optical Bench - Ground Fitting Location, 4.22-2
4.22-3 Disconnection Sites for Named Components, 4.22-2
4.22-4 Captive Screw Locations - Optical Bench Assembly, 4.22-3
4.22-5 Connection Sites for Named Components, 4.22-4
4.22-6 Optical Bench - Ground Fitting Location, 4.22-4
4.22-7 5diff Syringe Port Locations, 4.22-5
4.24-1 Valve and Screw Locations - Left Side View, 4.24-2
4.24-2 O-rings and Washers - Reagent Syringes Assembly, 4.24-3
4.24-3 Bottom Plate Screw Locations and Tightening Patterns, 4.24-4
4.24-4 Valve and Screw Locations - Left Side View, 4.24-5
4.25-1 Rear Access Panel Screw Locations, 4.25-1
4.25-2 Motor Interconnect Card - Count Syringe Connector Locations, 4.25-2
4.25-3 Count Syringe - Ground Wire Location, 4.25-3
4.25-4 Count Syringe Housing - Tubing Locations, 4.25-3
4.25-5 Count Syringe - Captive Screw Locations, 4.25-4
4.25-6 Count Syringe - Piston, O-ring, and Washer Replacement, 4.25-5
4.25-7 Count Syringe - O-ring and Washer Replacement, 4.25-6
4.25-8 Count Syringe Housing - Tubing Locations, 4.25-8
4.26-1 Probe Rinse Block Screw Locations, 4.26-1
4.26-2 Lift the Sample Probe Lock-Lever, 4.26-2
4.26-3 Remove Probe and Rinse Block Assembly, 4.26-2
4.26-4 Reassemble the Rinse Block Assembly, 4.26-3
4.27-1 Rear Access Panel Screw Locations, 4.27-1
4.27-2 Motor Interconnect Card - Waste Syringe Connector Locations, 4.27-2
4.27-3 Waste Syringe - Tie Wrap and Ground Wire Location, 4.27-3
4.27-4 Waste Syringe - Captive Screw Locations, 4.27-4
4.27-5 Waste Syringe - Piston, O-ring, and Washer Replacement, 4.27-5
4.27-6 Waste Syringe - O-ring and Washer Replacement, 4.27-6
4.29-1 5diff Syringe Port Locations, 4.29-2
4.29-2 Valve and Tubing Locations - Left Side View, 4.29-2
4.29-3 Screw Locations - 5diff Syringe, 4.29-3
4.29-4 Bottom Plate - 5diff Syringe, 4.29-3
4.29-5 Bottom Plate and Attachments - Housing Removed, 4.29-4
4.29-6 Illustrated Parts - 5diff Syringe, 4.29-5
4.30-1 Optical Bench Cover Screw Locations, 4.30-1
4.30-2 T-Connector Location, 4.30-2
4.30-3 Disconnecting the Isolator Chamber from the T-connector, 4.30-2
4.30-4 Coaxial Cable Connector - Top View, 4.30-3
4.30-5 Flow Cell Screw Locations - Top View, 4.30-3
4.30-6 Ground Screw Removal, 4.30-4
4.30-7 Connector Location - Top View, 4.30-5
4.31-1 Optical Bench Lamp Assembly, 4.31-2
4.31-2 Power Connector Location - Top View, 4.31-3
4.31-3 Screw Locations - Lamp Housing, 4.31-3
4.31-4 Winged Metal Bracket - Top View, 4.31-4
PN 4237616B
4.32-1 Diluent Reservoir Screw Locations, 4.32-1
4.32-2 Diluent Reservoir O-ring and Washer Positioning, 4.32-2
4.33-1 Disconnect Tubing at Valve 18, Port 2, 4.33-1
4.33-2 Screw Locations - Sample Syringe Housing, 4.33-2
4.33-3 Sample Syringe Output Port, 4.33-2
4.33-4 Screw Locations on the Bottom of the Sample Syringe Housing, 4.33-3
4.33-5 Illustrated Parts - Sample Syringe, 4.33-4
4.34-1 Removing a Draining Bath, 4.34-1
4.34-2 Draining Bath O-ring Placement, 4.34-2
4.34-3 Draining Bath O-Ring Locations, 4.34-2
4.35-1 Sample Probe Position at the Rinse Bath, 4.35-2
4.35-2 Close-up of Probe Positioning, 4.35-2
4.35-3 Baths Assembly Screw Locations, 4.35-3
4.35-4 Electrode Screw Locations, 4.35-3
4.35-5 Removing the Coaxial Cable O-ring from the Bath Electrode, 4.35-4
4.35-6 Making a Protective Cover from a Micropipette Tip, 4.35-4
4.35-7 Bath Electrode Locations, 4.35-5
4.35-8 Location of the Aperture and Its Two O-Rings, 4.35-6
4.35-9 Sample Probe Position at the Rinse Bath, 4.35-8
4.35-10Close-up of Acceptable Probe Position, 4.35-8
4.35-11Sample Probe Position, Right Side, 4.35-9
4.35-12Close-up of Acceptable Probe Position, 4.35-9
4.36-1 Optical Bench Cover Screw Locations, 4.36-1
4.36-2 Checking the Lens to Flow Cell Gap, 4.36-2
4.36-3 Front Knob for Y-Axis Adjustment, 4.36-3
4.36-4 Side Screw - X-Axis Adjustment, 4.36-3
4.36-5 How to Position the White Paper, 4.36-4
4.36-6 Ideal Lamp Filament Projection Image, 4.36-4
4.36-7 Side Screw - X-Axis Adjustment, 4.36-5
4.36-8 Lamp Adjustment Screw, 4.36-5
4.36-9 Ideal Lamp Filament Projection Image, 4.36-6
4.36-10Side Screw - X-Axis Adjustment, 4.36-6
4.37-1 WBC/Flow Cell Balance Screen, 4.37-1
4.38-1 diff Flag Sensitivity Screen, 4.38-1
4.39-1 Main Card - Connections and EPROMs, 4.39-2
4.39-2 Main Card - Potentiometers /Test Points, 4.39-9
6.5-1 Horizontal Traverse Motor (PN - XBA391A), 6.5-1
6.5-2 Upper Fan (PN - XBA393A), 6.5-2
6.5-3 Horizontal Traverse Sensor (IR Sensor, PN - XBA394AS), 6.5-3
6.5-4 Bath Drain and DIFF Transfer Sensor (IR Sensor, PN - XBA395AS), 6.5-4
6.5-5 Vertical Traverse Sensor (IR Sensor, PN - XBA396AS), 6.5-5
6.5-6 IR Sensor (PN - XBA397AS), 6.5-6
6.5-7 RBC/WBC Coaxial Cable (PN - XBA398A), 6.5-7
6.5-8 DIFF Flow Cell Coaxial Cable (PN - XBA399AS), 6.5-8
6.5-9 Bar-Code Reader Cable (PN - XBA402AS), 6.5-9
6.5-10 Diluent Level Sensor (PN - XDA605AS), 6.5-10
7.3-1 Valve 1 through 16 Locations, 7.3-2
7.3-2 Valves 17 and 18 Location, 7.3-2
7.3-3 Valves 20 through 31 Locations, 7.3-2
PN 4237616B
8.2-1 11-Valves Assembly (See Table 8.2-1), 8.2-1
8.2-2 5-Valves Assembly (See Table 8.2-2), 8.2-2
8.2-3 2-Valves Assembly (See Table 8.2-3), 8.2-3
8.2-4 7-Valves Assembly (See Table 8.2-4), 8.2-4
8.2-5 5-Valves Assembly (See Table 8.2-5), 8.2-5
8.2-6 Right Side Compartment, Lower Rear Area (See Table 8.2-6), 8.2-6
8.2-7 Diluent Reservoir Assembly (See Table 8.2-7), 8.2-7
8.2-8 Count Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-8), 8.2-8
8.2-9 Count Syringe Assembly (See Table 8.2-9), 8.2-9
8.2-10 Count Syringe Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-10), 8.2-10
8.2-11 Count Syringe Piston Assembly (See Table 8.2-11), 8.2-11
8.2-12 Reagent Syringes and Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-12), 8.2-12
8.2-13 Reagent Syringes Assembly (See Table 8.2-13), 8.2-13
8.2-14 5diff Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-14), 8.2-14
8.2-15 5diff Syringe Assembly (See Table 8.2-15), 8.2-15
8.2-16 Waste Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-16), 8.2-16
8.2-17 Waste Syringe Assembly (See Table 8.2-17), 8.2-17
8.2-18 Syringe Motor (See Table 8.2-18), 8.2-18
8.2-19 Sample Motor (See Table 8.2-19), 8.2-19
8.2-20 Sample Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-20), 8.2-20
8.2-21 Sample Assembly Syringe (See Table 8.2-21), 8.2-21
8.2-22 Sample Syringe Motor Assembly (See Table 8.2-22), 8.2-22
8.2-23 Syringe Motor Housing Assembly (See Table 8.2-23), 8.2-23
8.2-24 Syringe Motor Guide Block Assembly (See Table 8.2-24), 8.2-24
8.2-25 Sample Probe Retainer and Guide Assembly (See Table 8.2-25), 8.2-25
8.2-26 Sample Probe Retainer (See Table 8.2-26), 8.2-26
8.2-27 Rinse Block Assembly (See Table 8.2-27), 8.2-27
8.2-28 Sample Probe (See Table 8.2-28), 8.2-28
8.2-29 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Belt Retainer (See Table 8.2-29), 8.2-29
8.2-30 Vertical Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Belt (See Table 8.2-30), 8.2-30
8.2-31 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Motor and Pulley (See Table 8.2-31), 8.2-31
8.2-32 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Motor (See Table 8.2-32), 8.2-32
8.2-33 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Home Sensor (See Table 8.2-33), 8.2-33
8.2-34 Traverse Horizontal Movement Components - Motor (See Table 8.2-34), 8.2-34
8.2-35 Traverse Horizontal Movement Components - Belt (See Table 8.2-35)t, 8.2-35
8.2-36 Traverse Horizontal Movement Components - Free Wheel and Home Sensor (See Table 8.2-36), 8.2-36
8.2-37 Optical Bench Assembly (See Table 8.2-37), 8.2-37
8.2-38 Optical Bench Lamp (See Table 8.2-38), 8.2-38
8.2-39 DIFF Flow Cell Assembly (See Table 8.2-39), 8.2-39
8.2-40 Optics Preamplifier (See Table 8.2-40), 8.2-40
8.2-41 LED Card (See Table 8.2-41), 8.2-41
8.2-42 Bath Enclosure Compartment (See Table 8.2-42), 8.2-42
8.2-43 Bath Enclosure Fan Assembly (See Table 8.2-43), 8.2-43
8.2-44 Bath Enclosure Door Interlock (See Table 8.2-44), 8.2-44
8.2-45 Reagent Heating Coil Assembly (See Table 8.2-45), 8.2-45
PN 4237616B
8.2-46 Baths Assembly (See Table 8.2-46), 8.2-46
8.2-47 Hgb Photometer Assembly (See Table 8.2-47), 8.2-47
8.2-48 WBC/BASO Bath Assembly (See Table 8.2-48), 8.2-48
8.2-49 Rear Frame Assembly (See Table 8.2-49), 8.2-49 A.2-1 Main Card Components, A.2-1 A.2-2 Main Card Jumper Settings, A.2-5 A.2-3 Optical Preamplifier Card Components, A.2-6 A.2-4 Keypad and LCD Card Components, A.2-7 A.2-5 LED Card Components, A.2-8 A.2-6 Motor Interconnect Card Components, A.2-9 A.2-7 Traverse Card Components, A.2-10 A.3-1 View of an AC•T 5diff Hematology Analyzer with the Right Side Door
Open, A.3-2
A.3-2 View of an A
T 5diff Hematology Analyzer with the Left Side Panel
Removed, A.3-2
A.3-3 Rear Panel - A
T 5diff Hematology Analyzer, A.3-4 A.4-1 Software Menu Tree , A.4-1 C.1-1 PLT Threshold, C.1-2 C.1-2 WBC and BASO Threshold, C.1-2 C.1-3 DiffPlot, C.1-3 C.1-4 DiffPlot - Volume Thresholds (Y-axis), C.1-4 C.1-5 DiffPlot - Absorbance Thresholds (X-Axis), C.1-6 C.2-1 Flags Sensitivity Screen, C.2-1 C.3-1 Thresholds Screen, C.3-1
PN 4237616B
2.1-1 AC•T 5diff Hematology Analyzer Reagent Consumption, Software Version
1.03, 2.1-4
2.2-1 A
2.4-1 Technical Characteristics for Obtaining RBC and Platelet Counts, 2.4-2
2.4-2 Technical Characteristics for the Measurement of the Hemoglobin, 2.4-3
2.4-3 Characteristics Required to Obtain WBC and BASO Results, 2.4-4
2.4-4 Technical Characteristics for Acquisition of the DiffPlot, 2.4-6
2.4-5 Summary of Dilutions, 2.4-7
2.8-1 Valves and their Functions, 2.8-3
3.1-1 Space Requirements, 3.1-1
3.2-1 Whole-Blood Reproducibility CV Limits for 20 Cycles, 3.2-10
3.2-2 Calibration Factors - Acceptable Range, 3.2-11
3.3-1 LX300+ Printer Controls and Indicators, 3.3-7
3.3-2 LX300+ Printer Default Settings, 3.3-8
4.13-1 Motor Voltage Limits, 4.13-1
4.14-1 Threshold Voltage Limits, 4.14-1
4.18-1 Mixing Bubble Limits, 4.18-1
4.20-1 Power Supply Voltages, 4.20-4
4.23-1 Test Labels With Check Digit (Checksum), 4.23-1
4.23-2 Test Labels Without Check Digit, 4.23-2
4.23-3 Bar-code Labels for Default Configuration, 4.23-3
4.39-1 Main Card - Plug/Jack Connections, 4.39-3
4.39-2 A
4.39-3 AcT 5diff - Main Card Settings, 4.39-7
4.39-4 Whole-Blood Reproducibility CV Limits for 20 Cycles, 4.39-8
5.1-1 Maintenance Schedule, 5.1-1
6.3-1 Instrument Tubing and Connectors , 6.3-1
6.3-2 Circuit Connections , 6.3-3
7.1-1 Error Messages, 7.1-1
8.1-1 Part Categories, 8.1-1
8.1-2 Return Parts, 8.1-1
8.1-3 Nonreturn Parts, 8.1-2
8.1-4 Peripherals, Accessories and Consumables, 8.1-6
8.1-5 Tools, 8.1-7
8.1-6 Fitting Kit Parts PN - XEA311AS, 8.1-8
8.1-7 Screws Kit Parts PN - XEA293AS, 8.1-8
8.1-8 Installation Kit, PN - XEA484AS, 8.1-10
8.1-9 Waste Alarm Kit, PN - 6912680, 8.1-11
8.1-10 6 Month Maintenance Kit, PN - XEA485AS, 8.1-11
8.1-11 1 Year Maintenance Kit, PN - XEA486AS, 8.1-11
8.1-12 Every 2 Years Maintenance Kit, PN - XEA581AS, 8.1-11
8.1-13 100 mN-m Torque Driver Kit, - PN 6915456, 8.1-12
8.1-14 400 mN-m Torque Driver Kit, - PN 6915457, 8.1-12
8.1-15 Assorted Tools Kit, - PN 6915458, 8.1-12
8.2-1 11-Valves Assembly (See Figure 8.2-1), 8.2-1
8.2-2 5-Valves Assembly (See Figure 8.2-2), 8.2-2
8.2-3 2-Valves Assembly (See Figure 8.2-3), 8.2-3
8.2-4 7-Valves Assembly (See Figure 8.2-4), 8.2-4
T 5diff Analyzer Measurement Technologies, 2.2-1
T 5diff Menu Paths - System Settings, 4.39-5
PN 4237616B
8.2-5 5-Valves Assembly (See Figure 8.2-5), 8.2-5
8.2-6 Right Side Compartment, Lower Rear Area (See Figure 8.2-6), 8.2-6
8.2-7 Diluent Reservoir Assembly (See Figure 8.2-7), 8.2-7
8.2-8 Count Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-8), 8.2-8
8.2-9 Count Syringe Assembly (See Figure 8.2-9), 8.2-9
8.2-10 Count Syringe Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-10), 8.2-10
8.2-11 Count Syringe Piston Assembly (See Figure 8.2-11), 8.2-11
8.2-12 Reagent Syringes and Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-12), 8.2-12
8.2-13 Reagent Syringes Assembly (See Figure 8.2-13), 8.2-13
8.2-14 5diff Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-14), 8.2-14
8.2-15 5diff Syringe Assembly (See Figure 8.2-15), 8.2-15
8.2-16 Waste Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-16), 8.2-16
8.2-17 Waste Syringe Assembly (See Figure 8.2-17), 8.2-17
8.2-18 Syringe Motor (See Figure 8.2-18), 8.2-18
8.2-19 Sample Motor (See Figure 8.2-19), 8.2-19
8.2-20 Sample Syringe and Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-20), 8.2-20
8.2-21 Sample Assembly Syringe (See Figure 8.2-21), 8.2-21
8.2-22 Sample Syringe Motor Assembly (See Figure 8.2-22), 8.2-22
8.2-23 Syringe Motor Housing Assembly (See Figure 8.2-23), 8.2-23
8.2-24 Syringe Motor Guide Block Assembly (See Figure 8.2-24), 8.2-24
8.2-25 Sample Probe Retainer and Guide Assembly (See Figure 8.2-25), 8.2-25
8.2-26 Sample Probe Retainer (See Figure 8.2-26), 8.2-26
8.2-27 Rinse Block Assembly (See Figure 8.2-27), 8.2-27
8.2-28 Sample Probe (See Figure 8.2-28), 8.2-28
8.2-29 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Belt Retainer (See
Figure 8.2-29), 8.2-29
8.2-30 Vertical Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Belt (See
Figure 8.2-30), 8.2-30
8.2-31 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Motor and Pulley (See
Figure 8.2-31), 8.2-31
8.2-32 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Motor (See Figure 8.2-32), 8.2-32
8.2-33 Traverse Vertical Movement Components - Home Sensor (See
Figure 8.2-33), 8.2-33
8.2-34 Traverse Horizontal Movement Components - Motor (See Figure 8.2-34), 8.2-34
8.2-35 Traverse Horizontal Movement Components - Belt (See Figure 8.2-35), 8.2-35
8.2-36 Traverse Horizontal Movement Components - Free Wheel and Home Sensor
(See Figure 8.2-36), 8.2-36
8.2-37 Optical Bench Assembly (See Figure 8.2-37), 8.2-37
8.2-38 Optical Bench Lamp (See Figure 8.2-38), 8.2-38
8.2-39 DIFF Flow Cell Assembly (See Figure 8.2-39), 8.2-39
8.2-40 Optics Preamplifier (See Figure 8.2-40), 8.2-40
8.2-41 LED Card (See Figure 8.2-41), 8.2-41
8.2-42 Bath Enclosure Compartment (See Figure 8.2-42), 8.2-42
8.2-43 Bath Enclosure Fan Assembly (See Figure 8.2-43), 8.2-43
8.2-44 Bath Enclosure Door Interlock (See Figure 8.2-44), 8.2-44
8.2-45 Reagent Heating Coil Assembly (See Figure 8.2-45), 8.2-45
8.2-46 Baths Assembly (See Figure 8.2-46), 8.2-46
8.2-47 Hgb Photometer Assembly (See Figure 8.2-47), 8.2-47
8.2-48 WBC/BASO Bath Assembly (See Figure 8.2-48), 8.2-48
PN 4237616B
8.2-49 Rear Frame Assembly (Figure 8.2-49), 8.2-49 A.1-1 Flow Cell Adjustment Limits, A.1-1 A.1-2 Motor Voltage Limits, A.1-1 A.1-3 Thresholds Voltage Limits, A.1-1 A.1-4 Mixing Bubble Limits, A.1-1 A.1-5 Power Supply Voltages, A.1-2 A.1-6 Whole-Blood Reproducibility CV Limits for 20 Cycles, A.1-2 A.1-7 Calibration Factor Limits, A.1-2 A.2-1 Main Card Test Points , A.2-2 A.2-2 Main Card Potentiometers, A.2-4 A.2-3 Connectors on the Optical Preamplifier Card, A.2-6 A.2-4 Connectors on the Keypad and LCD Card, A.2-7 A.2-5 Connector on the LED Card, A.2-8 A.2-6 Connectors on the Motor Interconnect Card, A.2-9 A.2-7 Connectors on the Traverse Card, A.2-10 A.3-1 Mechanical and Hydraulic Modules, A.3-3 C.1-1 Flag Sensitivity Default Values, C.1-1 C.1-2 WBC/BASO Factory-Set Threshold Values, C.1-3 C.1-3 DiffPlot - Volume Thresholds (Y-Axis), C.1-5 C.1-4 DiffPlot - Absorbance Thresholds (X-Axis), C.1-6 C.1-5 DiffPlot - FNL, FNE, and FMN Thresholds, C.1-7
PN 4237616B
PN 4237616B
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