Basler Electric IDP-1200 User Manual



Interactive Display Panel
Publication: 9437200990 Revision: C Mar-15
9437200990 Rev C i
This instruction manual provides information about the installation and operation of the IDP-1200 Interactive Display Panel. To accomplish this, the following information is provided:
Mounting and connections
Communication requirements
Display operation and screen navigation
Product specifications
Conventions Used in this Ma nua l
Important safety and procedural information is emphasized and presented in this manual through warning, caution, and note boxes. Each type is illustrated and defined as follows.
Warning boxes call attention to conditions or actions that may cause personal injury or death.
Caution boxes call attention to operating conditions that may lead to equipment or property damage.
Note boxes emphasize important information pertaining to installation or operation.
IDP-1200 Preface
ii 9437200990 Rev C
Basler Electric does not assume any responsibility to compliance or noncompliance with national code, local code, For terms of service relating to this product and software, see the Commercial Terms of Products and Services
document available at
This publication contains confidential information of Basler Electric Company, an Illinois corporation. It is loaned for
The English-language version of this manual serves as the only approved manual version.
12570 State Route 143
Highland IL 62249-1074 USA
Tel: +1 618.654.2341
Fax: +1 618.654.2351
© 2015 by Basler E lectric
All rights reserved
First printing: May 2009
READ THIS MANUAL. Read this manual before installing, operating, or maintaining the IDP-1200
Note all warnings, cautions, and notes in this manual as well as on the product. Keep this manual with the product for reference. Only qualified personnel should install, operate, or service this system. Failure to follow warning and cautionary labels may result in personal injury or property damage. Exercise caution at all times.
To prevent personal injury or equipment damage, only qualified personnel should install, operate, or service this system.
or any other applicable code. This manual serves as reference material that must be well understood prior to installation, operation, or maintenance.
confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any manner detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric Company and used strictly for the purpose intended.
It is not the intentio n of this ma nual to cover all detai ls and va riatio ns in equi pm ent, nor doe s this man ual prov ide data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features and options are subject to modification without notice. Over time, improvements and revisions may be made to this publication. Before performing any of the following procedures, contact Basler Electric for the latest revision of this
Preface IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C iii


Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Hardware ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Accessories ............................................................................................................................................ 1
Communication ........................................................................................................................................... 3
IDP-1200 Ethernet Settings ....................................................................................................................... 3
Control System Peripheral Settings .......................................................................................................... 3
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW ..................................................................................... 5
Initial Screen .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Index Button ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Get Page Button and Screen .................................................................................................................... 5
Alarms Banner ........................................................................................................................................... 8
System Configuration Screen .................................................................................................................... 8
Additional Configuration Screen ............................................................................................................ 9
File Manager .......................................................................................................................................... 9
General Index .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Metering Index ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Analog Meter Config Button ................................................................................................................. 11
Main Analog Meter, Redundant Analog Meter, and Supervisory Analog Meter Buttons .................... 12
Gen Analog Meter Config Button ......................................................................................................... 13
Generator Analog Meter Button ........................................................................................................... 13
Channel Compare Button .................................................................................................................... 14
Main Meter Panel, Redundant Meter Panel, and Supervisory Meter Panel Buttons .......................... 15
Trending Index ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Trending Config Button ........................................................................................................................ 16
Trending Data Buttons ......................................................................................................................... 17
Trending Graph Buttons ...................................................................................................................... 17
Temperature Trending and Tempera tur e Data But t ons ...................................................................... 18
Limiters and Trips .................................................................................................................................... 18
Alarm Status ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Active Alarms/Faults ................................................................................................................................ 20
Alarms/Faults History .............................................................................................................................. 20
Bridge Status ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Fan Control and Temperature Monitor .................................................................................................... 22
Transfer Control ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Power System Stabilizer.......................................................................................................................... 23
Field Ground ............................................................................................................................................ 24
Var ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Output Control ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Controls ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Status Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 26
Metering ............................................................................................................................................... 26
Generator Simulation ............................................................................................................................... 27
Generator Monitor ................................................................................................................................... 27
Voltage Match .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Capability Curves .................................................................................................................................... 29
Task Guide .............................................................................................................................................. 29
Password Settings ................................................................................................................................... 30
Updating IDP-1200 Configuration Files from Basler Electric .................................................................. 30
Updating IDP-1200 Configuration Files from Documentation CD ........................................................... 31
IDP-1200 Operation with DECS-2100 and DECS/RW ............................................................................. 33
Initial Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 33
Index Button ......................................................................................................................................... 33
Get Page Button and Screen .................................................................................................................. 33
Alarms Banner ......................................................................................................................................... 36
IDP-1200 Contents
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System Configuration Screen .................................................................................................................. 36
File Manager ........................................................................................................................................ 37
General Index .......................................................................................................................................... 38
Metering Index ......................................................................................................................................... 38
Analog Meter Config Button ................................................................................................................. 39
Main Analog Meter, Redundant Analog Meter, and Supervisory Analog Meter Buttons .................... 40
Gen Analog Meter Config Button ......................................................................................................... 40
Generator Analog Meter Button ........................................................................................................... 41
Channel Compare Button .................................................................................................................... 41
Main Meter Panel, Redundant Meter Pan el, and Super v is ory Meter Panel Butt ons .......................... 42
Trending Index ......................................................................................................................................... 43
Trending Config Button ........................................................................................................................ 43
Trending Data Buttons ......................................................................................................................... 44
Trending Graph Buttons ...................................................................................................................... 45
Temperature Trending and Tempera tur e Data But t ons ...................................................................... 45
Limiters and Trips .................................................................................................................................... 45
Alarm Status ............................................................................................................................................ 46
Active Alarms/Faults ................................................................................................................................ 47
Alarms/Faults History .............................................................................................................................. 48
Bridge Status ........................................................................................................................................... 48
Fan Control and Temperature Monitor .................................................................................................... 49
Transfer Control ....................................................................................................................................... 50
Power System Stabilizer.......................................................................................................................... 50
Field Ground ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Var ........................................................................................................................................................... 52
Power Factor ........................................................................................................................................... 52
Output Control ......................................................................................................................................... 53
Controls ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Status Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 54
Metering ............................................................................................................................................... 54
Generator Simulation ............................................................................................................................... 54
Generator Monitor ................................................................................................................................... 55
Synchronizer ............................................................................................................................................ 55
Synchronizer Display ............................................................................................................................... 56
Capability Curves .................................................................................................................................... 56
Task Guide .............................................................................................................................................. 57
Password Settings ................................................................................................................................... 57
Updating IDP-1200 Configuration Files from Basler Electric .................................................................. 58
Updating IDP-1200 Configuration Files from Documentation CD ........................................................... 59
Mounting .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Mounting the IDP-1200............................................................................................................................ 61
Mounting Considerations ..................................................................................................................... 61
Retrofit Installations ............................................................................................................................. 61
New Installations .................................................................................................................................. 72
Mounting the Ethernet Switc h ................................................................................................................. 72
Connections .............................................................................................................................................. 73
IDP-1200 Control Power.......................................................................................................................... 73
Ethernet Switch Control Power ............................................................................................................... 73
Communication Connections .................................................................................................................. 73
Maintenance and Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 75
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................ 75
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................... 75
Status LED ........................................................................................................................................... 75
Blank Indication Fields ......................................................................................................................... 75
Capability Curve Fails to Display MEL Curve ...................................................................................... 75
Storage .................................................................................................................................................... 75
Contents IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C v
Specifications ............................................................................................................................................ 77
Control Power .......................................................................................................................................... 77
Display ..................................................................................................................................................... 77
Communication Interfaces ....................................................................................................................... 77
Ethernet ............................................................................................................................................... 77
USB ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
Environment ............................................................................................................................................ 77
Vibration and Shock Resistance ............................................................................................................. 77
Vibration ............................................................................................................................................... 77
Shock ................................................................................................................................................... 77
ESD Immunity .......................................................................................................................................... 78
Weight...................................................................................................................................................... 78
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 79
IDP-1200 Contents
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Contents IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 1


The IDP-1200 Interactive Display Panel is a high-resolution, 12.1 inch/31 centimeter (measured diagonally) color touch screen interface that enables a user to monitor and control an ECS2100, ECS/RW, DECS-2100, or DECS/RW excitation system. IDP-1200 monitoring and control features include excitation system status, system control operations, and routine adjustments of the excitation setpoint. An additional IDP-1200 can be mounted remotely, such as, in the control room.
Excitation system and generator system parameters are viewed and controlled through interactive pages displayed by the IDP-1200. Pages are organized by function. Navigation between pages and control of functions is achieved by touching buttons located on the IDP-1200 pages.
Communication between the IDP-1200 and the control system is facilitated through the Ethernet port of the IDP-1200 and the Ethernet port of the excitation control modules.


The IDP-1200 is supplied with the following hardware:
Ethernet switch, 8 ports, Basler P/N 41133
Instruction manual (Basler publication 9437200990)
The following optional accessories are available for use with the IDP-1200:
Power supply, 24 Vdc, 31 W, Basler P/N 933 450 310 1
DIN mounting rail for Ethernet switch, Basler P/N 9323900001
IDP-1200 Introduction
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Introduction IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 3


IDP-1200 communication with the control system cannot take place until the Ethernet communication settings are configured for the IDP-1200 and the control system peripheral devices. The following procedures describe how to configure the communication settings for the IDP-1200 and peripheral devices.

IDP-1200 Ethernet Settings

Perform the following steps to configure the local Ethernet settings for the IDP-1200.
1. Press the Index button on any IDP-1200 page to access the General Index page.
2. Press the Setup button on the General Index page to access the System Configuration page.
3. Press the Offline Mode button.
4. Press the Main Unit Settings button located at the top of the page.
5. Press the Ethernet Local Settings button located at the right of page center.
6. Tap on the Local Name box and enter a local name for the main (IDP-1200) unit.
7. Enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Port, and Gateway as assigned by the network administrator.
8. Press the Back button located at the bottom of the page.
9. Press the Save button located at the bottom of the page.
10. Press the Yes button when prompted to save the current settings.

Control System Periphe ra l Se t ti ngs

Perform the following steps to configure the control system peripherals for communication with the main (IDP-1200) unit.
1. Press the Index button on any IDP-1200 page to access the General Index page.
2. Press the Setup button on the General Index page to access the System Configuration page.
3. Press the Offline Mode button.
4. Press the Peripheral Settings button located at the top of the page
5. Press the Device/PLC Settings button located at the left of page center.
6. Press the Schneider Electric Industries button in the center of the page.
7. Press the Device button located at the top of the page.
8. Enter the IP Address, Port, and Unit ID for each of the following devices as assigned by the
network administrator. Your system may not contain all of the devices listed here.
a. em (ECM Main) b. fm (FCIM Main) c. er (ECM Redundant) d. fr (FCIM Redundant) e. es (ECM Supervisory) f. fs (FCIM Supervisory)
9. Note that em and fm share the same IP address, er and fr share the same IP address, and es
and fs share the same IP address.
IDP-1200 Communication
4 9437200990 Rev C
10. Press the Back button located at the bottom of the page.
11. Press the Digital Electronics Corporation button in the center of the page.
12. Press the Right Arrow button in the lower, right corner of the page.
13. Set control area address 1 to match the value entered for “em” in step 8
14. Set control area address 2 to match the value entered for “er” in step 8.
15. Press the Back button.
16. Press the Save button located at the bottom of the page.
17. Press the Yes button when prompted to save the current settings.
Communication IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 5

IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW

Control system and generator system parameters are viewed and controlled through interactive screens displayed by the IDP-1200. Screens are organized by function. Navigation between screens and control of functions are achieved by pressing buttons located on the IDP-1200 screens.
This chapter illustrates and describes IDP-1200 screen navigation and usage. The available IDP-1200 screens and their appearance will vary according to the number of control channels and rectifier bridges utilized in a particular control system.

Initial Screen

The Initial screen (Figure 1) is displayed upon power-up of the IDP-1200. The initial screen lists the number of control system channels and the version of the IDP-1200 firmware.
Figure 1. Initial Screen

Index Button

Most screens have an Index button that, when pressed, accesses the General Index screen. The General Index screen provides quick navigation to any other IDP-1200 screen.

Get Page Button and Screen

Most screens have a Get Page button that accesses the Get Page screen illustrated in Figure 2. This screen lists all screens and provides navigation to each screen. To navigate to a screen, the user scrolls through the screen description list by using the up and down scrolling buttons until the desired screen and screen number are found. The screen number is entered in a numeric keypad accessed by pressing the 86 button. (This button displays the number of the Get Page screen, which is 86.) Entering the screen number followed by the Enter (ENT) button takes the user to the requested screen. A complete list of IDP­1200 screens is provided in Table 1. Typically, your system/IDP-1200 will not have all of the equipment/screens listed here.
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
6 9437200990 Rev C
General Index
Metering Index
Trending Index
Limiters and Trips
Alarm Status
Alarm/Fault – Active
Alarm/Fault – History
Bridge 00, 01 Status
Bridge 02, 03 Status
Bridge 04, 05 Status
Bridge 06, 07 Status
Bridge 08, 09 Status
Bridge 10, 11 Status
Bridge 12, 13 Status
Bridge 14, 15 Status
Fan Control/Temperature Monitor
Transfer Control
Power System Stabilizer
Field Ground
Reactive Power
Output Control
Figure 2. Get Page Screen
Table 1. IDP-1200 Screens
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 7
Generator Simulation
Generator Monitor
Voltage Matching
Channel Comparison
Main Meter Panel
Redundant Meter Panel
Supervisory Meter Panel
Main Meter Panel – Analog
Redundant Meter Panel – Analog
Supervisory Meter Panel – Analog
Meter Panel – Analog Configuration
Generator Meter Panel – Analog
Generator Meter Panel – Analog Configuration
Meter Trending Graph – Main
Meter Trending Data – Main
Meter Trending Graph – Redundant
Meter Trending Data – Redundant
Meter Trending Configuration
Bridge 00 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 00 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 01 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 01 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 02 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 02 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 03 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 03 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 04 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 04 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 05 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 05 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 06 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 06 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 07 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 07 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 08 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 08 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 09 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 09 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 10 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 10 Temperature Trending Data
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
8 9437200990 Rev C
Bridge 11 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 11 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 12 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 12 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 13 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 13 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 14 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 14 Temperature Trending Data
Bridge 15 Temperature Trending Graph
Bridge 15 Temperature Trending Data
Horizontal Capability Curve
Vertical Capability Curve
System Configuration
Cleaning Lock
Screen Saver
Get Page
System Configuration 2

Alarms Banner

Most screens display an alarms banner that lists the six most recent system alarms. Each alarm is labeled with a description and the date and time of the alarm. The timestamp for acknowledgement and clearing (if applicable) of alarms is also displayed. Active alarms are displayed as white text on a red background. Acknowledged alarms are displayed as yellow text on a black background. Cleared alarms are displayed as red text on a white background.

System Configuration Screen

This screen (Figure 3) has provisions for adjusting the screen saver time delay, adjusting the display brightness, and selecting the display language.
An indicator turns red to indicate the connection of a USB device to the IDP-1200. A button below the indicator can be pressed to de-energize the IDP-1200 USB port for safe removal of a USB device from the IDP-1200.
If the IDP-1200 panel requires cleaning, the Lock for Cleaning button can be pressed to enable cleaning of the screen without inadvertently pressing buttons.
A Log In button accesses an alphanumeric keypad where the appropriate password can be entered to log in and make IDP-1200 settings changes. The IDP-1200 is delivered with a level 1 password of “1234” and a level 2 password of “4321”. The proper, level 1 password is required to select the IDP-1200 display language. The proper level 2 password is required to configure the IDP-1200 as a local or remote display or to change passwords. Instructions for changing the password are provided in Password Settings.
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 9
Figure 3. System Configuration Screen

Additional Configuration Screen

Pressing the More button acc ess es a second Config uratio n sc reen, il lustr at ed in Figure 4. This screen enables selection of the firmware version being used by the control system and the Modbus address of the main and redundant channels.
Figure 4. Firmware and Modbus Address Configuration Screen

File Manager

The Open File Manager button accesses the file manager which lists the files present on an inserted compact flash card and connected USB device. Files can be copied or moved from one storage device to the other or deleted.
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
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Figure 5. File Manager Screen

General Index

The General Index screen (Figure 6) is accessed by pressing the Index button, located in the lower right corner of any other IDP-1200 screen. The General Index screen provides two methods of access to other screens within the IDP-1200. Buttons on the General Index page provide quick access to 18 frequently used IDP-1200 screens.
Figure 6. General Index Screen

Metering Index

Buttons on the Metering Index screen (Figure 7) are pressed to access the screens used to scale and display system metering values.
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 11
Figure 7. Metering Index Screen

Analog Meter Config Button

Pressing this Metering Index screen button accesses the Analog Meter Configuration screen (Figure 8) which sets the range of the metering values displayed on the Main, Redundant, and Supervisory Metering Panels (if so equipped). The minimum and maximum per-unit values for a metered parameter is changed by pressing the corresponding value. This displays a keypad which is then used to assign the desired metering limit. A per-unit value of –5.00 to 5.00 may be entered. Pr ess ing the En te r (ENT) button saves the value.
Figure 8. Analog Meter Configuration Screen
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
12 9437200990 Rev C
Field Current
Field Voltage
Generator Current
Generator Voltage
Generator Megavars
Generator Megawatts

Main Analog Meter, Redundant Analog Meter, and Supervisory Analog Meter Buttons

Pressing one of these Metering Index screen buttons (if so equipped) accesses the corresponding metering page which displays the parameters illustrated in Figure 9. (Only the Main Meter Panel is shown here; the Redundant and Supervisory Meter Panels are similar.) The value of each parameter is graphically shown on an analog scale and also displayed in digital format. The minimum and maximum values established on the Analog Meter Configuration screen determine the metering ranges shown on this screen.
Figure 9. Main Meter Panel

Gen Analog Meter Config Button

Pressing this Metering Index screen button accesses the Generator Metering Configuration screen (Figure 10) which sets the range of the generator metering values displayed on the Generator Metering screen. The generator power factor metering range is fixed so no adjustment is provided. The minimum and maximum value for a metered parameter is changed by pressing the corresponding value. This displays a keypad which is then used to assign the desired metering limit. Pressing the Enter (ENT) button saves the value. Minimum and maximum metering parameter ranges are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Metering Parameter Ranges
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW IDP-1200
9437200990 Rev C 13
Figure 10. Generator Metering Configuration Screen

Generator Analog Meter Button

Pressing this Metering Index screen button accesses the Generator Metering screen which displays the parameters illustrated in Figure 11. The value of each parameter is graphically shown on an analog scale and also displayed in digital format. The mini mum and max im um va lues es tab lishe d on the Generator Metering Configuration screen determine the metering ranges shown on this screen. The Generator Metering screen also indicates the control system channel that is controlling excitation.
Figure 11. Generator Metering Screen

Channel Compare Button

Pressing this Metering Index screen button accesses the Channel Compare screen (Figure 12) which displays a list of parameters metered by the control system channels. Scroll buttons, located to the right
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
14 9437200990 Rev C
of the list, can be used to scroll up and down through the list of parameters. (A particular system may not be equipped with all of the channels shown here.) Three columns of indicators, located in the lower portion of the screen, show the status of various operating modes, functions, and devices for the three channels. The Channel in Control indicators turn green when active; all other indicators turn red when active.
Figure 12. Channel Compare Screen

Main Meter Panel, Redundant Meter Panel, and Supervisory Meter Panel Buttons

Pressing one of these Metering Index screen buttons (if so equipped) accesses the corresponding meter panel screen which displays the digital-only version of the parameters illustrated in Figure 9. (Only the Main Meter Panel (Figure 13) is shown here; the Redundant and Supervisory Meter Panels are similar.) The minimum and maximum values established on the Analog Meter Configuration page determine the metering ranges shown on this screen.
Figure 13. Main Meter Panel Screen
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW IDP-1200
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Trending Index

Buttons on the Trending Index screen (Figure 14) provide access to data lists and plots for user-selected control system parameters and temperature data lists and plots for the excitation system rectifier bridges. Appropriate buttons are provided based on the number of bridges included in the system.
Figure 14. Trending Index Screen

Trending Config Button

Pressing this Trending Index screen button accesses the Meter Trending Configuration screen shown in Figure 15. Up to 12 control system channel parameters may be selected as part of a data list (accessed through the Trending Data buttons) or data graph (accessed through the Trending Graph buttons). A Duration button can be pressed to access a keypad where the trending length can be selected. Up to 2,400 control channel data points and 100 bridge temperature data points are maintained. A legend indicates the line colors and patterns used when parameters are graphed.
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
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Figure 15. Meter Trending Configuration Screen

Trending Data Buttons

Pressing these Trending Index screen buttons accesses the corresponding trending page (either the Main channel trending list or the Redundant channel trending list). The Main channel trending list screen is shown in Figure 16; the Redundant channel trending list screen is identical in appearance.
Figure 16. Main Channel Trending Data Screen
Parameter data are listed in columns along with dates and timestamps for each row of data. Note that the date format is yy/mm/dd. The parameters displayed are selected on the Meter Trending Configuration screen. Scrolling buttons enable the user to move through the record and view the desired data points.
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Trending Graph Buttons

Pressing these Trending Index screen buttons accesses the corresponding trending graph page (either the Main channel trending graph or the Redundant channel trending graph). The Main channel trending graph screen (Figure 17) is shown here; the Redundant channel trending graph screen is identical in appearance.
Figure 17. Main Channel Trending Graph Screen
Each trending graph screen has a graph window with buttons that are used to move forward and backward through the plot, zoom in and out, and reset the plot. Plotted parameters are selected on the Meter Trending Configuration screen. Pressing the Show Legend button displays a legend indicating the line colors and patterns used in the trending graph. A Copy to USB button provides the ability to export the plot data to the IDP-1200’s USB port in a comma-separated-values file format.

Temperature Trending and Temperature Data Buttons

These Trending Index screen buttons are pressed to access a plot or list of temperature data for the rectifier bridges. Display and control layout of these pages are identical to that of the trending data and trending graph screens for the control system channels.

Limiters and Trips

This page (Figure 18) indicates the status of the following limiters and trip actions:
Overexcitation (OEL)
Volts per Hertz (HXL)
Overvoltage (OVL)
Instantaneous (INST)
Minimum Excitation (MEL)
Underexcitation (UEL)
Loss of Sensing (LOS)
External Initiated Lockout (86)
Transformer Overtemperature (OTT)
Loss of Both Cooling Fans (LBF)
Pressing the Acronym Key button displays a list of acronym definitions for the Limiters & Trips page.
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
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Limiter/trip status is indicated by up to three columns of red (active) or black (inactive) indicators labeled M (main channel), R (redundant channel), and S (supervisory channel). The meaning of a red indicator depends upon the column it is located in. Indication categories (columns) are Timing, Timed Out, Limit, Redundant, Manual, and Trip.
Figure 18. Limiters and Trips Screen

Alarm Status

The Alarm Status screen (Figure 19) lists control system parameters, conditions, and modules along with their alarm status. Alarm status is displayed by three columns of indicators that are either black (no alarm) or red (alarm). Depending upon the features of the control system, each parameter has up to three alarm indicators labeled M (main channel), R (redundant channel), and S (supervisory channel). An active alarm is annunciated by a red indicator and is listed in the alarms banner along the top of the page. More information about how alarms are displayed is provided in the description for the Alarms/Faults screen.
Navigation to the Index, Bridge Status, and Transfer Control screen is available through buttons located in the lower, right portion of the Alarm Status screen.
IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW IDP-1200
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Figure 19. Alarm Status Screen

Active Alarms/Faults

This screen (Figure 20) lists only alarms that are active. Scrolling buttons along the right side of the list enable the user to navigate through the list of alarms. Individual alarms can be acknowledged by selecting the alarm and then pressing the Acknowledge Selected button. All alarms in the list can be acknowledged simultaneously by pressing the Acknowledge All button. The History button provides access to the Alarms/Faults History screen.
Figure 20. Active Alarms/Faults Screen
IDP-1200 IDP-1200 Operation with ECS2100 and ECS/RW
+ 63 hidden pages