This instruction manual provides information about the installation and operatio n of the DECS-400 Digital
Excitation Control System. To accomplish this, the following inform ati on is provid ed:
• General Information
• Controls and Indicators
• Functional Description
• BESTCOMS Software
• Installation
• Commissioning
• Maintenance and Troubleshooting
• Specifications
• Modbus™ Protocol
Conventions Used in this Ma nua l
Important safety and procedural information is emphasized and presented in this manual through
warning, caution, and note boxes. Each type is illustrated and defined as follows.
Warning boxes call attention to conditions or actions that may cause
personal injury or death.
Caution boxes call attention to operating conditions that may lead to
equipment or property damage.
Note boxes emphasize important information pertaining to installation
or operation.
DECS-400 Preface
ii 9369700990 Rev R
Basler Electric does not assume any responsibility to compliance or noncompliance with national code, local code,
(software licensed in a way that ensures freedom to run,
copy, distribute, study, change, and improve the software)and you are granted a license to that software under the
of sale of the product, allow you to freely copy, modify, and redistribute that software and no other statement or
documentation from us, including our End User License Agreement, places any additional restrictions on what you
corresponding source code for the version of the programs distributed to you will be sent upon request (contact
ormation is provided above). A fee of no more than our cost of physically performing the source code distribution
The source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATION or
Review the software website for the latest version of the software documentation.
For terms of service relating to this product and software, see the Commercial Terms of Products and Services
document available at
READ THIS MANUAL. Read this manual before installing, operating, or maintaining the DECS-400.
Note all warnings, cautions, and notes in this manual as well as on the product. Keep this manual with
the product for reference. Only qualified personnel should install, operate, or service this system.
Failure to follow warning and cautionary labels may result in personal injury or property damage.
Exercise caution at all times.
or any other applicable code. This manual serves as reference material that must be well understood prior to
installation, operation, or maintenance.
This product contains, in part, open source software
terms of either the GNU General Public License or GNU Lesser General Public License. The licenses , at the time
may do with that software.
For at least three (3) years from the date of distribution of this product, a machine-readable copy of the complete
is charged.
Refer to the source code distribution for additional restrictions regarding warranty and copyrights.
For a complete copy of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 or GNU LESSER GENERAL
PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999 refer to or contact Basler Electric. You, as a Basler
Electric Company customer, agree to abide by the terms and conditions of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
Version 2, June 1991 or GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999, and as such
hold Basler Electric Company harmless related to any open source software incorporated in this product. Basler
Electric Company disclaims any and all liability associated with the open source software and the user agrees to
defend and indemnify Basler Electric Company, its directors, officers, and employees from and against any and all
losses, claims, attorneys' fees, and expenses arising from the use, sharing, or redistribution of the software.
Preface DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R iii
This publication contains confidential information of Basler Electric Company, an Illinois corporation. It is loaned for
and options are subject to modification without notice. Over time, improvements and revisions may be made to this
The English-language version of this manual serves as the only approved manual version.
confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any
manner detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric Company and used strictly for the purpose intended.
It is not the intention of this manual to cover all details and variations in equipment, nor does this manual provide
data for every possible contingency regarding installation or operation. The availability and design of all features
publication. Before performing any of the following procedures, contact Basler Electric for the latest revision of this
DECS-400 Preface
iv 9369700990 Rev R
Preface DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R v
General Information .................................................................................................................................... 1
Features .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Generator Voltage Regulation ............................................................................................................... 2
Control Output ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Power System Stabilizer (Style 1XXX) .................................................................................................. 3
Underfrequency Limiter or Volts per Hertz Limiter ................................................................................ 3
Soft-Start Voltage Buildup ..................................................................................................................... 3
Reactive Droop and Line Drop Compensation ...................................................................................... 3
Setpoint Control ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Upgrading from DECS-300 to DECS-400 ................................................................................................. 7
Model and Style Number ........................................................................................................................... 7
Style Number ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Controls and Indicators.............................................................................................................................. 9
Menu System ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Menu Navigation .................................................................................................................................. 10
Menu Structure .................................................................................................................................... 10
IRIG Port .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Front Panel LEDs................................................................................................................................. 32
Front Panel LCD .................................................................................................................................. 32
RS-232 Communication Port ............................................................................................................... 32
RS-485 Communication Ports ............................................................................................................. 32
Ethernet Port ........................................................................................................................................ 33
Power Supply ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Soft Start Function ............................................................................................................................... 33
Field Flash/Buildup .............................................................................................................................. 33
Failure to Build Up ............................................................................................................................... 34
Voltage Matching ................................................................................................................................. 34
Control Modes ......................................................................................................................................... 34
Var ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Volts per Hertz Limiter ......................................................................................................................... 48
Var Limiter ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Between DECS-400 Operating Modes ................................................................................................ 50
Between DECS-400 Units ................................................................................................................... 50
Data Recording and Reporting ................................................................................................................ 50
Sequence of Events ............................................................................................................................. 50
Data Logging ........................................................................................................................................ 51
Power System Stabilizer.......................................................................................................................... 52
PSS Theory of Operation ..................................................................................................................... 53
Contents DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R vii
Rate of Frequency Change Blocking ................................................................................................... 58
Field Isolation Module.............................................................................................................................. 58
The BESTCOMS Interface .................................................................................................................. 59
Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 61
RS-232 Port Communication ............................................................................................................... 61
Ethernet Port Communication .............................................................................................................. 61
Modem Communication ....................................................................................................................... 63
Settings, Metering Values, and Data R ecor ds ........................................................................................ 63
System Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 63
Gain Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 77
Data Log ............................................................................................................................................ 102
Operating Power .................................................................................................................................... 157
AC Input (Style XCXX Only) .............................................................................................................. 157
DC Input (Style XCXX, XLXX) ........................................................................................................... 157
Generator Voltage Sensing ................................................................................................................... 157
Voltage Input ...................................................................................................................................... 159
Current Input ...................................................................................................................................... 159
Control Outputs ..................................................................................................................................... 159
Voltage Control Output ...................................................................................................................... 159
Current Control Output ...................................................................................................................... 160
Communication Ports ............................................................................................................................ 160
Com 0 ................................................................................................................................................ 160
Com 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 161
Com 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 161
Com 3 ................................................................................................................................................ 161
Volts per Hertz ................................................................................................................................... 163
Summing Point Overexcitat ion Li mit er ............................................................................................... 164
Stator Current .................................................................................................................................... 165
Reactive Power .................................................................................................................................. 165
Type Tests ............................................................................................................................................. 166
UL ...................................................................................................................................................... 166
CE ...................................................................................................................................................... 166
Loop Back Diagnostic Test (FC=8) with Diagnostic Sub Function, Return Query Data ................... 209
Loop Back Diagnostic Test with Diagnostic Sub-Function, Restart Communications Option ........... 209
Loop Back Diagnostic Test with Diagnostic Sub-Function, Force Slave to Listen-Only Mode ......... 209
Data Formats ......................................................................................................................................... 209
Generic Types UI8 and I8 .................................................................................................................. 210
Generic Types UI16 and I16 .............................................................................................................. 210
Generic Types UI32 and I3 2 .............................................................................................................. 210
Floating Point (R23_32) Data Format ................................................................................................ 211
Holding Registers for Version Data ................................................................................................... 213
Holding Registers for Metering, Group 1 ........................................................................................... 214
Holding Registers for System Configuration ...................................................................................... 216
Holding Registers for Operating Mode Parameters ........................................................................... 217
Holding Registers for Setpoint Parameters ....................................................................................... 218
Holding Registers for Startup Parameters ......................................................................................... 220
Holding Registers for Limiter Parameters .......................................................................................... 221
Holding Registers for Gain Parameters ............................................................................................. 223
Holding Registers for Protection Function Parameters ..................................................................... 224
Holding Registers for Exciter Diode Monitor Parameters .................................................................. 225
Holding Registers for Relay Parameters ........................................................................................... 225
Holding Registers for General ASCII and Modbus Communication Parameters .............................. 226
Holding Registers for Metering Parameters, Group 2 ....................................................................... 227
Holding Registers for Power System Stabilizer Parameters ............................................................. 227
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 231
Contents DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R 1
General Information
The DECS-400 Digital Excitation Control System is a microprocessor-based controller that offers
excitation control, logic control, and optional power system stabilization in an integrated package. The
DECS-400 controls field excitation by providing an analog signal used to control the firing (output) of an
external power bridge. The DECS-400 monitors generator or motor parameters and acts to control, limit,
and protect the machine from operating outside its capability.
The optional, onboard power system stabilizer is an IEEE-d efi ned P SS 2A, dua l-input, “integral of
accelerating power” stabilizer that provides supplementary damping for low-frequency, local mode and
power system oscillations.
Integral programmable logic provides excitation system control and annunciation based on DECS-400
contact inputs, operating mode status, excitation system parameters, and user-defined programming.
Setup and initial operation are facilitated by Basler Electric’s user-friendly BESTCOMS™ PC software that
incorporates a test mode, flexible oscillography, and a graphic display of PSS test results.
The DECS-400 is designed for use with Basler Electric’s Interface Firing Module (IFM) and SSE or SSE-N
power bridges. However, it will work equally well with any power bridge with a firing circuit that is
compatible with the control signal output of the DECS-400.
DECS-400 features and capabilities are listed below. The paragraphs following the list describe major
DECS-400 features and functions in more deta il .
•Five excitation control modes:
o Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR)
o Field Current Regulation (FCR)
o Field Voltage Regulation (FVR)
o Power Factor (PF)
o Var
• Two pre-position setpoints (with adjustable traverse rate) for each excitation control mode
• Two PID groups
• Programmable analog control output selectable for 4 to 20 mAdc, –10 to +10 Vdc, or 0 to
+10 Vdc
• Remote setpoint control input accepts analog voltage or current control signal
• Real-time metering
• Integrated power system stabilizer (PSS):
o Generator or motor control modes, accommodates phase rotation changes between
o Speed and power sensing or speed-only sensing
o Two-wattmeter or three-wattmeter methods of power measurement
• Soft start and voltage buildup control
• Five limiting functions:
o Stator current
o Overexcitation
o Underexcitation
o Underfrequency compensation
o Reactive power
• Ten protection functions:
o Field overvoltage
o Field overcurrent
DECS-400 General Information
2 9369700990 Rev R
o Generator undervoltage
o Generator overvoltage
o Loss of sensing voltage
o Generator frequency less than 10 hertz
o Loss of field (40Q)
o Field overtemperature
o Volts per hertz (24)
o Exciter diode failure
• IRIG time synchronization
• Sixteen contact inputs:
o Six fixed-function inputs: AVR, Manual, Lower, Rais e, Start, and Stop
o Ten user-programmable inputs
• Eight contact outputs:
o Two fixed-funct ion out puts : Watc h dog, On/O ff
o Six user-programmable outputs, configurable for maintained, latched, or momentary
•Five communication ports:
o Front RS-232 port for interface with PC running BESTCOMS software
o Rear RS-485 port for dedicated communication with secondary, redundant DECS-400
o Rear RS-485 port using Modbus™ protocol for communication with remote terminal
o Rear RJ-11 jack connects to onboard modem that provides dial-in and dial-out capability
o Rear RJ-45 jack provides Ethernet network communication
• Data logging, sequence of events recording, and trending
Generator Voltage Regulation
By utilizing digital signal processing and precise regulation algorithms, the DECS-400 regulates the
generator rms voltage to within 0.2% of the setpoint from no-load to full-load.
Control Output
The DECS-400 supplies an isolated control output signal of 4 to 20 mAdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, or ±10 Vdc to the
firing or control circuits of external power stages. The dc current produced by the power stages provides
excitation to the field of the generator, motor, or exciter. The DECS-400 can control virtually any bridge
that is capable of accepting these signals and is suitable for use on synchronous generators or motors.
PID (proportional + integral + derivative) stability control is utilized by the DECS-400. Preprogrammed
stability (PID) settings are provided for both main field and exciter field applications. A suitable, standard
stability set is available for most machines and applications. An additional, customizable setting group
provides optimum generator transient performance. A PID selection/calculation program supplied with the
DECS-400 assists in selecting the correct PID settings. Additional stability adjustments are provided for
customizing the stability and transient performance of the minimum and maximum excitation limiters and
the var/power factor controllers.
PID Setting Groups
The DECS-400 provides for two sets of PID settings to optimize performance under two distinct operating
conditions, such as with a power system stabilizer (PSS) in or out of service. A fast controller provides
optimum transient performance with the PSS in service, while a slower controller can provide improv ed
damping of first swing oscillations with the PSS offline.
General Information DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R 3
Power System Stabilizer (Style 1XXX)
An optional, integrated PSS duplicates the excellent performance of the Basler PSS-100 power system
stabilizer without the complications of an additional control device. The PSS provides damping for local
mode, inter-area, and inter-unit oscillations in the 0.1 to 5.0 hertz range. The PSS incorporated in the
DECS-400 is a dual-input, IEEE type PSS2A stabilizer that utilizes the “integral of accelerating power”
algorithm. The PSS can also be set up to respond only to frequency if required for unusual applications.
Inputs required for PSS operation include three phase voltages and two or three phase line currents.
Underfrequency Limiter or Volts per Hertz Limiter
An underfrequency limiter or a V/Hz ratio limiter can be selected to avoid overfluxing the generator or
other connected magnetic devices.
The underfrequency limiter slope can be set from 0 to 3 PU V/Hz in 0.1 hertz increments . The frequ enc y
roll-off knee-point can be set across a range of 15 to 90 hertz in 0.1 hertz increments.
The V/Hz ratio limiter regulates voltage based on a user-defined V/Hz slope that is adjustable between
zero and 3.0 PU. The V/Hz ratio limiter includes two lim iting lev els to permit operation above the primary
V/Hz range for a user-adjustable time limit to inhibit limiter response during transient frequency or voltage
Soft-Start Voltage Buildup
A user-adjustable voltage soft-start feature controls the rate of generator voltage buildup and prevents
voltage overshoot during generator system startup. The soft-start feature is active in both AVR and
Manual operating modes.
Reactive Droop and Line Drop Compensation
The DECS-400 has provisions for paralleling two or more generators by using reactive droop. Reactive
differential compensation can be used with the addition of an external current transformer (CT) with a
nominal secondary rating of 1 Aac or 5 Aac. The current input burden is less than 1 VA, so existing
metering CTs can be used. A Line Drop Compensation setting allows the DECS-400 to compensate for
line drop between parallel generators.
Setpoint Control
External adjustment of the active DECS-400 setpoint is possible through:
• Raise and lower contact inputs
• An auxiliary analog control input of 4 to 20 mAdc or ±10 Vdc
• A PC operating BESTCOMS software (provided with the DECS-400) and connected to the RS-
232 communication port
•A controller using Modbus™ protocol and connected to the RS-485 port
The traverse rates of all operating modes are independently adjustable, so the operator can customize
the rate of adjustment and “feel” to meet his or her needs.
Dual Pre-Position Inputs
Two user-adjustable sets of predetermined operating points are provided for each mode of operation. At
startup, and with the appropriate contact inputs applied to the DECS-400, the operating mode is driven to
one of two preset operating or regulation levels (depending on the configuration of the system). An
adjustable traverse rate setting can be used to control the rate at which the setpoint is driven toward the
pre-position operating point. This feature allows the DECS-400 to be configured for multiple system and
application needs.
Manual Operating Modes
The DECS-400 has two manual modes of operation: Field Current Regulation (FCR) and Field Voltage
Regulation (FVR).
DECS-400 General Information
4 9369700990 Rev R
Field Current Regulation Mode
When operating in FCR mode, the DECS-400 regulates the dc output current of the power bridge.
Because regulation of the field current is not dependent upon a generator voltage sensing input to the
DECS-400, FCR mode can provide backup excitation control when a loss of sensing is detected. In FCR
mode, as the generator load varies, the operator must manually vary the field current to maintain nominal
generator voltage.
Field Voltage Regulation Mode
When operating in FVR mode, the DECS-400 regulates the dc output voltage of the power bridge. FVR
enables the user to perform generator modeling and validation testing in accordance with WECC testing
requirements for bus-fed (shunt type) excitation systems. FVR mode can also be used to smooth the
transfer from the active exciter to a backup exciter.
Var/Power Factor Operating Mode
Var and Power Factor control modes are available when the generator is operating in parallel with the
utility power grid. In Var control mode, the DECS-400 regulates the generator’s var output at a useradjustable setting. In Power Factor control mode, the DECS-400 regulates the generator’s var output to
maintain a specific power factor as the kW load varies on the generator.
Overexcitation Limiters
Overexcitation limiters monitor the field current output of the voltage regulator or static exciter and act to
limit the field current to prevent field overheating. The Overexcitation Limiter (OEL) function includes a
cool-down feature to avoid damage to the rotor caused by repeated high forcing. The OEL is active in all
modes except FCR mode. In FCR mode, limiter action is optional. The DECS-400 provides a choice of
two types of overexcitation limiters: Summing Po int and Tak eover . Th e outpu t of the Sum min g Point
limiter is applied to the summing junction of the AVR control loop in addition to the AVR controller output.
The output of the Takeover limiter overrides the normal AVR output.
Summing Point OEL
Three OEL current levels are defined for on-line operation: high, medium, and low. The generator can
operate continuously at the low OEL current level and for programmed times at the medium and high OEL
current levels. Two OEL current levels are defined for off-line (main breaker open) operation: high and
low. The generator can operate continuously at the low OEL current level and for a programmed time at
the high OEL current level.
Takeover OEL
The Takeover OEL determines the field current level at which limiting occurs by using an inverse time
characteristic. Two current levels and a time dial setting are defined for the Takeover OEL. Separate
curves may be selected for on-line and off-line operation. If the system enters an overexcitation condition,
the field current is limited and made to follow the selected curve. Selection of on-line or off-line OEL levels
and curves is determined by an OEL option selection.
Minimum Excitatio n Limite r
The Minimum Excitation Limiter prevents the excitation, being supplied to the generator field, from
decreasing below safe operating levels. This prevents pole slip and possible machine damage. This
action also limits the amount of vars being absorbed by the machine, based on user-defined settings. An
internally-generated Underexcitation Limiting (UEL) curve based on a permissible var level at 0 kW can
be utilized. Alternately, a five point UEL curve can be created to match specific generator characteristics.
UEL action is optional in FCR mode.
Stator Current Limiter
The stator current limiter (SCL) senses the level of stator current and limits it to prevent stator
overheating. The SCL operates in all modes except FCR and when the DECS-400 is off-line (52 J/K and
General Information DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R 5
52 L/M contact inputs are closed). In FCR mode, the DECS-400 provides indication that a stator
overcurrent condition exists, but limiter action is inhibited.
Two SCL current levels are provided: high and low. The generator can operate continuously at the low
SCL level, but only for a programmed time at the high SCL level.
Reactive Power Limiter
The var limiter accommodates applications where the prime mover (turbine) has been uprated but the
generator ratings are unchanged. In this case, the generator power factor is increased and the generator
is var limited. The var limiter is available for these applications to limit reactive power flow out of the
generator to a safe level.
Autotracking Between DECS-400 Operating Modes
The DECS-400 can provide autotracking (automatic following) of the controlling mode by the noncontrolling modes. This allows the operator to initiate a controlled, bumpless transfer of the DECS-400
between operating modes with minimal disturbance to the power system. This feature can be used in
conjunction with a set of protective relays to initiate a transfer to a backup mode of operation (such as
FCR mode) upon the detection of a system failure or fault (such as loss of sensing).
Autotracking Between DECS-400 Units
The DECS-400 is also designed to automatically track a second DECS-400 unit using dedicated
communication ports on the two units. A backup DECS-400 controller can be placed in service and
programmed to track the control output of the primary DECS-400. In the unlikely event of a failure of the
first DECS-400, protective relays can initiate a transfer of control from the first to the second DECS-400
with minimal system disturbance.
Protective Functions
Protective functions built into the DECS-400 may be used as a backup to the primary protection relays
and can be assigned to as many as six programmable output contacts via BESTCOMS software. The
protective functions offer fully adjustable tripping levels and time delays. DECS-400 protective functions
are listed below. Functions marked with an asterisk (∗) have dual setting groups.
• Field overcurrent ∗
• Field overtemperature ∗
• Field overvoltage ∗
• Generator overvoltage ∗
• Generator undervoltage ∗
• Loss of field ∗
• Loss of Field Isolation Module
• Loss of sensing voltage
• Microprocessor watchdog
• Open exciter diode (brushless application)
• Shorted exciter diode (brushless application)
• Volts per hertz protection
Programmable Logic
The DECS-400 utilizes programmable logic functionality in the form of multiplexors, AND gates, OR
gates, NOT gates, and timer gates. Inputs to the logic are in the form of discrete information including
switching inputs, system status data, protection status data, limiter status data, alarm status data, and
PSS status data. The outputs of the programmable logic module can be used to control the relay outputs
as well as various other functions inside the DECS-400 such as control functions (start/stop, mode select,
etc.), protection functions (Field Overvoltage Enable, Field Overcurrent Enable, etc.), limiter functions
(OEL enable, UEL enable, etc.), and PSS functions. BESTCOMS provides a tool for customizing the
system control logic for specific applications.
DECS-400 General Information
6 9369700990 Rev R
Two programmable, 4 to 20 mAdc, analog meter drivers are provided. The meter side is isolated from
DECS-400 circuitry. Either driver can be programmed to meter a broad range of generator and system
Sequence of Events Recording
An integrated sequence of events recorder (SER) can be used to reconstruct the exact time of an event
or disturbance. The DECS-400 monitors its contact inputs and outputs for changes of state, system
operating changes, and alarm conditions. If any of these events occurs, the DECS-400 logs that event
with a date and time stamp. The resulting event record allows the user to analyze a chain of events with
accurate information regarding the sequence in which they occurred. Up to 127 events can be stored in
DECS-400 volatile memory and those events are retrievable through BESTCOMS software.
The data recording feature can record up to six oscillographic records and store them in volatile memory.
Up to six variables can be selected for monitoring. These variables include generator voltage, generator
current (single-phase), frequency, kW, power factor, field voltage, and field current. Oscillographic records
can be triggered through BESTCOMS or by a logic trigger or level trigger.
During commissioning, BESTCOMS can be used to trigger and save a record of a voltage step response.
At the completion of commissioning, a logic trigger or level trigger can be used to activate the data
recorder to capture the occurrence for review at a later time. DECS-400 alarms can also be used to start
the data recorder. When an alarm condition occurs, an oscillographic record can be stored. A level trigger
will initiate a record to be saved when a variable (such as field current) exceeds a predetermined setting.
Oscillographic records are recorded in accordance with the IEEE Standard Common Format for Transient
Data Exchange (COMTRADE) or log file format. Basler Electric provides BESTwave™, a COMTRADE
viewer that enables viewing of oscillography records saved by the DECS-400.
Real-Time Monitoring
Real-time monitoring is possible for any of the parameters available for oscillography. The HMI real-time
monitoring screen will display up to two parameters simultaneously. This data can be stored in a file for
later reference.
Internal Testing Provisions
Using BESTCOMS, the user can configure and run both frequency and step response tests to facilitate
commissioning or demonstrate system performance. The frequency response test has a frequency range
of 0.1 to 10 hertz, and gain/phase informat ion is gener ated in the form of a Bode plot . The DEC S -400
also allows injection of test signals at various points in the PSS/voltage regulation loop for a high level of
testing flexibility.
The DECS-400 is supplied with BESTC OM S sof twar e whic h makes DECS -400 programming and
customization fast and easy. BESTCOMS includes a PID selection utility that provides a user-friendly
format for selecting stability settings. BESTCOMS has monitoring screens for viewing all settings,
metering screens for viewing all machine parameters, and control screens for remote control of the
excitation system. A file converter within BESTCOMS enables conversion of DECS-300 settings files for
use with the DECS-400.
An RS-485 port on the rear panel supports Modbus™ (floating point) communication protocol. Modbus™ is
an open protocol, with all registers and operating instructions available in this instruction manual. This
makes it simple for the user to develop custom communication software.
An Ethernet port on the rear panel enables communication with the DECS-400 over a TCP/IP network.
Ethernet support in the DECS-400 enables remote access to DECS-400 settings and data through
Modbus TCP or BESTCOMS. DECS-400 time synchronization with a network time server is also
General Information DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R 7
An internal modem is also provided to remotely access DECS-400 settings and alarms.
Password Protection
All DECS-400 parameters can be viewed at the front pane l display, throu gh BE ST C OMS, or through
Modbus™ without the need of a password. If the user wishes to change a setting, the proper password
must be entered to allow access to the parameter. Two levels of password protection exist. One level
provides global access to all parameters. The other level provides limited access to parameters normally
associated with operator control.
Upgrading from DECS-300 to DECS-400
The upgrading process was designed to be easy, but some additional wiring may be necessary. An
escutcheon plate for easy installation is recommended (see the Installation chapter). To make the
upgrade process easier, BESTCOMS software for the DECS-400 provides a tool to convert a DECS-300
settings file to a DECS-400 settings file (see the BESTCOMS Software chapter).
Model and Style Number
DECS-400 electrical characteristics and operational features are defined by a combination of letters and
numbers that make up the style number. The model number, together with the style number, describe the
options included in a specific device and appear on a label affixed to the rear panel.
Style Number
The style number identification chart in Figure 1 defines the electrical characteristics and operational
features available in the DECS-400.
Figure 1. DECS-400 Style Chart
DECS-400 General Information
8 9369700990 Rev R
General Information DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R 9
Null Balance Indicator. This LED lights when the setpoint of the inactive operating
modes (AVR, FCR, Var, or Power Factor) match the setpoint of the active mode.
PSS Active Indicator. This LED lights when the integrated power system stabilizer is
Pre-Position Indicator. This LED lights when the setpoi nt of the active oper at in g mode is
at either of the two pre-position setting levels.
Lower Limit Indicator. This LED lights when the setpoi nt of the activ e operat in g mode is
decreased to the lower setpoint limit.
Upper Limit Indicator. This LED lights when the set po i nt of the activ e operat in g mode is
increased to the upper setpoint limit.
Latch. Two lever-style latches (locators F and M) secure the DECS-400 draw-out
draw-out assembly in place.
Communication Port. This R S-23 2 port has a female D B-9 connector for local
Human-Machine Interface
This chapter describes the DECS-400 human-machine interface (HMI) and illustrates navigation of the
menu tree accessed through the front panel and LCD.
Controls and Indicators
DECS-400 controls and indicators are illustrated in Figure 2 and described in Table 1. The locators and
descriptions of Table 1 correspond to the locators shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Controls and Indicators
Table 1. Control and Indicator Descriptions
enabled and can generate a stabilizing signal in response to a power system
assembly in its case. A captive Phillips screw in each latch can be tightened to lock the
communication with a PC operating BESTCOMS software (supplied with the DECS-
DECS-400 Human-Machine Interfac e
10 9369700990 Rev R
Reset Pushbutton. This button is pressed to reset DECS-400 alarms or cancel a
settings editing session.
Scrolling Pushbuttons. These four buttons are used to scroll up, down, left, and right
the up and down scrolling pushbuttons change the value of the variable.
Edit Pushbutton. Pressing this button starts an editing session and enables changes to
pushbutton is pressed to save the setting changes and the LED turns off.
Display. The display consists of a 128 by 64 pixel, liquid crystal display (LCD) with LED
Identification Label. The identification label contains information such as the model,
style, and serial numbers and operating power and sensing current ratings.
Latch. Two lever-style latches (locators F and M) secure the DECS-400 draw-out
draw-out assembly in place.
through the menu tree displayed on the front panel display (locator K). During an editing
session, the left and right scrolling pushbuttons select the variable to be changed and
DECS-400 settings. When the Edit pushbutton is pressed to open an editing session,
an LED on the button lights. At the conclusion of the editing session, the Edit
backlighting. It serves as a local source of information provided by the DECS-400 and is
used when programming settings through the front panel. The LCD displays operations,
setpoints, loop gains, metering, protection functions, system parameters, and general
assembly in its case. A captive Phillips screw in each latch can be tightened to lock the
Menu System
The front panel menu system consists of a network of screens that enable the user to edit DECS-400
settings and view system parameters.
Menu Navigation
Movement through the front panel menu system is achieved by pressing the four, front-panel scrolling
pushbuttons (locator I in Figure 2).
Navigation aids assist the user in moving from screen to screen and are provided at the top and bottom
lines of each screen.
The top line of each screen contains the menu path which is similar to the path of a file on a PC. When
the menu path exceeds the width of the LCD, the first part of the menu path is replaced with two periods
(..) so that the last part of the path remains visible.
The bottom line indicates which menu screens can be accessed from the current screen by using the left,
lower, or right scrolling pushbuttons. The screens accessed by the left, lower, and right scrolling
pushbuttons are indicated by a <, v, and > symbol followed by an abbreviated menu name.
The front panel Reset pushbutton (locator H in Figure 2) provides a shortcut to the metering screen when
a settings editing session is not in progress.
Menu Structure
The front panel menu system has nine branches:
1. Operating. Start/stop, mode, and pre-position setpoint status.
2. Setpoints. Mode setting values such as AVR, FCR, droop, var, and power factor.
3. Loop Gains. PID settings.
4. Metering. Real-time metering of user-selected parameters and alarm messages.
5. Protection. Protective Function setting parameters.
Human-Machine Interface DECS-400
9369700990 Rev R 11
6. Limiters. System limiters such as overexcitation and underexcitation.
7. PSS. The power system stabilizer menu consists of four sub-menus which include Control,
Parameters, Limiters, and Configuration.
8. System Parameters. The system parameters menu consists of nine sub-menus which include
Generator Data, Field Data, Transformers, Configuration, Output Contacts, Traverse Rates, Preposition Modes, Startup, and Tracking.
9. General Settings. The general settings menu consists of three sub-menus which include
Communications, LCD Contrast, and Real-Time Clock.
From the DECS-400 title screen, the Operating menu branch is accessed first by pressing the Down
pushbutton. Then, the remaining branches are accessed by pressing the left or right scrolling pushbuttons.
A detailed list of the menu system screens is provided below. The menu paths appear on the left and the
settings appear on the right.