Basler Electric DECS-100 User Manual

Publication: 9287500991 Revision: M 02/15
This instruction manual provides information about the operation and installation of the DECS-100 Digital Excitation Control System. To accomplish this, the following informati on is provid ed:
General Information and Specifications
Controls and Indicators
Functional Description
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
To avoid personal inj ury or equipment damage, only qualified personnel should perform the procedures in this manual.
Lethal voltage is present at the rear pan el when t he u nit is ener gized. Rear pane l connections should be made only when the unit is de-energized.
The Manual mode excitation level must be evaluated prior to enabling this feature. If the level of excit ation current is inappr opriat e for the gener ator, sev ere damage to the generator may occur.
Improper PID numbers will result in poor system performance or system damage. When applying operating power for programming purposes, observe the pre-
cautions called out in Section 4, Installation, Preliminary Setup. When programming the DECS-100 without the generator spinning, the
connections to DECS-100 terminals F+ and F– should be removed. Before uploading a settings file, remove operating power from the DECS-100,
disconnect the field wiring from terminals F+ and F–, and re-apply operating power to the DECS-100.
Be sure that the DECS-100 is hard-wired to ear th gro und wit h no sma ller than 1 2 AWG copper wire attache d to the ground terminal on the rear of the unit case. When the DECS-100 is configured in a system with other devices, it is recommended to use a separate lead to the ground bus from each unit.
First Printing: March 2001
Printed in USA
© 2015 Basler Electric, Highland Illinois 62249 USA
All Rights Reserved
of Basler Electric, Highland Illinois, USA. It is loaned for confidential use, subject to return on request, and with the mutual understanding that it will not be used in any manner detrimental to the interest of Basler Electric.
It is not the intent ion of th is manual to cover a ll detai ls and variat ions in eq uipment, n or does this manu al provide data for every pos s ible c ont ing enc y regar di ng i ns tal lat ion or o per at ion . Th e av ai lab ility and des ign of all features and options are subject to modification without notice. Should further information be required, contact Basler Electric. For terms of service relati ng to this product and software, see the Commercial Ter ms of Products and Services document available at
12570 STATE ROUTE 143
HIGHLAND IL 62249-1074 USA,
PHONE +1 618.654.2341 FAX +1 618.654.2351


Version and Date
E, 01/01
Initial release
F, 05/01
Deepened potting shell
G, 10/01
Began supplying mou nti ng s c rew s
H, 02/02
SIL-PADS were added between power components and the heat sinks Added manufactur i ng origin to the rear label
J, 07/02
Revised EEPROM
K, 02/03
Replaced transistor Q8B1 with an improved part
L, 03/03
Incremental improv em ents to firmw are and B ESTCOMS™
M, 01/04
Improved flash memory retention
N, 05/05
Redesigned current transformer
Enhanced EMI/RF I im mun it y
Version letter O not used
P, 08/06
Updated CD-ROM supplied with unit to include English and French
language instruction manuals
Version letter Q not used
R, 04/07
Resolved UEL issue with firmware modification
S, 05/07
Provided German language manual on CD-ROM supplied with DECS-100
T, 07/07
Released firmware version 2.13.XX
U, 01/08
Improved power amplifier circuitry with more robust components
V, 03/08
Added Setpoint Auto Save feature
W, 03/09
Released BESTCO M S vers ion 1.0 8.X X.
X, 02/10
Added enhancement for production testing.
Version and Date
1.09.XX, 01/01
Initial release
1.11.XX, 07/01
Enabled the protection function during the first 5 seconds of operation
Established minimum voltage regulation at 30% of nominal sensing voltage
1.12.XX, 03/02
Added register to detect CT type
2.13.XX, 07/07
Added underexcitation limiting
Added bus voltage matching provisions
2.14.XX, 03/08
Added Setpoint Auto Sav e sett ing
2.14.XX, 04/14
Maintenance release
Version and Date
1.02.XX, 02/01
Initial Release
1.03.XX, 08/01
Changed OEL scale from 100 to 1,000 to match the change in firmware
Changed the default for all protection functions to enabled
The following information provides a historical summary of the changes made to the DECS-100 hardware, firmware, and software. Th e corresponding revisions made to this i nstruction manual (9287500991) ar e also summarized. Revisions are listed in chronological order.
Added front panel Underexcitation Limiting indicator
Modified the OEL setpoint scale factor to be compatible with BESTCOMS
version 1.03.XX
Added the scale factor for per-unit gain
Added takeover-style excitation limiting
Windows® OS
version 1.11.01
Changed OEL default setting from 1 to 15
9287500991 Rev M DECS-100 Introduction iii
Windows® OS
Version and Date
Add support for French regional settings
1.04.XX, 04/02
Made BESTCOMS compatible with older firmware versions
Changed minimum Ki setpoint from 0 to 0.01
1.05.XX, 05/05
Added underexcitation limiting capability
Added provisions for bus voltage matching
1.06.XX, 11/07
Added compatibility with Microsoft® Vista to BESTCOMS
1.07.XX, 03/08
Added Setpoint Auto Sav e sett ing.
1.08.XX, 03/09
Improved comm un icati ons with DEC S-100.
1.09.XX, 01/11
Added Windows® 7 compatibility and improved field overvoltage shutdown.
1.09.XX, 04/14
Added Windows® 8 compatibility
Version and Date
1.01.XX, 01/01
Initial Release
1.02.XX, 08/01
Added a Check for New Ve r sion button to the Contac t Basler screen
Added version checking
1.03.XX, 04/02
Added password protection
Improved version checking function
BESTCOMS for Palm OS is compatible only with firmware versions
1.12.XX and earlier
Revision and Date
—, 03/01
Initial release
A, 03/01
In Section 5, BESTCOMS Software for the Windows® Operating System
utility for the DECS-100 CD-ROM
B, 08/01
Added Embedded Software subsection to Section 5, BEST COMS Software
Corrected various minor errors throughout manual
C, 05/02
Revised the torque specification for the mounting screws supplied with unit
illustrations were revised to accommodate software enhancements
D, 01/03
Revised Voltage Matching Time Adjustment Range from 0 to 300 seconds
Corrected figure number references in Sections 5 and 6
E, 03/04
Added Operating Power Considerations During DECS-100 Programm ing to
Corrected CT ratio setting range stated in Section 5
Palm® OS
Added support for all regional settings
Enabled reading of secondary CT value for units with firmware version
1.12.01 and higher
Simplified the Analy s is scr een
Added feature to calculate and send voltage matching reference for
different generator and bus PT ratios
Added ability to select either summing point or takeover style OEL
Added a date/time stamp to the “Save to File” names
and Section 6, BESTCOMS Software for the Palm OS® Platform, Step 2 of Installing BESTCOMS was revised to reflect the addition of an auto-start
for the Windows® Operating System
In Section 5, BESTCOMS Software for the Windows® Operating System and Section 6, BESTCOMS Software for the Palm® OS Platform, text and
to 1 to 300 seconds throughout manual
Section 4, Installation, Preliminary Setup
Added caution box regarding application of operating power during DECS­100 programming to Section 5, BESTCOMS for Windows® OS and
Section 6, BESTCOMS for Palm OS®
Revision and Date
F, 05/05
Added material covering added UEL capability
Revised all drawings to show new front panel with UEL indicator
Added troubleshooting procedure for a UEL annunciation
G, 03/07
Corrected illustration and des c riptio ns of BESTCO M S Meter ing, Operation
Removed expired patent information
H, 05/08
Added DNV compliance statement to manual specifications
Added description of BESTCO MS Set poi nt Aut o Save featur e
J, 10/08
Revised the setting ranges of control gain settings OEL KI, OEL Kg, BESTCOMS version 1.07.01.
K, 05/11
Revised Introduction to reflect new epoxy-potted package.
Corrected various minor errors throughout manual
L, 07/13
Section 1: Added maritime agency recognition.
capacitors while in storage.
M, 02/15
Added UL recognition for UL6200.
Minor text edits.
Updated all illustrations of rear panel to show revised CT
Added discussion of summing point and takeover style OEL limiting
Revised voltage matching description to cover Maintain and Revert modes
Corrected the hole drilling diameter shown in Figure 4-2
Added illustration/description for using the ICRM-7 with the DECS-100
Removed Section 6, BESTCOMS Software for the Palm® OS Platform and
moved Maintenance and Troubleshooting to Section 6
and Alarms screen, Operation tab
UEL KI, and UEL Kg from 0–1,000 to 0–300 to reflect changes made in
Removed “(optional feature)” from note 5 of Figures 4-7 to 4-10, due to the setpoint option now being standard.
Added storage / electrolytic capacitors procedure to Section 6.
Section 1: Added Power Dissipation to specifications.
Section 4: Added maritime agency conditions of acceptability.
Section 4: Added note box r egardi ng 24 Vdc operat ing power bei ng us ed
for programming the DECS-100.
Section 5: Added caution box regarding PID calculations and instruction to allow 5 seconds after sending settings or firmware to the DECS-100.
Section 5: Added description for Derivative Gain TD.
Section 6: Added energizing procedure for maintaining electrolytic
Added EAC certification.
Added ferrite clamp recommendations for CE compliant installation.
9287500991 Rev M DECS-100 Introduction v
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A detailed table of contents is provided at the start of each manual section. The manual sections are ordered as follows.
SECTION 1 • GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 1-1
SECTION 2 • HUMAN-MACHINE INTERFACE ........................................................................................ 2-1
SECTION 3 • FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 3-1
SECTION 4 • INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................... 4-1
SECTION 6 • MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................... 6-1
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SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 1-1
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 1-1
FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Model and STYLE NUMBERs ............................................................................................................... 1-1
Style Number ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1
SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Operating Power ................................................................................................................................ 1-2
Generator Voltage Sensing ................................................................................................................ 1-2
Generator Current Sensing ................................................................................................................ 1-2
Bus Voltage Sensing (Optional) ......................................................................................................... 1-2
Accessory Input .................................................................................................................................. 1-3
Communication Port ........................................................................................................................... 1-3
Contact Input Circuits ......................................................................................................................... 1-3
Common Alarm Output ....................................................................................................................... 1-3
Field Output ........................................................................................................................................ 1-3
AVR Operating Mode ......................................................................................................................... 1-3
FCR (Manual) Operating Mode .......................................................................................................... 1-4
Var Operating Mode (Optional) .......................................................................................................... 1-4
PF Operating Mode (Optional) ........................................................................................................... 1-4
Parallel Compensation ....................................................................................................................... 1-4
Field Overvoltage Protection .............................................................................................................. 1-4
Generator Overvoltage Protection ..................................................................................................... 1-4
Overexcitation Limiter ......................................................................................................................... 1-5
Underexcitation Limiter ....................................................................................................................... 1-5
Soft Start Function (AVR Mode Only) ................................................................................................ 1-5
Voltage Matching ................................................................................................................................ 1-5
Metering (BESTCOMS™) .................................................................................................................. 1-5
Environment ....................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Type Tests .......................................................................................................................................... 1-6
Physical .............................................................................................................................................. 1-6
Maritime Recognition .......................................................................................................................... 1-6
EAC Mark (Eurasian Conformity) ....................................................................................................... 1-6
UL Recognized Component ............................................................................................................... 1-6
CE Compliance .................................................................................................................................. 1-6


Figure 1-1. DECS-100 Style Chart ................................
Figure 1-2. Typical V/Hz Curves ................................................................................................................ 1-4
............................................................................ 1-1
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ii DECS-100 General Information 9287500991 Rev M


The Basler Digital Excitation Control System (DECS-100) is an electronic, solid-state, microprocessor based control device. The DECS-100 regulates the output voltage of a brushless, ac generator by controlling the current int o the generator ex citer field. Input power to the DECS-100 can be from a mul ti­pole, high-frequency , permanent magnet ge nerator (PMG) or from t he generator outp ut when used as a conventional, shunt-excited, excitation system.
The DECS-100 is supplied in an epoxy-potted package designed for behind-the-panel mounting. The DECS-100 is held in place by thread-forming screws that thread into its plastic shell. Front panel indicators (LEDs) annunc iate DEC S-100 status and system c onditions. D ECS-100 c onnections ar e made through quarter-inch, q uick-connect terminals on the r ear panel. A 9-p in DB-9 type conn ector on the rear panel provides communication between the DECS-100 and an IBM compatible PC.


DECS-100 units have the following features and capabilities:
Four control modes: automatic voltage regulation (AVR), manual or field current regulation (FCR), power factor (PF) regulation, and reactive power (var) regulation.
Programmable stability settings.
Soft start and voltage buildup control with an adjustable ramp in AVR control mode.
Overexcitation limiting (OEL) and underexcitation limiting (UEL) in AVR, Var, and PF control modes.
Underfrequency (volts/hertz) regulation.
Three-phase or single-phase generator voltage (rms) sensing/regulation in AVR mode.
Single-phase bus voltage (rms) sensing.
Single-phase generator current sensing for metering and regulation purposes.
Field current and field voltage sensing.
One analog input for proportional remote control of the setpoint.
Five contact sensing inputs for system interface.
One common output relay for alarm indication and trip functions.
Three protection functions: field overvoltage, generator overvoltage, and loss of sensing.
Generator paralleling with reactive droop compensation and reactive differential compensation.
Rear RS-232 communication port for personal computer communication using BESTCOMS™
Windows® based software for fast, user-friendly, setup and control.


The model number, together w ith the style number, describes the options included in a specific device, and appear on a label affixed to the r ear panel. Upon receipt of a DEC S-100, be sur e to check the style number against the requisition and the packing list to ensure that they agree.

Style Number

DECS-100 electrical c haracteristics and oper ational features are defi ned by a combination of let ters and numbers that make up the style number. The DECS-100 style number chart is shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1. DECS-100 Style Chart
9287500991 Rev M DECS-100 General Information 1-1
Style Number Example
For example, a DECS-100 with a style number of A15 would have the following characteristics and operating features.
A ------- No var or power factor control 1 -------- Voltage matching 5 -------- 5 ampere current sensing


DECS-100 specifications and qualifications are listed in the following paragraphs.

Operating Power

Refer to Section 4, Installation for special requirements concerning the application of operating power during DECS-100 programming and the application of station power.
Voltage: 88 to 250 Vac, single-phase or three-phase (L-L) Frequency: 50 to 400 Hz Power Dissipation: 40 W (maximum continuous) Burden: 650 VA Voltage Buildup: 6 Vac Terminals: 3, 4, 5

Generator Voltage Sensing

Type: 1-Phase/3-Phase, 4 ranges Burden: <1 VA per phase Terminals: E1, E2, E3
50 Hertz Sensing
Range 1: 100 Vac (85 to 132 Vac) Range 2: 200 Vac (190 to 220 Vac) Range 3: 400 Vac (380 to 440 Vac) Range 4: N/A
60 Hertz Sensing
Range 1: 120 Vac (85 to 132 Vac) Range 2: 240 Vac (170 to 264 Vac) Range 3: 480 Vac (340 to 528 Vac) Range 4: 600 Vac (540 to 660 Vac)

Generator Current Sensing

Type: 1-phase (B-phase), 50/60 Hz Style XX1: 1 Aac maximum continuous Style XX5: 5 Aac maximum continuous Burden: <0.1 VA Terminals: CT1, CT2

Bus Voltage Sensing (Optional)

Type: 1-phase, 4 ranges Burden: <1 VA per phase Terminals: B1, B3
50 Hertz Sensing
Range 1: 100 Vac (85 to 132 Vac) Range 2: 200 Vac (190 to 220 Vac) Range 3: 400 Vac (380 to 440 Vac) Range 4: N/A
60 Hertz Sensing
Range 1: 120 Vac (85 to 132 Vac) Range 2: 240 Vac (170 to 264 Vac) Range 3: 480 Vac (340 to 528 Vac) Range 4: 600 Vac (540 to 660 Vac)
1-2 DECS-100 General Information 9287500991 Rev M

Accessory Input

Voltage Range: –3 Vdc to +3 Vdc Setpoint Range: –30% to +30% shift Burden: 1 k Terminals: A, B

Communication Port

Interface: Full duplex RS-232 Connection: Rear panel DB-9 connector Baud: 4800 Data Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bit: 1

Contact Input Circuits

Type: Dry contacts Interrogation Voltage: 13 Vdc (supplied by DECS-100)
Terminal Assignments for Standard Functions
Raise: 6U, 7 Lower: 6D, 7 Var/PF Enable: 52J, 52K Parallel Control: 52L, 52M Voltage Matching: VM, VMC

Common Alarm Output

Type: Form A Rated Load: 7 Aac/Adc continuous Make: 30 Aac/Adc, carry for 0.2 sec Break: 7 Aac/0.1 Adc Operating Voltage: 240 Vac/250 Vdc maximum Terminals: AL1, AL2

Field Output

Continuous Rating: 63 Vdc, 7 Adc Field Resistance: 9 minimum Terminals: F+, F–
10 Second Forcing Rating
200 Vac Power Input: 135 Vdc, 15 Adc 110 Vac Power Input: 90 Vdc, 10 Adc (9field) 75 Vdc, 15 Adc (5 field)

AVR Operating Mode

Adjustment Range: See Generator Voltage Sensing Voltage Regulation: ±0.25% over load range at rated power factor and constant generator
±0.5% with 3-phase sensing and shunt power at 40% THD of the voltage
waveform (due to a six SCR load). Temperature Drift: ±0.5% for a 40°C change V/Hz Characteri stic: Slope from 0 to 3PU is adjustable in 0.01PU increments. Transition
(Corner) frequency is adjustable from 40 to 65 Hz. See Figure 1-2 for the
V/Hz curves. Response Time: Within 1 cycle
9287500991 Rev M DECS-100 General Information 1-3
Figure 1-2. Typical V/Hz Curves

FCR (Manual) Operating Mode

Adjustment Range: 0 to 7 Adc Increment: 0.01 Adc

Var Operating Mode (Optional)

Adjustment Range: –100 to 100% Increment: 0.1%

PF Operating Mode (Optional)

Adjustment Range: 0.6 lag to 0.6 lead Increment: 0.001

Parallel Compensation

Modes: Reactive Droop and Reactive Differential (cross-current) Droop Adjust Range: 0 to 10% Increment: 1%
Burden can exceed 1 VA if external resistors are added to the CT circuit.

Field Overvoltage Protection

Pickup Range: 0 to 250 Vdc Time Delay: 10 s (fixed)

Generator Overvoltage Protection

Range: 100 to 120% of system voltage setting Increment: 1.0%
Alarm Time Delay
Range: 0 to 10 s Increment: 1 s
1-4 DECS-100 General Information 9287500991 Rev M

Overexcitation Limiter

Range: 0 to 15 Adc Increment: 0.001 Adc
Alarm Time Delay
Range: 0 to 10 s Increment: 1 s

Underexcitation Limiter

Range: 0 to 100% of rated vars Increment: 1%
Alarm Time Delay
Range: 0 to 10 s Increment: 1 s

Soft Start Function (AVR Mode Only)

Time Adjust Range: 1 to 7,200 s Increment: 1 s

Voltage Matching

Accuracy: Generator rms voltage is matched with the bus rms voltage to within
±0.5% of the generator voltage.
Time Adjustment
Range: 1 to 300 s Increment: 0.01 s

Metering (BESTCOMS™)

Generator Voltage
Range: 10 V to 79 kV Accuracy: ±0.5% (at 25°C)
Generator Current
Range: 0.04 to 3,000 Aac for 1 A CT (Not to exceed nominal CT rating)
0.2 to 15,000 Aac for5 A CT (Not to exceed nominal CT rating) Accuracy: ±0.5% (at 25°C)
Range: 40 to 65 Hz Accuracy: ±0.2 Hz (at 25°C)
Field Voltage
Range: 0 to 200 Vdc Accuracy: ±5.0% (at 25°C)
Field Current
Range: 0 to 20 A Accuracy: ±0.5% (at 25°C)
Bus Voltage
Range: 10 V to 79 kV Accuracy: ±0.5% (at 25°C)
Auxiliary DC Input
Range: –3 V to +3 V Accuracy: ±0.5% (at 25°C)
9287500991 Rev M DECS-100 General Information 1-5
Power (Apparent, Real, and Reactive)
Range: 0 to 99 MVA, MW, Mvar Accuracy: ±3.0% (at 25°C)
Power Factor
Range: –1.0 to –0.6, +0.6 to +1.0 Accuracy: ±0.02 at rated current (25°C), CT input 10% nominal rating
Phase Angle
Range: 0 to 360 degrees Accuracy: ±2.0 degrees (at 25°C), CT input 10% nominal rating


Operating Temperature
DECS-100: –40 to 70°C (–40 to 158°F)
Storage Temperature
DECS-100: –40 to 85°C (–40 to 185°F) CD-ROM: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)

Type Tests

Shock: Withstands 20 G in three perpendicular planes Vibration: Withstands 1.2 G at 5 to 26 Hz Withstands 0.914 mm (0.036 in) double amplitude at 27 to 52 Hz Withstands 5 G at 53 to 500 Hz Salt Fog: Qualified per MIL-STD-810E


Unit: 1.10 kg (2.42 lb) Shipping: 1.31 kg (2.88 lb)
Shipping Carton Dimensions (W x H x D)
Single Unit: 299 x 79 x 146 mm (11.75 x 3.125 x 5.75 in) 48 Units: 841 x 653 x 352 mm (33.13 x 25.69 x 13.88 in)

Maritime Recognition

Recognized per standard IACS UR (sections E10 and E22) by the following:
Bureau Veritas (BV) – BV Rules Pt. C, Ch. 3
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) – No. 2.4
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) – VI-7-2
IEC 60092-504 is the base standard for IACS UR sec tion E10. I ACS UR is the ba se standar d for the B V, DNV, and GL rules listed above. Additional conditions must be met in order to comply with maritime agency standards, see Section 4, Installation for further instructions.
EAC Mark (Eurasian Conformity)
TP TC 004/2011
TP TC 020/2011

UL Recognized Component

The DECS-100 is recognized to applicable Canadian and US safety standards and requirements by UL. Standards used for evaluation: UL6200

CE Compliance

LVD 2006/95/EC
BS EN 50178 – Electronic Equipment for use in Power Installations
EMC 2004/108/IEC
IEC 61000-6-2 – Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Immunity for Industrial Environments IEC 61000-6-4 – Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Emissions Standard for Industrial Environments
1-6 DECS-100 General Information 9287500991 Rev M
SECTION 2 • HUMAN-M ACHINE INTERF ACE ....................................................................................... 2-1
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 2-1
FRONT PANEL INDICATORS ............................................................................................................... 2-1
Overexcitation Shutdown ................................................................................................................... 2-1
Generator Overvoltage ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
Loss of Generator Sensing ................................................................................................................. 2-1
Overexcitation Limiting ....................................................................................................................... 2-2
Underexcitation Limiting ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
Var/P.F. Mode Active ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Manual Mode Active ........................................................................................................................... 2-2
Underfrequency Active ....................................................................................................................... 2-2
COMMUNICATION PORT ..................................................................................................................... 2-2


Figure 2-1. DECS-100 Front Panel Indicators ........................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2. DECS-100 Communication Port Location ............................................................................... 2-2
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The DECS-100 human-machine interface (HMI) consists of front panel indicators and a rear-panel communication port.


DECS-100 front pane l indicators consist of eight r ed LEDs. The indicators are s hown in Figure 2-1 and described in the following paragrap hs .
Figure 2-1. DECS-100 Front Panel Indicators

Overexcitation Shutdown

This LED lights when the Over excitation Protection feature is en abled and the field voltage exceeds the adjustable setpoint for 10 seconds. The DECS-100 will shutdown when an overexcitation condition is detected. The Overex citation Shutdown L ED will light for 5 seconds when the D ECS-100 is powere d up following an overexcitation shutdown.

Generator Overvoltage

This LED lights when gen er ator out put vo ltage exc eeds the adjusta ble se tpoint f or 0.75 secon ds. Wh en a generator overvoltage condition exists, the DECS-100 output contacts close and the DECS-100 shuts down (if hardware shut down is enabled). The G enerator Overvoltage LED wil l light for 5 seconds when the DECS-100 is powered up following a generator overvoltage shutdown.

Loss of Generator Sensing

This LED lights when a los s of generator sensing voltage is det ected. When a loss of s ensing condition occurs, the DECS-100 out put contacts close. D epe nd i ng o n the protective actio n s elected , t h e D ECS -100 will either shutdown or transfer to Manual mode. The Loss of Generator Sensing LED will flash for 5 seconds when the DECS-100 is powered up following a loss of generator sensing shutdown.

Overexcitation Limiting

This LED lights when the field cur rent exceeds the programmed overexcit ation limit. It stays lit until the overexcitation condit ion ceases or the overexcitation t ime delay expires and the DEC S-100 shuts down. The Overexcitation Limit ing LED will flash for 5 seconds when the D ECS-100 is power ed up following an overexcitation limiting shutdown.

Underexcitation Limiting

This LED lights when the sensed, reactive power (leading vars) decreases below the programmed underexcitation limit. It stays lit until the underexcitation condition ceases or the underexcitation time delay expires and th e DECS-100 shuts down. The Underexc itation Limiting LED will flash for 5 s econds when the DECS-100 is powered up following an underexcitation limiting shutdown.

Var/P.F. Mode Active

This LED lights to ind icate that the DECS-100 is op erating in the optiona l Var or Power Factor mo de of control. Var/Power Fact or c ontrol is ena bl ed thro ugh B ESTC O MS ™ software and when t he 52J / K contact input is open.
Manual Mode Active This LED lights when the DECS-100 is operating in Manual mode. Manual mode is enabled through
BESTCOMS software.

Underfrequency Active

This LED lights when the generator frequency decreases below the underfrequency setpoint and the DECS-100 is regulating on the selected volts per hertz curve.


The communication port is located on the rear panel and consists of a female, RS-232 (DB-9) connector. The communication port serves as an interface for progra mming (setup) of the DECS-10 0. Figure 2-2 illustrates the loc ation of the communication port.
Programming requires a standard, nine-pin, serial communication cable c onnected between th e DECS-100 and an IBM-compatible PC operating wit h BESTCOMS software. BESTCOMS software is a Microsoft Windows®-based communication software package that is supplied with the DECS-100. A detai led descriptio n of BESTCO MS is prov ided in Section 5, BESTCOMS Software.
Lethal voltage is present at the rear panel when the unit is energized. Rear pa nel connections should be made only when the unit is de-energized.
Figure 2-2. DECS-100
Communication Port Location
2-2 DECS-100 Human-Machine Interface 9287500991 Rev M
SECTION 3 • FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 3-1
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................... 3-1
DECS-100 FUNCTION BLOCKS ........................................................................................................... 3-1
Analog Input Circuits .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
Bus Voltage..................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Generator Voltage .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
B-Phase Line Current ..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Accessory Input (Auxiliary Adjust) .................................................................................................. 3-2
Field Voltage ................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Field Current ................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Contact Input Circuits ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Raise ............................................................................................................................................... 3-2
Lower .............................................................................................................................................. 3-2
Var/Power Factor Control (52J/K) Option ....................................................................................... 3-2
Parallel Generator Compensation (52L/M) ..................................................................................... 3-2
Voltage Matching Control Option .................................................................................................... 3-3
RS-232 Communication Port.............................................................................................................. 3-3
Microprocessor ................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Power Input Stage .............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Power Supply ..................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Power Amplifier Stage ........................................................................................................................ 3-3
Front Panel Indicators ........................................................................................................................ 3-3
Relay Output....................................................................................................................................... 3-3
DECS-100 OPERATING FEATURES ................................................................................................... 3-3
Operating Modes ................................................................................................................................ 3-3
Automatic Voltage Regulation Mode .............................................................................................. 3-3
Manual Mode .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Var Control Mode (Optional) ........................................................................................................... 3-4
Power Factor Control Mode (Optional) ........................................................................................... 3-4
Reactive Droop Compensation .......................................................................................................... 3-4
Underfrequency .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Protection ........................................................................................................................................... 3-4
Generator Overvoltage ................................................................................................................... 3-5
Loss of Sensing Voltage ................................................................................................................. 3-5
Field Overvoltage (Overexcitation Shutdown) ................................................................................ 3-5
Limiters ............................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Overexcitation Limiting ................................................................................................................... 3-6
Underexcitation Limiting ................................................................................................................. 3-6
Soft Start ............................................................................................................................................. 3-7
Voltage Matching (Optional) ............................................................................................................... 3-7


Figure 3-1. Simplified DECS-100 Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 3-2. Time Characteristic Curve for Takeover OEL ......................................................................... 3-6
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ii DECS-100 Functional Description 9287500991 Rev M


This section describes how the DECS-100 functions and explains its operating features. To ease understanding, DECS-100 functions are illustrated in the block diagram of Figure 3-1. A detailed description of each function bl oc k is prov i ded i n t he paragraphs under th e hea din g of DECS-100 Func tio n Blocks.
DECS-100 operating f eatures include four operating modes, four protect ive functions, st artup provisions, reactive droop comp ensation, underfrequency c ompensation, and optiona l voltage matching. A detaile d description of each operating feature is provided in the paragraphs under the heading of DECS-100
Operating Features.
Figure 3-1. Simplified DEC S-100 Block Diagram


The following paragrap hs describe each of the function block s illustrated in Figure 3-1. The func tion of each block is explained along with the operation of all function block inputs and outputs.

Analog Input Circuits

Seven analog voltages and current may be sensed and applied to the DECS-100.
Bus Voltage
C-phase and A-phase bus voltages are monitored at terminals B3 an d B1 on units that include voltage matching. Nominal volta ge s of up to 600 Vac may be s ens ed at thes e t ermi na ls . Vol tag e mon itore d at t h is input is scaled and conditioned bef ore being applied t o the input of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) . This bus voltage signal ap plied to the ADC is used to calcula te the rms value of the bus voltag e across phases C and A (Bus V
Generator Voltage
Generator voltage is monitored at terminals E1 (A-phase), E2 (B-phase), and E3 (C-phase). Nominal voltages of up to 600 Vac may be sensed at these terminals. Volt age applied to these inputs is scaled
9287500991 Rev M DECS-100 Functional Description 3-1
and conditioned befor e being applied to the input of the A DC. The voltage signal from phas e C and A (VC-A) of the generator is used by the ADC to calculate the rms value of generator voltage across phases C and A. Likewise, the voltage signal from p hase C and B (V
) of the generator is used by the ADC t o
calculate the rms v al ue of g ener at or v olt age ac r oss p h as es C a nd B. T he rms v a l ue o f g enerator phase B to phase A voltage (V the phase C to phase B (V
) is calculated by the micr o proc es sor fr om the ph as e C to phas e A si gna l ( V
) signal.
Additionally, the generator phas e C to phase A (V
) signal is applied t o a filtered, zero-cross detector
circuit. This signal is applied to the microprocessor and is used to calculate generator frequency.
B-Phase Line Current
The phase B line curr ent (IB) signal is d eveloped through a cus tomer supplied current tr ansformer (CT) and monitored through terminals CT1 and CT2. Depending on the option selected, current up to 1 ampere (style number xx1) or 5 amperes (style number xx5) rms may be monitored at these terminals. The current monitored at these terminals is scaled and conditioned by an internal current transformer and active circuitry for us e by the ADC. The s ignal applied to the A DC is used to calcula te the rms value of phase B line current.
Additionally, the phas e angle between phase B line current and ph ase C to phase A gener ator voltage is calculated for use during droop and var/power factor operation.
Accessory Input (Auxiliary Adjust)
This input allows adjustment of the DECS-100 regulation setpoint by the application of a positive or negative dc voltage across terminals A and B. Positive voltage applied to terminal A with respect to terminal B will cause th e active mode setpoint to increase. Volt age from –3 to +3 Vdc m ay be applied to this input. The circ uit induces a 1,000-oh m burden on the dc sour ce. The Application of a ±3 Vdc signa l corresponds to a ±30 perc e nt chan ge in setpoint.
Field Voltage
Voltage (V
) across the regulator field output terminals, F+ and F–, is monitored, scaled, and
conditioned before b eing applied to the ADC. This signal is used to c alculate t he dc valu e of fiel d voltage for use in system protection.
Field Current
Current (I
) through the main power output switch is converted to a proportional voltage level. This
voltage signal is scaled an d conditioned before being applied to the inp ut of the ADC. The resu lt is used to calculate the dc value of field cur rent for use in the Manual mode of o peration as well as protecti on of the system.

Contact Input Circuits

Five contact input c ircuits p owered fr om an intern al 13 Vdc po wer supp ly provide input contr ol from us er­supplied, isolated, dry-type contacts.
Closing a contact across terminals 6U and 7 causes the active operating setpoint to increase. This function is active as long as the contact is closed.
Closing a contact across terminals 6D and 7 causes the active operating setpoint to decrease. This function is active as long as the contact is closed.
Var/Power Factor Control (52J/K) Option
Closing a contact across terminals 52J and 52K disables var/power factor control. An open contact enables the DECS-100 to c ontrol the g enerat or reac tive pow er in ei ther th e var or t he power fac tor mo de. The contact has no effect when this function is not enabled in th e software. For more information, see
Parallel Generator Compensation (52L/M) and Voltage Matching Control Option. Parallel Generator Compensation (52L/M)
Closing a contact across terminals 52L and 52M disables parallel operation. An open contact enables parallel operation and the DECS-100 operates in reactive droop compensation mode.
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