Each product and progr am carries a respective written warranty, the only warrant y on which
the customer can rely. Aver y Dennison Corp. reserves the rig ht to make changes in the
product, the programs, and their availability at any time and without notice. Althoug h Avery
Dennison Corp. has made every ef fort to provide complete and accurate information in this
manual, Avery Dennison Corp. shall not be liable f or any omissions or inaccurac ies. Any
update will be incorpora ted in a later edition of t his manual.
Avery Dennison® and Pathfinder® are reg istered trademarks of Avery Denniso n Corporation.
Bluetooth® is a registered t rademark owned by Bluetooth SIG , Inc.
Avery Dennison
170 Monarch Lane
Miamisburg, OH 45342
Note: You must develop an applicat ion that uses the f iles you create.
About the Printers
The 6057 Software Development Kit (SDK) helps dev elopers write applications f or the 6057
printer. This printer oper ates on a Microsoft® W indows-base d CE platform.
The 6140 printer is des igned to support diff erent operating systems. Eac h operating system
will have its own SDK. For example, the 6140 iOS SDK helps d evelopers write applicat ions for
their smart device. The 6140 pri nter with Bluetooth® can be p aired/connected with a smart
device to scan bar codes and pri nt labels. Refer to the SampleApplication (Scan and Print)
included with the iOS SDK for more information.
To print labels/tags on either printer, a LNT (Lang uage Neutral Template) file must be cr eated.
This manual describe s how to create a LNT f ile.
Creating a LNT File
The LNT (Language Neutral Template) fi le defines how your label lo oks – what t ype of
information appears ( text, bar code, line or gr aphic fields) and where they print on t he label.
The LNT file uses XML Version 1.0 pr ogramming.
LNT files must contain
♦ printer setup XML tags
♦ field setup XML tags.
Printer setup tags define t he print speed, print cont rast, label size, and
image size. Field setup tag s define the look of the label (incl uding text,
bar code, line or box f ields).
For example, the label sho wn on the right contains three f ield setup
tags: one for the text field “PR ETZELS,” one for the UPCA bar code
field, and one for the price t ext field “$.79.”
Introduction 1-1
Standard Syntax Guidelines
Each LNT file must start with t he XML declaration:
Following is a summary of t he contents of this manual:
Chapter Contents
Introduction Information you should k now before programming the printer.
Defining the Printer
Setup XML Tags
Defining Fie ld
Setup XML Tags
Defining Bar Code
Creating Job Data Defines the data printed in eac h field on the supply.
Error Messages
Sample LNT File s Contains sample LNT files.
Design Tools Contains copies of work sheets/grids to layout a LNT file.
Code Pages Contains a listing of the code pages the printers support .
Defines the printer setup tags in XML.
Defines the field setu p tags in XML.
Defines options that appl y to each bar code type.
Contains a list of err or messages you may receive while using the
1-2 LNT Programmer’s Manual
Related Documentation
The following table descr ibes other documentation f or the printer:
Quick Refere nce
Operator ’s Handbook
Equipment Manual
System Administrator’s
Includes bas ic start-up informat ion such as supply loa ding, clean ing
and minor troubleshooting.
Includes inform ation about usi ng the printer, c harging the batter y,
loading supplies, and more.
Includes inform ation about pri nter diagnostics , configuring the
scanner, and us ing scanner dia gnostics.
Supported File Types
The printer supports file t ypes with these extensions:
File Extension Description
Bitmap Gra phics
Graphic Int erchange Fo rmat
Portable Network Graphic
Font (Micros oft)
TrueType® Font
Job File
Language Ne utral Templ ate
Extensible M arkup Language
Note: The L NT file can also be s aved as a .JO B or .XML file.
Sample LNT fil es are included in th e
Device (printer).
\Windows\Resources\ LNTs folder on the 6057 Mobile
Transferring Files to the 6057 Printer
This section is not applic able to the 6140 printer. See “Transferring
Files to the 6140 Printer” for mor e information.
To transfer data f iles to the 6057 printer, use Microsoft® ActiveSync or
Windows® Mobile® Device Center. These instructions are written for
Microsoft® ActiveSync:
1. Open t he folder with your data files on yo ur computer.
2. Turn on the printer and wait f or the desktop to load.
3. Connect the USB cable to your compute r and printer.
4. Microsoft® ActiveSync automatical ly detects your printer. W hen
prompted to set up a Partners hip, select No, then click Next.
Introduction 1-3
5. Click Explore on the Act iveSync utility after it connects to the printer. A new windo w
appears called Mobile Device.
6. Open t he destination folder f or the data files on the Mobile Devic e (printer).
7. Drag the files from your computer to t he Mobile Device folder.
To test a LNT file with fixed data, sa ve it to the Mobile Device’s (printer’s) Temp\Print
To permanently save an y file to the Mobile Device (printer), save it to t he Temp\Install
Make sure supplies are loade d, you have a fully charged batter y, the printer is connected t o a
host and ready to receive data, and you have an application in the pr inter. Refer to your
Operator’s Handbook f or more information.
1-4 LNT Programmer’s Manual
These instructions are wr itten for Windows® Mobile® Device C enter:
1. Open t he folder with your data files on you r computer.
2. Turn on the printer and wait for the desktop to load.
3. Connect the USB cable to your compute r and printer.
4. Windows® Mobile® Device Center autom atically detects your pri nter. Click Connect
without sett ing up your device to continue.
5. Click File Management, then click Browse the content s of your device.
6. Select your device.
7. Open t he destination folder f or the data files on the
Mobile Device (printer) .
8. Drag the files from your computer to t he Mobile
Device folder.
To test a LNT file with f ixed data, save it to the
Mobile Device ’s (printer ’s) Temp\Print folder.
To permanently save an y file to the Mobile
Device (printer), save it to the Temp\Install folder.
Make sure supplies are loade d, you have a fully charged batter y, the printer is connected t o a
host and ready to receive data, and you have an application in the pr inter. Refer to your
Operator’s Handbook f or more information
Introduction 1-5
ID:BOX1, BoxField:L ineThickness
Using Fonts with the 6057 Printer
This section is not applic able to the 6140 printer. See “Transferring Files to t he 6140 Printer”
for more information.
The printer uses standard W indows fonts; however, add itional fonts can be downlo aded to the
printer. See “
Using Non-Resident Fonts
Within your applicatio n, instantiate a new Print class s uch as rPrint and call a method such as
Print to load the non-resident.
Installing Fonts
Follow these steps to install additional W indows fonts to the printer:
1. Make sure the printer is connected via USB and start a n Active Sync session.
2. Open t he \WINDOWS\Fonts f older on your computer .
3. Drag the TrueType® font file (. TTF) from your computer to the Te mp\Install folder on the
Mobile Device (printer) .
Note:Check the \Windows\ Resources\Fonts folder on the Mobile Device (printer) to make
sure the file installed c orrectly. Do not save f iles directly to this f older.
Installing Fonts” f or more information.
4. Ref erence the font’s filename in the L NT file. See “
more information about c reating a text field with an i nstalled font.
Note:The printer’s software (version 2.0 or higher) supp orts International
(double-byte) font s. An International TrueType font containing Chinese or Japanese
characters may be very large. Make sure the printer has enoug h memory before
installing the f ont.
Defining the Font Tag (Optional)” for
Error Reporting with the 6057 Printer
This section is not applic able to the 6140 printer. Refer to the Sof tware Development Kit
(SDK) for more information.
During normal printer oper ation or while te sting a LNT f ile, you may receive an error mes sage.
When an error occurs, a messag e appears briefly on the displa y “Press home key to clear the
printer error” and a small sto p sign icon appears in the Task Bar.
1.Press the Home k ey to show the error message. For example:
Parser Error
1-6 LNT Programmer’s Manual
2. Select the option you need: Clear Error (clears the error and continues to f eed or print
supplies), Abort Print Job ( clears the error and cancels the cur rent print job), or Do
Nothing (does not cle ar the error or reprint the job) .
The example above, “Parser Er ror ID:BOX1,BoxField:LineT hickness” indicates a pars er
error in the LNT file. The BO X1 field contains an invalid <LineThickness> tag o r is
missing the <LineThickness> tag.
Touch Clear Error, corr ect the LNT file, then resend t he file to the printer. See
Defining the Line Thick ness Tag (Required)” f or more information about defining the
line thickness of box fields .
See Chapter 6, “
Note:If there is an error in a LNT f ile, it does not print.
Error Messages” f or a listing of error codes.
Enabling the “Fie ld Off Tag” Warning
The printer can display error 614 when a field is positione d outside the printable area. The
default does not generat e this warning.
To enable:
1. Touc h the Home key.
2. Select Printer Config .
3. Select General Settings.
4. Check Generate Off Tag Warnings.
5. Touch OK when finished.
Note:614 Errors are not reported when t his is not
enabled – on ly correctly posit ioned fields within
the printable area are printed.
Transferring Files to the 6140 Printer
Your application contro ls the use of LNT, font, or other supported file types.
For example, to add a LNT f ile (or font file) to your applicat ion, use the SaveResourceAtPath
For example, to remove a LNT file (or font file) from your application, use the
RemoveResourceOfType met hod, which removes a file f rom the smart device.
Note: Refer to the Sample Application (Scan and Pr int) included with the iOS Soft ware
Development Kit f or more inform ation.
Error Reporting with the 6140 Printer
During normal printer oper ation, you may receive an error m essage. When an error occurs, a
message appears on the smart device. Follow the instructions on the smart device and press
Feed/Clear Error on the pr inter to clear the error an d continue.
Introduction 1-7
LNT Design Tips
When creating LNT files, keep in mind the following:
♦The printer uses standard W indows fonts; however, add itional fonts can be downlo aded to
the printer. See “
♦If setting a value for the font’s pointsizeheight and s etting the pointsizewidth t o 0, the
printed characters wil l have an optimal aspect ratio of character height-to-width.
♦ Use zeros to let the printer determine the width and height for the <BoundingBox> tag.
♦ If using the wordwrap at tribute on a text field, you must sp ecify the width attribute in t he
<BoundingBox> tag.
♦Not all field attributes should be used on the same f ield – f or example, do not use wordwrap
with either the underlin e or the strikethrough att ributes.
♦While designing and test ing LNT files, we recommend sett ing the printer to show error
messages for fields printing off the label. See “
more information.
Check these settings if a field prints off the label:
♦ x,y poi nts
♦ origin point
♦ justification
♦ field rotation
Installing Fonts” f or more information.
Enabling the “Field Off Tag” Warning” for
1-8 LNT Programmer’s Manual
This chapter provides a reference for defining printer setup XML tags:
♦ job settings
♦ energy, contrast, prin t speed, black mark, and on-demand s ettings
♦ quantity
♦ image settings.
This chapter also inclu des information about adjust ing the supply position (use back feed) to
reduce the non-print zone.
Defining Printer Setup Tags
Tags required for each job are listed at t he beginning of each sect ion.
Defining the Jo b Container (Required)
The job tag is the container f or a complete LNT file.
It contains the printer setup XML tags and field setup X ML tags for each job.
Example <LabelSize units="Inches" length="1.0" width="2.0" />
Defines the label size as 1.0 inch long by 2.0 inches wide.
Defining the Ene rgy Tag (Optional)
The Energy tag defines the pr inthead energy level. You ma y need to adjust this value
depending on the type of supplies you are using. For examp le, synthetic supplies req uire the
High energy setting, but standard paper does not .
Valid values include: Normal (0) and High (1). The def ault is Normal.
Syntax <Energy>value</Energy>
Example <Energy>High</Energy>
Sets the printhead energ y to high for synthetic suppli es.
Defining the Con trast Tag (Optional)
The Contrast tag defines the pr int contrast for the j ob. You may need to adjust this value
depending on the type of supplies you are using. For examp le, synthetic supplies req uire a
higher print contrast, but standard paper re quires less contrast.
Note:Solid black print should not exceed 30% on a given square inc h of the label, or the
printhead life may be decre ased.
Valid values include: -100% (minimum contrast ) to 100% (maximum contrast). The default
is 0 (no contrast adj ustment).
Syntax <Contrast>value</Contrast>
Example <Contrast>35</Contrast>
Sets the print contrast to 35% for this job.
Defining the Pri ntSpeed Tag (Optional)
The PrintSpeed tag defines t he print speed in inches per secon d (ips) for the job.
Valid values include: a float in the range of 1.0 to 5. 0.
It contains the followi ng attribute: fixed.
Note: Serial bar codes, lines , and graphics print at 2.0 ips. Synt hetic supplies and specia l
Fixed The printer prints at the specified setting until the battery drains. Options:
0 False (default)
1 True
Note:Fixed can be enabled for speeds 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 ips. Fixed is only recommended for
text formats, where print speed is required over print quality.
Example <PrintSpeed fixed=”1”>5.0</PrintSpeed>
Sets the printer’s speed t o 5.0 ips, but allows the speed to vary from 5.0 ips for serial bar
codes, etc.
2-2 LNT Programmer’s Manual
Defining the UseBlackMark Tag (Optional)
The UseBlackMark tag sp ecifies if the printer uses the black mark sensor to sense supplies .
Valid values include: 0 (off) and 1 (on). The default is 1.
Syntax <UseBlackMark>value</UseBlackMark>
Example <UseBlackMark>1</UseBlackMark>
The printer uses the black m ark sensor to calibrate and feed lab els.
Defining the UseO nDemand Tag (Optional for 6057)
The UseOnDemand tag specif ies if the 6057 printer uses the optional on-demand se nsor. Your
printer may not have an on-demand se nsor installed.
Note: The 6140 printer does not have a n on-dem and sensor.
Valid values include: 0 (off) and 1 (on). The default is 0.
Syntax <UseOnDemand>value</UseOnDemand>
Example <UseOnDemand>0</UseOnDemand>
The printer does not use the on-demand sensor.
Defining the Sens orMode Tag (Optional )
The SensorMode tag specifies which sensor to use.
Valid values include: “ DieCut” and “BlackMark”. The default is “DieCut”.
Syntax <UseSensorMode>value</UseSensorMode>
Example <UseSensorMode>”DieCut”</UseSensorMode>
The printer is using the die cut s ensor.
Defining the Qua ntity Tag (Optional)
The Quantity tag specif ies the number of labels to print.
Valid values include: 1 to 999. The default is 1.
Syntax <Quantity>value</Quantity>
Example <Quantity>5</Quantity>
Prints 5 copies of the label.
Defining Printer Setup XML Tags 2-3
Defining the Image Container (Required)
The image tag is a container f or all the image tags in the LNT file.
It contains the followi ng attributes: id and version.
Syntax <Image id=”name” version=”integer” >
idThe identifier for the image. Any applications using LNT should reference this
data. Use any 32-character maximum (UNICODE) str ing. If you use the same
identifier for two LNT images, the previous image is overwritten!
versionInteger identifier used to define the revision level of this LNT image.
Example <Image id=”Sale” version=”1”>
more image information
Defining the ImageSize Tag (Required)
The ImageSize tag defines the x and y coordinates f or one point on the label, the heig ht and
width of the print area and t he 0,0 point.
Note:A non-print zone exists on t his printer:
for the leading edge = 0.20 inches ( or 0.01 inches with adjust ing the supply position)
for the trailing edge = 0. 05 inches
The leading edge is the edge t hat exits the printer first .
The ImageSize Tag contains the f ollowing attributes: units, x, y, height, width, and or igin.
xGives the x-coordinate for one point desc ribing the printing area on the label.
This is interpreted as the distance along the x-axis from the Origin point.
yGives the y-coordinate for one point desc ribing the printing area on the label.
This is interpreted as the distance along the y-a xis from the Origin point.
heightThe height (in selected units) of the print area. This height is taken from the y
widthThe width (in selected units) of the print area. This width is taken from the x
origin Describes the corner of the label that is c onsidered the 0, 0 point. All sizing
and placement measurements are taken from this point. The default is
TopLeft. Options:
2-4 LNT Programmer’s Manual
Note: Origin in millimet ers is shown in Appendix B, “Desig n Tools.”
Example <ImageSize units=”Inches” x=”0.10” y=”0.10” height=”1.50” width=”1.80”
origin=”TopLeft” />
Uses inches for the measurem ents, sets the x and y axis to 0.10 inches, defines the image
size as 1.50 inch long by 1.8 inches wide and sets the image’s or igin to Top Left.
Defining Printer Setup XML Tags 2-5
Adjusting the Supply Position
A non-print zone exists on t his printer of 0.20 inches on the le ading edge of the supply. The
leading edge is the edge that exits the printer first.
You can adjust the supply posit ion to a negative setting ( use backfeed) to reduce the size of
the non-print zone to 0.01 inch es when using Peel mode. The adj ustments are in steps
(0.00333 inch). The def ault value is 0.
Note: Using a negative supply positio n may increase the possibi lity of a label jam.
Setting a Negative Supply Position (Using Backfeed)
Using a negative supply positio n enables backfeed, so t he printer must be set for Peel mode.
The minimum feed lengt h in peel mode is 0.785 inches. Using a neg ative supply position may
increase the possibilit y of a label jam.
To adjust the supply position to a negative value:
1. Tur n on the printer.
2. Touc h the Home key.
3. Select Printer Config and then Print Position.
4. Touc h the left arrow to decrease the Su pply Position.
Start with a value of -60 and t hen adjust if necessary.
Note: Supply Position and Overf eed Distance are in steps; the Pr int Margin adjustment is in
pixels (0.00049 inch). One pixel is equivalent to one dot.
5.Touch OK when finished.
2-6 LNT Programmer’s Manual
This chapter provides a reference for defining the field setup XML tags, which is the la bel’s
♦ text and constant text fields
♦ bar code fields
♦ line, box, ellip se, and graphic fields.
Defining the Fields Container (Required)
The Fields tag is a container f or all field se tup XML tags (label layout) in the LNT file. There
must be one of these within the <Image> tag.
It contains the followi ng attribute: count.
Syntax <Fields count=”value”>
field information
count The number of fields on t he label. Use an integer from 1 to 65535.
Note: Line, Box, Ellipse, and graphic fields must be included in this total.
Example <Fields count=”4”>
field information
Specifies the label cont ains four fields.
Defining the TextField (Required)
The TextField tag specif ies how the text field appears on the l abel.
It contains the followi ng attribute: id.
Syntax <TextField id=”value” >
text field information
idThe identifier (name) of the text field. Any applications using LNT should
reference this data. Use any 32-character maximum (UNIC ODE) string. Do
not use the same name for two fields or an error occurs!
Example <TextField id=”Price” >
text field information
Specifies a text field c alled “Price” in the LNT file.
Defining Field Setup XML Tags 3-1
Defining the BoundingBox Tag (Required for non-barcode fields)
The BoundingBox tag defines the area on the label where the f ield appears. Each nonbarcode field on a label m ust fit inside a bounding box. T he bounding box is represented by
the dotted lines in the f ollowing graphic.
It contains the followi ng attributes: units, x, y, heig ht, and width.
the bounding box. Us e an integer or
float (in selected units) that is less
than the width.
yY-Coordinate of the Origin corner of
the bounding box. Use an integer or
float (in selected units) that is less
than the height.
heightThe height (in selected units) of the
print area. Use an integer or float
value tha t is less than the image
height. Use zero to let the printer determine the height.
widthThe width (in selected units) of the print area. Use an integer or float value
that is less than the image width. Use zero to let the printer determine the
Example <BoundingBox units=”Inches” x=”0.70” y=”0.30” height=”0.20” width=”0.80” />
Sets the coordinates f or the text field’s bounding box and specif ies the height as 0.20 inches
and the width as 0.80 inches.
Defining the Data Tag (Required)
The Data tag specifies ho w many characters are expected in t he field. It also can contain an y
fixed data you want to print in t he text field.
Note: If this field is Volatile, min and max are r equired attributes. We recommend setting the min and max attributes.
Valid values include: Any Unicode string les s than 2K characters.
It contains the followi ng attributes: min and max.
Syntax <Data min=”value” max=”value”>value</Data>
min Minimum number of characters in the field.
max Maximum number of characters in the field.
To print special charact ers the field, use the tilde with the decimal ASCII eq uivalent. For
example, to print the Euro ( €) symbol, use ~219 (using Code Pag e 100). You must use a font
that supports the code page se lected. Arial or a similar Tr ueType® font supports Cod e Page
Example <Data min=”1” max=”10” />
Specifies the data leng th from 1 to 10 characters in the text f ield.
3-2 LNT Programmer’s Manual
0 Rotation 90 Rotation 180 Rotation 270 Rotation
Example <Data>Sale!</Data>
Prints the fixed data Sale! in the text field.
Example <Data>~219 30 or $39.40</Data>
Prints the fixed data € 30 or $39.40 in the text field. ">
Defining the Volatile Tag (Required)
The Volatile tag specif ies whether the field’s data is s et at creation or print time. For data set
at print time, the user ent ers the data.
Valid values include: 0 (set at creation) or 1 (set at pr int time). The default is 1.
Syntax <Volatile>value</Volatile>
Example <Volatile>1</Volatile>
The data for this field is ent ered at print time.
Note:To create fixed data on a label, s et volatile to 0 and add a <Data> tag with the fixed
data to print on each label.
When volatile is set to 1 , the <Data> tag must specif y min and max attributes.
Example <Volatile>0</Volatile>
<Data>Dept. 7512</Data>
Prints the fixed data Dept. 75 12 in t he text field.
Example <Volatile>1</Volatile>
<Data min=”1” max=”10” />
The data for this field is ent ered at print time and must be at least one character but cannot
exceed 10 characters.
Defining the Rotation Tag (Optional)
The Rotation tag select s the rotation of the bounding box in degrees. Rotation occurs f rom the
origin point of the bounding box.
Valid values include: 0, 90, 180, or 270. The def ault is 0.
Syntax <Rotation>value</Rotation>
Example <Rotation>180</Rotation>
The printed field is rot ated 180° on the label.
Defining Field Setup XML Tags 3-3
Defining the DrawMode Tag (Optional)
The bounding box does not block out (or “erase”) existing f ields except where data
appears in the bounding b ox.
The bounding box block s out (“erases”) existing fields be low it.
The data in the bounding box appears inverted (white
Transparent Opaque
The DrawMode tag specifies the transparency of the boundi ng box.
Valid values include: Transparent, Opaque, and XOR. The default is Transparent.
image on black background).
Field placement in the file is an important consideration when using DrawMode. If a line f ield
is defined before the text f ield, the line field may be block ed out, depending on the te xt field’s
DrawMode. If a line field is defined aft er the text f ield, the line field is not block ed out by the
selected DrawMode.
Syntax <DrawMode>value</DrawMode>
Example <DrawMode>Opaque</DrawMode>
Sets the text field’s Dra wMode to opaque, which erases any oth er fields on the label with t he
same coordinates.
3-4 LNT Programmer’s Manual
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