Avaya 1165E SIP User Guide

Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide SIP Software Release 4.4
Issue 05.01 Standard
November 2013
Release 4.4
All Rights Reserved.
While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes.
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“Documentation” means information published by Avaya in varying mediums which may include product information, operating instructions and performance specifications that Avaya generally makes available to users of its products. Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by Avaya. End User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User.
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“Heritage Nortel Software” means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions Business in December 2009. The Heritage Nortel Software currently available for license from Avaya is the software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located at
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Third Party Components
“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software that may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements (“Third Party Components”), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software (“Third Party Terms”). Information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those Products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the Documentation or on Avaya’s website at:
support.avaya.com/Copyright. You agree to the Third Party Terms for
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Note to Service Provider
The Product may use Third Party Components that have Third Party Terms that do not allow hosting and may need to be independently licensed for such purpose.
Preventing Toll Fraud
“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
Avaya Toll Fraud intervention
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2 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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4 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Chapter 1: Revision history...............................................................................................
Chapter 2: Regulatory and safety information.................................................................
Chapter 3: Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone............................................
Basic features...........................................................................................................................................
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone controls.......................................................................................................
Key press behavior...........................................................................................................................
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone display.........................................................................................................
USB support..............................................................................................................................................
Context-sensitive soft keys.......................................................................................................................
Idle display screen after dial pad input.............................................................................................
In-call context-sensitive soft keys.....................................................................................................
Navigation keys.........................................................................................................................................
Using a USB Mouse..................................................................................................................................
Available IP Deskphone call features.......................................................................................................
Security features.......................................................................................................................................
Chapter 4: Installing the 1165E IP Deskphone.................................................................
Before you begin.......................................................................................................................................
Connecting the components.....................................................................................................................
Removing the stand cover................................................................................................................
Connecting the AC power adapter (optional)...................................................................................
Connecting the handset...................................................................................................................
Connecting the headset (optional)...................................................................................................
Selecting the headset tuning parameter...........................................................................................
Connecting the LAN ethernet cable.................................................................................................
Installing additional cables...............................................................................................................
Wall-mounting the IP Deskphone (optional).....................................................................................
Entering text..............................................................................................................................................
Using the dialpad..............................................................................................................................
Entering text using the USB keyboard.............................................................................................
Chapter 5: Accessing the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone...................................................
Logging on................................................................................................................................................
Automatic login.................................................................................................................................
Setting the domain...........................................................................................................................
Password protection for domains.....................................................................................................
Selecting a language........................................................................................................................
Logging on to your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone..............................................................................
Configuring the duration of the login................................................................................................
Logging on multiple user accounts...................................................................................................
Timed logoff..............................................................................................................................................
Timed logoff while IP Deskphone is idle...........................................................................................
Timed logoff while on a call..............................................................................................................
Selecting a location..........................................................................................................................
User Profile...............................................................................................................................................
Overwriting your personal Address Book.........................................................................................
11 13 17
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51 51 52 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 58 58 58 59 60
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 5
Confirmation logon screen........................................................................................................................
Logging off from the IP Deskphone..........................................................................................................
Logging off multiple user accounts...................................................................................................
Making an emergency call........................................................................................................................
Location information.........................................................................................................................
Chapter 6: Configuring the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone.................................................
Adjusting the display screen contrast.......................................................................................................
Configuring the backlight..................................................................................................................
Creating the idle screen text display.........................................................................................................
Configuring Menu Auto back-out..............................................................................................................
Selecting a ring pattern.............................................................................................................................
Adjusting the volume.................................................................................................................................
Adjusting the ring volume.................................................................................................................
Adjusting the volume of the Handset, Headset, and Handsfree mode.............................................
Adjusting the paging ring volume.....................................................................................................
Selecting a language................................................................................................................................
Selecting the date and time format...........................................................................................................
USB headset.............................................................................................................................................
Headset menu..................................................................................................................................
Presence of USB headset................................................................................................................
Audio format selection......................................................................................................................
Generic USB headset.......................................................................................................................
Avaya USB headset adapter with HID.............................................................................................
Third–party USB headsets with HID.................................................................................................
Analog Terminator Adapter for analog (500/2500-type) telephone or fax machine.........................
Chapter 7: Making a call.....................................................................................................
Making a call using off-hook dialing..........................................................................................................
Making a call using on-hook dialing..........................................................................................................
Using handsfree calling....................................................................................................................
Using Call Subjects...................................................................................................................................
Managing Call Subjects............................................................................................................................
Adding a Call Subject.......................................................................................................................
Deleting a Call Subject.....................................................................................................................
Editing a Call Subject.......................................................................................................................
Chapter 8: Receiving a call................................................................................................
Caller identification....................................................................................................................................
Answering an incoming call.......................................................................................................................
Redirecting an incoming call.....................................................................................................................
Declining an incoming call.........................................................................................................................
Creating a new Call Decline reason during an incoming call....................................................................
Managing Call Decline Reasons...............................................................................................................
Create a new Call Decline Reason..................................................................................................
Delete a Call Decline Reason..........................................................................................................
Edit a Call Decline Reason...............................................................................................................
Ignoring an incoming call..........................................................................................................................
Receiving intercom calls...........................................................................................................................
Receiving paging calls..............................................................................................................................
60 61 61 62 63
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91 91 92 93 94 97 97 98 99
101 101 102 102 104 105 106 106 107 108 108 110 110
6 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
Chapter 9: The Address Book............................................................................................
Viewing the Address Book........................................................................................................................
Initiating a call from the Address Book......................................................................................................
Adding a contact to your Address Book....................................................................................................
Editing a contact in your Address Book....................................................................................................
Copying information to the Address Book.................................................................................................
Searching for a contact in the Address Book............................................................................................
Using the Search feature in the Address Book................................................................................
Using the Search feature..........................................................................................................................
Using Local Search..........................................................................................................................
Using Global Search........................................................................................................................
Chapter 10: Call Inbox........................................................................................................
Accessing the Call Inbox...........................................................................................................................
Managing calls in the Call Inbox while not on a call..................................................................................
Viewing the details of a call in the Call Inbox............................................................................................
Managing missed calls..............................................................................................................................
Missed Calls Notification..................................................................................................................
Initiating a call from the Call Inbox............................................................................................................
Deleting calls in your Call Inbox................................................................................................................
Accessing the calls in your Call Inbox during a call..................................................................................
Chapter 11: Call Outbox.....................................................................................................
Accessing the Call Outbox........................................................................................................................
Managing calls in the Call Outbox while not on a call...............................................................................
Initiating a call from the Call Outbox.................................................................................................
Deleting calls from your Call Outbox................................................................................................
Viewing the details of a call in the Call Outbox................................................................................
Accessing the calls in your Call Outbox during a call...............................................................................
Chapter 12: Instant Messaging..........................................................................................
Configuring Instant Messaging.................................................................................................................
Configuring IM automatic pop-up.....................................................................................................
Configuring Instant Messaging pop-ups...........................................................................................
Configuring IM audible alert.............................................................................................................
Composing an Instant Message...............................................................................................................
Instant Message Inbox/Outbox.................................................................................................................
Accessing Instant Messages............................................................................................................
Viewing the content of an Instant Message..............................................................................................
Replying to an Instant Message.......................................................................................................
Initiating a call from an Instant Message..........................................................................................
Deleting an Instant Message............................................................................................................
Chapter 13: While on an active call...................................................................................
Making a new call......................................................................................................................................
Initiating a call using the active call context-sensitive soft key menu...............................................
Call Waiting...............................................................................................................................................
Placing a call on Hold................................................................................................................................
Multiple calls On Hold.......................................................................................................................
Using 3-way calling...................................................................................................................................
Configuring a conference call...................................................................................................................
111 111 112 113 115 117 119 120 121 121 123
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135 135 136 136 137 138 139
141 141 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 147 148 149
151 151 152 152 153 154 159 160
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 7
Ad hoc conferencing when connecting to the Call Server........................................................................
Edit Domain page.............................................................................................................................
Transferring a call.....................................................................................................................................
Using the Park Call feature.......................................................................................................................
Using Park Call.................................................................................................................................
Retrieving a Parked Call...................................................................................................................
Chapter 14: Additional features.........................................................................................
Using the Friends feature..........................................................................................................................
Accessing your Friends list...............................................................................................................
Editing information of a friend...........................................................................................................
Feature keys.............................................................................................................................................
Feature key programming................................................................................................................
Remove a programmed feature key.................................................................................................
Feature key autoprogramming.........................................................................................................
Using Call Forward....................................................................................................................................
Configuring Do Not Disturb.......................................................................................................................
Configuring a Presence state....................................................................................................................
Adding a new Presence state message...........................................................................................
Configuring Privacy settings......................................................................................................................
Incoming call privacy........................................................................................................................
Outgoing call privacy........................................................................................................................
Multiple Appearance Directory Number....................................................................................................
Audio Codecs............................................................................................................................................
Audio Codec Selection.....................................................................................................................
Audio Codec Ordering......................................................................................................................
PC Client softphone interworking with the IP Deskphone.........................................................................
Answer-Mode Settings.....................................................................................................................
Automatic remote software updates.........................................................................................................
Busy Lamp Field.......................................................................................................................................
Chapter 15: Multiuser.........................................................................................................
Initial login.................................................................................................................................................
Additional logins...............................................................................................................................
Automatic login.................................................................................................................................
Logging out...............................................................................................................................................
Primary account logout.....................................................................................................................
Secondary account logout................................................................................................................
Server failover...........................................................................................................................................
Cable unplugged..............................................................................................................................
Upgrade impacts to user profiles..............................................................................................................
Line keys...................................................................................................................................................
Making a call.............................................................................................................................................
Receiving a call.........................................................................................................................................
Being in a call............................................................................................................................................
Instant Messages......................................................................................................................................
Menu features...........................................................................................................................................
Modifying settings.....................................................................................................................................
Per-account call notification options.................................................................................................
161 162 164 166 167 168
171 171 172 174 178 179 190 192 197 200 202 204 205 205 206 207 208 209 209 209 210 211 212
213 213 214 214 215 215 216 216 216 217 217 219 220 220 221 221 222 222
8 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
IM Settings.......................................................................................................................................
Voice Mail Settings...........................................................................................................................
Remembering settings after logout..................................................................................................
Programmable keys..................................................................................................................................
Inbox, Outbox, IM log.......................................................................................................................
Address books..........................................................................................................................................
User status................................................................................................................................................
Call Forwarding................................................................................................................................
Account selection......................................................................................................................................
Chapter 16: Advanced features.........................................................................................
Viewing the IP Deskphone information.....................................................................................................
Accessing the Services menu..........................................................................................................
Checking for Updates.......................................................................................................................
Resetting the IP Deskphone.............................................................................................................
Erasing the user data.......................................................................................................................
Network menu...........................................................................................................................................
USB flash drive.........................................................................................................................................
Customizable banner for login..................................................................................................................
Phone Information - Details screen...........................................................................................................
Screensaver/screen lock...........................................................................................................................
Background image....................................................................................................................................
Selecting an image screen...............................................................................................................
Service Package Group Support..............................................................................................................
Bulk-create feature keys based on an existing directory Address Book group................................
View existing groups in your Address Book if you selected Groups................................................
View the existing groups you have in your Address Book................................................................
Add a new contact to your Address Book........................................................................................
Add a new group..............................................................................................................................
Speed Dial List..........................................................................................................................................
Speed Dial List screen.....................................................................................................................
Auto-Retrieve flag.............................................................................................................................
USB flash memory device support............................................................................................................
File Manager....................................................................................................................................
USB scenarios..................................................................................................................................
Chapter 17: Visual indicators.............................................................................................
Display screen icons.................................................................................................................................
Visual Alerter/Message Waiting Indicators................................................................................................
Chapter 18: Third party terms............................................................................................
Third Party Terms for Avaya 11xx 12xx sw Release 3.0 through 4.0 (Aug - Nov 2010)...........................
Wchar functions................................................................................................................................
222 222 223 223 224 224 225 225 226 227 228
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10 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013

Chapter 1: Revision history

November 2013 Standard 05.01. This document is up-issued to support SIP Software
Release 4.4.
May 2013 Standard 04.04. This document is up-issued to reflect changes in the Visual
Alerter/Message Waiting Indicators information.
March 2012 Standard 04.03. This document is up-issued to reflect changes in the User
Profile information.
February 2012 Standard 04.02. This document is up-issued to include information about
Busy Lamp Field.
November 2011 Standard 04.01. This document is up-issued to support SIP Software
Release 4.3.
May 2011 Standard 03.02. This document is up-issued to reflect changes in global
power supply information.
November 2010 Standard 03.01. This document is up-issued to support Avaya rebranding
October 2010 Standard 02.01. This document is up-issued to support SIP Software
Release 4.0.
August 2010 Standard 01.01. This document is a new document and is issued to support
SIP Software Release 3.2.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 11
Revision history
12 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Chapter 2: Regulatory and safety
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
The user should not make changes or modifications not expressly approved by Avaya. Any such changes could void the user authority to operate the equipment
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
• This is a Class B product. In a domestic environment this product can cause radio interference in which case the user must take adequate measures.
• Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 13
Regulatory and safety information
Table 1: EMC Compliance
Jurisdiction Standard Description
United States FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Class B Emissions: FCC Rules for Radio Frequency
Devices (see Notes 1 and 2)
Canada ICES-003 Class B Emissions: Interference-Causing
Equipment Standard: Digital Apparatus
Australia/New Zealand
European Community EN 55022 Class B Emissions: Information technology
Japan VCCI Regulations for voluntary control measures.
AS/NZ CISPR 22 CISPR22Class B Emissions: Information technology
equipment - Radio disturbance
equipment - Radio disturbance
EN 55024 Information technology equipment - Immunity
characteristics Limits and methods of measurement
EN 61000-3-2 Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment
input current <= 16 A per phase)
EN 61000-3-3 Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-
voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current <= 16 A
Table 2: Safety Compliance
United States UL 60950-1 Safety of Information Technology Equipment
Canada CSA 60950-1-30 Safety of Information Technology Equipment
Australia/New Zealand
AS/NZS 60950.1:2003 Safety of Information Technology Equipment
Standard Description
European Community EN 60950-1 ITE equipment - Safety - Part 1: General
US/Canada: Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) as per FCC Part 68 Australia: AS/ACIF S004: Voice
Frequency Performance Requirements for Customer Equipment This equipment complies with the CE Marking requirements.
EU Countries: This device complies with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration may be obtained from
Australia: AS/ACIF S004: Voice Frequency Performance Requirements for Customer Equipment.
14 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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DenAn regulatory notice for Japan
Please be careful of the following while installing the equipment:
• Please only use the connecting cables, power cord, AC adaptors shipped with the equipment or specified by Avaya to be used with the equipment. If you use any other equipment, it may cause “failures, malfunctioning, or fire”.
• Power cords shipped with this equipment must not be used with any other equipment. If the above guidelines are not followed, it may lead to death or severe injury.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 15
Regulatory and safety information
16 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Chapter 3: Introduction to the Avaya 1165E
IP Deskphone
The Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone builds on the award-winning Avaya 1100 Series IP Deskphones industrial design and offers a high resolution color display and new graphical user interface elements that enhance the user experience. The Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone provides easy access to multiple lines and call processing features.
Experience the display capabilities by personalizing the background image of the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone display, and loading digital pictures into the IP Deskphone to view a Digital Picture Slideshow when the IP Deskphone is idle. The audio experience is enhanced through engineered audio tuning, and supports wideband (see Note) with a newly-stylized handset that has been softly contoured for additional comfort when using the handset.
Wideband has dependencies on Avaya Communication Platform support and is minimum-release dependent.

Basic features

Your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone supports the following features:
• up to sixteen line/feature keys with indicators using the Shift feature
• four soft keys to provide easy access to features and call control
• high resolution color display
• high-quality handsfree speakerphone
• wideband audio support for handset, headset, speaker, and handsfree microphone
• volume control keys for adjusting ringer, handsfree, handset, and headset volume
• seven specialized feature keys:
- Quit
- Directory
- Message/Inbox
- Shift/Outbox
- Services
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 17
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
- Copy
- Expand
• five call-handling keys:
- Mute
- Handsfree
- Goodbye
- Headset
- Hold
• two Gigabit Ethernet ports—for LAN and PC connections
• integrated headset support for wired and wireless options including USB and Bluetooth Wireless Technology
• IEEE 802.3af PoE or local AC power options
• hearing aid compatibility
• USB port for connecting a USB keyboard, USB mouse, USB headset, USB flash drive and powered hubs
• USB access control (USB lock) that controls how the USB port on the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone can be used
For more information about using the Expansion Module, see the Avaya 1100 Series Expansion Module User Guide (NN43130-101).

Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone controls

The following image shows the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone.
18 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone controls
Figure 1: Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
This section describes the controls on your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone. Your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone can have fixed keys with icons or with labels. This document presents both versions of the fixed key.
The keys on either side of the LCD display area are Self-labeled Line/Programmable feature keys with labels on the LCD. The system administrator can reserve some keys for specific functions during tasks and for advanced configuration. You can define these keys for specific functions, such as Call Forward. Note: The key on the lower right is reserved as your default line key.
Context-sensitive soft keys are located below the display area. The LCD label above each key changes based on the active feature.
Use the Volume control buttons to adjust the volume of the ringer, handset, headset, speaker, and the Handsfree feature. Press the top button to increase the volume, and press the bottom button to decrease the volume.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 19
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
Key Function
Press the Mute key to listen to the call without transmitting. Press the Mute key again to return to two-way conversation. The Mute key applies to handsfree, handset, and headset microphones. Note: When you enable mute, a red LED on the Mute key remains lit.
Press the Handsfree key to activate the built-in speaker and microphone of the IP Deskphone.
Note: The Handsfree LED indicator on the Handsfree key lights to indicate when handsfree is
Use the Navigation Key Cluster to scroll through menus and lists that appear on the LCD display screen or for text entry. The outer part of this key cluster rocks for up, down, left, and right movements. For more information, see Navigation keys.
Use the Enter key, at the center of the Navigation Key Cluster, to select menu items or to confirm changes. Note: The Enter key has the same function as the context-sensitive soft keys Select and Set.
Press the Goodbye/Release key to terminate an active call. When multiple calls are active, press the Goodbye/Release key to end the highlighted call. Use the Goodbye/Release to close menu navigation or cancel user tasks.
Press the Expand key to access the Instant Messaging Log. Note: This feature requires an External Application Server.
Press the Headset key to answer a call using the headset or to switch a call from the handset or handsfree to the headset. Note: The Headset LED indicator on the Headset key lights to indicate that the headset is in use. If the Bluetooth wireless technology is not enabled on your IP Deskphone, this menu is not available.
Press the Hold key to put an active call on hold. Press the Hold fixed key to return to a call on hold. You can have several calls in a hold state.
20 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone controls
Key Function
Use the Dialpad to enter numbers and text. To navigate to an item in a menu, press the corresponding number on the dialpad to activate the item or continue navigate the list of items.
When you receive a voice message, the red Visual Alerter/Message Waiting Indicator lights. Also, when the ringer sounds, this indicator flashes.
When your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone firmware is being updated, the blue Feature Status Lamp indicator flashes. To find out if additional features are supported for this lamp, contact your administrator.
Press the Copy key to copy contact information from one source such as the Address Book to a destination such as a feature key.
Press the Services key, and then use the navigation keys to access the following items:
1. Search—search in the local directory (personal Address Book) and the global directory (network Address Book for names and telephone numbers)
2. Login—log in to your IP Deskphone only when the call server supports multiple user logins.
3. Logout—log out of your IP Deskphone.
4. Check For Updates—check for the latest software and configuration update for the IP Deskphone.
5. Retrieve Parked Call (This feature is not available on all call servers.)
6. Reset Phone—reset your IP Deskphone.
7. File Manager—manage the IP Deskphone file system and USB Devices attached to the IP Deskphone.
8. Logging System—enable or disable the logging process.
9. Phone Information—view information about the hardware and software on your IP Deskphone, including user and location information.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 21
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
Key Function
Press the Quit key to cancel the current operation or to exit the menu. Note: Pressing the Quit key does not affect the status of active calls.
Press the Inbox key to access your call inbox. The call inbox lists all incoming calls on an active IP Deskphone. Note: This key does not function to send Instant Messages.
Press the Shift/Outbox key to access your call outbox.

Key press behavior

The behavior of the IP Deskphone when you press a fixed key is as follows.
Goodbye/Release, Mute, Hold, Headset, Handsfree and Hookswitch
If there is an active established call, the key action applies to this active call.
If there is no active call, the key action is applied to the call that is highlighted in the list of calls.
Some actions may be ignored in certain conditions; for example:
• pressing the Goodbye/Release key for a call on local hold
• pressing the Hold key for an incoming call
Press the Directory key to access the Address Book and the Friends list. Note: You can access the Address Book while on a call and start a new call with a highlighted contact.
Line key
If there is an incoming call, and you press the Line key, the incoming call is answered.
If there is an active call, and you press the Line key, the Line key press is ignored.
22 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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If there are no incoming or active calls, the Line key press is applied to the call that is highlighted in the list of calls.
If there is an active established call and at the same time another call comes in, pressing the Line key puts the active call on hold and answers the incoming call.
If there are several incoming calls at the same time, the newest call is answered. In order to answer a different call, you must select it and press the corresponding soft key.
Soft keys are always used to perform actions on the highlighted call.

Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone display

Your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone has three display areas:
• The upper display area provides line and feature key status.
• The middle display area contains single-line information for items such as caller number, caller name, menu items, feature prompt strings, user-entered digits, date and time information, and telephone information.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone display
• The lower display area provides context-sensitive soft key label information.
Self-labeled line/programmable feature key labels appear beside the line keys, and context­sensitive soft key labels appear directly above the soft keys. Self-labeled means that the label next to the line/feature key is presented from the call server automatically if a feature is programmed, and can also be edited and changed by the user. Context-sensitive means that the labels that appear above the soft keys present the features that are available to the user at that time. The soft key labels change depending on the active feature or the state of the call.
Self-labeled line/programmable feature keys are referred to as line/feature keys and context­sensitive soft keys are referred to as soft keys throughout this document.

USB support

The 1165E IP Deskphone has a USB port for connecting a USB keyboard, USB mouse, USB headset, and USB flash drive. The 1165E IP Deskphone supports powered downstream 1.1­compliant USB hubs, including USB 2.0 hubs, if they offer USB 1.1-backwards compliancy.
There are two levels of power for the USB port.
• When you power the 1165E IP Deskphone through Ethernet POE, the 1165E IP Deskphone provides up to 100 mA at 5 volts for the USB port.
• When you power the 1165E IP Deskphone through local AC power, the 1165E IP Deskphone provides up to 500 mA at 5 volts on the USB port.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 23
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
Current limiting can obstruct the working of complex devices such as USB keyboards with built-in hubs. If a hub is involved, use external power.
You can plug a USB flash drive into the USB Port of the 1165E IP Deskphone or on a powered hub connected to the IP Deskphone, and transfer files to and from the IP Deskphone.

Context-sensitive soft keys

Your IP Deskphone has four context-sensitive soft keys beneath the LCD screen. The context­sensitive soft keys access different features and menus depending on the state of the IP Deskphone and the menu you access.
Not all the following soft keys may be displayed (for example, Retrve, ScrnSvr), depending on what is configured and available on your system and IP Deskphone.
The following figure shows the soft keys while the 1165E IP Deskphone is in the idle state.
Figure 2: Context-sensitive soft keys when the IP Deskphone is in the idle state
Table 3: Menu items accessed through context-sensitive soft keys
Redial or NewCall Press the Redial context-sensitive soft key
to redial the last dialed number. If there is no stored redial number, the NewCall context-sensitive soft key appears and has the same effect as pressing the primary user line key (dial prompt).
abc or 123 Press the abc context-sensitive soft key to
toggle between alpha and numeric input modes.
• To type letters, the abc context-sensitive soft key must be displayed.
• To type numbers, press the abc context­sensitive soft key to display the 123
24 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Context-sensitive soft keys
Item Function
context-sensitive soft key on the menu list.
Msgs Press the Msgs context-sensitive soft key to
access the following features:
1. Voice Mail—use to call your Voice Mail number.
2. Instant Messaging—use to access the Instant Messaging Inbox/Outbox.
3. Missed Call Notification—use to access your Missed Call details.
More… Press the More… context-sensitive soft key
to select a new menu list of context-sensitive soft keys (three menu lists are available). When you press the More… context­sensitive soft key, a different selection of context-sensitive soft keys appears.
• If you press the More… context-sensitive soft key once from the first menu list, you access the following context-sensitive soft keys: [CallFwd] [DND] [Retrve] [More…]
• If you press the More… context-sensitive soft key from the first menu list twice, you access the following context-sensitive soft keys: [ScrnSvr] [Presnce] [Prefs] [More…]
• If you press the More… context-sensitive soft key from the first menu list three times, you return to the first menu list with the following context-sensitive soft keys. [Redial] [abc] [Msgs] [More…]
When you press the More… context-sensitive soft key for the first time, the following
context-sensitive soft keys appear on the menu list.
CallFwd Press the CallFwd context-sensitive soft key
to forward all calls to a specified address.
DND Press the DND context-sensitive soft key to
block all calls.
Retrve Press the Retrve context-sensitive soft key
to retrieve parked calls (local and server calls only).
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 25
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
Item Function
More... Press the More… context-sensitive soft key
When you press the More… context-sensitive soft key for the second time, the following context-sensitive soft keys appear on the menu list.
ScrnSvr Press the ScrnSvr context-sensitive soft key
Presnce Press the Presnce context-sensitive soft key
Prefs Press the Prefs context-sensitive soft key to
to select a new menu list of context-sensitive soft keys. The next available menu list contains the following context-sensitive soft keys: [ScrnSvr] [Presnce] [Prefs] [More…]
to activate the screensaver (only if the screensaver feature is enabled).
to configure the presence status for your IP Deskphone.
display the Preferences menu. The menu items include the following:
1. Display—use to adjust the display settings of the LCD screen.
2. Audio—use to adjust tones and volume settings, access the Codecs menu to configure a USB headset. Press the Audio context-sensitive soft key to access the following features:
• Ring Pattern
- Select test patterns from 1 to 8
• Alerting Volume
- Set Desired volume
• Paging Volume
Configure the volume for the following:
• Handset Volume
• Headset Volume
• Handsfree Volume
Select the Audio Codecs:
• G722 (wideband codec)
• PCMU (standard u-law)
26 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Item Function
• G729 (729 codec)
• PCMA (standard a-law)
Headset Selection
Select the active headset device:
• Wired, USB (if wired, then select type 1, 2 or 3)
• Enable HID Commands (enable or disable)
• MHA Headset Type
• MHA Back Light (enable or disable) Note: You can change the audio settings to improve audio quality based on the available band width. If the Internet bandwidth is low, you can improve the audio quality by changing the audio setting to low.
Context-sensitive soft keys
Monitor Audio Quality
Monitor Audio Quality—used to view details about the audio quality of an active call.
Bluetooth Setup
• Enable Bluetooth (enable or disable)
• To unpair Device select UnPair.
If Bluetooth is enabled, select:
• Search devices (phone searches the bluetooth devices and lists the discovered devices in the Found field.
• To set an Active device select Set.
• To pair with a found device select Pair.
• To unpair Device select UnPair. Note: You can change the audio settings to improve audio quality based on the available band width. If the Internet bandwidth is low, you can improve the audio quality by changing the audio setting to low.
3. Feature Options—use to configure the following:
• Feature keys
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 27
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
Item Function
• Call Ignore Action
• Call Subjects
• Call Fwd Notification
• Missed Call Notification
• Answer Mode Settings — appears when the Auto Answer Mode is enabled on the IP Deskphone.
4. Language—use to change the interface language.
5. Misc Options—use to access the following options:
• Alpha Dialing
• Search Method
• Incoming Privacy
• Outgoing Privacy
• # Ends Dialing
• Hold Mode: Private
• Time
6. Network—use to access the following:
• Server Settings
• Device Settings
• Diagnostics
• Disable screensaver
• Licensing
• Lock
7. USB Locks—use to lock or unlock the following USB devices:
• USB Mouse
• USB Keyboard
• USB Headset
• USB flash drive
8. User Settings - use to modify the following:
• Call Settings
• IM Settings
28 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013
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Item Function
More… Press the More... context-sensitive soft key
to return to the first menu list of context­sensitive soft keys. The next available menu list contains the following context-sensitive soft keys: [Redial] [abc] [Msgs] [More...]

Idle display screen after dial pad input

After you enter information using the dial pad (there is no dial tone or preceding line selection), the context-sensitive soft keys displayed on the idle screen appear as shown in the following figure.
Context-sensitive soft keys
• Voice Mail Settings
• Change Location
Figure 3: Idle display screen after dial pad input
Item Function
Send Press the Send context-sensitive soft key to
dial out the user input using the primary login of the IP Deskphone. User input is run against the dialing plan.
abc or 123 Press the abc or 123 context-sensitive soft
key to toggle between alpha and numeric input mode.
Subject Press the Subject context-sensitive soft key
to configure a subject line to your outgoing call before pressing the Send context­sensitive soft key.
Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 29
Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone
Item Function
Exit Press the Exit context-sensitive soft key to

In-call context-sensitive soft keys

When a call is active, use the context-sensitive soft keys to access the menu items shown in the following figure.
clear the user input and return to the initial idle screen that displays the following context-sensitive soft keys: [Redial] [abc] [Msgs] [More...]. See Context-sensitive soft keys.
Figure 4: In-call context-sensitive soft keys
Table 4: Menu items accessed during an in-call session through context-sensitive soft keys
Item Function
Conf Press the Conf context-sensitive soft key to
obtain a dial tone to place another call during an active call or to make a conference call. The Conf context-sensitive soft key behaves like the NewCall context-sensitive soft key.
Trnsfer Press the Trnsfer context-sensitive soft key to
transfer the current call to another location or to another contact.
Audio Press the Audio context-sensitive soft key to
access the following features:
1. Change Audio Codec
• G722 (wideband codec)
• PCMU (standard u-law)
• G729 (729 codec)
• PCMA (standard a-law)
2. Monitor Audio Quality—used to view details about the audio quality of an active call
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