Note: A wor d about this bro chure. Audi of Am erica, Inc., bel ieves the spec ification s in this brochur e to be correct a t the time of print ing. However, spec ification s, standard eq uipment,
option s, fabrics , and colors a re subject t o change with out notice. Some equipment ma y be unavaila ble when your v ehicle is built. Ple ase ask your dealer for adv ice concern ing current
availa bility of st andard and optio nal equipment, an d your dealer will v erify that y our vehicle will in clude the equipm ent you ordered . Vehicles in this bro chure are shown w ith optional
equipme nt. See your d ealer for com plete deta ils on the Aud i New Vehicle Lim ited Warran ty, twelve -year limi ted warran ty against c orrosion p erfora tion, and Audi 24/7 Roadside
Assis tance. (Roadsi de assistanc e coverage prov ided by Road Amer ica in the U.S. Ce rtain condit ions apply; see y our dealer for de tails.) Tires s upplied by vari ous manufact urers. “Audi,”
all mode l names, “Audi connec t,” “Audi Spo rt,” “Audi ultra,” “ASF,” “cylinder on deman d,” “FSI,” “M MI,” “pre sense,” “quatt ro,” “Sideguard,” “S ingleframe” an d the Singlefr ame grille
design, “ TFSI,” “Truth i n Engineerin g,” and the four rin gs logo are tra demarks or r egistered t rademark s of AUDI AG. “AdBlue ” is a register ed trademar k of the Verband de r Automobil industri e. “Alcantara ” is a register ed trademar k of Alcanta ra S.p.A. “B ang & Olufs en” is a registe red tradema rk of Bang & Olu fsen. The BL UETOOTH w ord mark and lo gos are owne d by the
Blueto oth SIG, Inc., and a ny use of such mark s by AUDI AG is under l icense. “BOSE ” and “AudioPilot ” are register ed trademark s of the BOSE Co rporation. “G oogle,” “Googl e Earth” an d
“Googl e Voice” are tr ademark s of Google In c. “HD Radio ” and the HD Radi o logo are pr oprieta ry trade marks of iBi quity Dig ital Corp oration. “ Homelink ” is a regis tered tra demark of Joh nson Cont rols Techno logy Comp any. “iPod ” is a regist ered trad emark of App le Inc. “S ervotr onic” is a re gistered t rademar k of the AM Ge neral Corp oration . “SiriusX M” and all related marks
and logo s are trade marks of Si rius XM Radi o Inc. and it s subsidiar ies. “TDI ” is a registe red trade mark of Volk swagen AG . “Tipt ronic” is a re gistere d trademar k of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.
“Wi- Fi” is a trademar k of the Wi-Fi Al liance. All othe r trademarks ar e the propert y of their respective ow ners. Some Eur opean models sh own.
More than just cars, more than just performance. Audi is
about the nature of perception, determining how people will
respond to and interact with innovative design. It’s about applied physics, how things glide through the air and overcome
inertia through the application of power, acceleration and
exhilaration.1 It’s about artistry, and the way materials elicit
a tactile response and provoke an emotional response. It’s
↑ ↑
chemistry and how it bonds with you. It’s poetry written in
metal, engineering and design. Audi is the product of learning
and application of knowledge. At its best, it is a dynamic
example of what humans can create when they are vested in
creating something better and bolder. So Audi is not just
about cars. But then again, of course, it’s also about cars.
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1 Obey all speed and trac laws.
It’s Audi because
luxury tells the ornate, the garish,
the gilded and the over-indulgent…
→ Ornate elements don’t help to tell time →
→ Gilt prone to dull →
...time’s up.
← Precise design and improved accuracy ←
← Easily processed information at a glance ←
← Design allows for hanging, for improved viewing angle ←
→ Unnecessary weight means mantle and not wall →
1 Always pay careful attention to the road, and do not drive while distracted. The
features and technologies discussed above are optional, may require an additional
subscription with separate terms and conditions, and should be used only when it
is safe and appropriate. The Wi-Fi® hotspot feature is intended for passenger use
only. 2 Features and technologies listed will not be available on all models.
Excessive luxury is not our goal. But we feel that luxury
doesn’t mean “more,” it means “proper.” Proper design,
proper fit, proper precision—what Audi thinks of as design
purity. Our engineers and designers know that a baroque
clock won’t tell time any better than a streamlined one,
and all the distractions that surround it actually detract
from the purpose of the clock itself. Unless, of course, the
purpose is just to be noticed, instead of used to its greatest
potential. We think the real purpose of design is simplicity,
elegantly rendered. We think you’ll see and feel that concept
throughout our Audi models. In the clean design lines of
the exterior, the streamlined dash, and Audi MMI® interface. In our intuitive available Audi connect®,1 the seamless
fit and finish of our materials and the unmistakable look of
our Audi Singleframe® grille.2 They all work in concert for a
pure aesthetic of timeless taste and precision.
It’s Audi because
our reputation hinges on the quality
of things you don’t see.
Award-winning design
When Audi engineers set out to build the
perfect door, they had one very important
goal—lighten the load. By using fully pressed
aluminum doors, the weight of the Audi A6 door
structure was reduced by an astonishing 44 lb,
compared to the previous model. This feat,
combined with the strength of its door hinges
and ability to retain all of its mechanical,
safety and infotainment features, is why it
won the Doors and Closures Innovation Award.
It’s said that when one door closes, another one opens. It
sounds as if whoever said it spent some time at an Audi research and development facility. After all, while you’ll open
and close the door on your Audi thousands of times without
thinking about it, we’ve obsessed about it for you, in detail.
Not just about the reliability of it opening and closing,
obviously, but on the proper weight that will make it more
pleasing to close. What it should sound like when it is shut.
How the locks should click when they are engaged. The opti-
hinges too, of course. And the door itself, which is designed
to take the brunt of side-collision impacts, along with several dozen other considerations that we take into account
when designing our doors (to say nothing of the countless
other components, processors, sensors, features and the
inner workings most people will never see). Our doors are
more than a symbol of welcoming you into your vehicle, they
are products of Audi engineering, and our reputation hinges
on them as much as our hinges help support the door.
mal acoustic placement for the speaker port. There are the
1 Doors and Closures Innovation Award 2011, Automotive Circle International. The award is annually bestowed by Automotive Circle International
for the most innovative door or closure development in automobile series production.
Acoustic enhancements
We spend countless hours listening, so
you don’t have to. By using soft-mounts
on our window regulator, or a sound
absorber backing within the door cavity
itself, as well as a simple foam liner on
our door-release cable, Audi engineers
have nearly eliminated all of the ambient
noise associated with other less-than-
acute manufacturing practices.
Speaker placement and enclosure
We work with our partners to select optimal
placement of our speakers, a vital aspect of
our door design, in order to deliver the most
engaging and extraordinary sound you can
find in the automotive space. Woofers use a
specialized lightweight and ported enclosure to
ensure optimum low-frequency reproduction.
Asymmetric torque split Sport differential
Asymmetric torque split
↑ ↑↑ ↑
Sport differential
It’s Audi because
conditions don’t have to dictate how
you stick it to the road.
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European model shown with optional equipment. 1 Torque split ratio will vary from model to model.
2 Optional features. Features and technologies listed will not be available on all models.
Torque vectoring
Torque vectoring
You’ll find truth in your corner. Torque vectoring is a handling feature so advanced
that it seems to respond to your impulses even before you turn the steering wheel.
An evolution of cross-axle lock, this system works within the Audi quattro® all-wheel
drive system while utilizing Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) to help sense reduced load or wheel-spin on the inside cornering
tire, helping to make turns smoother and more responsive.
As you can see, we’ve always felt that the best ideas are the
ones that stick. And nowhere is that more true than with Audi
quattro® all-wheel drive. Since 1980, we’ve been stuck on
articulating an expanding vision of what progressive all-wheel
drive technology can deliver. We didn’t simply look at it as
something to use in poor conditions, but rather as a perfor-
mance technology that’s built to handle roads from the Alps
to the autobahn—and points beyond. You’ve seen quattro®
capabilities in the way we dominated the World Rally Cham-
and in the variable rear-wheel-biased power you enjoy in
good conditions.1 For more than 30 years and with five million
quattro® systems installed in Audi vehicles, we have continued
to refine the technology, developing a rear sport dierential
to help maximize performance, and torque vectoring to assist
with cornering traction while helping to improve handling.2
We boldly stuck to what worked while the world was trying
to catch up, and we built on our vision by adding to a gripping
heritage of Audi Sport® performance.
pionship for years, in the grip you have in inclement weather,
Ants can carry up to 50 times their
body weight. That got us thinking
about lightweight structures, smart
engineering and true performance.
It’s Audi because
power is measured by strength,
not size.
It’s perfectly fine for us to admit that other engines have
more cylinders, have more horsepower and have larger displacements. It’s just that we’ve made our engines lighter and
more ecient than others, to optimize what we call power
density.1 Because anyone who has driven an Audi knows unmistakable power when they feel it. It means strength that
pulses with torque at the moment of acceleration, provides a
true, quick response as you change lanes, and turns the most
routine cloverleaf into a joyful application of performance
handling. Sure, we love hitting the throttle and feeling the
thrust of acceleration,2 but we also want our drivers to experience the balance and precision of Audi engineering. From the
A3 to our track-bred line of Audi performance cars, we are
in the business of engineering emotion using more compact
engines that concentrate power, while using less weight to
your advantage, helping improve handling to the point where
others just feel heavy.
A turbocharged, fuel-sipping variant, our TDI®
clean diesel engine delivers uncompromising
Audi performance with bold eciency.
it gets better mileage per gallon than comparable gasoline engines, but it also produces
more low-end torque, which is best expressed
in the elasticity you have when passing in the
30- to 60-mph range.
1 See for EPA estimates. Your mileage will vary. 2 Obey all speed and trac laws.
The Audi FSI direct injection fuel management and delivery system directly injects fuel
into the combustion chambers at precisely
managed times and depths. What that means
for drivers is that a fully homogenized intake
charge helps increase power while also reducing fuel consumption and emissions, making
eciency more powerful.
At Audi, TFSI represents a combination of two
of the brand’s core areas of expertise—direct
injection and forced induction. By adding
forced induction (turbocharging or supercharging) to Audi FSI direct injection, the
pressurized intake charge is cooled by directly
injected fuel, thus achieving eciency and
performance combined with higher compression ratios—previously only attainable by
naturally aspirated engines.
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City events
City events
Get information about current
events, exciting locations and
places of interest at your travel
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Mobile Wi-Fi® hotspot
Mobile Wi-Fi® hotspot
destination, current location or
other chosen location instantly.
Provides high-speed connectivity
for up to eight passenger devices
through an onboard wireless hub.
It’s Audi because
spicy chicken is your destiny.
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myAudi features
myAudi features
Plan travel from your personal
computer. Send your desired
destinations to your vehicle
ahead of time and access your
route from your vehicle later.
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Google Earth™ with 3D satellite imagery
Google Earth™ with 3D satellite imagery
With Google Earth™ integration, you’ll
enjoy 3D satellite imagery, including Google
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Google Voice™ Local Search
Google Voice™ Local Search
Maps Street View, displayed right on the
Audi MMI display.
Simply tell your Audi what you are in the
mood for, then let the cloud-processing
power of Google™ speech recognition
interpret your request and bring up a list
of destinations in the area of your choice.
If you are craving an Audi, we know your tastes run a little
bold. But what happens when you crave spicy chicken, or a
nice vindaloo, or some pepper salsa? Well, in your Audi, you
can just say the word, and we’ll help find the heat. With available Audi connect®,1 we’ve developed a way to seek out your
destiny, even if that’s just finding the closest gas station, or
gies, like Google Earth™ with 3D satellite imagery, with Audi
MMI® Navigation plus.2 It also provides Wi-Fi® connectivity
for up to eight passenger devices to help you stay informed.
Check local fuel prices, weather information and, yes, the
closest Szechuan restaurant using Google™ Local Search capabilities. Think of where that might take you.
the best hotel. Audi connect integrates Google™ technolo-
1 Always pay careful attention to the road, and do not drive while distracted. The features and technologies discussed above are optional, may require an additional subscription with separate terms
and conditions, and should be used only when it is safe and appropriate. The Wi-Fi® hotspot feature is intended for passenger use only. 2 Audi MMI® Navigation plus depends on signals from the
worldwide Global Positioning Satellite network. The vehicle’s electrical system and existing wireless and satellite technologies must be available and operating properly for the system to function.
The system is designed to provide you with suggested routes in locating addresses, destinations and other points of interest. Changes in street names, construction zones, trac flow, points of inter-
est and other road system changes are beyond the control of Audi of America, Inc. Complete detailed mapping of lanes, roads, streets, toll roads, highways, etc., is not possible, therefore you may
encounter discrepancies between the mapping and your actual location. Please rely on your individual judgment in determining whether or not to follow a suggested Audi MMI® Navigation plus route.
Periodically mapping updates will be available for purchase at an additional cost. Consult your dealer or call 1-800-FOR-AUDI for details. 3 Optional features. Features and technologies listed will
not be available on all models.
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Elephant skull
How nature solved the apparent conundrum of an elephant’s skull didn’t escape
the notice of Heinrich Timm, the longtime lead engineer for Audi. The weight
of the tusks and the general size of an elephant’s head would seem to make it
impossible for the animal to actually be able to carry it. But the design genius
behind the elephant’s skull is actually to make it lightweight, yet sturdy. Its predominantly hollow design is buered by thin, connective bone walls, which act
as strong, weight-bearing cells. Audi designers used that idea when building our
aluminum and steel structures. Reducing weight, yet enabling strength.
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Our large aluminum castings are a telling example of
Audi ultra® lightweight technology. Primarily used in
high-stress areas, these multifunctional castings achieve
exceptional rigidity while also allowing for freedom of
design, all while remaining extremely lightweight.
It’s Audi because
the elegant structure of nature
becomes a blueprint of eciency.
It seems strange to say that, while we build strong, complex and high-performing machines, we’re naturalists at
heart. Then again, it might not be that unusual, seeing
how nature itself builds strong, complex and highperforming machines as well. When we developed the
thinking behind our Audi ultra® lightweight technology
initiative, we knew that nature would serve as an inspiration to greater structural eciency. Take the structure
of the elephant skull pictured here. It has to be lightweight, yet capable of carrying a heavy load. It’s porous,
but its structure is such that it enhances its stability and
1 Features and technologies listed will not be available on all models. 2 See for EPA estimates. Your mileage will vary.
strength. We do the same, for example, with aluminum.
Positioned one way, aluminum materials can be flexible.
Positioned another, they are strong and rigid, and give
better support. We also looked to bamboo, which is
strong at the conjoined areas (nodes), and flexible along
its stem. Our designs allow for both rigidity and flexibility
where each is most needed, and for eciency overall.2
As we continue to develop strategies to improve the performance aspects and eciency of our vehicles, we don’t
shy away from the world around us.2 We boldly engage it
even closer still.
It’s Audi because
you I.D. our eye queue.
Even if you knew nothing about Audi, you’d still know if
you were staring at one because we are unafraid to stare
back. In fact, that exchange might just be love at first
sight. That’s how much our iconic LED lighting technology
stands out from the pack. So we had the bright idea to
make our LED daytime running lights look even more in-
1Features listed are available on all models.
tense. Now featuring a solid, sleek diode design that ingeniously reinvents our signature style, Audi LED
technology is once again unmistakably ours. It is an
cient, beautiful way to help you see and be seen during
dawn and dusk. Look deeply into our eyes, and you’ll know
the truth of our attraction.
Steering wheel
The Audi steering wheel is both an ergonomic command center
and an elegant structure of performance. Easily accessed controls
on the wheel give you control over your MMI® and Audi connect®,
while it is designed to give you eortless access to visual information on the driver information display.
Audi connect and MMI
Simple voice or finger motions can help you access information,
music and BLUETOOTH® enabled features.
Electromechanical parking brake
Properly positioned in the center console, the parking brake control is another small, but telling, design cue for Audi. The parking
brake control serves to enhance the overall ergonomic intent of
the vehicle, while delivering easy access and simple functionality.
Bang & Olufsen® Advanced Sound System
With retractable acoustic lenses and speakers positioned around
the Audi specifically to optimize sound quality, Bang & Olufsen®
engineers have worked tirelessly with Audi sound designers to
create an immersive audio experience.
It’s Audi because
1 Optional features. Features and technologies listed will not be available on all models. 2 Always pay careful attention to the road, and do not drive while distracted. The features and technologies discussed above are optional, may require additional
subscription with separate terms and conditions, and should be used only when it is safe and appropriate. The Wi-Fi hotspot feature is intended for passenger use only.
optimized design makes your
commute shine a little brighter.
Get away from it all, every day, around 6 p.m., when you
leave work and enter into a customized world that’s completely dedicated to your comfort and entertainment.
This place, of course, is the cabin of your Audi. Optimized
luxury, designed by committed craftsmen who have you
in mind when they choose the leather seating surfaces,
create the adjustable seats or provide the refinement of
ergonomic design and a more intuitive MMI. There are
small touches that help simplify the overall design, like a
stylish contoured electromechanical parking brake at the
foot of the center stack and an available Bang & Olufsen®
retracting acoustic lens, perfectly positioned for richly detailed sound quality. And there are large statements, like
a steering wheel with easily accessed controls to help you
feel comfortably at ease. It is your Audi interior, where you
leave the world behind, even when the world might seem
in front of you on the way home.
It’s Audi because
it’s as if we have SPF for seats.
With innovative pigments and dyes, the Thermocool technology Audi uses in select leather seating surfaces just
might prevent that startling moment on hot sunny days.
You know the one, when you sit down and feel, immediately, an intense, searing feeling on your leg. Now you
can keep your cool. This supple leather doesn’t heat up as
Without Thermocool
Without Thermocool
much in direct sunlight as traditional leather does. In fact,
the dierence between untreated leather and the temperature on your seat treated with Thermocool can be as
much as 86°. A perfect solution for your Audi A5 Cabriolet,
TT Roadster or R8 Spyder, Thermocool technology is Audi
to its core. Because it keeps its cool, you can keep yours.
Cold Comfort Warm Hot Max
With Thermocool
With Thermocool
↑ ↑↑ ↑
Reduce as much as 86
1 Images shown are for dramatization purposes only.
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