Audi A7 2019 Owner's Manual

A7 2019
Audi of America
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© 2018 Audi of Am erica, Inc. Pri nted in U. S.A. AoA1921928
You won’t fall in love just on looks alone.
2019 Audi A7 Prestige shown in Triton Blue metallic with available equipment.
The mysteries of attraction.
All-new Audi A7
The original, evolved. The iconic, refi ned. Even a vehicle that defi ed defi nition is destined to explore new boundaries and fi nd new frontiers for expression. With the all-new Audi A7, design sophistication remains essential, from daring exterior surfacing to an interior of architectural signifi cance. Intelligence drives its perfor­mance. Luxury fi nds your comfort zone. The clues to its power of attraction are easy to see, making it no mystery at all.
The sharp definition of the upper fender line pays homage to the original Ur-Quattro sports coupe.
A brief outline on the nature of desire.
Graceful arcs sweep your eyes o their feet. The lines lead you on but don’t let you down. The new Audi A7 stays true to its roots as the fi ve-door Sportback. The form is familiar, and the detailing is more complex—lower and wider for a more aggressive stance. Balanced from top to bottom and front to rear. Where the smooth and the creased, the angled and the ovoid work in unison to have you falling head over wheels.
The shoulder line extends towards the rear and is positioned low to give the Audi A7 a sportier pres­ence than the previous Audi A7.
The gradual slope that defines Sportback.
The defined edge of the boat line tapers in as it moves towards the rear.
2019 Audi A7 Prestige shown in Triton Blue metallic with available equipment.
Take a second glance at love at first sight.
Whether you’re left speechless or you feel your heart beating faster, the e ects of a powerful fi rst impression can make you think it’s more than infatuation. Audi sees lighting from both functional and creative perspectives, where tech innovation can serve more than one purpose. With the Audi A7, 24 vertical beams of the available HD Matrix-design headlights with high-beam assistant¹ are arranged to pique your interest. They serve as daytime running lights and dynamic indicators, accenting the new direction of the A7. And by getting your attention, they’ve proven their e ectiveness.
Blessed with the magnetism to hold your attention.
Designed to stop others in their tracks. The undulating fl ow of the 26 vertical light bars draws you in, and the red sliver of the LED light bar helps accentuate the width of the AudiA7. Available LED taillights with animation greet or bid you farewell with a choreographed dance of light.
Dynamic indicators
When the driver signals their intent to change lanes, the dynamic indicators illuminate from the inside out to help create awareness for drivers following the Audi A7.
2019 Audi A7 Prestige shown in Triton Blue metallic with available equipment.
1 Driver Assistance features are not substitutes for attentive driving. Please see your Owner’s Manual for further details and important limitations.
A design revolution gone askew.
Convention has been overthrown. The digital displays of the MMI® touch response and the available Audi virtual cockpit systems usher in a new era of user interface.¹ Fewer buttons and knobs give the interior a minimalist aesthetic, highlighted by a gleaming, high-gloss black surface. Infotainment and climate control panels are angled in favor of the driver. Instead of upheaval, this change of systems brings an elegant sense of order.
The designers angled the center screens to create a driver-focused layout.
2019 Audi A7 Prestige shown with Sarder Brown Valcona leather and available equipment.
1 Always pay careful attention to the road, and do not drive while distracted. See Owner’s Manual for further details and important limitations.
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