ATMEL AT91SAM7S512, AT91SAM7S256, AT91SAM7S128, AT91SAM7S64, AT91SAM7S321, AT91SAM7S32 User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
• Incorporates the ARM7TDMI
– High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture
– High-density 16-bit Instruction Set
– Leader in MIPS/Watt
– EmbeddedICE
• Internal High-speed Flash
– 512 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S512) Organized in Two Contiguous Banks of 1024 Pages
of 256 Bytes (Dual Plane)
– 256 kbytes(AT91SAM7S256) Organized in 1024 Pages of 256 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 128 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S128) Organized in 512 Pages of 256 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 64 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S64) Organized in 512 Pages of 128 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 32 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S321/32) Organized in 256 Pages of 128 Bytes (Single Plane)
– Single Cycle Access at Up to 30 MHz in Worst Case Conditions
– Prefetch Buffer Optimizing Thumb Instruction Execution at Maximum Speed
– Page Programming Time: 6 ms, Including Page Auto-erase, Full Erase Time: 15 ms
– 10,000 Write Cycles, 10-year Data Retention Capability, Sector Lock Capabilities,
Flash Security Bit
– Fast Flash Programming Interface for High Volume Production
• Internal High-speed SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Speed
– Embedded Flash Controller, Abort Status and Misalignment Detection
• Reset Controller (RSTC)
– Based on Power-on Reset and Low-power Factory-calibrated Brown-out Detector
– Provides External Reset Signal Shaping and Reset Source Status
• Clock Generator (CKGR)
– Low-power RC Oscillator, 3 to 20 MHz On-chip Oscillator and one PLL
• Power Management Controller (PMC)
– Software Power Optimization Capabilities, Including Slow Clock Mode (Down to
500 Hz) and Idle Mode
– Three Programmable External Clock Signals
• Advanced Interrupt Controller (AIC)
– Individually Maskable, Eight-level Priority, Vectored Interrupt Sources
– Two (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321) or One (AT91SAM7S32) External Interrupt
Source(s) and One Fast Interrupt Source, Spurious Interrupt Protected
• Debug Unit (DBGU)
– 2-wire UART and Support for Debug Communication Channel interrupt,
Programmable ICE Access Prevention
• Periodic Interval Timer (PIT)
– 20-bit Programmable Counter plus 12-bit Interval Counter
• Windowed Watchdog (WDT)
– 12-bit key-protected Programmable Counter
– Provides Reset or Interrupt Signals to the System
– Counter May Be Stopped While the Processor is in Debug State or in Idle Mode
In-circuit Emulation, Debug Communication Channel Support
– 32-bit Free-running Counter with Alarm
– Runs Off the Internal RC Oscillator
• One Parallel Input/Output Controller (PIOA)
– Thirty-two (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321) or twenty-one (AT91SAM7S32) Programmable I/O Lines Multiplexed with up
to Two Peripheral I/Os
– Input Change Interrupt Capability on Each I/O Line
– Individually Programmable Open-drain, Pull-up resistor and Synchronous Output
• Eleven (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321) or Nine (AT91SAM7S32) Peripheral DMA Controller (PDC) Channels
• One USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per Second) Device Port (Except for the AT91SAM7S32).
– Independent Clock and Frame Sync Signals for Each Receiver and Transmitter
– I²S Analog Interface Support, Time Division Multiplex Support
– High-speed Continuous Data Stream Capabilities with 32-bit Data Transfer
• Two (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321) or One (AT91SAM7S32) Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver Transmitters
– Individual Baud Rate Generator, IrDA
– Support for ISO7816 T0/T1 Smart Card, Hardware Handshaking, RS485 Support
– Full Modem Line Support on USART1 (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321)
Infrared Modulation/Demodulation
• One Master/Slave Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
– 8- to 16-bit Programmable Data Length, Four External Peripheral Chip Selects
• One Three (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321)-channel or Two (AT91SAM7S32)-channel 16-bit Timer/Counter (TC)
– Three (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321) or One (AT91SAM7S32) External Clock Input(s), Two Multi-purpose I/O Pins per
– Master Mode Support Only, All Two-wire Atmel EEPROMs Supported
• One 8-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter, Four Channels Multiplexed with Digital I/Os
Boot Assistant
– Default Boot program
– Interface with SAM-BA Graphic User Interface
1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan on All Digital Pins
• 5V-tolerant I/Os, including Four High-current Drive I/O lines, Up to 16 mA Each
• Power Supplies
– Embedded 1.8V Regulator, Drawing up to 100 mA for the Core and External Components
– 3.3V or 1.8V VDDIO I/O Lines Power Supply, Independent 3.3V VDDFLASH Flash Power Supply
– 1.8V VDDCORE Core Power Supply with Brown-out Detector
• Fully Static Operation: Up to 55 MHz at 1.65V and 85°C Worst Case Conditions
• Available in 64-lead LQFP Green or 64-pad QFN Green Package (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321) and 48-lead LQFP Green or
48-pad QFN Green Package (AT91SAM7S32)
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
Atmel’s AT91SAM7S is a series of low pincount Flash microcontrollers based on the 32-bit
ARM RISC processor. It features a high-speed Flash and an SRAM, a large set of peripherals,
including a USB 2.0 device (except for the AT91SAM7S32), and a complete set of system
functions minimizing the number of external components. The device is an ideal migration
path for 8-bit microcontroller users looking for additional performance and extended memory.
The embedded Flash memory can be programmed in-system via the JTAG-ICE interface or
via a parallel interface on a production programmer prior to mounting. Built-in lock bits and a
security bit protect the firmware from accidental overwrite and preserves its confidentiality.
The AT91SAM7S Series system controller includes a reset controller capable of managing the
power-on sequence of the microcontroller and the complete system. Correct device operation
can be monitored by a built-in brownout detector and a watchdog running off an integrated RC
The AT91SAM7S Series are general-purpose microcontrollers. Their integrated USB Device
port makes them ideal devices for peripheral applications requiring connectivity to a PC or cellular phone. Their aggressive price point and high level of integration pushes their scope of
use far into the cost-sensitive, high-volume consumer market.
Note:References to the AT91SAM7S512 in this document concern a future product under
1.1Configuration Summary of the AT91SAM7S512, AT91SAM7S256, AT91SAM7S128,
AT91SAM7S64, AT91SAM7S321 and AT91SAM7S32
The AT91SAM7S512, AT91SAM7S256, AT91SAM7S128, AT91SAM7S64, AT91SAM7S321
and AT91SAM7S32 differ in memory size, peripheral set and package. Table 1-1 summarizes
the configuration of the six devices.
Except for the AT91SAM7S32, all other AT91SAM7S devices are package and pinout
VDDINVoltage and ADC Regulator Power Supply Input Power3.0 to 3.6V
VDDOUTVoltage Regulator OutputPower1.85V nominal
VDDFLASHFlash Power SupplyPower 3.0V to 3.6V
VDDIOI/O Lines Power SupplyPower3.0V to 3.6V or 1.65V to 1.95V
VDDCORECore Power SupplyPower1.65V to 1.95V
VDDPLLPLLPower1.65V to 1.95V
IRQ0 - IRQ1External Interrupt InputsInputIRQ1 not present on AT91SAM7S32
FIQFast Interrupt InputInput
PA0 - PA31Parallel IO Controller AI/O
Flash and NVM Configuration Bits Erase
Debug Unit
InputHighPull-down resistor
Pulled-up input at reset
PA0 - PA20 only on AT91SAM7S32
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
Table 3-1.Signal Description List (Continued)
Signal NameFunctionType
USB Device Port
DDMUSB Device Port Data - Analognot present on AT91SAM7S32
DDPUSB Device Port Data +Analognot present on AT91SAM7S32
SCK0 - SCK1Serial ClockI/OSCK1 not present on AT91SAM7S32
TXD0 - TXD1Transmit DataI/OTXD1 not present on AT91SAM7S32
RXD0 - RXD1 Receive DataInputRXD1 not present on AT91SAM7S32
RTS0 - RTS1Request To SendOutputRTS1 not present on AT91SAM7S32
CTS0 - CTS1Clear To Send InputCTS1 not present on AT91SAM7S32
DCD1Data Carrier Detect Inputnot present on AT91SAM7S32
DTR1Data Terminal ReadyOutputnot present on AT91SAM7S32
DSR1Data Set ReadyInputnot present on AT91SAM7S32
RI1Ring IndicatorInputnot present on AT91SAM7S32
Note:1. The bottom pad of the QFN package must be connected to ground.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
4.348-lead LQFP and 48-pad QFN Package Outlines
Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 show the orientation of the 48-lead LQFP and the 48-pad QFN
package. A detailed mechanical description is given in the section Mechanical Characteristics
of the full datasheet.
Figure 4-3.48-lead LQFP Package (Top View)
Figure 4-4.48-pad QFN Package (Top View)
4.448-lead LQFP and 48-pad QFN Pinout
Table 4-2.AT91SAM7S32 Pinout
Note:1. The bottom pad of the QFN package must be connected to ground.
5.Power Considerations
5.1Power Supplies
The AT91SAM7S Series has six types of power supply pins and integrates a voltage regulator,
allowing the device to be supplied with only one voltage. The six power supply pin types are:
• VDDIN pin. It powers the voltage regulator and the ADC; voltage ranges from 3.0V to 3.6V,
3.3V nominal.
• VDDOUT pin. It is the output of the 1.8V voltage regulator.
• VDDIO pin. It powers the I/O lines and the USB transceivers; dual voltage range is
supported. Ranges from 3.0V to 3.6V, 3.3V nominal or from 1.65V to 1.95V, 1.8V nominal.
Note that supplying less than 3.0V to VDDIO prevents any use of the USB transceivers.
• VDDFLASH pin. It powers a part of the Flash and is required for the Flash to operate
correctly; voltage ranges from 3.0V to 3.6V, 3.3V nominal.
• VDDCORE pins. They power the logic of the device; voltage ranges from 1.65V to 1.95V,
1.8V typical. It can be connected to the VDDOUT pin with decoupling capacitor.
VDDCORE is required for the device, including its embedded Flash, to operate correctly.
During startup, core supply voltage (VDDCORE) slope must be superior or equal to
• VDDPLL pin. It powers the oscillator and the PLL. It can be connected directly to the
No separate ground pins are provided for the different power supplies. Only GND pins are provided and should be connected as shortly as possible to the system ground plane.
In order to decrease current consumption, if the voltage regulator and the ADC are not used,
VDDIN, ADVREF, AD4, AD5, AD6 and AD7 should be connected to GND. In this case
VDDOUT should be left unconnected.
5.2Power Consumption
The AT91SAM7S Series has a static current of less than 60 µA on VDDCORE at 25°C, including the RC oscillator, the voltage regulator and the power-on reset. When the brown-out
detector is activated, 20 µA static current is added.
The dynamic power consumption on VDDCORE is less than 50 mA at full speed when running
out of the Flash. Under the same conditions, the power consumption on VDDFLASH does not
exceed 10 mA.
5.3Voltage Regulator
The AT91SAM7S Series embeds a voltage regulator that is managed by the System
In Normal Mode, the voltage regulator consumes less than 100 µA static current and draws
100 mA of output current.
The voltage regulator also has a Low-power Mode. In this mode, it consumes less than 25 µA
static current and draws 1 mA of output current.
Adequate output supply decoupling is mandatory for VDDOUT to reduce ripple and avoid
oscillations. The best way to achieve this is to use two capacitors in parallel: one external 470
pF (or 1 nF) NPO capacitor must be connected between VDDOUT and GND as close to the
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
chip as possible. One external 2.2 µF (or 3.3 µF) X7R capacitor must be connected between
Adequate input supply decoupling is mandatory for VDDIN in order to improve startup stability
and reduce source voltage drop. The input decoupling capacitor should be placed close to the
chip. For example, two capacitors can be used in parallel: 100 nF NPO and 4.7 µF X7R.
5.4Typical Powering Schematics
The AT91SAM7S Series supports a 3.3V single supply mode. The internal regulator is connected to the 3.3V source and its output feeds VDDCORE and the VDDPLL. Figure 5-1 shows
the power schematics to be used for USB bus-powered systems.
Figure 5-1. 3.3V System Single Power Supply Schematic
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
Power Source
from 4.5V (USB)
to 18V
DC/DC Converter
6.I/O Lines Considerations
6.1JTAG Port Pins
TMS, TDI and TCK are schmitt trigger inputs. TMS and TCK are 5-V tolerant, TDI is not. TMS,
TDI and TCK do not integrate a pull-up resistor.
TDO is an output, driven at up to VDDIO, and has no pull-up resistor.
The JTAGSEL pin is used to select the JTAG boundary scan when asserted at a high level.
The JTAGSEL pin integrates a permanent pull-down resistor of about 15 kΩ to GND, so that it
can be left unconnected for normal operations.
6.2Test Pin
The TST pin is used for manufacturing test, fast programming mode or SAM-BA Boot Recovery of the AT91SAM7S Series when asserted high. The TST pin integrates a permanent pulldown resistor of about 15 kΩ to GND, so that it can be left unconnected for normal operations.
To enter fast programming mode, the TST pin and the PA0 and PA1 pins should be tied high
and PA2 tied to low.
To enter SAM-BA Boot Recovery, the TST pin and the PA0, PA1 and PA2 pins should be tied
Driving the TST pin at a high level while PA0 or PA1 is driven at 0 leads to unpredictable
6.3Reset Pin
The NRST pin is bidirectional with an open drain output buffer. It is handled by the on-chip
reset controller and can be driven low to provide a reset signal to the external components or
asserted low externally to reset the microcontroller. There is no constraint on the length of the
reset pulse, and the reset controller can guarantee a minimum pulse length. This allows connection of a simple push-button on the pin NRST as system user reset, and the use of the
signal NRST to reset all the components of the system.
The NRST pin integrates a permanent pull-up resistor to VDDIO.
6.4ERASE Pin
The ERASE pin is used to re-initialize the Flash content and some of its NVM bits. It integrates
a permanent pull-down resistor of about 15 kΩ to GND, so that it can be left unconnected for
normal operations.
6.5PIO Controller A Lines
All the I/O lines PA0 to PA31 (PA0 to PA20 on AT91SAM7S32) are 5V-tolerant and all integrate a programmable pull-up resistor. Programming of this pull-up resistor is performed
independently for each I/O line through the PIO controllers.
5V-tolerant means that the I/O lines can drive voltage level according to VDDIO, but can be
driven with a voltage of up to 5.5V. However, driving an I/O line with a voltage over VDDIO
while the programmable pull-up resistor is enabled will create a current path through the pullup resistor from the I/O line to VDDIO. Care should be taken, in particular at reset, as all the
I/O lines default to input with pull-up resistor enabled at reset.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
6.6I/O Line Drive Levels
The PIO lines PA0 to PA3 are high-drive current capable. Each of these I/O lines can drive up
to 16 mA permanently.
The remaining I/O lines can draw only 8 mA.
However, the total current drawn by all the I/O lines cannot exceed 150 mA (100mA for
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
7.Processor and Architecture
7.1ARM7TDMI Processor
• RISC processor based on ARMv4T Von Neumann architecture
– Two watchpoint units
– Test access port accessible through a JTAG protocol
– Debug communication channel
• Debug Unit
–Two-pin UART
– Debug communication channel interrupt handling
– Chip ID Register
• IEEE1149.1 JTAG Boundary-scan on all digital pins
high-performance 32-bit instruction set
high code density 16-bit instruction set
Decode (D)
7.3Memory Controller
• Bus Arbiter
• Address decoder provides selection signals for
• Abort Status Registers
• Misalignment Detector
• Remap Command
• Embedded Flash Controller
– Handles requests from the ARM7TDMI and the Peripheral DMA Controller
– Three internal 1 Mbyte memory areas
– One 256 Mbyte embedded peripheral area
– Source, Type and all parameters of the access leading to an abort are saved
– Facilitates debug by detection of bad pointers
– Alignment checking of all data accesses
– Abort generation in case of misalignment
– Remaps the SRAM in place of the embedded non-volatile memory
– Allows handling of dynamic exception vectors
– Embedded Flash interface, up to three programmable wait states
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
– Prefetch buffer, buffering and anticipating the 16-bit requests, reducing the
required wait states
– Key-protected program, erase and lock/unlock sequencer
– Single command for erasing, programming and locking operations
– Interrupt generation in case of forbidden operation
7.4Peripheral DMA Controller
• Handles data transfer between peripherals and memories
• Eleven channels: AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321
• Nine channels: AT91SAM7S32
– Two for each USART
– Two for the Debug Unit
– Two for the Serial Synchronous Controller
– Two for the Serial Peripheral Interface
– One for the Analog-to-digital Converter
• Low bus arbitration overhead
– One Master Clock cycle needed for a transfer from memory to peripheral
– Two Master Clock cycles needed for a transfer from peripheral to memory
• Next Pointer management for reducing interrupt latency requirements
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
• 512 Kbytes of Flash Memory, dual plane
– 2 contiguous banks of 1024 pages of 256 bytes
– Fast access time, 30 MHz single-cycle access in Worst Case conditions
– Page programming time: 6 ms, including page auto-erase
– Page programming without auto-erase: 3 ms
– Full chip erase time: 15 ms
– 10,000 write cycles, 10-year data retention capability
– 32 lock bits, protecting 32 sectors of 64 pages
– Protection Mode to secure contents of the Flash
• 64 Kbytes of Fast SRAM
– Single-cycle access at full speed
• 256 Kbytes of Flash Memory, single plane
– 1024 pages of 256 bytes
– Fast access time, 30 MHz single-cycle access in Worst Case conditions
– Page programming time: 6 ms, including page auto-erase
– Page programming without auto-erase: 3 ms
– Full chip erase time: 15 ms
– 10,000 write cycles, 10-year data retention capability
– 16 lock bits, protecting 16 sectors of 64 pages
– Protection Mode to secure contents of the Flash
• 64 Kbytes of Fast SRAM
– Single-cycle access at full speed
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
• 128 Kbytes of Flash Memory, single plane
– 512 pages of 256 bytes
– Fast access time, 30 MHz single-cycle access in Worst Case conditions
– Page programming time: 6 ms, including page auto-erase
– Page programming without auto-erase: 3 ms
– Full chip erase time: 15 ms
– 10,000 write cycles, 10-year data retention capability
– 8 lock bits, protecting 8 sectors of 64 pages
– Protection Mode to secure contents of the Flash
• 32 Kbytes of Fast SRAM
– Single-cycle access at full speed
• 64 Kbytes of Flash Memory, single plane
• 16 Kbytes of Fast SRAM
• 32 Kbytes of Flash Memory, single plane
• 8 Kbytes of Fast SRAM
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
– 512 pages of 128 bytes
– Fast access time, 30 MHz single-cycle access in Worst Case conditions
– Page programming time: 6 ms, including page auto-erase
– Page programming without auto-erase: 3 ms
– Full chip erase time: 15 ms
– 10,000 write cycles, 10-year data retention capability
– 16 lock bits, protecting 16 sectors of 32 pages
– Protection Mode to secure contents of the Flash
– Single-cycle access at full speed
– 256 pages of 128 bytes
– Fast access time, 30 MHz single-cycle access in Worst Case conditions
– Page programming time: 6 ms, including page auto-erase
– Page programming without auto-erase: 3 ms
– Full chip erase time: 15 ms
– 10,000 write cycles, 10-year data retention capability
– 8 lock bits, protecting 8 sectors of 32 pages
– Protection Mode to secure contents of the Flash
After reset and until the Remap Command is performed, the SRAM is only accessible at
address 0x0020 0000. After Remap, the SRAM also becomes available at address 0x0.
8.6.2Internal ROM
The AT91SAM7S Series embeds an Internal ROM. The ROM contains the FFPI and the
SAM-BA program.
The internal ROM is not mapped by default.
8.6.3Internal Flash
At any time, the Flash is mapped to address 0x0010 0000. It is also accessible at address 0x0
after the reset and before the Remap Command.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
• The AT91SAM7S512 embeds a high-speed 64 Kbyte SRAM bank.
• The AT91SAM7S256 embeds a high-speed 64 Kbyte SRAM bank.
• The AT91SAM7S128 embeds a high-speed 32 Kbyte SRAM bank.
• The AT91SAM7S64 embeds a high-speed 16 Kbyte SRAM bank.
• The AT91SAM7S321 embeds a high-speed 8 Kbyte SRAM bank.
• The AT91SAM7S32 embeds a high-speed 8 Kbyte SRAM bank.
• The AT91SAM7S512 features two contiguous banks (dual plane) of 256 Kbytes of Flash.
• The AT91SAM7S256 features one bank (single plane) of 256 Kbytes of Flash.
• The AT91SAM7S128 features one bank (single plane) of 128 Kbytes of Flash.
• The AT91SAM7S64 features one bank (single plane) of 64 Kbytes of Flash.
• The AT91SAM7S321/32 features one bank (single plane) of 32 Kbytes of Flash.
Figure 8-2.Internal Memory Mapping
256 MBytes
0x0000 0000
0x000F FFFF
0x0010 0000
0x001F FFFF
0x0020 0000
0x002F FFFF
0x0030 0000
Flash Before Remap
Undefined Areas
SRAM After Remap
Internal Flash
Internal SRAM
1 MBytes
1 MBytes
1 MBytes
253 MBytes
8.7Embedded Flash
8.7.1Flash Overview
The Flash benefits from the integration of a power reset cell and from the brownout detector.
This prevents code corruption during power supply changes, even in the worst conditions.
When Flash is not used (read or write access), it is automatically placed into standby mode.
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S512 is organized in two banks (dual plane) of 1024 pages of
256 bytes. The 524,288 bytes are organized in 32-bit words.
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S256 is organized in 1024 pages (single plane) of 256 bytes.
The 262,144 bytes are organized in 32-bit words.
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S128 is organized in 512 pages (single plane) of 256 bytes.
The 131,072 bytes are organized in 32-bit words.
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S64 is organized in 512 pages (single plane) of 128 bytes. The
65,536 bytes are organized in 32-bit words.
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S321/32 is organized in 256 pages (single plane) of 128 bytes.
The 32,768 bytes are organized in 32-bit words.
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S512/256/128 contains a 256-byte write buffer, accessible
through a 32-bit interface..
• The Flash of the AT91SAM7S64/321/32 contains a 128-byte write buffer, accessible
through a 32-bit interface.
8.7.2Embedded Flash Controller
The Embedded Flash Controller (EFC) manages accesses performed by the masters of the
system. It enables reading the Flash and writing the write buffer. It also contains a User Interface, mapped within the Memory Controller on the APB. The User Interface allows:
• programming of the access parameters of the Flash (number of wait states, timings, etc.)
• starting commands such as full erase, page erase, page program, NVM bit set, NVM bit
clear, etc.
• getting the end status of the last command
• getting error status
• programming interrupts on the end of the last commands or on errors
The Embedded Flash Controller also provides a dual 32-bit prefetch buffer that optimizes 16bit access to the Flash. This is particularly efficient when the processor is running in Thumb
Two EFCs are embedded in the SAM7S512 to control each bank of 256 KBytes. Dual plane
organization allows concurrent Read and Program. Read from one memory plane may be performed even while program or erase functions are being executed in the other memory plane.
One EFC is embedded in the SAM7S256/128/64/32/321 to control the single plane
256/128/64/32 KBytes.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
8.7.3Lock Regions
Two Embedded Flash Controllers each manage 16 lock bits to protect 16 regions of the flash
against inadvertent flash erasing or programming commands. The AT91SAM7S512 contains
32 lock regions and each lock region contains 64 pages of 256 bytes. Each lock region has a
size of 16 Kbytes.
If a locked-region’s erase or program command occurs, the command is aborted and the EFC
trigs an interrupt.
The 16 NVM bits (or 32 NVM bits) are software programmable through the corresponding EFC
User Interface. The command “Set Lock Bit” enables the protection. The command “Clear
Lock Bit” unlocks the lock region.
Asserting the ERASE pin clears the lock bits, thus unlocking the entire Flash.
The Embedded Flash Controller manages 16 lock bits to protect 16 regions of the flash
against inadvertent flash erasing or programming commands. The AT91SAM7S256 contains
16 lock regions and each lock region contains 64 pages of 256 bytes. Each lock region has a
size of 16 Kbytes.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
If a locked-region’s erase or program command occurs, the command is aborted and the EFC
trigs an interrupt.
The 16 NVM bits are software programmable through the EFC User Interface. The command
“Set Lock Bit” enables the protection. The command “Clear Lock Bit” unlocks the lock region.
Asserting the ERASE pin clears the lock bits, thus unlocking the entire Flash.
The Embedded Flash Controller manages 8 lock bits to protect 8 regions of the flash against
inadvertent flash erasing or programming commands. The AT91SAM7S128 contains 8 lock
regions and each lock region contains 64 pages of 256 bytes. Each lock region has a size of
16 Kbytes.
If a locked-region’s erase or program command occurs, the command is aborted and the EFC
trigs an interrupt.
The 8 NVM bits are software programmable through the EFC User Interface. The command
“Set Lock Bit” enables the protection. The command “Clear Lock Bit” unlocks the lock region.
Asserting the ERASE pin clears the lock bits, thus unlocking the entire Flash.
The Embedded Flash Controller manages 16 lock bits to protect 16 regions of the flash
against inadvertent flash erasing or programming commands. The AT91SAM7S64 contains
16 lock regions and each lock region contains 32 pages of 128 bytes. Each lock region has a
size of 4 Kbytes.
If a locked-region’s erase or program command occurs, the command is aborted and the EFC
trigs an interrupt.
The 16 NVM bits are software programmable through the EFC User Interface. The command
“Set Lock Bit” enables the protection. The command “Clear Lock Bit” unlocks the lock region.
Asserting the ERASE pin clears the lock bits, thus unlocking the entire Flash.
The Embedded Flash Controller manages 8 lock bits to protect 8 regions of the flash against
inadvertent flash erasing or programming commands. The AT91SAM7S321/32 contains 8 lock
regions and each lock region contains 32 pages of 128 bytes. Each lock region has a size of 4
If a locked-region’s erase or program command occurs, the command is aborted and the EFC
trigs an interrupt.
The 8 NVM bits are software programmable through the EFC User Interface. The command
“Set Lock Bit” enables the protection. The command “Clear Lock Bit” unlocks the lock region.
Asserting the ERASE pin clears the lock bits, thus unlocking the entire Flash.
Table 8-1 summarizes the configuration of the six devices.
Table 8-1.Flash Configuration Summary
DeviceNumber of Lock BitsNumber of Pages in the Lock RegionPage Size
AT91SAM7S5123264256 bytes
AT91SAM7S2561664256 bytes
AT91SAM7S128864256 bytes
AT91SAM7S641632128 bytes
AT91SAM7S321/32832128 bytes
8.7.4Security Bit Feature
The AT91SAM7S Series features a security bit, based on a specific NVM Bit. When the security is enabled, any access to the Flash, either through the ICE interface or through the Fast
Flash Programming Interface, is forbidden. This ensures the confidentiality of the code programmed in the Flash.
This security bit can only be enabled, through the Command “Set Security Bit” of the EFC
User Interface. Disabling the security bit can only be achieved by asserting the ERASE pin at
1, and after a full flash erase is performed. When the security bit is deactivated, all accesses to
the flash are permitted.
It is important to note that the assertion of the ERASE pin should always be longer than
50 ms.
As the ERASE pin integrates a permanent pull-down, it can be left unconnected during normal
operation. However, it is safer to connect it directly to GND for the final application.
8.7.5Non-volatile Brownout Detector Control
Two general purpose NVM (GPNVM) bits are used for controlling the brownout detector
(BOD), so that even after a power loss, the brownout detector operations remain in their state.
These two GPNVM bits can be cleared or set respectively through the commands “Clear General-purpose NVM Bit” and “Set General-purpose NVM Bit” of the EFC User Interface.
• GPNVM Bit 0 is used as a brownout detector enable bit. Setting the GPNVM Bit 0 enables
the BOD, clearing it disables the BOD. Asserting ERASE clears the GPNVM Bit 0 and thus
disables the brownout detector by default.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
• The GPNVM Bit 1 is used as a brownout reset enable signal for the reset controller. Setting
the GPNVM Bit 1 enables the brownout reset when a brownout is detected, Clearing the
GPNVM Bit 1 disables the brownout reset. Asserting ERASE disables the brownout reset
by default.
8.7.6Calibration Bits
Eight NVM bits are used to calibrate the brownout detector and the voltage regulator. These
bits are factory configured and cannot be changed by the user. The ERASE pin has no effect
on the calibration bits.
8.8Fast Flash Programming Interface
The Fast Flash Programming Interface allows programming the device through either a serial
JTAG interface or through a multiplexed fully-handshaked parallel port. It allows gang-programming with market-standard industrial programmers.
The FFPI supports read, page program, page erase, full erase, lock, unlock and protect
The Fast Flash Programming Interface is enabled and the Fast Programming Mode is entered
when the TST pin and the PA0 and PA1 pins are all tied high and PA2 is tied low.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
8.9SAM-BA Boot Assistant
The SAM-BA™ Boot Recovery restores the SAM-BA Boot in the first two sectors of the on-chip
Flash memory. The SAM-BA Boot recovery is performed when the TST pin and the PA0, PA1
and PA2 pins are all tied high.
The SAM-BA Boot Assistant is a default Boot Program that provides an easy way to program
in situ the on-chip Flash memory.
The SAM-BA Boot Assistant supports serial communication through the DBGU or through the
USB Device Port. (The AT91SAM7S32 has no USB Device Port.)
• Communication through the DBGU supports a wide range of crystals from 3 to 20 MHz via
software auto-detection.
• Communication through the USB Device Port is limited to an 18.432 MHz crystal. (
The SAM-BA Boot provides an interface with SAM-BA Graphic User Interface (GUI).
9.System Controller
The System Controller manages all vital blocks of the microcontroller: interrupts, clocks,
power, time, debug and reset.
The System Controller peripherals are all mapped to the highest 4 Kbytes of address space,
between addresses 0xFFFF F000 and 0xFFFF FFFF.
Figure 9-1 on page 27 and Figure 9-2 on page 28 show the product specific System Controller
Block Diagrams.
Figure 8-1 on page 20 shows the mapping of the of the User Interface of the System Controller
peripherals. Note that the memory controller configuration user interface is also mapped within
this address space.
The Reset Controller is based on a power-on reset cell and one brownout detector. It gives the
status of the last reset, indicating whether it is a power-up reset, a software reset, a user reset,
a watchdog reset or a brownout reset. In addition, it controls the internal resets and the NRST
pin open-drain output. It allows to shape a signal on the NRST line, guaranteeing that the
length of the pulse meets any requirement.
Note that if NRST is used as a reset output signal for external devices during power-off, the
brownout detector must be activated.
9.1.1Brownout Detector and Power-on Reset
The AT91SAM7S Series embeds a brownout detection circuit and a power-on reset cell. Both
are supplied with and monitor VDDCORE. Both signals are provided to the Flash to prevent
any code corruption during power-up or power-down sequences or if brownouts occur on the
VDDCORE power supply.
The power-on reset cell has a limited-accuracy threshold at around 1.5V. Its output remains
low during power-up until VDDCORE goes over this voltage level. This signal goes to the reset
controller and allows a full re-initialization of the device.
The brownout detector monitors the VDDCORE level during operation by comparing it to a
fixed trigger level. It secures system operations in the most difficult environments and prevents
code corruption in case of brownout on the VDDCORE.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
Only VDDCORE is monitored, as a voltage drop on VDDFLASH or any other power supply of
the device cannot affect the Flash.
When the brownout detector is enabled and VDDCORE decreases to a value below the trigger
level (Vbot-, defined as Vbot - hyst/2), the brownout output is immediately activated.
When VDDCORE increases above the trigger level (Vbot+, defined as Vbot + hyst/2), the
reset is released. The brownout detector only detects a drop if the voltage on VDDCORE
stays below the threshold voltage for longer than about 1µs.
The threshold voltage has a hysteresis of about 50 mV, to ensure spike free brownout detection. The typical value of the brownout detector threshold is 1.68V with an accuracy of ± 2%
and is factory calibrated.
The brownout detector is low-power, as it consumes less than 20 µA static current. However, it
can be deactivated to save its static current. In this case, it consumes less than 1µA. The
deactivation is configured through the GPNVM bit 0 of the Flash.
9.2Clock Generator
The Clock Generator embeds one low-power RC Oscillator, one Main Oscillator and one PLL
with the following characteristics:
• RC Oscillator ranges between 22 kHz and 42 kHz
• Main Oscillator frequency ranges between 3 and 20 MHz
• Main Oscillator can be bypassed
• PLL output ranges between 80 and 220 MHz
It provides SLCK, MAINCK and PLLCK.
Figure 9-3.Clock Generator Block Diagram
Clock Generator
9.3Power Management Controller
The Power Management Controller uses the Clock Generator outputs to provide:
• the Processor Clock PCK
• the Master Clock MCK
• the USB Clock UDPCK (not present on AT91SAM7S32)
• all the peripheral clocks, independently controllable
• three programmable clock outputs
The Master Clock (MCK) is programmable from a few hundred Hz to the maximum operating
frequency of the device.
PLL and
Slow Clock
Main Clock
PLL Clock
The Processor Clock (PCK) switches off when entering processor idle mode, thus allowing
reduced power consumption while waiting for an interrupt.
AT91SAM7S Series Preliminary
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