– High-performance 32-bit RISC Architecture
– High-density 16-bit Instruction Set
– Leader in MIPS/Watt
– EmbeddedICE
• Internal High-speed Flash
– 512 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S512) Organized in Two Contiguous Banks of 1024 Pages
of 256 Bytes (Dual Plane)
– 256 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S256) Organized in 1024 Pages of 256 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 128 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S128) Organized in 512 Pages of 256 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 64 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S64) Organized in 512 Pages of 128 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 32 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S321/32) Organized in 256 Pages of 128 Bytes (Single Plane)
– 16 Kbytes (AT91SAM7S161/16 Organized in 256 Pages of 64 Bytes (Single Plane)
– Single Cycle Access at Up to 30 MHz in Worst Case Conditions
– Prefetch Buffer Optimizing Thumb Instruction Execution at Maximum Speed
– Page Programming Time: 6 ms, Including Page Auto-erase, Full Erase Time: 15 ms
– 10,000 Write Cycles, 10-year Data Retention Capability, Sector Lock Capabilities,
Flash Security Bit
– Fast Flash Programming Interface for High Volume Production
• Internal High-speed SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Speed
The complete document is available on
the Atmel website at www.atmel.com.
– Counter May Be Stopped While the Processor is in Debug State or in Idle Mode
• Real-time Timer (RTT)
– 32-bit Free-running Counter with Alarm
– Runs Off the Internal RC Oscillator
• One Parallel Input/Output Controller (PIOA)
– Thirty-two (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321/161) or twenty-one (AT91SAM7S32/16) Programmable I/O Lines Multiplexed
with up to Two Peripheral I/Os
– Input Change Interrupt Capability on Each I/O Line
– Individually Programmable Open-drain, Pull-up resistor and Synchronous Output
• Eleven (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321/161) or Nine (AT91SAM7S32/16) Peripheral DMA Controller (PDC) Channels
• One USB 2.0 Full Speed (12 Mbits per Second) Device Port (Except for the AT91SAM7S32/16).
– Independent Clock and Frame Sync Signals for Each Receiver and Transmitter
– I²S Analog Interface Support, Time Division Multiplex Support
– High-speed Continuous Data Stream Capabilities with 32-bit Data Transfer
• Two (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321/161) or One (AT91SAM7S32/16) Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver
Transmitters (USART)
– Individual Baud Rate Generator, IrDA
– Support for ISO7816 T0/T1 Smart Card, Hardware Handshaking, RS485 Support
– Full Modem Line Support on USART1 (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321/161)
Infrared Modulation/Demodulation
• One Master/Slave Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
– 8- to 16-bit Programmable Data Length, Four External Peripheral Chip Selects
• One Three-channel 16-bit Timer/Counter (TC)
– Three External Clock Input and Two Multi-purpose I/O Pins per Channel (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321/161)
– One External Clock Input and Two Multi-purpose I/O Pins for the first Two Channels Only (AT91SAM7S32/16)
– Double PWM Generation, Capture/Waveform Mode, Up/Down Capability
• One Four-channel 16-bit PWM Controller (PWMC)
• One Two-wire Interface (TWI)
– Master Mode Support Only, All Two-wire Atmel EEPROMs and I2C Compatible Devices Supported
– Master, Multi-Master and Slave Mode Support, All Two-wire Atmel EEPROMs and I
C Compatible Devices Supported
• One 8-channel 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter, Four Channels Multiplexed with Digital I/Os
Boot Assistant
– Default Boot program
– Interface with SAM-BA Graphic User Interface
1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan on All Digital Pins
• 5V-tolerant I/Os, including Four High-current Drive I/O lines, Up to 16 mA Each (AT91SAM7S161/16 I/Os Not 5V-tolerant)
• Power Supplies
– Embedded 1.8V Regulator, Drawing up to 100 mA for the Core and External Components
– 3.3V or 1.8V VDDIO I/O Lines Power Supply, Independent 3.3V VDDFLASH Flash Power Supply
– 1.8V VDDCORE Core Power Supply with Brown-out Detector
• Fully Static Operation: Up to 55 MHz at 1.65V and 85⋅ C Worst Case Conditions
• Available in 64-lead LQFP Green or 64-pad QFN Green Package (AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321/161) and 48-lead LQFP Green
or 48-pad QFN Green Package (AT91SAM7S32/16)
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
Atmel’s AT91SAM7S is a series of low pincount Flash microcontrollers based on the 32-bit ARM
RISC processor. It features a high-speed Flash and an SRAM, a large set of peripherals, including a USB 2.0 device (except for the AT91SAM7S32 and AT91SAM7S16), and a complete set
of system functions minimizing the number of external components. The device is an ideal
migration path for 8-bit microcontroller users looking for additional performance and extended
The embedded Flash memory can be programmed in-system via the JTAG-ICE interface or via
a parallel interface on a production programmer prior to mounting. Built-in lock bits and a security bit protect the firmware from accidental overwrite and preserves its confidentiality.
The AT91SAM7S Series system controller includes a reset controller capable of managing the
power-on sequence of the microcontroller and the complete system. Correct device operation
can be monitored by a built-in brownout detector and a watchdog running off an integrated RC
The AT91SAM7S Series are general-purpose microcontrollers. Their integrated USB Device
port makes them ideal devices for peripheral applications requiring connectivity to a PC or cellular phone. Their aggressive price point and high level of integration pushes their scope of use far
into the cost-sensitive, high-volume consumer market.
1.1Configuration Summary of the AT91SAM7S512, AT91SAM7S256, AT91SAM7S128,
AT91SAM7S64, AT91SAM7S321, AT91SAM7S32, AT91SAM7S161 and AT91SAM7S16
The AT91SAM7S512, AT91SAM7S256, AT91SAM7S128, AT91SAM7S64, AT91SAM7S321,
AT91SAM7S32, AT91SAM7S161 and AT91SAM7S16 differ in memory size, peripheral set and
package. Table 1-1 summarizes the configuration of the six devices.
Except for the AT91SAM7S32/16, all other AT91SAM7S devices are package and pinout
Note:1. The bottom pad of the QFN package must be connected to ground.
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
4.348-lead LQFP and 48-pad QFN Package Outlines
Figure 4-3 and Figure 4-4 show the orientation of the 48-lead LQFP and the 48-pad QFN pack-
age. A detailed mechanical description is given in the section Mechanical Characteristics of the
full datasheet.
Figure 4-3.48-lead LQFP Package (Top View)
Figure 4-4.48-pad QFN Package (Top View)
4.448-lead LQFP and 48-pad QFN Pinout
Table 4-2.AT91SAM7S32/16 Pinout
Note:1. The bottom pad of the QFN package must be connected to ground.
5.Power Considerations
5.1Power Supplies
The AT91SAM7S Series has six types of power supply pins and integrates a voltage regulator,
allowing the device to be supplied with only one voltage. The six power supply pin types are:
• VDDIN pin. It powers the voltage regulator and the ADC; voltage ranges from 3.0V to 3.6V,
3.3V nominal.
• VDDOUT pin. It is the output of the 1.8V voltage regulator.
• VDDIO pin. It powers the I/O lines and the USB transceivers; dual voltage range is
supported. Ranges from 3.0V to 3.6V, 3.3V nominal or from 1.65V to 1.95V, 1.8V nominal.
Note that supplying less than 3.0V to VDDIO prevents any use of the USB transceivers.
• VDDFLASH pin. It powers a part of the Flash and is required for the Flash to operate
correctly; voltage ranges from 3.0V to 3.6V, 3.3V nominal.
• VDDCORE pins. They power the logic of the device; voltage ranges from 1.65V to 1.95V,
1.8V typical. It can be connected to the VDDOUT pin with decoupling capacitor. VDDCORE
is required for the device, including its embedded Flash, to operate correctly.
During startup, core supply voltage (VDDCORE) slope must be superior or equal to 6V/ms.
• VDDPLL pin. It powers the oscillator and the PLL. It can be connected directly to the
No separate ground pins are provided for the different power supplies. Only GND pins are provided and should be connected as shortly as possible to the system ground plane.
In order to decrease current consumption, if the voltage regulator and the ADC are not used,
VDDIN, ADVREF, AD4, AD5, AD6 and AD7 should be connected to GND. In this case VDDOUT
should be left unconnected.
5.2Power Consumption
The AT91SAM7S Series has a static current of less than 60 µA on VDDCORE at 25°C, including
the RC oscillator, the voltage regulator and the power-on reset. When the brown-out detector is
activated, 20 µA static current is added.
The dynamic power consumption on VDDCORE is less than 50 mA at full speed when running
out of the Flash. Under the same conditions, the power consumption on VDDFLASH does not
exceed 10 mA.
5.3Voltage Regulator
The AT91SAM7S Series embeds a voltage regulator that is managed by the System Controller.
In Normal Mode, the voltage regulator consumes less than 100 µA static current and draws 100
mA of output current.
The voltage regulator also has a Low-power Mode. In this mode, it consumes less than 25 µA
static current and draws 1 mA of output current.
Adequate output supply decoupling is mandatory for VDDOUT to reduce ripple and avoid oscillations. The best way to achieve this is to use two capacitors in parallel: one external 470 pF (or
1 nF) NPO capacitor must be connected between VDDOUT and GND as close to the chip as
possible. One external 2.2 µF (or 3.3 µF) X7R capacitor must be connected between VDDOUT
and GND.
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
Adequate input supply decoupling is mandatory for VDDIN in order to improve startup stability
Power Source
from 4.5V (USB)
to 18V
DC/DC Converter
and reduce source voltage drop. The input decoupling capacitor should be placed close to the
chip. For example, two capacitors can be used in parallel: 100 nF NPO and 4.7 µF X7R.
5.4Typical Powering Schematics
The AT91SAM7S Series supports a 3.3V single supply mode. The internal regulator is connected to the 3.3V source and its output feeds VDDCORE and the VDDPLL. Figure 5-1 shows
the power schematics to be used for USB bus-powered systems.
Figure 5-1. 3.3V System Single Power Supply Schematic
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
6.I/O Lines Considerations
6.1JTAG Port Pins
TMS, TDI and TCK are schmitt trigger inputs. TMS and TCK are 5-V tolerant, TDI is not. TMS,
TDI and TCK do not integrate a pull-up resistor.
TDO is an output, driven at up to VDDIO, and has no pull-up resistor.
The JTAGSEL pin is used to select the JTAG boundary scan when asserted at a high level. The
JTAGSEL pin integrates a permanent pull-down resistor of about 15 kΩ to GND, so that it can be
left unconnected for normal operations.
6.2Test Pin
The TST pin is used for manufacturing test, fast programming mode or SAM-BA Boot Recovery
of the AT91SAM7S Series when asserted high. The TST pin integrates a permanent pull-down
resistor of about 15 kΩ to GND, so that it can be left unconnected for normal operations.
To enter fast programming mode, the TST pin and the PA0 and PA1 pins should be tied high
and PA2 tied to low.
To enter SAM-BA Boot Recovery, the TST pin and the PA0, PA1 and PA2 pins should be tied
high fo at least 10 seconds.
Driving the TST pin at a high level while PA0 or PA1 is driven at 0 leads to unpredictable results.
6.3Reset Pin
The NRST pin is bidirectional with an open drain output buffer. It is handled by the on-chip reset
controller and can be driven low to provide a reset signal to the external components or asserted
low externally to reset the microcontroller. There is no constraint on the length of the reset pulse,
and the reset controller can guarantee a minimum pulse length. This allows connection of a simple push-button on the pin NRST as system user reset, and the use of the signal NRST to reset
all the components of the system.
The NRST pin integrates a permanent pull-up resistor to VDDIO.
6.4ERASE Pin
The ERASE pin is used to re-initialize the Flash content and some of its NVM bits. It integrates a
permanent pull-down resistor of about 15 kΩ to GND, so that it can be left unconnected for nor-
mal operations.
6.5PIO Controller A Lines
• All the I/O lines PA0 to PA31on AT91SAM7S512/256/128/64/321 (PA0 to PA20 on
AT91SAM7S32) are 5V-tolerant and all integrate a programmable pull-up resistor.
• All the I/O lines PA0 to PA31 on AT91SAM7S161 (PA0 to PA20 on AT91SAM7S16) are not
5V-tolerant and all integrate a programmable pull-up resistor.
Programming of this pull-up resistor is performed independently for each I/O line through the
PIO controllers.
5V-tolerant means that the I/O lines can drive voltage level according to VDDIO, but can be
driven with a voltage of up to 5.5V. However, driving an I/O line with a voltage over VDDIO while
the programmable pull-up resistor is enabled will create a current path through the pull-up resis-
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
tor from the I/O line to VDDIO. Care should be taken, in particular at reset, as all the I/O lines
default to input with the pull-up resistor enabled at reset.
6.6I/O Line Drive Levels
The PIO lines PA0 to PA3 are high-drive current capable. Each of these I/O lines can drive up to
16 mA permanently.
The remaining I/O lines can draw only 8 mA.
However, the total current drawn by all the I/O lines cannot exceed 150 mA (100 mA for
AT91SAM7S Series Summary
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