Xonar Essence STX
OP AMP socket pin description
Please refer to the photo above. A, B, C, they are the three sockets
for OP amps. Modifying OP A,B and C will change the tonal quality of
RCA outputs, while modifying OP A and B changes the tonal quality of
1/4” Headphone output.
Their pins description is as following. Pin 1 is at the left and bottom
corner. You can change OP amps that meet following requirements.
There are two OP amps in each 8 pin package.

A. Right channel OP socket----I/V converter
Pin 1: OPA A output.--------------5.85 Vpp output
Pin 2: OPA A negative input-----7.8mA input
Pin 3: OPA A positive input------7.8mA input
Pin 4: -12V
Pin 5: OPA B positive input------7.8mA input
Pin 6: OPA B negative input------7.8mA input
Pin 7: OPA B output.---------------5.85 Vpp output
Pin 8: +12V
B. Left channel OP socket------I/V converter
Pin 1: OPA A output.--------------5.85 Vpp output
Pin 2: OPA A negative input-----7.8mA input
Pin 3: OPA A positive input------7.8mA input
Pin 4: -12V
Pin 5: OPA B positive input------7.8mA input
Pin 6: OPA B negative input------7.8mA input
Pin 7: OPA B output.---------------5.85 Vpp output
Pin 8: +12V
C. Right and Left channel differential to single end
Pin 1: OPA A output.---------------2Vrms output
Pin 2: OPA A negative input------5.85 Vpp input
Pin 3: OPA A positive input-------5.85 Vpp input
Pin 4: -12V
Pin 5: OPA B positive input-------5.85 Vpp input
Pin 6: OPA B negative input------5.85 Vpp input
Pin 7: OPA B output.--------------- 2Vrms output
Pin 8: +12V