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RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
List of Figures
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
About this Manual
Overview of Contents
This manual supports RTM-ATCA-736X-DD, Rear Transition Module (RTM) with two 1000BaseT Ethernet Ports.
This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendices:
Introduction provides an RTM-ATCA-736X-DD overview.
Installation contains the procedures for installing and removing the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD.
SAS RAID Details provides detailed information on the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD SAS RAID
Mechanical and Connector Information provides mechanical, electrical, environmental, and
other relevant information.
IPMI Functions List provides the details for the function list of the Intelligent Platform
Management Interface.
MMC Firmware Upgrade Procedure provides instructions for upgrading the IPMC (Intelligent
Platform Management Controller) firmware.
This document uses the following abbreviations:
AMCAdvanced Mezzanine Card
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
About this Manual
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
0x00000000Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits are
0b0000Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
boldUsed to emphasize a word
ScreenUsed for on-screen output and code related elements
Courier + BoldUsed to characterize user input and to separate it
ReferenceUsed for references and for table and figure
About this Manual
0 through F), for example used for addresses and
or commands in body text
from system output
File > ExitNotation for selecting a submenu
<text>Notation for variables and keys
[text]Notation for software buttons to click on the screen
and parameter description
...Repeated item for example node 1, node 2, ..., node
..Ranges, for example: 0..4 means one of the integers
|Logical OR
Omission of information from example/command
that is not necessary at the time being
0,1,2,3, and 4 (used in registers)
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
may result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a property damage message
No danger encountered. Pay attention to important
About this Manual
Summary of Changes
This manual has been revised and replaces all prior editions.
Part NumberPublication DateDescription
6806800L82AApril 2011General access release
6806800L82BMay 2012Updated SAS Drive Carrier Assembly Installation on
6806800L82CJune 2014Re-branded to Artesyn.
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
page 32.
About this Manual
About this Manual
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
The RTM-ATCA-736X-DD is a rear transition module (RTM) designed specifically to work with
the Artesyn ATCA-736x processor blade family. The RTM features a two-port 1 Gb Ethernet
controller, a four-port SAS controller and two removable disk cards called SAS Drive Carriers.
The disk cards each hold one 2.5" disk, and fit wholly within the RTM thermal envelope to
provide an environment for proper disk cooling.
Functionally, the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD utilizes two PCI Express buses to connect with the
Ethernet and SAS controllers. The Ethernet controller provides two 1000Base-T Ethernet
connections using RJ45 copper media jacks on the RTM back panel. These ports are compatible
with commodity off-the-shelf, non-proprietary CAT-5E or similar cables.
The SAS controller provides four SAS/SATA ports that each operates at 3 Gb/s. Two SAS ports
route to the removable disks, and two SAS ports route back to the Zone 3 connector for
additional storage expansion. For example, the front blade can add more storage by routing
these ports to disks or to a SAS expander.
Chapter 1
Finally, the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD includes numerous indicator LEDs and a modular
management controller (MMC) with a hot swap notification mechanism to coordinate disk
servicing the front blade OS. The MMC also performs intelligent monitoring and management
tasks and conforms to the PICMG 3.0 and AMC.0 R2 specification.
1.2Advanced RTM Features
The RTM-ATCA-736X-DD is an 8U (355.6 mm x 80mm) single slot Rear Transition Module that
includes the following interfaces and features:
The RTM-ATCA-736X-DD mounts to the ATCA carrier blades using zone-3 connectors,
conforming to PICMG 3.0 ATCA specification revision 3. Internally, the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD
connects zone-3 and the RTM faceplate as follows:
Table 1-1 I/O Ports Available On RTM Faceplate
RTM Zone-3 Electrical SignalingRTM Faceplate
PCIe v1.0, x4 bus #1Port 1 RJ45 1000Base-T
PCIe v1.0, x8 bus #2SAS disk field replaceable assembly #1
DCA_SAS, x2Routes to secondary ports of each SAS drive
LSI_SAS, x2NA (Routes to LSI Controller)
IPMI - to MMC device on RTMNA
Port 2 RJ45 1000Base-T
SAS disk field replaceable assembly #2
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
Each of these ports route to an Intel® 82580DB Ethernet controller accessed by the front blade
using PCI express signaling. These ports employ an RJ-45 connector with integrated LED for
link (green) and activity (amber). Each port auto negotiates to 10/100/1000BASE-T.
The following LEDs are located on the panel of the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD.
Table 1-2 LEDs On RTM Faceplate
LEDRTM Faceplate
Ethernet ActivityAmberOnLAN management activity LED
OffNo activity
Ethernet LinkGreenOnLAN management LINK LED
OffNo link
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
Table 1-2 LEDs On RTM Faceplate (continued)
LEDRTM Faceplate
Hard Disk Status #1 and #2NoneOffSAS Drive Carrier not installed
Hot Swap (HS)BlueOnManagement power available to the
GreenOffDisk in service
GreenBlinkDisk I/O on SAS port A
AmberBlinkPreparing for removal
AmberOnReady/Safe for removal
module and the module can safely
be extracted
OffThe module is operational and is
unsafe for extraction
Long BlinkDelay before module is activated
Short BlinkDelay before module is de-activated
Fault or “Out of Service”
In Service (IS)GreenOn12V payload power is being supplied
Attention (ATN)AmberOn/OffThis LED is controlled by higher layer
Amber/RedOnModule fault set by shelf manager or
12V payload power not detected.
OffNo module fault 12V payload power
is being supplied to board
to board
Off12V payload power is not detected
Amber/ RedOffThis LED is multicolored
(red/green/yellow) and is programmable by IPMC.
software, such as middle ware or
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
Figure 1-2RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Back Panel LEDs
1.6Disk "Request Eject" Button
The RTM-ATCA-736X-DD includes a pair of recessed eject buttons that is marked on the panel
near port 1 (Figure 1-2). Using a thin pointed object, such as a paper clip, a user can depress the
eject button. This action will send a message to the front blade requesting the disk ejection
reset. If granted, the corresponding hard disk status light will turn amber.
1.7Reset Button
The RTM-ATCA-736X-DD includes a recessed reset button that is located between the two
Ethernet ports (see Figure 1-2). Using a thin pointed object, such as a paper clip, a user can
depress the reset button. This action will send a message to the front blade requesting a
payload reset. If granted, the host blade and all peripherals will experience a warm reset.
1.8Software Support
Except for the drivers for the 82580 Ethernet controller (driver distributed by Intel) and for the
SAS1064E controller (driver distributed by LSI) , RTM-ATCA-736X-DD requires no other special
software to operate. When shipped from the factory, the expander is un-zoned and configured
for table routing.
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
1.9Products Supported by this Manual
The information in this manual applies to the following Artesyn products:
Table 1-3 Available Board Variants
Marketing NumberDescription
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD-300RTM for the ATCA-736X product series, 2X GBE, 2X 147GB SAS HDD
included (ROHS 6/6)
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD-600RTM for the ATCA-736X product series, 2X GBE, 2X 300GB SAS HDD
included (ROHS 6/6)
RTM-ATCA-736X-1K2RTM for the ATCA-736X Pproduct series, 2X GBE, 2X 600GB SAS HDD
included (ROHS 6/6)
RTM-ATCA-736X-DDRTM for the ATCA-736X product series, 2X GBE, 2X HDD carrier kits,
no HDD included (ROHS 6/6)
Figure 1-3SAS Drive Carrier (0106880JXXX)
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
Figure 1-4RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Top View (with disks installed)
1.10Identification Labels
At manufacturing time, several labels are affixed to the RTM-ATCA-736X-DD as shown below.
For proper identification of the RTM module, use these barcode labels to accurately determine
the module identity. The barcode labels provide the following information:
Table 1-4 RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Identification Labels
Label 1: Artesyn
Sub-Assembly P/N
Label 2: Artesyn
Serial number (S/N)
Label 3: Final Assembly
RTM-ATCA-736X-DD Installation and Use (6806800L82C)
P/N = Sub-Assembly Part Number
Rev = Assembly Revision (Refer to Bill Of Material)
S/N Format :AAA = Assembly Number (440)
L =Location of manufacturer (S)
Y = Calendar year of manufacturer ( 2010=0, 2011=1)
As manufacturer we hereby declare that the product named above has been designed to comply with the relevant sections of the above referenced specifications. This product complies with the essential health and safety
requirements of the above specified directives. We have an internal production control system that ensures
compliance between the manufactured products and the technical documentation.
Artesyn Embedded Technologies
Embedded Computing
Zhongshan General Carton Box Factory Co. Ltd. No 62, Qi
Guan Road West, Shiqi District, 528400 Zhongshan City
Guangdong, PRC
Rear Transition Module for the ATCA-7365, -737X-, 747X– Product