Aprilaire 8100 Owner's Manual

Includes Safety, Operating and
Maintenance Instructions
MODEL 8100
Your Research Products Corporation Energy Recovery Ventilator is expressly warranted for five (5) years from date of installation to be free from defects in materials or workmanship.
Research Products Corporation’s exclusive obligation under this warranty shall be to supply, without charge, a replacement for any part of the Energy Recovery Ventilator which is found to be defective within the applicable time period and which is returned not later than thirty (30) days after the end of the time period by you to either your original supplier or to Research Products Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin 53701-1467, along with the model number, date code and date of installation.
This warranty shall not obligate Research Products Corporation for any labor costs and shall not apply to defects in workmanship or materials furnished by your installer as contrasted to defects in the Energy Recovery Ventilator itself.
Implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose shall be limited in duration to the applicable five (5) year period. Research Products Corporation’s liability for incidental or consequential damages resulting from any breach of the aforesaid implied warranties or the above limited warranties is expressly excluded. This limited warranty is void if this unit is not installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning contractor. If the limited warranty is void due to failure to use a qualified contractor, all disclaimers of implied warranties shall be effective upon installation.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above exclusion or limitations may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Form No. 3019 10002733 11.06 B2700515B ©2006 Research Products Corporation
P.O. BOX 1467 • MADISON, WI 53701-1467
PHONE 800/334-6011 • FAX 608/257-4357
Warranty Registration
Please... Take a few minutes to visit us on-line at
to register your Aprilaire product.
If you do not have on-line access, please mail warranty registration to
Research Products Corporation
P.O. BOX 1467, Madison, WI 53701
Thank you!
Your Warranty Registration information will not be sold or shared
outside of this company.
The Aprilaire®Energy Recovery Ventilator is designed to remove indoor air pollution and provide a constant supply of fresh air to the home. The special EnergyMax
transfer core utilizes the indoor con-ditioned air to pre-heat or pre-cool the incoming fresh air depending on the season. During the winter season, the cross-flow design EnergyMax transfer core allows the incoming fresh air to be preheated by the warm stale air being exhausted, thereby reducing the energy required by the heating system to warm the air to your desired temperature. This same process removes heat and moisture from the incoming air stream during the summer. The Aprilaire Energy Recovery Ventilator provides a comfortable and healthy environment for your entire home year round, with only minimal maintenance requirements and trouble-free quiet operation. For optimum benefits, the Aprilaire Energy Recovery Ventilator has been designed for continuous operation.
Thank you for your recent Aprilaire®Energy Recovery Ventilator purchase. We sincerely appreciate your business and are pleased to add your name to our growing list of cus­tomers. With this purchase, you’ve invested in the highest quality equipment currently available. Research Products Corporation is the largest manufacturer of Aprilaire Energy Recovery Ventilators, whole house high efficiency media air cleaners and whole house humidifiers, and is a recognized leader in the heating and air conditioning industry today.
Please be assured that in addition to product quality, we are also committed to unit performance as well as customer satisfaction. Your unit will require periodic maintenance to assure you of continued fine performance.
There has been more evidence lately to indicate that the air in our homes is more seriously polluted than the outdoor air even in the largest and most industrialized cities. Since research indicates that people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, this poses a health risk. In addition, people who may be exposed to indoor air pollutants for long periods of time are often those most susceptible to the adverse affects of indoor air pollution. These groups include the young, the elderly, the chronically ill, and especially those suffering from respiratory or cardiovascular diseases. The levels of pollutants from individual sources may not pose a significant or serious risk to health by themselves. However, most homes have more than one source that contributes to indoor air pollution and an accumulative affect of these sources is cause for concern.
Now, please take a few minutes and read this booklet. This will familiarize you with the benefits you will receive from the equipment you just purchased and help you under­stand the routine maintenance that will be required. Be sure to register your warranty with us for our records and your protection.
Since Research Products Corporation does not sell equip­ment or service parts direct to consumers, please proceed as follows should you need anything:
• Call the installer of your Aprilaire
Energy Recovery Ventilator. This information is often found on your equipment.
• Call your heating and air conditioning dealer.
• If none of the above is successful and you still need additional information, please feel free to write us.
4. Blower compartments should be inspected for debris buildup every six months, and cleaned if necessary. No maintenance is required for the blower motor.
120 VAC
1. Clean aluminum filters every six months and recoat with Super Filter Coat per directions on container. The filters are factory coated with RP Super Filter coat, which is available from your heating and air conditioning contractor. Super Filter Coat must be sprayed on the filter after each washing to maximize it’s efficiency.
2. Slide EnergyMax transfer core out annually by carefully pulling at the four corners. When it’s completely dry, gently vacuum the air passages with a soft brush attachment. Be careful not to damage the delicate surfaces and slide the energy transfer core back into housing pushing only at the four corners.
3. Check the fresh air intake (outside) vent every six months, and clean if necessary.
Aprilaire®Energy Recovery Ventilator — Model 8100
Unit and Components
WARNING! 120 volts may cause serious
injury from electrical shock. Discon­nect power supply before servicing.
CAUTION! Do not wash the EnergyMax
transfer core. It can be severely damaged.