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© 2004 Jean-Paul Bonjour;
© 2004 Eric Escobar.

Using Apple Loops Utility
Some audio files you use in Soundtrack Pro can include metadata called
provide information about the audio recorded in a file. Soundtrack Pro uses tags in one
of two ways:
To help locate files using the Search feature in Soundtrack Pro
To provide information that Soundtrack Pro uses when matching the file’s tempo and
key to the project tempo and key, for the best possible playback quality
Both AIFF and WAV file formats can include tags. Libraries of audio files created for use
with loop-based music software are usually tagged, and Soundtrack Pro recognizes the
tags used in most popular file formats.
What Is Apple Loops Utility?
Apple Loops Utility is a companion application to Soundtrack Pro that you can use to
view and manage tags in audio files. You can add and change tags using
Apple Loops Utility; you can also tag multiple files, a process known as
Apple Loops Utility can read both AIFF and WAV file formats. When you save changes
you make to either type of file, the file is saved as an AIFF file, the default file format for
Soundtrack Pro. The set of tags you can work with using Apple Loops Utility includes all
of the tags in WAV files tagged for use with Sony’s ACID music application, as well as
additional tags.
Tagged audio files can also contain information about
where beats occur in the file, and Soundtrack Pro uses transients to play back audio
files at the highest level of quality. Apple Loops Utility can detect transients present in
an audio file, and you can use Apple Loops Utility to add markers for additional
transients and move them to new locations.
batch tagging
Transients indicate

The Apple Loops Utility Interface
The interface consists of a window with two tabs: the Tags tab and the Transients tab.
The bottom of the window includes a set of playback controls and file management
buttons. Apple Loops Utility also includes an Assets drawer, located to the right of the
main window, where you manage open files.
Main window
Playback controls
Assets drawer

Tags Tab
The Tags tab includes areas for different types of tags, and also includes a set of
playback controls you can use to listen to a file open in Apple Loops Utility. Listening to
a file can help you decide which tags are appropriate for the file.
Property Tags
Number of Beats field:
File Type buttons:
Key pop-up menu:
Scale Type pop-up menu:
Displays the number of beats in the file.
Set the file type, which can be Non-looping or Looping.
Sets the key of the file.
for Both, and Neither.
Time Signature pop-up menu:
5/4, 6/8, and 7/8.
Author field:
Displays the name of the file’s author. You can enter a new name by
typing in the field.
Copyright field:
Displays the file’s copyright data, if it exists. You can enter new data
by typing in the field.
Comment field:
Displays any comments about the file. You can enter comments by
typing in the field.
Sets the file’s scale type. The choices are Major, Minor, Good
Sets the file’s time signature. The choices are 4/4, 3/4,

Search Tags
These tags are used by the Search feature in Soundtrack Pro when you search for files
matching specific criteria.
Genre pop-up menu:
Instrumentation list:
Displays choices for the musical genre of the file.
Displays choices for the musical instrument or instrument
category recorded in the file. Selecting an instrument category in the left column
displays the list of instruments in that category in the right column.
File Info
This area of the Tags tab includes rows with Kind, Length, Date Modified, Sample Rate,
Channels, Tempo, and File Location information. This information is for viewing only,
and cannot be edited in the Tags tab.
Descriptors are complementary pairs of keywords describing the mood or character of
the music recorded in the file. Each pair of keywords has a row of buttons, allowing you
to choose either one keyword from the pair, or neither keyword.
Transients Tab
The Transients tab contains a large waveform display, with a Beat ruler and a horizontal
scroll bar. Markers indicate the position of transients in the file. Typically, transients
correspond to the peaks or most pronounced amplitude changes in a sound’s
waveform. The Transients tab includes controls for the beat division and sensitivity with
which Apple Loops Utility detects transients in the file. You can also listen to the file
using the playback controls to help determine where transients occur.
Transient Division
pop-up menu
Sensitivity slider
Transient marker
Waveform of audio file