Basics General Information - 1
General Information
Paperless Printer Microviewer
This manual contains only the Specifications, Symptom
Charts and the Illustrated Parts List chapter for the
Take Apart
ImageWriter LQ. The rest of the procedures are in the form
of a Paperless Printer file located in the Printables folder.

Troubleshooting General/ - 1
The Symptom Charts included in this chapter will help you
diagnose specific symptoms related to your product. Because cures
are listed on the charts in the order of most likely solution, try
the first cure first. Verify whether or not the product continues to
exhibit the symptom. If the symptom persists, try the next cure.
(Note: If you have replaced a module, reinstall the original module
before you proceed to the next cure.)
If you are not sure what the problem is, or if the Symptom Charts
do not resolve the problem, refer to the Flowchart for the product
For additional assistance, contact Apple Technical Support.

Troubleshooting Symptom Charts /Power - 2
Symptom Charts
Power light off and no
carrier motion
1 Check external power source and connection.
2 Verify the setting of voltage selector switch (International
units only).
3 Test primary fuse, and replace if defective.
4 Test three secondary fuses, and replace any defective fuses.
5 Test power switch, and replace if defective.
6 Replace main board.
7 Replace transformer.
8 Replace noise filter PCA.