Apple 4500 User Manual

Setting Up Your Printer
This chapter introduces the Apple Color StyleWriter 4500 printer and explains how to set it up. After you follow the instructions in this chapter, you’ll be ready to print.
Important safety instructions
Always take the following precautions:
m Keep the printer cover closed when pri nting. m Always t urn off th e printer before unplugging it. m Keep the ink cartridges away from children. m Keep the printer away from sources of liquid, such as wash basins,
bathtubs, and shower stalls.
m Protect the printer from dampness or wet weath er, such as rain and snow. m Read all the installation instructions carefully before you plug the printer
into a wall socket.
m Keep these instructions handy for reference by you and others. m Follow all instructions and war nings dealing with your computer system. m Don’t use devices that produce open flames, such as Bunsen burn ers, near
the printer.
m Don’t use alcohol-based or ammonia-based cleaners on or around the
m Always unplug th e printer before cleaning it. (Use only the cleaning
procedure recommended in Chapter 4.)
m Clean the outside of the printer with a damp cloth and, if necessary, a mild
soap or detergent. Be careful not to get liquid into th e printer or the power cord receptacle.
The only way to disconnect power completely is to unplug the power adapter. Make sure at least one end of the power cord is within easy reach so that you ca n un plug the Color StyleWriter 4500 when you need to.
Watch for these situations, and if one occurs pull the plug!
m the power cord or plug becomes frayed or otherwise damaged m you spill something into the printer m the printer is exposed to rain or a ny other excess moisture m the printer has been dropped or otherwise damaged m you suspect that your printer needs service or repair
of this product, or similar prod ucts, must always b e supervised by an adult. Do not allow children access to the i nterior of any electrical product and do not permit them to handle any cables.
Electrical equipment may b e hazardous if misused. O peration
Chapter 1
Unpacking t he printer
Color StyleWriter 4500Floppy disk
Ink cartridges
Serial cable
Power adapter
Ink cartridge storage case
1 Remove everything from the shipping box, but leave the ink cartridges in their packages.
2 Remove the tape and packing material from the outside of the printer.
Setting Up Your Printer
3 Open the printer’s cover and remove the packing material from the inside of the printer.
Remove the packing material.
Save the car t on a nd the packing material in case you ever need to ship the printer.
Chapter 1
4Close the printer’s cover. 5Place the printer in your work area.
Choose a location n ear your computer that has an electrical outlet and good ventilation, is out of direct sunlight, never gets damp or very hot or very cold, and is away from devices that could cause electromagnetic interference, such as stereo speakers or cordless telephone transmitters. Do not place the printer on a slanted surface. See Appendix A, “Technical Information,” for sp ecific information about the physical requirements of your printer.
Don’t accidentally discard the in k cartridge storage case. You need it to store an opened cartridge that you’re not using in the printer. The case keeps the print head from drying out and prevents accidents with ink stains.
Plugging in the printer
Plug th e connector end of th e power adapter into the printer and then plug the other end of the adapter into an outlet.
The only way to disconnect power completely is to unplug the power adapter. Make sure that at least one end of the power cord is within easy reach so that you can unplug the printer in an emergency.
The Color StyleWriter 4500 is designed to work with the electrical system of the region in which you purchased it. It works with only one frequency of electricity, either 50 or 60 Hz. The label on the adapter you received with your printer indicates th e frequency required.
The label on the adapter also indicates the voltage required. If you are using the printer i n a region with a different voltage but the same frequency as that listed on the adapter, you must use a voltage conver ter to provide the voltage indicated on the adapter label.
Serious damage to the printer will result from using th e Color StyleWriter 4500 adapter with an improper electrical frequency or improper voltage conver ter. Damage resulting from such misuse of the printer is not covered under warranty.
Setting Up Your Printer
Connecting the printer directly to your computer
Connect this end of the cable to either the printer port or the modem port, which are labeled with these icons.
Some Macintosh computers have a combined serial port with two icons.
You can connect the printer directly to your computer with a serial cable. If you want to add the printer to a LocalTalk network, see the next section, “Connecting to a LocalTalk Network.” You cannot connect the printer both ways.
1Plug the cable into the interface port on the printer.
You can use the serial cable that came with your printer, or you can use a LocalTalk kit and plug a LocalTalk cable into the same port.
Chapter 1
2Plug the other end of the cable into the printer port on your computer.
If your computer is connected to a n etwork, a network cable may already be connected to the printer port ([). In that case, use the modem port (W).
Remember whi ch port on the computer you use. Later you must tell the printer software where to look for the printer.
Some PowerBook computers that have an internal modem installed cannot tell that the printer is plugged in. You must change a setting in the PowerBook Setup or Express Modem control panel. For details, see “Special Infor mation for PowerBook Owners” in the section “Telling Your Computer to Use the Color StyleWriter 4500,” later in this chapter.
Connecting to a LocalTalk network (optional)
If you have an existing LocalTalk n etwork, you can add your printer to it and share the printer with other Mac OS–based computers on the network.
You can either connect th e printer directly to your computer with a serial cable or connect it to a LocalTalk network with a LocalTalk connecting kit. You cannot connect the printer both ways at the same time.
1 Obtain a LocalTalk connecting kit.
LocalTalk connecting kits come in many varieties. A kit usually contains one connector box and one LocalTalk cable. Two LocalTalk connecting kits are available from Apple. For i nformation about these kits, see “Apple Printer Supplies a nd Accessories” in Appendix A.
2Plug the connector box into the interface port on the printer. 3Connect the printer to the network in one of these two ways:
m To c onnect the printer to the end of a LocalTalk network, use the LocalTalk
cable to connect the empty socket of th e nearest device’s connector box to the printer’s connector box.
m To c onnect the printer between two devices on a LocalTalk network,
disconnect one LocalTalk cable from the connector box or the device immediately to the left or right of the printer and plug it into the new printer’s connector box. T h en use the new LocalTalk cable to connect th e free socket on the printer’s connector box to the socket you freed on the other device’s connector box.
Setting Up Your Printer
Turning the printer on and off
Resume button
Power button
To tur n on the printer, press the power button. The green power light glows. To tur n th e printer off, press the power button again. The power light goes out.
Except in an emergency, make sure the printer is turned off before you unplug it. (When the power light is off, the power is off.) If the printer is plugged into a power strip, never tur n off the power strip unless you’ve already turned the printer off.
When you turn off the printer, it moves the ink cartridges to the right, where it caps the nozzles to keep the ink cartridges from drying out. If you unplug the printer or discontinue power before turning it off, the printer can’t position the cartridges in the capped position, the print head may dry out, and you’ll have to replace the cartridge.
Power M acin t osh users and virtual memory
If you are using a Power Macintosh computer, you may want to turn on virtual memory before you try to print on the Color StyleWriter 4500. Th en choose a setting that’s at least 1 MB higher than your “Available built-i n memory.” (You can set it higher without any ill effects.) With this setting, you will avoid some potential printing problems. Turning on virtual memory also reduces the amount of memory needed by many applications. For instructions on turning on virtual memory, see the documentation that came with your computer.
Chapter 1
Installing the i nk cartridges
When you turn on the power and open the cover, the carrier moves to the center. Do not slide the carrier by hand.
Each ink cartridge contains a print head, which sprays the ink onto the paper. Treat it gently so you don’t damage its tiny nozzles.
The carrier holds the ink cartridges and moves them back and forth when you are printing a document. Don’t slide the carrier by hand or you will damage the printer.
1 To turn on your printer, press the power button.
The power light comes on.
2 Open the front cover.
The carrier moves to the center of the printer, and the resume light flashes.
Note: If the carrier does not move automatically to the center, try closing th e cover and turning the power off. Then repeat steps 1 and 2.
Use only ink designed for use with the Color StyleWriter 4500.
Setting Up Your Printer
3Grasp each ink cartridge by its sides and carefully remove the tape from the cartridge’s
Press until you hear a snap, and the cartridge fits snugly in the carrier. It should be difficult to remove. If a cartridge feels loose, it is not properly seated.
Color ink cartridge
Black ink cartridge When you install the color PhotoGrade ink cartridge, it goes into this side of the carrier, (replacing the black ink cartridge.)
Note: Open the color and black ink cartridges. Set the color PhotoGrade cartridge aside, still in its protective packaging. Use it for special projects, not day-to-day printing.
Make sure you remove the tape from both cartridges.
print head.
You may safely touch the colorful caps or the black plastic, but be careful not to touch any other part.
4Slide the ink cartridges down into the carrier, and then press both cartridges into place.
For the printer to work, you must install two ink cartridges.
Chapter 1
Press th e cartridge all the way into the carrier.
5Close the printer’s front cover.
Black ink cartridge
Color PhotoGrade ink cartridge
Note: The cartridges face in different directions when properly inserted in the storage case.
Keep opened ink cartridges inside the printer or in the storage case.
When you close the cover, you can hear the carrier move to the right.
Important: If the resume light blinks after you close the cover, the ink cartridges are not installed properly. Turn the printer off, then repeat steps 1 through 5. Be sure to press both ink cartridges firmly into place in the carrier.
Storing the ink cartridge you aren’t using
The Color StyleWriter 4500 comes with color, black, and color PhotoGrade cartridges. Sealed in their original packaging, the cartridges are protected. If you open all three packages and switch between the black a nd PhotoGrade cartridges for printing different documents, be sure to store the one you’re not using in the storage case supplied with your Color StyleWriter 4500. T h e storage case keeps the print head from drying out and prevents accidents with ink stains.
If you are using only two cartridges, leave them inside the printer.
Setting Up Your Printer
Installing yo ur printer software
Before you can print your documents, you need to install the printer software on your computer. The Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM that comes with the Color StyleWriter 4500 contains the pri nter software and an Installer program.
The Installer installs the new printing software you need, plus the fonts that come with the printer (see Appendix C for a list of available fonts).
If you have been using Apple’s sp ecial QuickDraw GX software, turn it off now. The Color StyleWriter 4500 is not compatible with QuickDraw GX.
Note: If you ever upgrade your system software (for example, from System 7.1 to System 7.5), you must reinstall the Color StyleWriter 450 0 software.
Using the
If you have a CD-ROM drive, skip to the next section, “Using the Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM.”
If you do not have a CD-ROM drive, the Color StyleWriter 4000 Series Minimal Printer Software floppy disk that came with your printer contains minimal
software that lets you start printing now. For instructions on installing the software, see the Read Me you’ll find on the floppy disk.
In addition, you ca n contact Apple and ask to have the complete Color StyleWriter 4500 printer software mailed to you on a set of floppy disks. If you prefer not to wait and have access to a computer with a CD-ROM drive, the Apple Printer Software Collection CD-ROM contains disk images of the complete set of floppy disks. The CD-ROM also contains a disk-duplication application you can use to create your own set of floppy disks. See the instructions that accompany the application.
Note: The minimal printer software works with a Color StyleWriter 4500 printer that is connected by a serial cable to your computer. If you want to use a LocalTalk kit to connect the printer, you must use the software that comes on the complete disk set.
Now you can go on to read the section “Telling Your Computer to Use the Color StyleWriter 4500,” later in this chapter.
Minimal Printer Soft ware
floppy disk
Chapter 1
Using the
1 Turn off any automatic virus-detection applications you have on your Macintosh
Apple Printer Software Collection
If you don’t, problems may occur during the installation. After installation is complete, you can tur n the virus-detection programs back on. (For instructions on turning off each virus-detection application, see the manual that came with the program.)
2 Insert 3 Open the Printer Software folder.
Apple Printer Software Collection
CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.
You may have to open the CD icon to see the Printer Software and Software Collection folders.
4 Open the Installer folder (inside the Printer Software folder). 5 To start the Installer program, double-click its icon. 6 In the Welcome dialog box that appears, click Continue.
The Installer determines whether you have the correct system software, a nd enough memory and hard disk space to use this printer. If you don’t, the Installer displays a message telling you what you need. You won’t be able to install the printer software until you correct the system software or memory problem. If the message reports a problem, you can purchase new system software or memory from an Apple-authorized dealer, or make space available on your hard disk by throwing away files you don’t need.
7 Read the software license agreement and click Agree.
If you are unwilling to accept the terms of the agreement, click Disagree.
Setting Up Your Printer
8In the Installer dialog box, click Install.
Make sure the disk
named here is the
one on which you want to install the
printer software.
(If not, click Switch
Disk until the correct
name appears.)
9When you see a message reporting that installation was successful, click Restart.
When you’re ready to begin, click Install.
After a few moments, the Installer begins to install the printer software. A status box keeps you informed of progress during installation.
Chapter 1
Installation troubleshooting
If the Installer can’t complete the installation, it will issue a warning message. Here are some ways to fix common problems:
m You may not have the correct hardware or system software for this printer.
If so, the Installer will tell you what you’re missing.
m You may have forgotten to turn off your vir us-detection software as
described in the section “Using the Color StyleWriter 4500 CD-ROM,” earlier in the manual.
m You may have some corrupted fonts on your hard disk. To solve this
problem, see “Installation Is Unsuccessful” i n Chapter 5.
More information about the Installer program
In the proced ure just described the Installer copies all the software you need to your hard disk. In rare circumstances you may want to copy only a subset of the software. In that case choose Custom Install from the pop-up menu in the Installer. When a list of choices appears, select the items you wish to install, then click the Install button. (Click th e letter i to t he right of any of the choices for information.)
Setting Up Your Printer
Telling your computer to use a directly conne cted Color StyleWriter 4500
If your printer is connected directly to your computer with a serial cable, follow these instructions for selecting it in the Chooser.
If your printer is connected to a LocalTalk n etwork, see the next section, “Telling Your Computer to Use a Color StyleWriter on a LocalTal k Network.”
1Make sure the printer is turned on. 2Select Chooser from the Apple (K) menu. 3In the Chooser dialog box, click the appropriate items to select them.
First, click this icon.
(If necessary, use the scroll
bar and arrows to find it.)
Then click one of these items to indicate which port you connected the printer to: the printer port ( modem port (
If no port is available and your computer is a PowerBook, see “Special Information for PowerBook Owners,” later in this chapter.
) or the
4Close the Chooser by clicking the close box in its upper-left corner.
Chapter 1
Telling your computer to use a Color StyleWriter on a LocalTalk network
You can connect a Color StyleWriter 4500 printer di rectly to a Lo calTal k network.
Note: If you do not need to share th e printer with other users on the network, connect the printer directly to your computer with the serial cable. The printer prints faster when connected this way.
Once the printer is on the network, its name appears in the Chooser just like the names of other network printers.
Second, click the name of
First, click this icon
(If necessary, use the
scroll bar and arrows
to find it.).
The “AT” stands for
your printer on this list.
Finally, click to make AppleTalk active.
Make sure the
StyleWriter 4500
shows in this pop-up
If you want to change the name, click Setup in the dialog box that appears, type a new name, a nd click Rename. (Note: Anyone on the network can cha nge the nam e.)
Type a new name, then click Rename (or press Return).
Setting Up Your Printer
Special information for P owerBook owners
PowerBook computers that have internal modems may require special setups. What you do depends on whether the Powerbook has on e or two serial ports on its back panel.
Note: This information is for PowerBook users who connect the printer directly to their computer with a serial cable.
PowerBook computers with one serial port
Some PowerBook computers have a single serial port identified by a combination pri nter/modem icon ([/W). If an internal modem is installed on one of these PowerBook computers, the serial port may be in use even though it looks available. When you plug in the Color StyleWriter 4500, the PowerBook may not be able to communicate with the printer.
To make th e port available for printing, make sure the serial port setting is Normal or External. To check the setting, op en the PowerBook, PowerBook Setup, or Express Modem control pa n el. (If you have another kind of internal modem, you may have a different control pa n el. T h e control panel and the setting you use depend on which PowerBook you have and which internal modem you have.) If you have a PowerBook Express Modem, it is best to leave the serial port setting as Normal or External unless the modem programs you use require another setting for compatibility reasons.
PowerBook computers with two serial ports
Even when a PowerBook has two serial ports, if it also has an internal modem, the modem port (W) may look available but actually be in use. If the printer port ([) is available, connect the Color StyleWriter 4500 to it. If the printer port is unavailable and you must use the modem por t, make sure the modem serial port setting is Normal or External. To check the setting, open the PowerBook, PowerBook Setup, or Express Modem control panel. (If you have another kind of internal modem, you may have a different control pa nel. The control panel and the setting you use depend on which modem and system software version you have.) If you have a PowerBook Express Modem, it is best to leave the serial port setting as Normal or External.
For more information, see the i nstructions that came with your PowerBook.
Chapter 1
Loading paper into the paper tray
Width adjuster
Length adjuster
Make sure the paper selection lever is all the way to the left.
The paper tray holds up to 100 sheets of 20-pound paper and feeds the paper automatically i nto the printer. You can load many sizes of paper and other media into the sheet feeder as described in Chapter 2, but to align the ink cartridges, as described in the next section, you must use U.S. letter-size or A4 paper. To load paper into the sheet feeder, follow these steps:
1Slide the paper adjusters out as far as you can.
2Make sure the edges are even on all sides before inserting a stack of paper.
Setting Up Your Printer
3 Load the paper into the lower tray, print side down.
Slide the paper lengthwise into the tray, print side down.
The wrapper that the paper comes in usually tells which side to print first.
Note: Illustrations inside the printer cover remind you how to insert pap er and envelopes correctly.
4Slide the paper adjusters in to touch the edges of the stack of paper.
Chapter 1
Aligning th e ink cartridges
Whenever you install a n ew in k cartridge, follow these steps:
1If necessary, turn on the printer.
The green power light should be on.
If the resume light blinks, the ink cartridges are not installed properly. Turn the printer off. Then follow th e steps in “Installing the Ink Cartridges,” earlier in this chapter.
2Make sure there is plain paper in the paper tray. 3Choose Page Setup from the File menu. 4 In the Page Setup dialog box, click Utilities.
Click Utilities.
5 In the dialog box that appears, find Align Print Cartridges and click Start.
Click Start.
6 Read the message that appears, and click Align.
Click Align.
Setting Up Your Printer
7Examine the patterns that appear on the printed page.
From among the sets of parallel lines, choose the horizontal set and the vertical set for which the black and magenta lines are most closely aligned.
If you ca nnot see black lines, make sure you have removed the tape from the black ink cartridge. If you cannot see magenta lines, remove the tape from the color ink cartridge
8In the dialog box that appears, click the number and letter corresponding to the best
aligned sets, and click OK.
The printer prints a second page, containing a square and a cross, for you to verify that the alignment is acceptable.
9If the patterns on the second printed page are acceptable, click OK.
If the square and cross are properly aligned, click OK.
To repeat the process, click Align.
10 Click OK in the remaining dialog boxes.
You have finished aligning the ink cartridges in your printer.
Chapter 1
Printing the sample page
Resume button
Power button
To see what your printer can do, pri nt the demonstration page.
1Make sure the printer and computer are turned on. 2Press and hold down the resume button for three seconds and release it.
The printer prints the sample page, your first full-color document from your new printer.
Make sure the paper selection lever is all the way to the left.
Note You do not need to print this page every time you use the printer.
Setting Up Your Printer
Using onscreen help
The CSW 4000 Series Printer Guide is a valuable source of i nformation about your printer and printer software. T h e Guide menu is identified by a question mark (h) in the upper-right corner of the screen.
To open CSW 4000 Series Printer Guide, make sure you are in the Finder. Then choose CSW Guide from the Guide (h) menu at the top of your screen.
Macintosh (or Mac OS) Guide also contains general information about printing, as well as other information about using your computer. Macintosh Guide is available while you’re in the Finder.
CSW 400 0 Series Printer Guide provides onscreen help on how to use your printer.
Choose this.
First, click the Topics
Second, choose
a topic from the list
that appears here.
Chapter 1
Third, for detailed instructions, select the question you want answered from this list and click OK.
Tips for using CSW 4000 Series Printer Guide
When you can’t find the information you need
m In searching for help topics, use all three buttons at the top of Guide’s
initial window: Topics, I ndex, and Look For.
m If you’re in a series of steps and wa nt to return to the list of help topics,
click the button marked Topics in the Guide window.
When you can’t see what’s behind the Guide window
Guide windows stay in front of other windows on the screen so that your instructions are never covered.
m Drag a Guide wi ndow by its title bar to move it out of the way. m Click the zoom box once to shrink a guide window. (To expand the
window, click the zoom box a second time.)
When you need more information about an instruction or term
m Click the “Huh?” button if it is available. m If an unfamiliar word is underlined, click it to get a definition.
Title bar
Topics button
Zoom box
Navigation buttons
Setting Up Your Printer
Using the electronic user’s manual
This setup manual also appears as Chapter 1 in an electronic user’s manual, along with th e complete reference information about your printer. the electronic manual, in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is available on the apple Printer software Collection CD-ROM.
1 On the CD-ROM, open the Printer Software folder and find the Electronic Manual folder. 2 Drag the Electronic Manual folder to your hard drive. 3Double-click the Electronic Manual folder to open it. 4Double-click the Installer
Foll ow the in structions on the screen to install Adobe Acrobat™Reader.
5When installation is complete, double-click the CSW Manual.pdf file to open it.
Now you can read the ma nual on your computer screen.
Tips for finding and printing information with Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat Reader has features that give you fast, easy access to information.
m For help usi ng the Acrobat Reader, choose Acrobat Reader Help from the
Help (h) menu at the top of your screen. The Adobe Acrobat Reader Online Guide appears.
m Print only specific sections fo the manual that contain information you
need. Printing an entire PDF file can be a time-consuming task and can use large amounts of ink and paper unnecessarily.
Chapter 1
This chapter explai ns how to use the Color StyleWriter 4500 for everyday tasks. Before you follow the instructions in this chapter, make sure the printer is set up and working, as described in Chapter 1.
Planning documents wit h the Color StyleWriter 4500 in mind
Many pri nter options affect how much can fit on a page. Before you spend a lot of time laying out a document, set it up as you plan to print it:
1Select the printer you plan to use.
If the Color StyleWriter 4500 is your only printer, and you followed the setup instructions in Chapter 1, you have selected your printer. If you have access to more than one printer, see “Switching Between Printers,” later in this chapter.
2With the document active on your computer screen, choose Page Setup from the File
menu and select the options you like.
The key areas that affect page layout are paper size, type, and orientation. When you’ve finished setting your options, click the OK button to return to your document. You can now format it as you like. Since you’ve already set your printing options, the document will print as you see it on your screen.
Printing a docume nt
The next two sections explain the different ways you can print a document:
Quick instructions for printing standard documents.
To print do cuments that don’t require any special options, see this section. (The section describes what a “standard document” is.)
Detailed instructions for printing other documents.
To print do cuments that
require any of the nonstandard options, see this section.
Quick instructions for printing standard documents
To print a standard document, follow the instructions in this section:
m standard paper size, US Letter (8.5" by 11" in the United States) m plain paper m portrait page orientation (so when you look at the printed page, it is longer
than it is wide)
m no special effects and normal print quality Assuming you have already selected the printer in the Chooser as described
in Chapter 1, and that the printer is filled with standard paper, you need only follow these s teps:
1While the document is in an active window, choose the Print command from the
File menu.
The Print dialog box opens on your screen.
2Make sure the printer is turned on (the green power light glows). 3Click the Print button.
After a few moments, the document starts to print. If background printing is turned on, you can continue working while the document is printing. You can also monitor and control the documents that are waiting to print. (See “Printing While You Use Your Computer” and “Monitoring and Controlling Background Printing,” later in this chapter.)
Chapter 2
Detailed instructions for printing documents
If your document is not standard, follow these steps:
1If you haven’t already selected the Color StyleWriter 4500 in the Chooser, do so now.
You already selected th e Color StyleWriter 4500 in Chapter 1, and if it’s the only printer you ever use, you won’t need to do it again. If you do need to switch, see “Switching Between Printers,” later in this chapter.
2 Load the paper, envelopes, or other materials into the printer, as described in Chapter 1.
Remember to adjust the external paper selector before filling the sheet feeder.
3While the document is active on your screen, choose Page Setup from the File menu and
make adjustments in the dialog box that opens.
If the default settings shown here are satisfactory, you can skip this step.
To indicate the size
and type of paper in
the paper tray, use
these pop-up menus.
To print with a
PhotoGrade cartridge
in the printer, click to
put an X in this box. (You may also want
to choose Photograde
from the Paper Type
pop-up menu.)
Choose the settings you want, then click OK.
For manual duplex printing
(two-sided), use this pop-up menu.
You can type a number from 25 to 400. Numbers smaller than 100 reduce the image; numbers greater than 100 enlarge it. Changing the size may change the pagination.
For more information about optional features, see “Adjusting Color Options,” later i n this cha pter.
Make sure you correctly indicate the size of the paper, envelopes, or other material you have in the paper tray. If you change the paper size in this dialog box, you might also want to look over your document to see if any of the page breaks have changed. For information on non-standard sizes, see “Defining Your Own Custom Paper Sizes,” later in this chapter.
4Choose Print from the File menu and make adjustments in the dialog box that opens.
Best quality takes
longer to print.
Draft is faster.
To print color images
in black and white
and grayscale,
click to put an X
in this box.
5Click the Print button.
Choose the settings you want, then click Print.
To see how your page will look when printed, click Preview.
If you want your printed pages to be stacked in the correct order as they come out of the printer, click to put an X in this box.
Item in dialog box What you use it for
Quality Select which level of quality you want. Generally, the higher the quality, the
longer the document will take to print. The Draft option is available only when you use Plain paper or Transparency.
Pages Indicate how many pages of the document to print. To print the whole
document, click All. To print a range of pages, type the beginning and end page numbers.
Copies Type how many copies of the document you want.
After a few moments, the document starts to print. If background printing is turned on, you can continue working while the document is printing. You can also monitor and control the documents that are waiting to print. (See “Printing While You Use Your Computer” and “Monitoring and Controlling Background Printing,” later in this chapter.)
Chapter 2
+ 107 hidden pages