V5.10.13.17087 / 27.11.2012 / 15:32:53
Vela Solaris AG, their distribution partners or SPF do not accept any liability for the correctness of the specifications and the results.
Closed-loop Solar System Closed-loop Solar Preheat with Back-Up Heater
Location of the system
Longitude: -77.52°
Latitude: 37.582°
Elevation: 217 ft
This report has been created by:
A. O. Smith Water Heating - Renewables
Daniel Booth
25589 Hwy 1
29101 McBee, SC
Map section
System overview (annual values)
Total fuel and/or electrical energy consumption of
the system [Etot]
87,390 kBtu
Total energy consumption [Quse] 240,704.7 kBtu
System performance (Quse / Etot) 2.75
Comfort demand Energy demand covered

V5.10.13.17087 / 27.11.2012 / 15:32:53
Vela Solaris AG, their distribution partners or SPF do not accept any liability for the correctness of the specifications and the results.
Overview solar thermal energy (annual values)
Collector area 798.7 ft²
Solar fraction total 67.7%
Total annual field yield 175,094.9 kBtu
Collector field yield relating to gross area 219.2 kBtu/ft²/Year
Collector field yield relating to aperture area 240.4 kBtu/ft²/Year
Max. fuel savings 1,785.7 therms: [Natural gas H]
Max. energy savings 182,390.5 kBtu
Max. reduction in CO₂ emissions
27,291.5 pound
Solar fraction: fraction of solar energy to system
Horizon line
Meteorological data-Overview
Average outdoor temperature 58.3 °F
Global irradiation, annual sum 487.3 kBtu/ft²
Diffuse irradiation, annual sum 212.5 kBtu/ft²

V5.10.13.17087 / 27.11.2012 / 15:32:53
Vela Solaris AG, their distribution partners or SPF do not accept any liability for the correctness of the specifications and the results.
Component overview (annual values)
Collector North America CR-140-A-P
Data Source SRCC
Number of collectors 20
Number of arrays 5
Total gross area ft² 798.68
Total aperture area ft² 728.286
Total absorber area ft² 728.29
Tilt angle (hor.=0°, vert.=90°) ° 48
Orientation (E=+90°, S=0°, W=-90°) ° 0
Collector field yield [Qsol] kBtu 175,094.9
Irradiation onto collector area [Esol] kBtu 429,155.8
Collector efficiency [Qsol / Esol] % 40.8
Direct irradiation after IAM kBtu 220,665.8
Hot water demand Constant
Volume withdrawal/daily consumption gal/d 1,851.7
Temperature setting °F 120
Energy demand [Qdem] kBtu 247,592.7
External heat exchanger Watts/AOSmith 160kBtu/h
Transfer capacity W/K 3,953
Pump Solar Loop pump Pump Eco, medium
Circuit pressure drop psi 1.966
Flow rate gpm 14.6
Fuel and electrical energy consumption [Epar] kBtu 168.2
Pump Solar Tank Pump Pump Eco, medium
Circuit pressure drop psi 1.661
Flow rate gpm 14.6
Fuel and electrical energy consumption [Epar] kBtu 168.2
Storage tank Back-Up Heater Cyclone BTH-300 Tank
Volume gal 130
Height ft 5.25
Material Enameled steel
Insulation Flexible polyurethane foam
Thickness of insulation in 2
Heat loss kBtu 1,869.3
Connection losses kBtu 804.5