C D 1
P R E 1P
P R E 2L
I N T 2
A M P 1
A M P 2
Pre 2L
“The Pre 1L’s lack of noise was particularly impressive”
“The Pre 1L has more features (Mono switch? Get outta town! Headphone
jack? No way! Selectable gain? You’re pulling my leg!), higher build quality,
greater ease of use, more compatibility with diverse associated components,
and, most important, better sound than you’ve got any right to expect at this
price point — maybe even at double. Very highly recommended.”
– Lonnie Brownell, Stereophile
February 1998 Vol.21 No.2
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P R E 2L
Line Stage Preamplifier
a new paradigm
of sonic excellence
a class of its own
Introducing ANTHEM’s newest & most advanced preamplifier - an all new
tube design with features such as remote control, SSP bypass loop and
a headphone amplifier! The Pre 2L builds on the success of the PRE 1L,
but adds useful features to a product which has been further refined. B y
p u r i fying its audio circuitry, improving the power supply and upgrading the
overall parts quality we have been able to lower the noise floor by 3dB!
The Pre 2L combines the musicality and vacuum tube finesse the audio
world has come to expect from Anthem, with the functionality and features
required in today's demanding home theatre environment. This next
g e n e r a t i o n product is uniquely capable of providing music enthusiasts
with extremely high value, and unprecedented sonic performance,
which successfully merges the strengths of today’s technologies.
Design Features
A D VA N C E D C I R C U I T R Y: The PRE 2L’s three stage
n o n - i n v e rting circuit topology is configured as a cathode coupled
amplifier driving a current-sourced cathode follower. The outcome is a
design which has extremely low output impedance and distort i o n,
combined with an extended frequency response and low noise floor.
The extremely low noise floor is also a result of the extensive effort s
invested in grounding configuration and power supply layout.
P O W E R S U P P LY: Of equal importance is the PRE 2L’s
o v e r-achieving power supply design, featuring 6 stages of power supply
r e g u l a t i o n, 2 of which are high voltage, precision tracking shunt types
- a trickle-down technology from the Sonic Frontiers’ LINE-3 reference
line stage preamplifier!
A D J U S TABLE GAIN: This feature allows users to optimize the
signal to noise ratio of their sound system, given the output voltage of
the source component and the sensitivity of the associated power
a m p l i f i e r, and/or loudspeake r. Three gain settings are available - 8, 16
or 24 dB.
H E A D P H O N E C A PA B I L I T Y: The PRE 2L features a high
current headphone amplifier which is located after the preamplifier
stages, thus the signal path does utilize tubes. As a result of its design
c o n f i g u r a t i o n, the PRE 2L can adequately drive the lowest impedance
headphones on the market today.
C O M P R E H E N S I V E F E ATURES: With remote control, dual
main outputs, a full EPL/tape loop, SSP bypass loop, headphone
amplifier, 3 user-selectable gain settings, 4 inputs, mono/stereo and
mute/operate switches, the PRE 2L remains flexible to the needs of the
widest variety of today’s demanding audiophile consumer.
I M P E C C A B L E PA R T S Q U A L I T Y: While a high standard was
set with Sonic Frontiers’ SFL Series of preamps, the PRE 2L makes no
apologies to these award-winning designs in the area of parts
q u a l i t y. Whether it be the use of MultiCap output coupling capacitors,
1% german-made metal film resistors, Russian 6922/E88CC tubes,
Noble volume and balance controls and Kimber Kable internal wiring,
the PRE 2L has set the standard in affordable line stage preamplifiers.
All Anthem products are available with either black or silver faceplates.
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