C D 1
P R E 1P
P R E 2L
I N T 2
A M P 1
A M P 2
Pre 1P
“Out of the box, the Pre 1P exhibited a warm and inviting sound, with a
particularly good bottom end. ...the Pre 1P’s invitingly lush presentation
was enticing.”
“The noise floor was impressively low, a quality I admire in fine phono
“Musically, the Pre 1P gave great pleasure... the grain-free sound of the
Pre 1P let the music flow... the phono stage never sounded strained or
allowed its soundstage to collapse.”
– Anthony Kershaw
Audiophilia Online Magazine, April 1998

Phono Stage
u n s u r p a s s e d i n f o r m a t i o n
retrieval from v i n y l at an
affordable price
The PRE 1P is an all tube MM/MC phono stage designed to
s a t i s fy the most critical vinyl enthusiast. The PRE 1P, utilizing innovative
c i r c u i t ry, careful parts selection and uncompromising craft s m a n s h i p ,
enables the vinyl enthusiast to hear ALL the music locked in those
grooves. The PRE 1P realizes tight accurate bass, lightning fast
transients, high frequency detail and extension, all attributes normally
ascribed to solid state, without the edginess or hardness for which
transistorized products are sometimes known. The all tube PRE 1P
p r e s e rves natural sound staging, depth and imaging with the harmonic
integrity of the musical performance as only vacuum tubes can.
Design Features
ALL TUBE DESIGN: The PRE 1P, a third generation phono
d e s i g n, is the culmination and refinement of basic circuitry developed for
our original Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 and Anthem PRE 1 phono designs
combined with new and advanced power supply technology.
A total of four dual triode (two - 6922/E88CC; two - 12AT 7 / E C C 8 1 )
vacuum tubes are utilized. A cascoded triode front end, optimized for
low noise and linearity, preserves the natural musical harmonic
structure. A high degree of resistance to input overload ensures total
freedom from dynamic compression. Painstaking attention has been
paid to achieve accurate split passive/active RIAA equalization to
minimize alteration of musical timbre. An advanced mu-follower output
stage provides the necessary voltage gain and current to drive even
difficult loads.
A D VANCED POWER SUPPLY: Exclusive use of low noise,
low impedance shunt regulation techniques effectively removes the
power supply as a potential source of frequency dependent coloration
and low level noise disturbances. The most obvious benefit realized is
vastly improved resolution of low level detail and information retrieval.
Separate shunt regulators for each channel minimize inter- c h a n n e l
crosstalk, enhancing stereo separation for stable well defined imaging
and sound stage presentation. The heart of the shunt regulator system,
a precision voltage reference, is the stable voltage reference source to
which the shunts are locked to and track. A fourth, high current series
pass regulator, is utilized for the vacuum tube filament supplies,
ensuring long, stable tube life.
EXCEPTIONAL PARTS QUALITY: Uncommon attention to
component part selection has been paid, in a effort to provide a
synergistic balance of device characteristics. Re l -Cap, and ERO custom
capacitors; Ro d e r s t e i n, IRC and Holco resistors; and Kimber Kable
hook-up wire have been selected for the best price/performance ratio in
today's audio market.
PCB LAY O U T: Largely overlooked, correct circuit board
layout is of extreme importance for low noise, preservation of signal
integrity and immunity to RFI and other parasitic effects. Careful track
layout, parts placement and use of low loss high performance FR4 base
material with SMOBC construction, combined with our exclusive
I S O-MASK process, ensures optimum performance.
MC & MM PHONO CAPA B I L I T Y (.4mV cartridges or
greater): The PRE 1P has been designed as the ultimate entry level
phono stage with features and performance to satisfy even advanced
audiophiles. MC capability is a great addition to an already excellent
sounding phono stage.