Anthem CD-1 Brochure

“ my eyes the build quality is closer to Mercedes Benz - very sturdily and beautifully finished with a vast expanse of silver anodized aluminum
for the front panel. ...Gorgeously engineered.”
“...we found ourselves playing CDs well into the night just to hear what this
extraordinary machine could do for them. ...Whatever the music, this player
is a machine of awesome prowess, and we recommend it whole heartedly. . . ”
compatibility and it’s a lot of CD player for the money. ...It’s thumbs aloft
overall for the Anthem.”
– David Price, HiFi World
March 1998 Vol. 8 N0. 1
C D 1
P R E 1P
I N T 2
A M P 1
A M P 2
P R E 2L
CD 1
a t r i b u t e to music selection with s o p h i s t i c a t e d e l e g a n c e
Designed by the same engineering team which brought the audio market the award-winning Sonic Frontiers digi­tal products, the ANTHEM CD 1 sets a new standard in affordable CD playback, together with the convenience of a multi-disc player.
C D 1
CD Changer
Design Features
COMPREHENSIVE FEATURES: The CD 1 offers a complete
array of front panel and remote control handset accessible features to operate your unit with the utmost of ergonomic efficiency, without the o ften cluttered appearance common to most mid-fi equipment.
D/A CONVERSION: Utilizing the latest monolithic 20 bit DAC's from Burr-Brown (PCM1702), the CD 1 is assured of providing exceptional performance when it comes to conversion accuracy and low level linearity.
D I G I TAL FILT E R / D E C O D E R : The CD 1 incorporates Pa c i f i c Microsonics' HDCD filter/decoder chip. Whether decoding HDCD encoded discs, or filtering non-HDCD source material, this part i c u l a r chip ensure that the CD 1 will offer enhanced performance over units using yesterday's monolithic chip solutions.
POWER SUPPLY: With a conservatively designed power transformer at it's heart, the CD 1 contains a an extremely robust power s u p p l y, given its price point. Along with the conservatively specified power transformer, the CD 1 features 9 regulated power supplies, ensuring the best possible electrical isolation between digital, analog, output stage, and mechanism circuitry stages.
MECHANISM: The CD 1 is one of the very few digital source products which is built to satisfy both audiophile performance standards as well as fulfilling the promise of user convenience and flexibility offered by a multi-disc unit. Thus, we chose to design the CD 1 as a changer, utilizing a robust Sony mechanism which is configured with an internal 6 disc bay, fed via a front drawer loader. This therefore
provides today’s busy audiophile with as much as 450 minutes of unique program material in the CD 1, with the ability to randomly shuffle tracks and discs continually.
U P G R A D A B I L I T Y: With the inclusion of both an S/PDIF and AES/EBU digital output, the CD 1 provides a flexible platform for your future digital source needs.
OUTPUT STAGE: Similar to that which was contained within the Sonic Frontiers digital processors, the CD 1 utilizes a vacuum tube (6922/E88CC) as the output buffer, providing an industry standard 2 volt output level. The use of the tube in this stage ensures that the traditional digital "edginess" is eliminated, while providing a level of musical naturalness which is unobtainable by even the best solid stage designs.
All Anthem products are available with either black or silver faceplates.