LLeeaaddiinngg--EEddggee VViiddeeoo FFoorrmmaatt CCoonnvveerrssiioonn
– Anthem’s
proprietary software unleashes the full potential of the
Gennum VXP
Digital Image Processor which boasts
broadcast-quality image processing algorithms to
convert any SD or HD video standard to other video
standards, up to a resolution of 1920 x 1080p at 60 Hz.
Key features of VXP
technology include:
– Superior image quality using per-pixel processing.
– Very robust film mode detection for SD and HD inputs.
– TruMotionHD
Motion-Adaptive De-Interlacing
ensures optimal image sharpness and picture
resolution when converting 480i, 576i, and 1080i
inputs to progressive scan.
– FineEdge
Dynamic Directional Interpolation
eliminates jaggy artifacts (i.e. temporal distortion)
found in traditional de-interlacing algorithms.
– FidelityEngine
Image Enhancements remove
unwanted noise and improve detail.
– RealityExpansion
True 10-Bit Image Processing
provides eye-catching natural imagery.
– For digital video, digital audio,
and multichannel high-resolution audio.
VViiddeeoo TTrraannssccooddiinngg
– Allows S-Video and Component
Video inputs to be digitally processed and enhanced,
then routed through Component Video and HDMI
OOnn--SSccrreeeenn DDiissppllaayyss
– Setup, Status Update, and Video
Processing Menus (the latter two superimposed onto
the picture so that adjustments can be seen as they are
made) are displayed on the Component Video and
outputs, regardless of resolution. This provides
the first and only “true single-connection solution” to
high-definition displays.
MMaaccrroovviissiioonn SSuuppppoorrtt
– Allows VCR tapes to be
processed and then output through HDMI
AAddaappttiivvee VViiddeeoo SSoouurrccee TTrraacckkiinngg
– Adjusts tracking
on video from poorer quality sources.
AAssppeecctt RRaattiioo CCoonnttrrooll
– Various user settings allow
input-specific aspect ratio control.
ZZoonnee 22 CCoommppoonneenntt VViiddeeoo OOuuttppuutt CCoonnttrrooll
– Allows
second set of Component Video outputs to be used
for HD video switching of sources output to Zone 2.
AAddvvaanncceedd HHaarrddwwaarree FFrraammeewwoorrkk
– Allows longer cables
to be driven without degrading or losing the signal, and
provides support for ultra-high bandwidth 1080p/60 Hz.
WWhhyy aa BBuuiilltt--IInn IImmaaggee PPrroocceessssoorr??
Anthem believes that image processing is far more effective
executed inside the digital audio/video processor, as opposed to
through an external image processor for the folowing reasons:
– Enables processing of as many sources as the
preamplifier can accommodate.
– Convenience! Audio and video do not have to be
switched separately as the user switches from
source to source.
– Video processing can be “tweaked” separately
and accordingly for each source.
switching time is minimized.
– External processors cannot accommodate playing
DVD-A through HDMI
– Anthem
software upgrades can be incorporated
over time to enhance connectivity.
The AVM 50 feature set is available on our website at:
Anthem™is a trademark of Paradigm Electronics Inc. Copyright © Paradigm Electronics Inc. We reserve the right to change specifications and/or features without notice as design improvements are incorporated.
TThhee AAVVMM 5500 aaddddss tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ttoo tthhee AAVVMM 3300 ffeeaattuurree sseett::