Analog Devices FIFOA Datasheet

High Speed ADC USB FIFO Evaluation Kit


Buffer memory board for capturing digital data Used with high speed ADC evaluation boards 32 kB FIFO Depth at 133 MSPS (upgradeable to 256 kB) Simplifies evaluation of high speed ADCs Measures performance with ADC Analyzer™
Real-time FFT and time domain analysis Analyze SNR, SINAD, SFDR, and harmonics Import raw text data for analysis Virtual ADC eval board support using ADIsimADC™
Simple USB port interface
Compatible with Windows® 98 (2
Ed), Windows 2000,
Windows Me, or Windows XP


3.3 V power supply Analog signal source and anti-aliasing filter Low jitter clock source High speed ADC evaluation board and ADC data sheet
PC running Windows 98 (2
Ed), Windows 2000,
Windows Me, or Windows XP USB 2.0 port recommended (USB 1.1 compatible) Available ADIsimADC product model files


The high speed ADC FIFO evaluation kit includes the latest version of ADC Analyzer and a memory board to capture blocks of digital data from Analog Devices’ high speed analog­to-digital converter (ADC) evaluation boards. This FIFO board can be connected to a PC through a USB port and used with ADC Analyzer to evaluate the performance of high speed ADCs quickly. Users can view an FFT for a specific analog input and encode rate and analyze SNR, SINAD, SFDR, and harmonic
The evaluation kit is easy to set up. Additional equipment needed includes an Analog Devices’ high speed ADC evaluation board, a power supply, a signal source, and a clock source. Once the kit is connected and powered, the evaluation is enabled instantly on the PC.
Two versions of the FIFO are available. The HSC-ADC-EVALA­DC is used with dual ADCs and converters with demultiplexed digital outputs. The HSC-ADC-EVALA-SC evaluation board is used with single-channel ADCs. See Table 1, to choose the FIFO appropriate for your high speed ADC evaluation board.


1. Easy to set up—Connect the power supplies and signal
2. ADIsimADC – The software supports virtual ADC
3. USB Port Connection to PC—PC interface is a USB 2.0
4. 32 kB FIFO(s)—This FIFO(s) stores data from the ADC(s)
5. Up to 133 MSPS encode rate on each channel—Single-


Figure 1. Functional Block Diagram (Simplified)
sources to the two evaluation boards. Then connect to the PC and evaluate the performance instantly.
evaluation using ADI proprietary behavioral modeling technology. This allows rapid comparison between multiple ADCs, with or without hardware evaluation boards.
connection (1.1 compatible) to PC. A USB cable is provided in the kit.
for processing. A pin compatible FIFO family is used for easy upgrading.
channel ADCs with encode rates up to 133 MSPS can be used with the FIFO board. Dual and demultiplexed output ADCs also can be used with the FIFO board (with clock rates up to 133 MSPS on each output channel).
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Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Anal og Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.326.8703 © 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
FIFO Evaluation Board Quick Start............................................... 4
Requirements ................................................................................ 4
Quick Start Steps ...................................................................... 4
Virtual Evaluation Board Quick Start With ADIsimADC.......... 5
Requirements ................................................................................ 5
Quick Start Steps ...................................................................... 5
FIFO 4 Data Capture Board............................................................ 6
FIFO 4 Supported ADC Evaluation Boards.............................. 6
Te r m in o l o g y ...................................................................................... 8
Single Tone FFT............................................................................ 8
Two-Tone FFT .............................................................................. 9
Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 10
Clocking Description................................................................. 10
Clocking with Interleaved Data................................................ 10
Installing ADC Analyzer................................................................11
Average FFT................................................................................ 17
Continuous Average FFT .......................................................... 17
Two Tone ..................................................................................... 18
Continuous Two Tone ............................................................... 18
Average Two Tone...................................................................... 18
Stop............................................................................................... 18
Zooming and Exporting Data .................................................. 18
Importing Data ........................................................................... 19
.csv and ASCII files ................................................................ 19
Printing ........................................................................................ 20
Saving Files.................................................................................. 21
Additional Functions (Virtual ADC only) .............................. 21
Amplitude Sweep (Virtual ADC only) .................................... 21
Analog Frequency Sweep (Virtual ADC only)....................... 22
Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 23
Installation................................................................................... 11
Configuration File ...................................................................... 11
Configuring an Evaluation Board ............................................ 11
Additional Configuration Options .......................................... 14
Windowing ..............................................................................14
Power Supply........................................................................... 14
Y- Ax i s .......................................................................................14
Installing ADC Analyzer With ADIsimADC.............................. 15
Installation................................................................................... 15
Configuration File ...................................................................... 15
Configuring a Model.................................................................. 15
ADC Analyzer Functions .............................................................. 17
Time Domain .............................................................................. 17
Continuous Time Domain........................................................ 17
FFT ...............................................................................................17
Flat Line Signal Displayed......................................................... 23
Displayed Signal Unlike Analog Input .................................... 23
FFT Noise Floor Higher Than Expected................................. 24
Large Spur In FFT (Image Problem) ....................................... 24
MSBs Missing From Time Domain ......................................... 25
Upgrading FIFO Memor y ......................................................... 25
Jumpers ............................................................................................ 26
Default Settings........................................................................... 26
FIFO Schematices and PCB Layout ............................................. 28
FIFO Connector ......................................................................... 28
PCB Schematic............................................................................ 29
Assembly—Primary Side........................................................... 35
Assembly—Secondary Side....................................................... 36
Layer 1— Primary Side.............................................................. 37
Layer 2—Ground Plane............................................................. 38
Continuous FFT .........................................................................17
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Layer 3—Power Plane................................................................ 39
Layer 4—Secondary Side............................................................40
Windowing Functions................................................................43
ESD Caution ................................................................................40
Bill of Materials................................................................................41
Appendix: Sampling and FFT Fundamentals..............................43
Coherent Sampling .....................................................................43
5/04—Revision 0: Initial Version
FFT Calculations.........................................................................43
Ordering Guide ...........................................................................44
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Install ADC Analyzer from the CD provided in the FIFO evaluation kit. See the Installing ADC Analyzer section for more details. For the latest updates to the software, check the Analog Devices website at


Requirements include
FIFO evaluation board, ADC Analyzer, and USB cable
High speed ADC evaluation board and ADC data sheet
3.3 V power supply for FIFO evaluation board
Power supply for ADC evaluation board
Analog signal source and appropriate filtering
Low jitter clock source applicable for specific ADC
evaluation, typically < 1 ps rms
PC running Windows 98 (2nd Ed), Windows 2000,
Windows Me, or Windows XP
PC with a USB 2.0 port recommended (USB 1.1

Quick Start Steps

1. Connect the FIFO evaluation board to the ADC evaluation
board. If an adapter is required, insert the adapter between the ADC evaluation board and the FIFO board. If using the HSC-ADC-EVALA-SC model, connect the evaluation board to the bottom half of the 80-pin connector (closest to the installed IDT FIFO chip).
2. Connect the provided USB cable to the FIFO evaluation
board and to an available USB port on the computer.
3. Refer to Table 4 for any jumper changes. Most evaluation
boards can be used with the default settings.
4. After verification, connect the appropriate power supplies
to the FIFO and ADC evaluation boards. The FIFO evaluation board requires a single 3.3 V power supply with 1 A current capability. Refer to the instructions included in the ADC data sheet for more information about the ADC evaluation board setup.
5. Once the cable is connected to both the computer and
FIFO and power is supplied, the USB drivers start to install. To complete the total installation of the FIFO drivers, you need to complete the new hardware sequence two times. The first Found New Hardware Wizard opens with the text message This wizard helps you install software for…Pre- FIFO 4. Click the recommended install, and go to the next screen. A Hardware Installation warning window should then be displayed. Click Continue Anyway. The next window that opens should finish the Pre-FIFO 4 installation. Click Finish to complete. Your computer should go through a second Found New Hardware Wizard, and the text message, This wizard helps you install software for…Analog Devices FIFO 4, should be displayed Continue as you did in the previous installation and click Continue Anyway, then click Finish on the next two windows. This should complete the installation.
6. (Optional) Verify in the device manager that “Analog
Devices, FIFO4” is listed under the USB hardware.
7. Apply power to the evaluation board and check the voltage
levels at the board level.
8. Connect the appropriate analog input (which should be
filtered with a band-pass filter) and low jitter clock signal. Make sure the evaluation boards are powered before connecting the analog input and clock.
9. Start ADC Analyzer (see the Installation section for
installing the software).
10. Choose a configuration file for the ADC evaluation board
used or create one (see the Configuring an Evaluation Board section for more information).
11. Click Time Domain (left-most button under the pull-
down menus). A reconstruction of the analog input is displayed. If the expected signal does not appear, or if there is only a flat red line, refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information.
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Requirements include
Completed installation of ADC Analyzer version 4.5.0 or
ADIsimADC product model files for the desired converter.
Models are not installed with the software, but may be downloaded from the website at no charge. Go to or look under Design
To o l s for the product of interest.
No hardware is required. However, if you wish to compare
results of a real evaluation board and the model, you may switch easily between the two, as outlined below.

Quick Start Steps

1. To obtain ADC model files, go to or look under Design
To o l s for the product of interest. Download the files of interest to a local drive. The default location is c:\program files\adc_analyzer\models.
5. On the ADC Modeling form, select the Device tab and
click the file browser and displays all of the models found in the default directory: c:\program files\adc_analyzer\models. If no model files are found, follow the on-screen directions or see Step 1 to install available models. If you have saved the models somewhere other than the default location, use the browser to navigate to that location and select the file of interest.
6. From the menu choose Config > FFT. In the FFT
Configuration form, ensure that the Encode Frequency is set for a valid rate for the simulated device under test. If set too low or too high, the model will not run.
7. Once a model has been selected, information about the
model displays on the Device tab. After ensuring that you have selected the right model, select the Input tab. This lets you configure the input to the model. From the drop down menu, select either Sine Wave or Two Tone for the input signal.
button, adjacent to the dialog box. This opens a
2. Start ADC Analyzer (see the Installation section for
installing the software).
3. From the menu choose Config > Buffer and select Model
from the drop down menu as the buffer memory. In effect, the model functions in place of the ADC and data capture hardware.
4. After selecting the Model, a small button, Model, is
displayed next to the Stop button. Click Model to select and configure which converter will be modeled. This places a small form in the workspace where you can select and configure how the model will behave.
8. Click Time Domain (left-most button under the pull-
down menus). A reconstruction of the analog input is displayed. The model may now be used just as a standard evaluation board would be.
9. The model supports additional features not found when
testing a standard evaluation board. When using the modeling capabilities, it is possible to sweep either the analog amplitude or the analog frequency. See the Installing ADC Analyzer With ADISIMADC section for additional features.
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IDT72V283 32K
IDT72V283 32K
Figure 2. FIFO Components Description


The evaluation boards in Table 1 can be used with the high speed ADC FIFO Evaluation Kit1. Some evaluation boards require an adapter between the ADC evaluation board connector and the FIFO connector. If an adapter is needed, send an email to with the part number of the adapter and a mailing address.
Table 1 HSC-ADC-EVALA-DC: and HSC-ADC-EVALA-SC Compatible Evaluation Boards
Evaluation Board Model Description of ADC FIFO Board Version Comments
AD6640ST/PCB 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD664xFFA AD6644ST/PCB 14-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC Rev. C Requires AD664xFFA AD6645/PCB 14-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC Rev. C Requires AD664xFFA AD9051/PCB 10-Bit, 60 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD9051FFA AD9057/PCB 8-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD9283FFA AD9059/PCB Dual 8-Bit, 60 MSPS ADC DC Requires AD9059FFA AD9071/PCB 10-Bit, 100 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD9071FFA AD9200SSOP-EVAL 10-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9200TQFP-EVAL 10-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9201-EVAL Dual 10-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC
SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9203-EB 10-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9214-65PCB 10-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9214-105PCB 10-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC SC AD9215BCP-65EB 10-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9215BCP-80EB 10-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC AD9215BCP-105EB 10-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC SC AD9215BRU-65EB 10-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9215BRU-80EB 10-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC AD9215BRU-105EB 10-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC SC
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Evaluation Board Model Description of ADC FIFO Board Version Comments
AD9218-65PCB Dual 10-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC DC AD9218-105PCB Dual 10-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC DC AD9220-EB 12-Bit, 10 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9221-EB 12-Bit, 1.25 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9223-EB 12-Bit, 3 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9224-EB 12-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9225-EB 12-Bit, 25 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9226-EB 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9226QFP-EB 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9235BRU-20EB 12-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC SC AD9235BRU-40EB 12-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC AD9235BRU-65EB 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9235BCP-20EB 12-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC SC AD9235BCP-40EB 12-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC AD9235BCP-65EB 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9235-20PCB 12-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC SC AD9235-40PCB 12-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC AD9235-65PCB 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9236BCP-80EB 12-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC AD9236BRU-80EB 12-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC AD9236BCP-80EB 12-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC AD9238-20PCB Dual 12-Bit, 20 MSPS ADC DC AD9238-40PCB Dual 12-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC DC AD9238-65PCB Dual 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC DC AD9240-EB 14-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9241-EB 14-Bit, 1.25 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9243-EB 14-Bit, 3 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9244-40PCB 14-Bit, 40 MSPS ADC SC AD9244-65PCB 14-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC SC AD9245BCP-80EB 14-Bit, 80 MSPS ADC SC AD9260-EB 16-Bit, 2.5 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9280-EB 8-Bit, 32 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9281-EB Dual 8-Bit, 28 MSPS ADC4 SC Requires AD922xFFA AD9283/PCB 8-Bit, 100 MSPS ADC SC Requires AD9283FFA AD9289BBC-65EB Quad 8-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC AD9410/PCB 10-Bit, 210 MSPS ADC DC AD9430-CMOS/PCB 12-Bit, 210 MSPS ADC DC AD9432/PCB 12-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC SC Rev. 0 Requires AD9432FFA AD9433/PCB 12-Bit, 125 MSPS ADC SC AD9480BSU-250EB 8-Bit, 250 MSPS ADC DC AD10200/PCB Dual 12-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A AD10201/PCB Dual 12-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A AD10226/PCB Dual 12-Bit, 125 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A AD10235/PCB Dual 12-Bit, 215 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A AD10265/PCB Dual 12-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A AD10401/PCB Dual 14-Bit, 105 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A AD10465/PCB Dual 14-Bit, 65 MSPS ADC DC Requires LG-0204A
Send an email to for information on evaluating the AD9288 with the High Speed ADC FIFO Evaluation Kit.
Connector pin numbers and/or labeling on some evaluation boards (AD9214, AD9410, AD9430, AD9433, AD9235, and AD9244) may not match the FIFO connector
numbering; however, the physical connections are correct.
The AD6640 evaluation board has a 40-pin output connector that should be left (MSB) justified when connected to the 50-pin AD664x FIFO adapter.
The AD9281 and AD9201 have a single output bus
The High Speed ADC FIFO Evaluation Kit can be used to evaluate two channels of the AD9289 at a time.
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Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral components, excluding the first five harmonics and dc. It is reported in dBc.
Harmonic Distortion, Image
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the nonharmonic component generated from the clocking phase difference of two ADCs, reported in dBc. Note: This measurement result is valid only when analyzing demultiplexed ADCs.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Full Scale (SNRFS)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude related to full scale (0 dB) to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral components, excluding the first five harmonics and dc. It is reported in dBFS.
User Defined Signal-to-Noise Ratio (UDSNR)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral components within a specified band set by the user, excluding harmonics and dc. It is reported in dB.
Noise Figure (NF)
The noise figure is the ratio of the noise power at the output of a device to the noise power at the input to the device, where the input noise temperature is equal to the reference temperature (273 K). The noise figure is expressed in dB.
Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SINAD)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the sum of all other spectral components, including harmonics but excluding dc. It is reported in dB.
Harmonic Distortion, Second (2nd)–Sixth (6th)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the fundamental related harmonic component, reported in dBc.
Worst Other Spur (WoSpur)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the worst spurious component (excluding all harmonically related components) reported in dBc.
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)
The rms value of the sum of all spectral harmonics specified by the user. It is reported in dBc.
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)
The ratio of the rms signal amplitude to the rms value of the peak spurious spectral component. The peak spurious component may or may not be a harmonic. It is reported in dBc.
Noise Floor
The rms value of the sum of all other spectral components, excluding the fundamental, its harmonics, and dc referenced to full-scale and reported in dBFS.
For Noise Figure for an ADC, the equation is
k= Boltzman’s Constant = 1.38 x 10 T = Temperature in Kelvin = 273 K B = Bandwidth = 1 Hz Encode Frequency = ADC Clock Rate V
= RMS Fullscale Input Voltage
= Input Impedance
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⎜ ⎝
⎞ ⎟
⎟ ⎠
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Two-Tone, Second Order Intermodulation Distortion Products (F1 + F2)
The resulting rms second order distortion value reported by the mixing of two analog input signals. The peak spurious component is considered an IMD product. It is reported in dBc.
Two-Tone, Second Order Intermodulation Distortion Products (F2–F1)
The resulting rms second order distortion value reported by the mixing of two analog input signals. The peak spurious component is considered an IMD product. It is reported in dBc.
Two-Tone, Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Products (2F1
The resulting rms third order distortion value reported by the mixing of two analog input signals. The peak spurious component is considered an IMD product. It is reported in dBc.
+ F2)
Two-Tone, Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Products (2F2
+ F1)
Two-Tone, Worst Other Spur (WoSpur)
The resulting rms distortion value, reported by the mixing of two analog input signals that is not related to the second or third order distortion products. The peak spurious component is not considered an IMD product. It is reported in dBc.
Two-Tone, Second Order Input Intercept Point (IIP2)
The measure of full-scale input signal power of the converter minus half the IMD second order products. It is reported in dBm.
Two-Tone, Third Order Input Intercept Point (IIP3)
The measure of full-scale input signal power of the converter minus half the IMD third order products. It is reported in dBm
Two-Tone, SFDR
The ratio of the rms value of either input tone to the rms value of the peak spurious component. The peak spurious component is not an IMD product. It is reported in dBc.
The resulting rms third order distortion value reported by the mixing of two analog input signals. The peak spurious component is considered an IMD product. It is reported in dBc.
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The FIFO evaluation board can be divided into several circuits, each of which plays an important part in acquiring digital data from the ADC and allows the PC to upload and process that data. The evaluation kit is based around the IDT72V283 FIFO chip from IDT. The system can acquire digital data at speeds up to 133 MSPS and data record lengths up to 32 kB using the HSC-ADC-EVALA-SC FIFO evaluation kit. The HSC-ADC­EVALA-DC, which has two FIFO chips, is available to evaluate dual ADCs or demultiplexed data from ADCs sampling faster than 133 MSPS. A USB 2.0 microcontroller communicating with ADC Analyzer allows for easy interfacing to newer computers using the USB 2.0 (USB 1.1 compatible) interface.
The process of filling the FIFO chip(s) and reading the data back requires several steps. First, ADC Analyzer initiates the FIFO chip(s) fill process. The FIFO chip(s) are reset using a master reset signal (MRS). The USB Microcontroller then is suspended, which turns off the USB oscillator, ensuring that it does not add noise to the ADC input. After the FIFO chip(s) completely fill, the full flags from the FIFO chip(s) send a signal to the USB microcontroller to wake up the microcontroller from suspend. ADC Analyzer waits for approximately 30 ms and begins the readback process.
During the readback process, the acquisition of data from FIFO 1 (U201) or FIFO 2 (U101) is controlled via the signals OEA and OEB. Because the data outputs of both FIFO chips drive the same 16-bit data bus, the USB microcontroller controls the OEA and OEB signals to read data from the correct FIFO chip. From an application standpoint, ADC Analyzer sends commands to the USB microcontroller to initiate a read from the correct FIFO chip, or both FIFO chips in dual or interleaved mode.


Each channel of the buffer memory requires a clock signal to capture data. These clock signals are normally provided by the ADC evaluation board and are passed along with the data through Connector J104/204 (Pin 37 for both Channel 1 and Channel 2). If only a single clock is passed for both channels, they can be connected together by Jumper J303.
Jumpers J304 and J305 at the output of the LVDS receiver allow the output clock to be inverted by the LVDS receiver. By default, the clock outputs are inverted by the LVDS receiver.
The single-ended clock signal from each data channel is buffered and converted to a differential CMOS signal by two gates of a low voltage differential signal (LVDS) receiver, U301. This allows the clock source for each channel to be CMOS, TTL, or ECL. The clock signals are ac-coupled by 0.1 µF capacitors. Potentiometers R312 and R315 allow for fine tuning the threshold of the LVDS gates. In applications where fine-tuning
the threshold is critical, these potentiometers may be replaced with a higher resistance value to increase the adjustment range. Resistors R303, R304, R307, R308, R311, R313, R314, and R316 set the static input to each of the differential gates to a dc voltage of approximately 1.5 V.
At assembly, solder Jumpers J310–J313 are set to bypass the potentiometer. For fine adjustment using the pot, the solder jumpers must be removed.
U302, an XOR gate array, is included in the design to let users add gate delays to the FIFO memory chips clock paths. They are not required under normal conditions and are bypassed at assembly by Jumpers J314 and J315. Jumpers J306 and J307 allow the clock signals to be inverted through an XOR gate. In the default setting, the clocks are not inverted by the XOR gate.
The clock paths described above determine the WRT_CLK1 and WRT_CLK2 signals at each FIFO memory chip (U101 and U201, Pin 80). The timing options above should let you choose a clock signal that meets the setup and hold time requirements to capture valid data.
A clock generator can be applied directly to S1 and/or S3. This clock generator should be the same unit that provides the clock for the ADC. These clock paths are ac-coupled, so that a sine wave generator can be used. DC bias can be adjusted by R301/R302 and R305/R306. Note that J301 and J302 (SMA connectors) and R301, R302, R305, and R306 are not installed at the factory and must be installed by the user.
The DS90LV048A differential line receiver is used to square the clock signal levels applied externally to the FIFO evaluation board. The output of this clock receiver can either directly drive the write clock of the IDT72V283 FIFO(s), or first pass through the XOR gate timing circuitry described above.


ADCs with very high data rates may exceed the capability of a single buffer memory channel (~133 MSPS). These converters often demultiplex the data into two channels to reduce the rate required to capture the data. In these applications, ADC Analyzer must interleave the data from both channels to process it as a single channel. The user can configure the software to process the first sample from Channel 1, the second from Channel 2, and so on, or vice versa, (see the Troubleshooting section for more information). The synchronization circuit included in the buffer memory forces a small delay between the write enable signals (WENA and WENB) to the FIFO memory chips (Pin 1, U101 and U201), ensuring that the data is captured in one FIFO before the other. Jumpers J401 and J402 determine which FIFO receives WENA and which FIFO receives WENB
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ADC Analyzer is designed to evaluate the performance of an Analog Devices analog-to-digital converter quickly and easily.


A copy of ADC Analyzer is included on the CD that comes with the FIFO Evaluation Kit. Check the Analog Devices website for updates to the software at
1. Copy the AnalyzerSetup.exe file to the hard drive.
2. Run the setup file and follow the instructions given in the
installation wizard. Note that administrator privileges are required to install the software on Windows
2000/Windows Me/Windows XP machines.
Step 1
3. Once the software is installed, run the executable file (the
default location is in c:\program files\ ADC_Analyzer\ADC_Analyzer.exe).


A configuration file can be created for each high speed ADC evaluation board used with ADC Analyzer. A configuration file provides the software with important information about the data sent from the ADC evaluation board to the FIFO evaluation board, such as the number of bits, speed of the clock, and format of the data bits (binary or twos complement). Configuration files for some of the evaluation boards are included with the ADC Analyzer files. Each time ADC Analyzer is launched, a window opens where a configuration file can be specified. Click Ye s to specify a configuration file and choose the file corresponding to the ADC being used.
The default configuration files can be modified or a new configuration file can be created using the instructions in the Configuring An Evaluation Board section.


Follow Steps 1 through 5 to configure the software with the ADC evaluation board:
2. Choose Config > FFT from the pull-down menus or right-
click any of the analysis buttons to open the FFT Configuration screen. Use this menu to configure the Fast Fourier Transform plot. If needed, modify the options under Channel A to select the appropriate channel.
Step 2
1. From the pull-down menus in the upper left hand corner,
choose Config > DUT. The screen, DUT Configuration opens. Enter the name of the ADC being evaluated in the Device dialog box and the number of bits (resolution of the ADC) in the Number of Bits dialog box. (Note: This information is used for display purposes only.) To specify a directory different than the default to store the configuration file, enter a new location in the Default Data Directory dialog box, and click OK.
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Note that Channel A in the software corresponds to Channel 1 on the FIFO schematics and the bottom FIFO on the evaluation
board. Channel B corresponds to Channel 2 on the FIFO schematics and the top FIFO on the evaluation board (closest to the Analog Devices logo). See the Jumpers section for more information.

Configuring FFT— Defining Available Options

in the Max # of Harmonics’ box. Typically, this can be left at the default value of 3.
DC Leakage: The number of bins (at dc) that are not used in calculating SNR and SINAD. Typically, this can be left at the default value of 6.
Samples: Choose the number of samples taken to calculate an FFT. The default is 16 kB samples. Users can choose more or fewer samples, depending on the application. The maximum number of samples that can be selected in the software is 64 kB. However, the FIFO evaluation boards are configured with 32 kB FIFOs. For single ADCs evaluated with the HSC-ADC-EVALA­SC model, the maximum number of samples selected should match the FIFO memory on the evaluation board. For dual ADCs evaluated with the HSC-ADC-EVALA-DC model, the maximum number of samples should match the FIFO memory of each channel (a different number of samples can be selected for each channel). ADCs with demultiplexed outputs (such as the AD9430) can be used with a sample value of twice the FIFO memory. See the Upgrading FIFO Memory section.
Ave rage s: Specify the number of averages taken for the average FFT functions. See the ADC Analyzer Functions section for more information.
Encode Frequency (MHz): Enter the speed of the sampling clock to the ADC. If evaluating a dual ADC, two different clock rates can be entered. Note: If the value is wrong, the analog fundamental frequency displayed will be wrong.
FullScale Input Power (dBm): This feature lets the user enter the amount of power (in dBm) needed on the input to determine the output fullscale. It applies only in noise figure and IIP2/IIP3 calculations.
Maximum Number of Harmonics: The number of harmonics displayed by ADC Analyzer. The default value is 6 and the maximum number of harmonics that can be displayed is 12.
Two s C ompl e ment: Check this box if the data from the ADC evaluation board is in twos complement format. Refer to the ADC data sheet to determine if the ADC outputs are configured for twos complement or offset binary. If the Twos Comp l ement option is not checked, ADC Analyzer will expect the data outputs from the ADC to be in offset binary format.
User Defined SNR Left (MHz): This is the amount of frequency specified to the left of the fundamental by the user to analyze SNR. The resulting value is called UDSNR and will show up after an FFT plot is captured.
User Defined SNR Right (MHz): This is the amount of frequency specified to the right of the fundamental by the user to analyze SNR. The resulting value is called UDSNR and will show up after an FFT plot is captured.
After configuring the options for the Fast Fourier Transform plot in this window, click OK.
3. Choose Config > Buffer. HSC-ADC-EVAL(A), opening the
Buffer Memory screen.
Step 3
Enable Fundamental Override: ADC Analyzer automatically
defaults the highest spur as the fundamental frequency of interest. However, in some applications, the user may have a very small analog input signal that could be equal to or below another spurious harmonic. This option lets the user specify the small analog input signal needed for evaluation. If Enable
Fundamental Override is checked, the Fundamental Frequency (MHz) box is enabled for the user to specify.
Fundamental Leakage: The number of bins that are neglected
on either side of the fundamental signal when calculating the SNR and SINAD results. For example, if an encode rate is defined at 80 MSPS with 16384 samples, then 80M/21/(16384/21) = 4883 Hz/Bin is specified. The type of windowing selected determines the default value of the fundamental leakage. See the Windowing section for more information. The default values are 25, 10, and 1 for Hanning, Blackman Harris, and no windowing, respectively.
Harmonic Leakage: The number of bins that are neglected on either side of each harmonic of the fundamental signal defined
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Click OK, and the Buffer Configuration window opens. ADC Analyzer automatically seeks a USB connection. If a USB connection is not found, it will assume that you want to use an older version FIFO board which has a parallel connection. If so, choose the appropriate parallel connection made to the computer and click OK.
Step 3a
4. Choose Config > Bits > Data Bits to open the Bit Mask
screen. Configure the number and location of the data bits used to calculate the FFTs.
Make sure that the number of bits matches the resolution of the converter. All of the supported evaluation boards are MSB justified, so check the number of bits for the converter starting with Bit 15 (MSB). Exceptions to this are the AD9280, AD9281, AD9200, and AD9201. For these four ADCs, check the number of bits starting with Bit 13.
If a single ADC is being evaluated, check only Channel A and the appropriate bits under Channel A. If a dual ADC is being evaluated, check Channel A and Channel B on the Channel Select screen. (Config > Channel Select).
Step 4
If evaluating a demultiplexed ADC, go to Config > Channel Select, opening the Channel Select pop-up menu, and check the Interleaved Data box. This automatically selects both Channel A and Channel B. When using a dual ADC, select only the appropriate channel that corresponds to the ADC that is being evaluated. Channel A is the default selected channel at startup.
Step 4a
Note that Channel A in the software corresponds to Channel 1 on the FIFO schematics and the bottom FIFO (U201) on the
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evaluation board. Channel B corresponds to Channel 2 on the FIFO schematics and the top FIFO (U101) on the evaluation board (closest to the Analog Devices logo). See the Jumpers section for more information. Click OK. (For more information about the channel selection process, see the Troubleshooting section.)
5. As a last step, choose File > Configuration File > Save
Configuration from the pull-down menu to save the configuration for future use. Choose a file name and a location to save the file.


Other options under the configuration pull-down menu include Windowing, Power Supply, and Y-Axis.


Choose either the Hanning or Blackman Harris (default) windowing functions or turn windowing off. See the Windowing Functions section for a description of Hanning and Blackman Harris windowing. Click OK.
For the calculator to work properly, the correct sampling frequency must be entered under Config > FFT. Select either the desired approximate Analog Input Frequency or the # of Sine Wave Cyc l es . Enter the value in the dialog box (not labeled) and click Calculate to view the Coherent Frequency. The Coherent Frequency and Number of Integer Cycles will display in the gray boxes. Click OK to exit the Coherent Sampling Calculator.

Power Supply

This option opens under Config > Power Supply, and users can enter the value of the ADC analog and digital voltage supplies (see Figure 5). Note this for user documentation only. No external control is provided. ADC Analyzer displays this information when data is captured. See the ADC Analyzer Functions section for more information.
Figure 3. Select Windowing Function
If you choose None, the Coherent Sampling Calculator window opens (see Figure 4).
Figure 5. Power Supply Configuration


Use the Y Axis screen to configure the display of the FFT Y-Axis. Go to Config > YAxis to change the default value of – 130, which is a typical setting for the noise floor of a 14-bit ADC with 16,384 samples in the FFT calculation.
Figure 6. Y Axis Configuration
Figure 4. Coherent Sampling Calculator
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