Alinco DR-620T, DR-620E User manual

Parameter Setting Mode
(Refer page 27 for how to enter the setting mode.)
The TOT feature is popular in repeater systems. It prohibits the users from transmitting on the repeater after a certain period of time has elapsed. By setting this function and activating it accord­ing to the repeaters’ requirement, the radio alerts the user by a beep 5 seconds prior to time-out. When the time is expired, transmitting stops and the transceiver automatically returns to recei ving mode. This a v oids the repeater going into its TO T mode. Until the PTT is released once and pressed again, the transceiver will not transmit.
1. In this Menu the default display shows TOT-
2. Rotate the main dial to select time-out time.
The display should change as shown. The num­ber followed by TOT is the time-out time in seconds.
The TOT feature is selectable up to 450 sec­onds (7.5 minutes).
During the setting time of 60 seconds
TOT Penalty
When transmission is shut down in the TOT mode, this function prohibits another transmission during a selected TOT penalty period regardless of the PTT key pressed. A beep sounds when the PTT key is pressed during the TOT penalty period. If the PTT is continuously pressed over both TOT and the TOT penalty period, this function will be automatically cancelled.
1. [TOTP OFF] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as below and TOT penalty setting is changed.
The penalty time can be set up to 15 seconds.
In case the setting time is 5 seconds
Parameter Setting Mode
(Refer page 27 for how to enter the setting mode.)
APO-Auto Power OFF
This feature will automatically shut off the transceiver. It is useful for mobile operation to avoid draining the car battery . If there is no activity or use of the radio, it will turn off automatically after 30 minutes followed by a beep sound.
1. Default is APO-OFF.
2. Rotate dial to select APO-ON to activate the
During the ON setting
Tone-Burst Frequency
This is to access Tone-Burst repeaters which require a certain pitch of audible tone to activate “sleeping” repeaters. Usually, a repeater system does not require the tone once the repeater is activated. Tone Burst frequency can be set to ALERT, 1750Hz, 2100Hz, 1000Hz and 1450Hz. (ALERT is an intermittent recalling sound)
1. [ALERT] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as below and Tone Burst frequency setting is changed.
TB 2100
TB 1000 TB 1450
Clock shift
In the unlikely event that CPU clock noise is present on a particular operating frequency pro­grammed into the radio, you can shift the CPU clock frequency to avoid the CPU clock noise, which normally is so weak that it is inaudible even if the radio is tuned exactly to its frequency.
1. [CKSFT OFF] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as shown and Clock shift setting is changed.
Parameter Setting Mode
(Refer page 27 for how to enter the setting mode.)
The bell informs you that you are being called by sounding a bell, and flashing the bell icon on the display.
1. [BELL OFF] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as shown and Bell function setting is changed.
Busy-Channel-Lock-Out (BCLO)
This function prohibits transmission as long as there is a signal on the receiving frequency. The default is BCLO-OFF, which is the of f position. By acti v ating this function, the radio transmits only when:
1.No signal is received (BUSY icon is gone) on the receiving frequency.
2.Tone-squelch is opened by the corresponding CTCSS tone of the receiving signal.
3.As above, with DCS code.
Otherwise a beep sounds but the unit does not transmit even when the PTT is pressed.
1. [BCLO OFF] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as shown and BCLO setting is changed.
Theft Alarm
(Please refer page 44 for details)
1. [SCR OFF] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as shown and Theft Alarm is set ON/OFF.
3. When Theft Alarm is set, [*] icon appears on
the display.
Parameter Setting Mode
Illumination color setting
This is to select display illumination color.
1. [COLOR 1] icon appears on the display.
(Refer page 27 for how to enter the setting mode.)
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as right and illumination color is changed.
COLOR 1 is Amber (Red) illumination. COLOR 2 is Yellow illumination. COLOR 3 is Orange illumination.
This is to provide better visibility of the display by dimming the display illumination in the dark.
1. [LAMP 4] icon appears on the display.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as below and Dimmer setting is changed.
It is bright with LAMP 4 and will be darker with 3-2-1.
Call sign setting (In packet operation)
This is to register the call sign of your station to transmit in Packet communication mode. 36 characters, A - Z and 0 - 9 are available for registration.
1. The display shows [C] flashing.
2. Rotate the dial to select a character to be pro-
3. By pressing the BAND key, the character is il-
luminated and entered.
An identical character to the one just entered flashes on the immediate right ready to be en­tered.
4. Enter with the BAND key (Repeat the same
sequence). You can program up to 6 digits.
5. Pressing the CALL key during programming
will delete all characters to be programmed.
Transmission speed setting (In packet operation)
This is to set transmission speed at the time of data communication.
1. [HB 1200] icon appears on the display.
Parameter Setting Mode
(Refer page 27 for how to enter the setting mode.)
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as right and setting is changed.
HB 1200 HB 9600
[HB 1200] Transmission speed is set at 1200bps. [HB 9600] Transmission speed is set at 9600bps.
Beacon interval setting (In geolocating communication/A.P.R.S.®)
This is to set a transmission time separation of GPS location data when Geolocating communica­tion is in operation.
1. [BCON 0] icon appears on the display. No
transmission is made at BCON 0.
2. By rotating the main dial, the display changes
as below and setting is changed.
(30sec.) BCON 0
Setting for call sign, transmission speed and beacon interval will be transmitted to TNC unit (EJ­50U) by TNC clone. Operation of TNC will stay unchanged until TNC clone transmission will be completed.
Useful functions
Reception band switching
This is to switch the receiving band. On VHF side, FM broadcasting can be received.
1. After pressing the FUNC key, press the CALL
key while [F] icon is on.
On VHF side, the band s witches from 144MHz band to FM broadcasting band.
V-V/U-U simultaneous reception
This is to receive the same frequency band simultaneously both on the MAIN band and the SUB band, while in the VFO mode.
1. After pressing the FUNC key, press the BAND
key while [F] icon is on.
Display on the SUB band changes to the same frequency band as the MAIN band. The default frequency of the SUB band is VFO default frequency.
When V-V/U-U is set
2. To change frequency or setting of the SUB
band, switch the SUB band to the MAIN by the BAND key before operation.
3. By pressing the BAND key after pressing the
FUNC key again, the display will return to the normal V-U display.
If you switch BAND while having FM broad­casting band on the MAIN side, the display will show [SUB] icon illuminating. At this time, the MAIN band will be exclusive for reception and not be ready for transmission. When [SUB] icon is on the display, memory programming is not possible either.
In this case no transmission is possible
on the MAIN band
Single-band mode
This is to use the unit just like a single-band transceiver onl y for VHF or UHF, b y erasing displa y on the SUB side.
1. Press the BAND key while pressing and hold-
ing the FUNC key.
The display on the SUB side disappears and its function is temporary suspended. While in the V-V/U-U mode, the unit will not enter to the single-band mode.
VFO Auto-program setting function
This is to program various automatic settings in a certain frequency range in the VFO mode. It is useful for quick repeater access.
1. Program the lower edge frequency of the de-
sired range as well as other parameters such as repeater shift, CTCSS tone into the [AL] chan­nel in the memory mode (Refer page 19).
Programmable items are frequency, shift direc­tion, offset frequency, tone ENC frequency and its setting, tone DEC frequency and its setting, DCSEN code and its setting, and DESDEC set­ting.
When 439.000MHz 88.5Hz ENC-5.000MHZ
shift is set in AL
Useful functions
2. As above program the higher edge frequency
in the [AH] channel of the memory. Disregard other settings such as CTCSS tones or repeater shift.
3. In the VFO mode, what have been programmed
in the AL memory are automatically set within the frequency band between AL and AH.
Temporary setting change is possible between AL and AH, but once frequenc y is changed by rotating the dial, all the preset values in AL will be restored.
Shows an example within
VFO auto-program setting
Us eful functions
Use this function to automatically search for signals. 6 different scan types are available in the unit. In parameter setting mode, choose Timer mode or Busy mode to determine the desired resuming condition. If the CTCSS(TSQ) squelch or DCS squelch is set, the audio can be heard only when the tone/code matches the incoming signal. Otherwise, scanning stops but no audio will be heard. The direction of scan, upward or downward, can be changed during the scan b y rotating the main dial or pressing UP or DOWN keys in the desired direction.
•VFO Scan
Scans all VFO channels in regard to the preset tuning step.
1. Enter VFO mode.
2. Press UP (to go upward) or Down (to go down-
ward) key for more than 1 second but less than 2 seconds.
3. The scan starts. It stops at the frequency where
the incoming signal is detected, and resumes the scan according to the resume setting.
4. Press any key (other than UP/DOWN keys) to
NOTE: • By pressing the UP/DOWN key for more than 2 seconds the frequency changes as long as key
is pressed.
• When both MAIN and SUB bands are in the VFO mode (except when in V-V/U-U), you can operate the BAND key even during scanning and simultaneous scanning both for V and U is possible.
•Memory Scan
Scans all memory channels unless Memory skip feature is selected for a given memory.
1. Enter Memory mode.
2. Sequence is the same as in VFO scan. Use UP/
DOWN keys for commands.
Range of Memory Scan
Exclusive scanning for VHF/UHF: If scanning is started somewhere between 00 and 79, scanning is always repeated within this range.
Mixed scanning for V/U: If scanning is started somewhere between 100 and 139, scanning is always repeated within this range.
Useful functions
During mixed scanning for V/U
•Skip-channel setting
A memory channel set as a skip-channel will be excluded from scanning during Memory Scan, and can be set even af­ter the memory is programed.
1. Press the FUNC key in the Memory mode, and
then press the V/M key while [F] icon is illu­minating. Skip setting of a memory channel selected is made.
A memory channel with skip setting will have 1MHz decimal point put off.
To cancel skip-channel setting, repeat the step 1.
IMPORTANT: CALL, PL, PH, AL, AH and ch.99 are always skipped.
Useful functions
•Program Scan
This is a type of VFO scan, but b y setting the frequenc y range of the VFO into PH and PL channels, it only scans between those frequencies. W ith setting the PH and PL properly , up to 3 Program scan ranges will be av ailable, w hich are L-PH, PL­PH and PH-H.
1. Enter the VFO mode and set the PL and PH
frequency into the designated memory chan­nels. Refer to Memory setting for the proper sequence.
2. Return to VFO mode by pressing V/M key. Set
the VFO to the frequency within the range to be program-scanned.
3. Press MHz key for more than 1 second to start
scanning. During this scan mode, a decimal point flashes as shown.
4. Use main dial or UP/DOWN keys to change
the direction. Press any key (other than the UP/ DOWN keys) to exit.
Band edge H
Band edge L
Program Scan is going
•Tone Scan
This function automatically searches for the CTCSS tone an incoming signal might carry. This feature is useful to search the encoding tone of a repeater, or to communicate with a station operating in TSQ (CTCSS squelch) mode.
1. Press TS/DCS key to enter CTCSS decode set-
ting mode.
2. Press UP/DOWN key for more than 1 second
but less than 2 seconds to start scanning. It scans 38 tones in order.
3. The decimal point on the tone frequency will
flash, and it stops when the matching tone is detected.
4. The scan won’t resume until the operation is
5. Press any key (other than UP/DOWN keys) to
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