Frequency Resolution:5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25kHz steps
Memory Channels:10 Channels (standard)
Antenna Impedance:50 ohm unbalanced
Signal Type:F3E(FM)
Power Supply Requirement
Dimensions:Approximately 132(H) x 58(W) x 33(D) mm
Weight :Approximately 350g
2) Transmitter
Output Power.I5.0W with Optional 12V Ni-Cd Battery
DC 5.5V~13.8V (Rated 7.2V Ni-Cd)
2.0W with Standard 7.2V Ni-Cd Battery
(160.000~165.000MHz)... TA2, TB2 only
Modulation System:Variable Reactance Frequency Modulation
Max. Frequency Deviation: +/ -5kHz
Tone Frequency:67.0 to 250.3Hz -38 Subaudible Encoding Tones
(E, EA, EB version: option)
DTMF Encoder:(TZ, EB version: option)
Tone Burst:(E, EA, EB version only)
2nd IF: 455kHz
Sensitivity:12dB SINAD less than -10dBu
(160.000~165.000MHz)... TA2, TB2 only
Page 2
DJ-1400QN / AN (The Narrow Version)
1) General
Frequency Coverage:
136.000 ~ 155.000MHz (AN version)
150.000 ~ 173.995MHz (QN version)
Frequency Resolution:5, 10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25kHz steps
Memory Channels:10 Channels (standard)/option 50 and 200ch
Antenna Impedance:50 ohm unbalanced
Signal Type:F3E(FM)
Power Supply Requirement
Dimensions:Approximately 132(H) x 58(W) x 33(D) mm
Weight :Approximately 350g
2) Transmitter
Output Power.I5.0W with Optional 12V Ni-Cd Battery
DC 5.5V~13.8V (Rated 7.2V Ni-Cd)
2.0W with Standard 7.2V Ni-Cd Battery
Modulation System:Variable Reactance Frequency Modulation
Max. Frequency Deviation: +/ -2.5kHz
Tone Frequency:67.0 to 250.3Hz -38 Subaudible Encoding Tones
Time Out Timer0 to 450 sec
Time Out Penalty0 to 15 sec
Press and hold the ''F'' key and turn on the radio.
Press and hold the ''F'' and "LAMP" keys and turn on the radio.
Note: The expanded frequency will return to the initial setting' if you reset the radio with.."R" operation after
'R + LA'' operation. To resume the expanded frequency . reset the radio again with..R + LA"
Page 3
1) Receiver System
The receiver system is the double superheterodyne.
The first IF is 21.4MHz andthe second IF is 455kHz.
1. Front EndThe signal from the antenna is passed through a low-pass fitter and input to
the RF coil L4.
The signal trom L4 is amplified by Q1 and led to the band passtilter (L5, L6,
L7), and led to the first mixer gate of Q2.
2. First MixerThe amplified signal (fo) by Q1 is mixed with the first local oscillator signal
(fo -21.4MHz) from the PLL circuit by the first-stage mixer Q2 and so is
converted into the first IF signal.
The unwanted frequency band of the first IF signal is eliminated by the
monolithic crystal filter (XF1), and led to IF amplifier Q3.
3. IF AmplifierThe first IF signal is amplified by Q3, and inputto pin16 of IC1, where it is
mixed with the second local oscillator signal (21.855MHz) and so is converted into the second IF signal (455kHz).
The second lF signal is output from pin3 of IC1, and unwanted frequency
band of the second lF signal is eliminated by a ceramic filter (FL1).
The resulting signal is then amplified by the second lF limiting amplifier, and
detected by quadrature circuit. The audio signal is output from ping of IC1.
4. Audio CircuitThe detected signal from IC1 is passed through the low-pass filter and led to
the flat amplifier Q13. When the optional Tone Squelch unit is equipped, the
tone signal is eliminated by lC701.
Q13 is switched ON/OFF by AFC slgnal from CPU.
The audio signal is input to the main volume (VR3) and amplified by the
power amplifier IC3 to drive the speaker.
The power supply voltage of IC3 is limited by AF regulator consisting of Q14
and Q15 to prevent the speaker from overdriving. The power supply voltage
of IC3 is switched ON/OFF by AFP signal.
5. Squelch CircuitThe noise in the audio signal from IC1 is passed through the squelch control
variable resistor (VR4) and input to pin10 of IC1. The audio signal is amplified by filter amplifier of IC1 and output to pin11. The desired noise of the
audio signal is eliminated by the high-pass filter and amplified by Q12. The
resulting signal is rectified by D13 and then input to pin12 of IC1. When the
squelch circuit is close, pin13 of ICl goes to "low". When the squelch circuit
is open or a signal is received, pin13 goes to "high", then the signal of pin13
is led to CPU.
Page 4
2) PLL, VCO Circuit
Output frequency of PLL circuit is set by the serial data (pin9: clock, pin10:
data, pin11 : toad enable) from microprocessor.
PLL circuit consists of VCO Q201, buffer amplifier Q202 and Q17.
When PLL is locked, pin7 of IC2 goesto "high" and UNLOCK SW Q19
becomes OFF, then T.MUTE signal goes to "low".
The pulse wave output of charge pump is converted to DC voltage by PLL
loop filter circuit, and supplied to D201 , D202 of varicap diode in VCO unit.
The VCO tune voltage is applied to the varicaps D3, D4, D5 and D6 in the
The frequency modulation is executed when the audio signal voltage is
supplied to the varicaps D201, D202 and D203.
3) Transmitter System
1. MicrophoneThe voice from the internal or external microphone is led to the pre-empha-
Amplifiersis circuit, and then input to the microphone amplifier IC4, which consists of
two operational amplifiers.
The amplified signal is input to the low.pass filter lC4.
The output from the microphone amplifier is passed through variable resistors VR2 tor modulation adjustment to varicap diode of the VCO, contromng
the VCO frequency.
2. Power Amplifier The signal from VCO is amplified by buffer amplifiers Q4 and Q5, and input
to the buffer amplifiers Q6 and input to the power amplifier Q7. The amplified
signal is output from Q7, and then passed through the low-pass filter, the antenna switch circuit and the output low-pass tilter. The unwanted harmonies
frequency signal is eliminated by the low-pass fitter and input to the antenna.
The LC matching circuits located between amplifiers of the transmitting
circuit make the transmission smooth.
3. Automatic Power
Control CircuitThe automatic power control(APC) circuit is used to obtain a stable transmis-
sion power. This circuit detects the transmission power by D8 in the lowpass filter consisting of L18, L19, C59, and C64. The detected DC voltage is
supplied to APC circuit. When the detected voltage goes higher than the
settled voltage, the bias voltage of APC amplifier Q9 goes to low. The
collector voltage of APC amplifier Q10 goes to low and the power supply
voltage of Q5 goes to low, and output power becomes small to prevent from
the over power.
At low power the Power Control Switch Q8 lets the base voltage of APC
DET Q11 and the collector voltage of APC AMP Q10 down, also switches
between high power and low power, and inhibits the transmission.
Page 5
4) DTMF Encoder Circuit (option)
The DTMF signal corresponding to the combination of the column and row is
output from tone output pin17 of IC401 Encoder, producing a frequencymodulated RF output. The Q401 switches the DTMF Encoder when lC401 is
active during DTMF transmission.
5) Tone Squelch Circuit (option)
The second IF signalfrom pin11 of IC1, and input to the tone squelch
decoder lC701.
When the tone squelch decoder IC701 decodes the input tone signal frequency as the programmed frequency, pin13 goes to "Low". The signal is
input to pin16(DET) of lC107, and the squelch goes off.
When the Tone squelch decoder IC701 does not decode the input tone
signal frequency as the programmed frequency, pin13 goes to "High".
2. Encoder
The tone signal is output from pin16 of IC701, producing a frequencymodulated RF output.
6) Microprocessor (CPU) and Peripheral Circuit
Refer to "Terminal Function of Microprocessor" about each terminal function.
1, BS ModeWhen the Squelch is closed for more than 5 seconds, the radio goes into the
BS(Battery Save) mode automatically. Pin11 (R5C) and pin19 become High
or Low periodically. Open the Squelch, and the radio does not go into the
BS mode.
2. Backup Reset
When the voltage detector circuit lC303 detects a decrease in the C5V line,
CPU RAM data is stored in the EEPROM IC, IC601. IC 302 is also the
voltage detector circuit and it detects the lower voltage than IC303. The
circuit detects a increase in the C5V line when power is turned on, and then
the CPU will be initialized.
3. Reset
Press and holdthe."F" key, then turn on the power. The radio will reset to
initial factory settings.
Even if you expanded the frequency, it will return to the initial setting. To
resume the expanded frequency, press and hold the "F" and "Lamp" keys,
then turn on the power.
Page 6
7) Terminal Function of Microprocesser
NameI/O DescriptionPinNo. PinNameHL
TBSTO 1750Hz Tone Burst Output9P57/PWM3 Normal:H(HiZ)Output:Pluse
BEEPO Beep Tone Output10 P56/PWM2 Normal:H(HiZ)Output:Pluse
AFPO AF Power Amplifier ON/OFF13 P53/SIGONOFF
AFCO IF Mute Output14 P52/CNT2 Mute OFFMute ON
during Tone Burst
M.MUTE O Microphone Mute Output15 P5l/CNT1
RE1I Rotary Encoder Input 116 P50/INT3
BATI Battery Low lndicator Input18 P36/CLKLowNormal
EICDI EEPROM Unit Detection20 P34/SINEquippedNothing
XWRI External EEPROM Write Cycle Detection21 P33rrNormalWrite cycle
RE2I Rotary Encoder Input 222 P32/INT2
SCOMO Band Plan Scan Output23 P3l/XCINH(Hiz)Low Active
P.H/LO Transmit Power Switch24 P30/XCOUT Low PowerHigh Power
BUI Back up Mode Input25 INT1NormalNegative Edge Triggered
Ground30 Vss
TSQDI Tone Detecton Input31 P17UndetectedDetected
TICDI Tone Unit Detection32 P16NothingEquipped
BP1I Band Plan(TX)33 P15ExpandedNormal
BP2I Band Plan(RX)34 P14ExpandedNormal
BP3I Band PIan(TX,RX)35 P13ExpandedNormal
BP4I Band Plan(Channelstep)36 P12ExpandedNormal
BP5I Band Plan(OffsetFreq.)37 P11ExpandedNormal
CHI Band Plan(ChanneIDisp.)38 P10ExpandedNormal
SLCO CIock for EEPROM IC39 P07Normal:HizOutput: Pluse
SDAI/O Data for EEPROM IC40 P06Normal:HizOutput: Pluse
CLKO Clock for PLL,TONE IC41 P05Output:PluseNormal:L
DTAO Data for PLL,TONE IC42 P04Output:PluseNormal:L
STB1O Strobe for PLL IC43 P03Output:PluseNormal:L
STB2O Strobe for TONE IC44 P02Output:PluseNormal:L
FUNCI Function Key Input45 P0lOFFON
SDI Signal Detection Input46 P00ReceivedNothing
TBSTI Tone Burst Key Input47 P27OFFON
55 VL3
56 VL2
57 VL1
COM0O Common Output58 COM0
COM1O Common Output59 COM1
COM2O Common Output60 COM2